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63, No 2/2016

Microbiome impact on metabolism and function of sex, thyroid,

growth and parathyroid hormones
Micha Kunc1, Anna Gabrych1 and Jacek M. Witkowski2*
Faculty of Medicine and 2Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland

Commensal bacteria and their genes associated with pituitary-adrenal axis have been published (Sudo et al.,
host are known as microbiome. In recent years, micro- 2004; Gao et al., 2009; Vrieze et al., 2010; Burcelin et al.,
bial influence on host endocrine system has been under 2011; Zimomra et al., 2011; Holzer et al., 2012; Norris et
detailed investigation. The role of microbiome in the al., 2013). In this review, we focus on less well described
pathogenesis of insulin resistance and obesity, the func- issues: the microbiome role in modulation of nonpep-
tion of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and secre- tide (sex and thyroid) and peptide (growth hormone -
tion of hormones regulating appetite is well described GH and parathyroid hormone PTH) functions.
in world literature. In this article we discuss poorly re- In animals, bacteria influence their endocrine sys-
viewed issues: the microbiome role in modulation of tem via various mechanism, i.e. intestinal metabolism
nonpeptide (sex and thyroid) and peptide (growth hor- of bileexcreted hormones, intestinal conversion of ex-
mone and parathyroid hormone) functions. Understand- ogenous molecules to endocrineactive derivatives, pro-
ing complex bidirectional relations between host endo- duction/release of endocrineactive molecules like short
crine system and bacteria is of fundamental importance chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
to understanding microbial impact on host reproduc- The first way concerns steroid and thyroid hormones,
tion, risk of endocrinerelated cancers, pathogenesis of which are metabolized in the liver and excreted with
nonthyroidal illness syndrome, growth failure in chil- bile. A large number of intestine bacteria are capable of
dren and hormonal changes during chronic kidney dis- hydrolysis of hormone conjugates and afterward modify
ease. This article also highlights effects of dietary com- chemical structure of free molecules. Another important
pounds on microbiome composition and bacterial en- aspect concerns the ability of microorganisms associ-
zymes activity, and thus host hormonal status. ated with plants to produce phytohormones and hor-
monelike substances, which may modify host metabo-
Key words: microbiome, lipopolysaccharide, estrogens, thyroid hor- lism (Tsavkelova et al., 2006).
mones, growth hormone
Received: 30 June, 2015; revised: 21 September, 2015; accepted:
25 September, 2015; available on-line: 26 October, 2015 SEX HORMONES AND REPRODUCTION

Steroid sex hormones such as estradiol (E2), testos-

terone (T) and progesterone (P4) modulate a number of
physiological processes, both related and unrelated to re-
INTRODUCTION production. They are produced in endocrine glands such
as adrenal cortex, ovaries and testes as well as in periph-
By definition microbiome is the catalog of commen- eral tissues like skin. They act through intracellular and
sal bacteria (microbiota) and their genes associated with extracellular receptors and affect e.g. host blood pres-
host (Ursell et al., 2012). Human microbiome is strongly sure, energy homeostasis and metabolism, bone remod-
associated with the number of processes, which occur eling, mood, erythropoiesis and cells growth. Then they
in host organism, affecting its immunological, nutrition- are metabolized in the liver and excreted with the bile.
al and metabolic functions. That is why in recent years Thus, liver metabolism of steroid hormones includes: re-
the conception of humanmicrobiome superorganism duction of the sterol ring A, conjugation with sulfate or
was proposed (Dietert & Dietert, 2012). The microbi- glucuronide, and excretion in the bile. Afterward these
al composition is established in early life and is mainly compounds are deconjugated by bacterial sulfatases (Van
dependent on mode of delivery and diet. After infancy Eldere et al., 1988) and glucuronidases synthesized both
the main factors which affect microbiome are diet, an- in the intestinal wall and by bacteria (Macdonald et al.,
tibiotic treatment, obesity, sex and geography. There are 1983). Moreover steroids undergo enterohepatic circula-
complex bidirectional relations between hostendocrine tion (EHC).
system and bacteria, which justifies the use of term Large number of species found in human intestinal
humanmicrobiome superorganism also in hormonal or other microbiomes, such as Eubacterium lentum, Bac-
system. Microbes sense and react for example to host *
adrenaline, noradrenaline, triiodothyronine and sex hor- e-mail:
mones, which changes their metabolism, growth and Abbreviations: E2, estradiol; EHC, enterohepatic circulation; GH,
growth hormone; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin ; hPL, hu-
virulence (Sperandio et al., 2003; Hughes & Sperandio, man placental lactogen ; HSD, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; IL,
2008; Garca-Gmez et al., 2013). In turn, many reviews interleukin; LBP, LPS-binding protein; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; P4,
and original papers analyzing the influence of microbi- progesterone; PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PTH, para-
ota on hormones regulating appetite, insulin sensitivity, thyroid hormone; SCFA, short chain fatty acid; T, testosterone; TLR,
Toll-like receptor
pathogenesis of diabetes and obesity and hypothalamic
M. Kunc and others 2016

