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Hastings Sunrise Rotary

Meeting Agenda Minutes

Tuesday April 18th, 2017 7:00 A.M.

Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital

Rotary Serving Humanity

*Rotary Theme for 2016-2017

The meeting was called to order by President Scott Kummer

The Pledge and Prayer was led by Tim Overmiller
Program: Jolene Laux Manager Adams County Fairgrounds
Guests: Will Parker (2017/2018 outbound rotary exchange student) and his parents.
Will is traveling to Italy.

Will Parker was provided with Sunrise Rotary flags for him to exchange while
he is abroad.
President Scott Kummer announced that he and Paula Witt presented to
Leadership Hastings and received good feedback.
Dale Schultz mentioned the upcoming District Conference May 18-May 20 in St.
Paul. The District Conference will be in Grand Island next year.
Dale Schultz will be the District Governor for 2018/2019 and is hoping to have the
District Conference in Estes Park, CO
Jeff Schneider announced that we have five great applicants for RYLA this year.
Four students are from Hastings High and one from Adams Central.

Program: Jolene Laux Manager Adams County Fairgrounds

Jolene presented on upcoming events coming up at the fairgrounds and also announced
the unveiling of the Fairgrounds new website. Jolene mentioned that the buildings at the
fairgrounds have received some upgrades to the wifi and restrooms. Jolene mentioned
that the next event upcoming at the Fairgrounds is the Hastings College Rodeo taking
place April 28-29th. Hosting this rodeo is a two year commitment so they will be hosting
this event next year as well.

Upcoming Meetings:
May 2nd Admin Day
May 9th Laura Schneider (program)

Hastings Sunrise Rotary

Meeting Agenda Minutes
Next meeting: Tuesday April 25th, 2017 @ 7:00 A.M.

President Scott Kummer rang the bell and adjourned the meeting.

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