Schiff Kaine Letter To POTUS 4.24.17

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Congress of the United States ‘Washington, BE 20515 Api 24,2017 ‘The President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20080 Dear Me. President ‘We write regarding the April 6 strike against the Shayrat military airbase in Syria. We share your horror atthe chemical weapons attack on civilians carried out by the Syrian regime in lib province on April 4. This horrific act, in contravention of international law as well as hurnan ‘decency, is only the latest brutality visited upon the Syrian people by he Assad government, and its Russian and Iranian patrons. thas now been over two weeks since you ordered the stike on the airfield, and your ‘Administration has yet to put forward any detailed legal analysis or justification for that action ‘under domestic and international aw. While the Administration provided a notification to Congress, consistent with the requirements of the War Powers Resolution, that notice simply asserted thatthe strike was ordered, “Pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations and 2s Commander in Chief and Chief Executive.” The notification further informed ‘Congress and the public that you might order, “Additional action, as necessary and appropriate, to further important national interests.” ‘These assertions of authority do not provide Congress with the information it needs to exercise our constitutional responsibilities. Nor do they provide comfort toa publi that fears

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