teroides sp., Bifidobacterium sp., Streptococcus sp. posses en- sive care (Guidet et al., 1994), stomatological intervention
zymes which are involved in degradation of unconju- and toothbrushing (Jacob et al., 2012). Increased translo-
gated steroids, like 21dehydroxylase, 17,20desmolase, cation of LPS in leaky gut syndrome may cause chronic
16dehydratase and various dehydrogenases (Macdonald dysfunction of some elements of endocrine and other
et al., 1983). Interestingly, hydroxysteroid dehydroge- systems (Maes et al., 2008). LPS is composed of three
nases (HSDs) which are involved in the production of parts: lipid A, a core oligosaccharide, and an O side
steroid hormones and regulation of their receptoractive chain (Plsson-McDermott & ONeill, 2004). In blood-
and receptorinactive derivative levels in host cells, were stream LPS is recognized by LPSbinding protein (LBP),
found in bacteria. Accumulating evidence indicates that an acute phase protein produced in the liver. Afterward,
members of the normal human gastrointestinal flora LBP facilitates LPS binding to CD14, which enables
(especially members of Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and transfer of LPS to the TLR4/MD-2 receptor complex.
Firmicutes), possess HSDs, which are active on keto- or LPS causes TLR4/MD2 homodimerization, thus aids
hydroxyl-groups at positions C3, 7, 12, 17 and 20 of interactions between intracellular domains of TLR4 and
steroid compounds (Kisiela et al., 2012). It follows that Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domains of adaptor proteins. Subse-
bacterial HSDs may influence concentration of active quent signals activated by TLR4 have been divided into
steroid derivatives which return to blood throughout MyD88dependent and MyD88independent (TRIF-
EHC. Furthermore, bacterial steroid metabolism has its dependent) pathways. MyD88-dependent pathway leads
local longterm effects, since it is known that increased to the activation of IRAKs/TRAF6 and in consequence
number of bacterial strains capable of steroid degrada- NF-B, AP-1 and IRF-5 transcription factors. In turn
tion in colon is associated with higher risk of colon can- TRIF signals recruit TRAF3 and RIP1, thus induce Type
cer (Debas, 1981). I interferons by activation of IRF3, NF-B and AP-1.
Except of direct metabolism of steroid hormones, Signaling pathways of human hormones are regulated
bacteria may change expression of host genes involved by various negative feedback loops. Similarly, LPS action
in steroid hormones metabolism and function. Some is inhibited by circulating inhibitors and factors caus-
studies highlight the effects of oral probiotic supple- ing acceleration of LPS degradation, inhibition of TLR4
mentation on sex hormones metabolism and function. signaling or enhancement of TLR4 degradation (Lu et al.,
Research conducted on female zebrafish fed with Lacto- 2008).
bacillus rhamnosus revealed an increase of transcription of LPS intravenous injection activates HPA and leads
aromatase cytochrome p 19 (cyp19a), vitellogenin (vtg), to increased secretion of CRH and AVP into hypo-
isoform of the estrogen receptor (er), luteinizing hor- physeal portal blood (HPB), which is mediated by EP1
mone receptor (lhr), 20- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and EP3 pathway activation in periventricular nucleus
(20-hsd), membrane progesterone receptors and and (PVN) (Dadoun et al., 1998; Matsuoka et al., 2003). This
activin A1 genes. These changes of respective genes effect was even observed in tilapia, which may reflects
expression affect sex differentiation during larval devel- evolutionary preservation of hypothalamic response
opment and improve fertility in adults (Carnevali et al., to LPS (Pepels et al., 2004). Simultaneously, LPS sup-
2013). In turn metabolomic analysis with use of murine presses GnRH pulsatile release into HPB and indirectly
typhoid infection model revealed that during Salmonella LH concentrations and pulse amplitude thus inhibits
typhimurium infection the 3-HSD2 and 17-HSD2 gene reproduction (Battaglia et al., 1997, 1998). LPS elevates
expression in the liver is repressed (Antunes et al., 2011). the E2/P4 ratio and alters the function of FSHR and
During acute shigellosis in human volunteers, signifi- LHR in uterus during the preimplantation days of preg-
cant reduction in fecal steroid metabolites was observed nancy in mouse leading to the failure of implantation
(Huang et al., 1976). Changes in steroid metabolism dur- (Agrawal et al., 2011, 2012). Furthermore, after im-
ing infection may diminish the HPA axis function and plantation LPS decreases placental endocrine function,
thus hinder proper reaction to pathogen invasion. reducing amounts of trophoblast-released human cho-
rionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental lactogen
(hPL), and P4 and hence leading to preterm delivery
(Okada et al., 1997). LPS is known to be a direct sup-
pressor of E2 secretion by ovarian granulosa cells in
Not to be underestimated is bacterial impact on host
steroid hormone metabolism and function which is ex- bovine, which could explain a mechanism of infertility
in pelvic inflammatory disease (Williams et al., 2008).
erted via LPS (endotoxin). LPS is a part of Gramneg- Ovarian follicles do not contain immune cells, however
ative bacteria cell wall and is a trigger of septic shock. granulosa cells express the TLR4 and via this receptor
Nevertheless, Marshall stated that LPS is not less an LPS down-regulates transcripts for aromatase (Herath et
endotoxin than an exohormone (Marshall, 2005). He al., 2007). Similar effects were observed after primary
pointed out some LPS features similar to human hor- bovine granulosa cells exposure to the Pam3CSK4 and
mones: 1. its exposure arises from endogenous stores peptidoglycan that bind TLR2 (Shimizu et al., 1998;
(commensal, Gramnegative bacteria of the gastrointes- Price et al., 2013). LPS or peptidoglycan treatment of
tinal tract), 2. it has a dedicated carrier protein, 3. it in- theca cells under LH exposure results in suppressed
teracts with specific cellular receptor, 4. its signaling is P4 and androstenedione (A4) production (Magata et al.,
specifically modulated by endogenous mechanisms and 2014b, 2014a). It follows that in cows uterine infec-
in turn LPS downstream signal interferes with endog- tions may lead to ovarian dysfunction. In humans, high
enous hormones pathways. Endotoxemia and thus in-
expression of TLR1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and COX2 gene in fol-
creased LPS influence on host occur under various con- licular cells was observed in patients with poor ovarian
ditions, such as major vascular surgery (Roumen et al., response to gonadotropin stimulation (Taghavi et al.,
1993), cigarette smoking (Hasday et al., 1999), mechanical 2014). It suggests that increased TLR pathways activity
ventilation (Nahum et al., 1997), laparoscopic abdominal may be associated with declining fertility rates.
surgery (Schietroma et al., 2006, 2013), colorectal carci- Testicular functions, both spermatogenesis and ster-
noma (Iarmov et al., 2004), highfat diet (Erridge et al., oidogenesis, are also disrupted after LPS treatment.
2007), inflammatory bowel disease (Aoki, 1978), inten- Leydig cells (LC) and Sertoli cells (SC) the key
Vol. 63
Microbiome impact on selected host hormones 191

