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Brittani S.


Principles of Cardiorespiratory Training

Nathan Thomas

16 March, 2016

VO2max / Above Lactate Threshold Write-Up

My experience when training above lactate threshold was great! As a group we had

plenty of time to warm-up prior to beginning our lactate threshold challenge. Once we got our

heart rates between zones 2 and 3, it was time to increase our cadence and speed. The goal was to

ride somewhere within zone 5 (for me, thats a heart rate above 172 bpm) and push to stay

within that Lactate Threshold for five minutes, then slow it down for another five minutes

staying somewhere in-between zone 3 and 4. We continued this pattern for roughly 45 minutes.

When training outside of class I followed the same time pattern we used in a group setting, but

rather than using the bike, I decided to run on the treadmill. It was WAY easier to get my heart

rate up to zone 5, and I also found that I was able to hold my time within zone 5 longer than I

could on the bike in class.

This training was very beneficial! I felt that I was guaranteed to improve my athletic

performance through this type of training simply because I was pushing myself beyond my

limits. Not only was the workout intense, but I also learned a little bit about my energy

expenditure vs. my energy consumed during this training. When we trained in class, I had

consumed very little prior to this exercise and noticed that my energy levels were very low. My

body felt sluggish, heavy, and even my breathing was off. I was also STARVING afterwards and
was unprepared for post replenishment. I will definitely be sure to take more caution now that I

know how much energy I use during lactate threshold training, and acknowledge how my low

energy levels affected my workout.

Depending on the person and their athletic standpoint, it is not easy to maintain a certain

speed while increasing resistance. Therefore, the time spent in or above zone 5 really varies, and

will require practice and training for every individual in order to prolong the amount of time

spent training above their lactate threshold. When it came to tracking my RPEs, I mainly

focused on keeping an average RPE between 9 and 10, and tried increasing my resistance rather

than picking up speed to result in an increasing heart rate.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the results and the improvements this training will bring.

I feel that it is important to go above our limits and push ourselves to success. I feel that this

training can be very successful within a group setting because I got to see everyone around me

pushing to discover the effectiveness of this training, and in a way, made it feel like a group

effort. I feel that motivation from my classmates inspired me to keep going, and push through the

pain. Whereas, when I am training alone, its harder to keep that motivation when you start

feeling the pain, and the struggles that come with this type of training.

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