players in the hormonal function of testes express NONLPS-DEPENDENT EFFECTS

TLR2 and TLR4, similarly as testicular macrophages
(Winnall et al., 2011). In the response to LPS, these
latter cells start to produce reactive oxygen species Estrogens
(ROS) and nitric oxide, which alter the function of
LC mitochondria (Pomerantz & Pitelka, 1998; Allen Apart from LPSdependent influence on estrogen
et al., 2004). Furthermore, LPS increases NFB path- function, bacteria may also directly metabolize them and
way activity in LC, hence reducing testicular Cyp11a, similar particles, like phytoestrogens. To better under-
StAR and 3-HSD protein levels. In consequence, stand these processess we describe host estrogen me-
plasma T level decreases. This effect is partially de- tabolism first.
pendent on LH secretion reduction and inflammatory Before excretion with bile, estrogens are metabolized
cytokine level elevation caused by LPS. In SC, LPS in several steps in the liver (Fig. 1). First of all, intercon-
acts via MyD88 pathway and activates expression of vertible primary estrogens estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2)
IL1, IL6 and activin A. In turn, FSH increases cAMP are hydroxylated by cytochrome P450 enzymes, yielding
level and promotes lactate, transferrin, stem cell fac- catechol estrogens: either 2-hydroxy (2OH) or 4hy-
tor (SCF) and inhibin B expression. Intriguingly, these droxy (4OH) metabolites. Another derivative is made
two pathways have probably reciprocal inhibitory ef- by hydroxylation at C16 position yielding 16hydroxy
fects (Hedger, 2011). It is well established that acute (16OH) derivative. Both 16OH and produced in
and chronic bacterial infections may be associated small portion 4OH derivatives have greater estrogenic
with temporary or constant infertility. Vitamin K may activity compared to 2OH, thus domination of C16
contribute to inhibition of inflammatory pathways in pathway has been hypothesized as a potential risk factor
testis and may help maintain steady levels of T (Ta- of breast cancer. However, recent studies do not support
kumi et al., 2011). this hypothesis (Eliassen et al., 2008). Catechol estrogens
might be oxidized into harmful derivatives- quinones-

Figure 1. Metabolism of estrogens and estrogenic compounds.

The bold font denotes the metabolic pathways dependent on bacterial activity. Details, see main text. COMT, catechol-O-methyl trans-
ferase; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; ER, estrogen receptor; E, estrogens; E1, estrone; E2, estradiol; E3, estriol; FOS, fructooligosaccharides;
LCS, lariciresinol; MAT, matairesinol; O-DMA, O-desmethylangolensin; PRS, pinoresinol; SDG, secoisolariciresinol diglucoside; SHBG, sex
hormone binding protein
M. Kunc and others 2016

that can react with DNA to form depurinating adducts, Ampicillin treatment diminishes reductive metabolism of
thus are potential breast cancer initiatiors (Cavalieri et estrogens in intestine, thus increases E1/E2 and E2/E3
al., 2006). Methylation of 2OH and 4OH estrogens by ratio in both urine and feces (Adlercreutz et al., 1984).
catecholOmethyltransferase (COMT) prevents the for- Catechol estrogens 2OHE1 and 2OHE2 are intercon-
mation of estrogen quinones, therefore the metoxy and verted by human fecal bacteria in anaerobic and aerobic
catechol estrogen proportions may influence the cancer conditions (Jrvenp et al., 1980). Fecal flora is capable
risk. Another metabolic pathway includes E2 conversion of formation of catechol estrogens from metoxyestro-
to 16-ketoE2 and further epimerization to 16epiE3 and gens. It follows that bacteria are able to convert bio-
17epiE3 (Jobe et al., 2013). This latter steroid is very logically inactive estrogens into active forms (Axelson &
interesting, since it has an antiinflammatory, but not Sjvall, 1983).
glycogenic activity (Latman et al., 1994). The phase II of Gingival bacteria, similarly to the intestinal ones are
estrogen metabolism includes either glucuronidation or capable to metabolize sex hormones (Garca-Gmez et
sulfation or methylation, which facilitates its elimination al., 2013). During the pubertal period gingivitis rate sig-
from the organism via bile in feces and with urine. nificantly increases and this effect is thought to be relat-
Plottel and coworkers proposed the term estrobo- ed with higher concentration of steroids in saliva, which
lome to define the aggregate of enteric bacterial genes may be the carbon source for gingivitisrelated bacteria
whose products are capable of metabolizing estrogens as Prevotella intermedia. This species uptakes estrogens and
(Plottel & Blaser, 2011). Every individual has its own, P4, when its important growth factor, vitamin K, is una-
unique estrobolome, which influences EHC of estro- vailable (Kornman & Loesche, 1982).
gens. Bacterial glucuronidases hydrolyze glucuronides Bacterial colonization of germfree mice led to the
which are excreted via bile, thus promotes recycling of normalization of estrous cycles and increase of repro-
aglycone forms through enterohepatic cycle. Excess of duction, probably due to direct influence on intravaginal
glucuronidase activity may be associated with high- epithelial cells and indirect effect via EHC of estrogen
er estrogendependent cancers risk. Most species with metabolites (Shimizu et al., 1998). The bidirectional con-
glucuronidase expression are members of Firmicutes nection between vaginal microflora and estrous cycle was
phylum and Enterobacteriaceae family (Lactobacillus, Strep- also the conclusion of other studies (Minami et al., 1987).
tococcus, Clostridium, Ruminococcus, Roseburia, Faecalibacterium, Van Wiele et al. showed that colon microbiota are
Eubacterium and Escherichia), however bacteria capable able to bioactivate ingested polycyclic aromatic hydro-
of glucuronidase production are also among Actino- carbons (PAHs) like naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene,
bacteria (i.e. Bifidobacterium dentium) (Gloux et al., 2011). and benzo(a)pyrene to estrogenic hydroxylated metabo-
Administration of oral oxytetracyclin diminished urinary lites (Van de Wiele et al., 2005). That conversion can
excretion and increased losses of conjugated estrogen exacerbate cancerogenic effect of PAHs and affect en-
metabolites in feces in men, probably by destruction of docrine system; nevertheless the real role of estrogenic
-glucuronidase-producing microflora and the interrup- PAHs is still unclear (Gozgit et al., 2004).
tion of the estrogen recycling (Hmlinen et al., 1987). Another group of exogenous molecules with estro-
In one study fecal glucuronidase activity and diversity genic activity are plantderived phytoestrogens. Lignans
of fecal microbiome were found to be directly associated and isoflavones are the best studied groups of phytoes-
with higher concentrations of systemic estrogens (Flo- trogens and are of interest of this article, because their
res et al., 2012a). Lactic acid bacteria supplements and activity is partly dependent on bacteria.
highfiber diet (like vegetarian) decrease fecal bacterial Flaxseeds, sesame seeds, soybean, berries and nuts
glucuronidase, which leads to increased fecal excretion are known lignan-rich foods. Lignans are classified as
and a decreased plasma concentration of estrogen (Gol- phytoestrogens, despite their lack of biological activity
din et al., 1980, 1982; Goldin & Gorbach, 1984; Han et per se. Intestinal bacteria in the upper part of the large
al., 2005). Other factors which diminish glucuronidase bowel convert lignans (secoisolariciresinol, pinoresinol,
activity include oral antibiotic treatment (Hmlinen matairesinol, lariciresinol) to compounds with estrogenic
et al., 1987), lactic acid bacteria probiotics (Goldin & activity called enterolignans: enterolacton (ENL) and en-
Gorbach, 1984), highfiber diet (Gorbach, 1984), cellu- terodiol (END). Enterolignans induce the production of
losefructooligosaccharides (FOS) diet (Gudiel-Urbano & sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in the liver and in-
Goi, 2002), cabbage and sweet pepper pectin protein hibit aromatase activity, therefore reduce the levels of free
complexes (Borisenkov et al., 2011), calciumdglucarate and total estrogens in circulation (Hall, 2001). Both ENL
(Ztaszek et al., 2008), silymarin (Kim et al., 1994), and END act as ER agonist, however they have weaker
ascorbic acid (Young et al., 1990) and yoghurt (de More- agonist activity than endogenous estrogens (Carreau et al.,
no de LeBlanc & Perdign, 2005). In turn bile salts en- 2008). When endogenous estrogens level is low, ENL and
hance glucuronidase activity (Fujisawa & Mori, 1996), END increase total systemic estrogenic effect, whereas
while weight loss elevates its fecal level (Flores et al., when estrogens level is high they prevent estrogen from
2012b). Advanced age and childhood are associated with exerting its effects. Flaxseed-derived enterolignans de-
higher glucuronidase activity than middle age, prob- crease proliferation fraction in prostate cancer (Azrad
ably due to microflora composition changes throughout et al., 2013) and risk of colorectal adenoma (Kuijsten et
life (Goldin & Gorbach, 1977; Mroczyska & Libudzisz, al., 2006). They may increase survival of postmenopausal
2010). breast cancer patients (Buck et al., 2011) and lower risk of
In addition to the ability of deconjugation of steroid ER+/PR+ breast cancer (Touillaud et al., 2007). However,
hormone glucuronides, intestinal bacteria are also able to other studies did not show associations between enterol-
interconvert steroid derivatives. Alcatigenes faecalis, Pseu- ignans and lower breast cancer risk (Peeters et al., 2003;
domonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacteroides fragi- Zaineddin et al., 2012). The main lignan, secoisolaricires-
lis interconvert E2 to E1 and participate in regulation of inol (SECO) and its diglucoside (SDG), pinoresinol (PRS)
E2 concentration (Jrvenp et al., 1980). Other reactions and lariciresinol (LCS) are converted into enterolignans via
performed by intestinal bacteria include: E1 formation multistage route to END, whereas matairesinol undergoes
from E13sulfate, estriol (E3) from 16OHE1, 16ke- direct conversion to ENL (Wang et al., 2010). END may
toE2 reduction to 16epiE3 (Macdonald et al., 1983). then be irreversibly converted to ENL. The final ENL
Vol. 63
Microbiome impact on selected host hormones 193

to END ratio depends on type of food and individual action and inhibits 5-reductase (Strka, 2003). Pathways
composition of gut microflora (Bartkiene et al., 2011). In which contribute in TepiT interconversion were not
one study the subdominance of ENLproducing bacteria conclusively identified in human, so one cannot exclude
in gastrointestinal tract was found (Eeckhaut et al., 2008). significant role of microbiota in this process (Bellemare
High colon concentrations of Peptostreptococcus productus, et al., 2005). These findings suggest possible role of mi-
Eggerthella lenta and Clostridium coccoides, which are able to crobiota in the regulation of T level and release of ex-
demethylase and dehydroxylate SECO are associated with cessive androgens in humans (Donova et al., 2005).
higher serum enterolignans level (Clavel et al., 2005). To Clostridium scindens belongs to the small number of
conclude, microflora composition affects bioavailability of intestinal bacterial species capable of bile acid 7/ de-
enterolignans and therefore its action. hydroxylation, which leads to formation of secondary
Human intestinal flora metabolizes also another class bile acids (Winter et al., 1984a). Furthermore, C.scindens
of phytoestrogens, isoflavones in similar to lignans way. possess steroid-17,20-desmolase which converts corticos-
Fabaceae is the plant family, which members (e.g. soy- teroids to androgens (Bokkenheuser et al., 1986; Krafft
bean) almost exclusively produce isoflavones. Dietary et al., 1987). In this process cortisol is transformed
isoflavones occur in the form of glycosides: genistin, into 11--hydroxyandrostendione (11OHA4), which
daidzin and glycitin, which are bioactivated by bacterial is reabsorbed into the bloodstream and excreted in the
glucosidases in colon to aglycones: genistein, daidzein urine (Ridlon et al., 2013). Since its discovery in 1953,
and glycitein. Daidzein is further metabolized to S(-)eq- 11-OHA4 has been a molecule of unknown biological
uol and Odesmethylangolensin (ODMA). Interestingly, significance. 11OHA4 has insignificant androgen activ-
not all people are able to produce these derivatives - the ity, nevertheless, in accordance with last studies, its de-
first can be found only in 2060% (so called equolpro- rivatives are important metabolites in formation of nov-
ducers) and the latter in 8090% of the population (At- el androgens (Bloem et al., 2013). The main source of
kinson et al., 2005). Some studies indicate that ability to 11OHA4 in humans is adrenal cortex, but intestinede-
produce these metabolites, especially equol, is associated rived 11OHA4 may be also the important source of an-
with lower risk of breast and prostate cancer, acne and drogens precursors.
malepattern baldness (Lund et al., 2004). Intestine-de- Studies conducted in nonobese diabetic (NOD)
rived S(-)equol is a selective ER agonist and antiandro- mouse model of type 1 diabetes (T1D) showed that in
gen. Mechanism of its antiandrogenic effect is associated germ free (GF) environment gender bias in T1D had
neither with 5reductase inhibition nor with binding to diminished (Markle et al., 2013). Relative to GF males,
androgen receptor, but rather with direct binding to di- specific pathogen free (SPF) males had significantly high-
hydrotestosterone (DHT) (Setchell et al., 2005). Equol er levels of T. Interestingly, after transplantation of mi-
nonproducers have probably higher risk of some dis- crobiome from SPF males to females, recipient T levels
eases (e.g. prostate cancer) than equolproducers (Akaza, had elevated and T1D morbidity had decreased. Similar
2012). It was demonstrated that supplementation of eq- results were observed in another study (Yurkovetskiy et
uolproducing bacteria may convert nonequol producer al., 2013). These findings indicate a key role of microbi-
into an equolproducer (Decroos et al., 2006). Lactococ- ome in determining host T level and sex differences in
cus garvieae is used to produce S(-)equol rich substance, susceptibility to autoimmune diseases. Lactobacillus reuteri
called SE5OH (Yee et al., 2008). Supplementation with in drinking water prevents aging male mice from age-re-
this food ingredient improved mood in perimenopau- lated testicular atrophy and elevates theirs T level, prob-
sal/postmenopausal equol nonproducers (Ishiwata et ably acting on hypothalamic-pituitary level (Poutahidis et
al., 2009). There are some differences in estrogen me- al., 2014). Authors of this study theorize that microbial
tabolism by fecal bacteria between equolproducers and impact on host T level may favor evolutionary success
nonproducers. The latter are more likely than former for the microbe and mammalian host. In general, GF
to convert E1 to E2, and l6-OHE1 to E3 (Atkinson, compared to conventional mice have significantly lower
2004). Increased E2 and E3 formation may have mutu- weights of testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, kidneys,
ally exclusive effects in evaluation of breast cancer risk. and adrenals (Fujiwara et al., 1990).
Interestingly, amongst species capable of soy milk iso- Gingival pathogens, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans,
flavone bioconversion are lactic acid bacteria which are P. intermedius and Porphyromonas gingivalis are capable of re-
also potentially able to influence the reninangiotensin ducing T to DHT and increase DHT synthesis by fibro-
hormonal system (Yeo & Liong, 2010). These bacteria blasts (Soory, 1995). Bacillus cereus and Streptococcus mutans
have special proteolytic enzymes and produce angioten- also possess 5steroid reductase activity and moreover,
sin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides from 3-, 17- and 20-HSDs, which allows them to metabo-
milk proteins. Inhibitory peptide mixtures are resistant to lize T and P4 within easy reach in the gingival tissues.
digestive enzymes and dairy processing (Gobbetti et al., During inflammatory periodontal disease, local elevated
2000). Significantly lower pressor effect after intravenous DHT level foster fibroblast metabolism and matrix pro-
angiotensin I injection, was observed in rats which were duction, thus has an impact on inflammatory repair. On
prefed with milk fermented using certain strains of Lac- the other hand, DHT influence bacterial metabolism,
tobacillus helveticus (Fuglsang et al., 2003). promoting gene expression which facilitates survival and
dissemination of bacteria (Markou et al., 2009).
Androgens Thus, we propose a new term, analogous to estrobo-
lome, the androbolome. Detailed analysis of bacterial
B. fragilis reversibly reduces 17-keto group of A4 to
genes involved in androgens metabolism is necessary to
a 17-hydroxy derivative T (Winter et al., 1984b), understand a role of microbiome in androgendependent
whereas a steroidinducible 17-HSD, capable of con- conditions like baldness, acne and prostate cancer.
verting T to epitestosterone (epiT) was isolated from
Eubacterium sp. VPI 12708 (de Prada et al., 1994). It is Progestins
possible that intestinal microbiota are capable of epimer-
izing T to epiT, when both activities are present. EpiT C. innocuum synthesize the 3-5-reductase and C.par-
is a hormone which regulates some androgen-dependent aputrificum the 3-5-reductase which are involved in in-
M. Kunc and others 2016

activation of natural and synthethic progestins by reduc- in hepatic extracts, reducing RXR/TR DNA binding
tion in the ring A (Bokkenheuser et al., 1983). Neverthe- (Beigneux et al., 2003).
less, synthetic progestins, which are used as contracep- Na+/I symporter (NIS) plays a crucial role in thyroid
tives, are much more resistant to reducing enzymes than physiology by participating in iodide uptake which is the
natural analogs. main rate-limiting step in thyroid hormonogenesis. TSH
Reports on the impact of concomitant use of oral induces NIS expression and stimulates its transport to
contraceptives and antibiotics on contraception effec- basolateral membrane of thyrocytes. In turn, iodide in-
tiveness are contradictory (Weisberg, 1999; Dickinson hibits NIS expression and increases NIS protein turn-
et al., 2001; DeRossi & Hersh, 2002; Toh et al., 2011). over, which contributes to the reduction of thyroid hor-
Rifampicin induces hepatic microsomal enzymes, thus mones levels after treatment with large amounts of io-
facilitates oral contraceptive (OC) inactivation, whereas dine (Wolff-Chaikoff effect) (Bizhanova & Kopp, 2009).
other commonly used antibiotics have neither pharma- Studies conducted on Fisher rat thyroid cell line FRTL-5
cokinetic nor pharmacodynamic interactions with OC. revealed that LPS binding to TLR4 on thyroid cells ac-
Probably rare cases of failure of OC associated with an- tivates NFB pathway, which leads to the p65 subunit
tibiotic use are caused by reduction of some microbial of NFB interaction with a specific B site at the NIS
populations with glucuronidase activity and substantial enhancer (Nicola et al., 2010). Consequently, TSHin-
loss of EHC of hormones. duced NIS expression and iodide uptake are stimulated
As mentioned before, LPS reduces placental endo- (Nicola et al., 2009). Thyroglobulin (TG) gene expression
crine function. LPS administration to pregnant mice and is also enhanced by LPS, which acts with the involve-
ascending intrauterine infection in pregnant rabbits re- ment of Pax8 and TTF1(Vlez et al., 2006). Apart from
sults in rapid P4 decrease and preterm parturition (Fidel transcriptional level, LPS modifies TG expression also at
et al., 1998). posttranscriptional and posttranslational levels.
The exact role of these changes in thyroid hormone
metabolism is unclear. Some authors postulate that
NTIS should be treated with levothyroxine, despite clin-
ical euthyroidism (Warner & Beckett, 2010). On the oth-
The very first hypothesis concerning the role of intes- er hand, low T3 concentration may be associated with
tinal bacteria in thyroid function appeared in early 1900s lower energy expenditure and be beneficial in serious in-
(Smith, 1982). Sir Arbuthnot Lane theorized that chronic fection. Then, reaction of thyroid gland to bacterial LPS
constipation may lead to systemic dysfunction, including could be an adaptive change and proper physiological re-
exopthalmic goitre (Graves disease) due to toxin ab- action to bacterial invasion.
sorption from intestine. Basing on this theory D. J. Har- Gut condition is strongly associated with thyroid
ries concluded that intestinal bacteria unbalance leads to function (Ebert, 2010). Hypothyroidism may lead to
Graves disease due to an excessive absorption of trypto- heartburn, dysphagia, vomiting, dyspepsia, intestine mo-
phan from the intestine, whereas parenchymatous goiter tility disorder and constipation. In turn, hyperthyroid-
from an excessive destruction of tryptophan (Har- ism may be associated with diarrhea. Thyroid hormones
ries, 1923). Current studies suggest that sir Lane was not influence on gut condition is dependent on their direct
completely wrong, because LPS actually influences thy- action in enterocytes. T3 induces intestinal alkaline phos-
roid function. phatase (IAP) and represses lactase gene transcription in
Nonthyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS, euthyroid sick these cells, thus regulates their differentiation and func-
syndrome) is a condition characterized by clinical euthy- tion (Meng, 2001). SCFAs produced by the resident mi-
roidism with low triiodothyronine (T3), total thyroxine crobiota in the intestine lumen may accompany T3 in
(T4), and normal or low thyroid stimulating hormone these processes. SCFAs (butyrate, propionate, acetate)
(TSH) concentration (McIver & Gorman, 1997). NTIS are used by enterocytes as an energy source and are in-
is usually associated with serious disease (either infec- volved in regulation of host appetite and glucose level.
tious or noninfectious) or wasting. The Gramnegative They are mainly produced by Clostridium sp., which be-
bacterial LPS exposure may participate in pathogenesis
long to the Grampositive phylum of bacteria, Firmicutes.
of this condition in several ways. Endotoxin directly Most of their effects is exerted via free fatty acid recep-
and by induced cytokines inhibits hepatic type I iodo-
thyronine deiodinase (D1), that converts T4 to T3 (Yu tors (FFAR) 2 and 3 (former Gprotein coupled recep-
tors (GPR) 43 and 41), locally in colon (Lin et al., 2012).
& Koenig, 2000) and induces the type II iodothyronine They stimulate release of incretins, GLP1 and PYY by
deiodinase (D2) in the mediobasal hypothalamus and intestinal cells L (Tolhurst et al., 2012). Nevertheless SC-
anterior pituitary gland (Baur et al., 2000; Fekete et al., FAs are absorbed into bloodstream and SCFAs sensing
2004). Induction of D2, that converts T4 to T3, in the receptors are expressed also in immune cells, adipose tis-
central nervous system may cause suppression of TRH sue and peripheral nervous system (Georgiadi & Kersten,
and TSH release. These effects are partly dependent on 2012). Main effects of SCFAs on endocrine system seem
competition for limiting amounts of coactivators caused to be related to energy homeostasis - insulin sensitivity
by the surplus of cytokines. IL1, IL6, TNF signaling increases after SCFAs treatment, while in adipose tissue
pathways include NFB and AP1, which interact with the SCFAs improve leptin secretion. These molecules are
SRC1 thus decreasing its availability for other pathways. considered beneficial, improving colon function and car-
SRC1 in healthy individual increases the expression bohydrate metabolism. However, studies performed in
of hepatic D1 gene and its deficit decreases D1 activi-
vitro suggest that SCFAs may modulate hormonal sys-
ty (Yu & Koenig, 2000; Boelen et al., 2004). It is worth tem function in various locations, such as anterior pitu-
pointing out that thyroid changes observed after com- itary gland, where they suppress GH secretion (Ishiwata
bined administration of IL-1, TNF, IL-6 and IFN are et al., 2000, 2005) and enhance T3induced stimulation
smaller than after administration of LPS (Boelen et al., of prolactin expression (Stanley & Samuels, 1984).
1995). Another mechanism responsible for NTIS during SCFAs inhibit histone deacetylase HDAC1 activi-
infection is LPS influence on thyroid hormone receptor ty and activate the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase
(TR) in the liver. LPS decreases RXR and TR expression (MAPK) signaling pathway, which leads to hyperacetyl-
Vol. 63
Microbiome impact on selected host hormones 195

ation of some histones and hyperphosphorylation of nu- that GF rats have significantly higher T3 to T4 ratio in
clear receptors (NR) coactivators, which in turn increas- the blood plasma than conventional animals (Ukai &
es transcription of various NR, such as TR (Meng et al., Mitsuma, 1978). It is possible that greater reabsorption
1999; Jansen et al., 2004). This leads to the enhancement of bile acids in these animals may lead to enhanced T3
of TR1 function and increases the T3dependent IAP producing enzymes expression (Wostmann, 1973).
induction. IAP is a marker of crypt-villus differentiation,
so we can conclude that bacterial SCFAs and host T3 GROWTH HORMONE
cooperate in maintaining the proper intestinal epithelial
development and homeostasis (Malo et al., 2013). GH is secreted by anterior pituitary gland in a pul-
Varian et al. showed that L. reuteri supplementation satile manner dependent on the action of GH releasing
improve function of thyroid gland in mice. L. reuteri hormone (GHRH) and ghrelin, which stimulates GH
consuming mice had higher fT4 levels, higher mass of secretion, and somatostatin which inhibits GH secretion
thyroid gland tissue and increased height of the thyroid (Vijayakumar et al., 2010). The physiological effects of
glandular epithelia as compared with their untreated GH results from direct by interacting with a specific re-
counterpart (Varian et al., 2014). Mice treated with ceptor on the surface of cells and stimulation of insulin
uteri were also slimmer, more active and had healthier growth factor 1 and 2 (IGF1 and -2) secretion by liver.
skin than control mice, which correlated with fT4 lev- Lactobacillus plantarum may promote Drosophila systemic
els. These bacteria induce interleukin10 production in growth by affecting the TORdependent host nutrient
the intestine, which stimulates host immune tolerance, sensing system controlling hormonal growth signaling
triggered by anti-inflammatory CD25+ regulatory T cells. (Storelli et al., 2011). Similarly, L. rhamnosus administra-
In CD25+depleted mice, L. reuteri supplementation was tion to zebrafish cause elevation of IGFI, IGFII, thus
not beneficial for the thyroid function. Positive effects accelerates backbone calcification (Avella et al., 2012).
of bacteria on the thyroid function were also observed in
other animals. For instance, female GF rats have smaller It has been hypothesized that intestinal microbiota may
also influence growth of mammals. For instance, in rab-
thyroids than CV (Vought et al., 1972). Moreover, lac- bits fed with probiotics, GH level elevates (Ghoneim &
tic acid bacteria supplementation in the broiler chicken Moselhy, 2013), whereas human infants fed with formula
diets increased the blood plasma thyroid hormone level enriched with L. rhamnosus GG grew better compared to
(Sohail et al., 2010; Chotinski & Mihaylov, 2013). It is their control counterpart (Vendt et al., 2006).
suggested that positive impact of probiotics on testicles, LPS is a known exogenous factor which affects GH
thyroid and probably ovaries in animals, inducing chang- secretion and action (Figure 2). Studies performed on
es in GI microbiome composition may affect both the rats and domestic fowls revealed that LPS causes GH
endocrine and immunological systems, thus influencing release inhibition (Curtis et al., 1980; Kasting & Martin,
aging course (Varian et al., 2014). 1982), whereas in human and sheep transitionally en-
Sulfation of T4 and T3 in the liver significantly facili- hances GH secretion, probably acting on pituitary level
tates deiodination by D1 to inactive derivatives rT3 and (Lang et al., 1997; Briard et al., 1998; Daniel et al., 2002).
T2 (Wu et al., 2005). Under some conditions like pro- Despite sustained increase in GH concentration, LPS in-
phylthiouracyl treatment, fetal development, selenium jection results in a state of resistance to GH. LPS in-
deficiency, or NTIS when D1 activity is low, sulfocon- creases the production of proinflammatory cytokines like
jugates may be hydrolyzed to bioactive T4 and T3 due TNF, interleukin1 (IL1b), and interleukin6 (IL6).
to expression of sulfatases in different tissues and by TNF- suppresses GH receptor (GHR) expression by
intestinal bacteria (Kester et al., 2002). However, the sig- reduction of transactivators Sp1/Sp3 binding to a GHR
nificance of gut microflora in maintaining T3 level under promotor (Denson et al., 2001), IL6 up-regulates strong
conditions of reduced D1 activity is disputed (Veronikis inhibitor of GH intracellular signal transduction, SOCS-3
et al., 1996). Physiologically about 20% of serum T3 is of (Wang et al., 2002a; Denson et al., 2003). Other mecha-
intestine origin and T3sulfate (T3S) is a reservoir, which nisms of LPSdependent GH resistance are: decrease in
can be recovered by sulfatases. Similarly, major billi- IGF1 concentration caused by liver cyclooxyganase-2
aryexcreted T3 metabolite T3 glucuronide may be activation (Briard et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2002b; Mar-
hydrolyzed by microflora, which enables EHC of thyroid tn et al., 2008), direct suppression of GHR expression
hormones (de Herder et al., 1989; Rutgers et al., 1989). by MyD88dependent and -independent TLR4 signaling
Gut may be an important site in production of bioac- pathways (Dejkhamron et al., 2007) and promotion of
tive thyroid hormones and intestinal dysbiosis may lead proteolytic GHR cleavage (Wang et al., 2008). Moreover,
to reduced T3S to T3 conversion and to T3 enterohe- the ability of GH to promote phosphorylation of signal
patic cycle dysfunction. One study suggests that intesti- transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) in the
nal bacteria are even capable of deiodination of thyroid liver is reduced during sepsis (Hong-Brown et al., 2003).
hormones (DiStefano et al., 1993). However, this finding Furthermore, LPS administration alters IGFBP serum
remains unconfirmed. concentrations. In normal condition, IGFBP3 forms
7dehydroxylation of primary bile acids by intestinal a stable ternary complex with IGF and the acid labile
microbiota results in formation of secondary bile acids: subunit (ALS), so that IGF halflife is extended, IG-
lithocholic and deoxycholic. Main 7-dehydroxylating FBP1 serves as an inhibitor of IGF bioactivity, whereas
species isolated from human feces include Clostridium and IGFBP2 is an optional IGF carrier in condition of low
Eubacterium (Wells & Hylemon, 2000). Taurine-conjugat- IGFBP3 level (Donaghy & Baxter, 1996). LPS admin-
ed secondary bile acids, taurolithocholic acid and tauro- istration promotes increased IGFBP3 proteolysis in se-
deoxycholic acid are the most potent TGR5 ligands. In rum and/or its decreased synthesis in the liver (Priego et
response to these compounds, the G-protein-coupled al., 2003), while IGFBP1 accumulates in certain tissues,
receptor TGR5 activates and subsequently intracellular like skeletal muscles and blocks IGFdependent protein
cAMP level raises. Afterward, in brown adipocytes and synthesis (Frost & Lang, 2004).
human skeletal myocytes induction of the cAMP-de- These studies may be crucial to understanding the
pendent D2 occurs, which promotes energy expenditure mechanism of growth failure in children with inflamma-
(Watanabe et al., 2006). Paradoxically, some studies show
M. Kunc and others 2016

Figure 2. LPS influence on GH action.

Details, see main text. COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; IGF-1, insulin like growth factor 1; IGFBP3, IGF binding protein 3; GH, growth hormone;
GHR, GH receptor; LPS, lipopolysaccharide

tory bowel diseases (IBD). Due to increased intestinal decreased GH secretion, impaired hunger signals and in
permeability, systemic endotoxemia is a common find- consequence growth retardation. Importantly, body com-
ing in these patients and may underpin extraintestinal position improves in children after therapy (Osawa et al.,
complications. Chronic elevation of LPS binding protein 2006). Surprisingly, in some patients after H. pylori eradi-
(LBP) serum level has been proposed as a potentially cation, plasma ghrelin concentrations decrease and BMI
useful marker of high refractory growth failure risk in increases (Pacifico et al., 2008). These variances may be
pediatric IBD (Pasternak et al., 2010). During chronic in- dependent on the strain of bacteria: type I (producing
fection or after sepsis, GH resistance develops in periph- the cag) is associated with lower ghrelin concentration
eral tissues, that may result for instance in muscle mass than type II (without virulence factors), so eradication of
loss. Thus, LPSdependent pathways leading to GH re- different strains may lead to different effects (Deng et al.,
sistance may become the future therapy targets. 2012).
Another mechanism of bacteriaassociated growth Maternal oral Campylobacter rectus or P. gingivalis infec-
failure in children is observed in Helicobacter pylori car- tion may cause intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).
riers. An assessment of the anti-H. pylori antibodies in These bacteria may invade placental tissues and promote
GH deficient short stature group, an idiopathic short hypermethylation in the promoter region-P0 of the Igf2
stature group and control group, revealed that in chil- gene (Bobetsis et al., 2007). TLR4 knockout mice do
dren with idiopathic short stature the antibody positivity not develop IUGR phenotypes after systemic C. rectus in-
rate was significantly higher than in other groups (Taka- fection, which emphasizes the crucial role of this recep-
hashi et al., 2002). Possible explanation of this effect is tor in placental immunity (Arce et al., 2012).
decreased ghrelin production by enteroendocrine cells in
the gastric mucosa. Ghrelin is a GH releasing peptide as PARATHYROID HORMONE AND GUTKIDNEY AXIS
a GH secretagogue type 1A receptor (GHSR) ligand and
has an important role in maintaining energy homeosta- Due to the deterioration of renal clearance during
sis and regulation of hunger. Chronic damage of gastric chronic kidney disease (CKD), many compounds accu-
ghrelin-positive cells during H. pylori infection leads to mulate and contribute to the uremic syndrome. These
Vol. 63
Microbiome impact on selected host hormones 197

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