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/*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Start of User Inputs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

/* Specify the location of the input dataset */
%let DataLoc = C:\Personal\ANZ\Case study;
/* Specify the location to store the logs/reports */
%let OutputLoc=C:\Personal\ANZ\Case study;
/* Specify the application dataset variable name.This dataset should have below
%let varlist=n_cust;
%let mean_variables = A_BAL_CUR A_CADV;
%let max_variables=k_day_DLNQT_CUR a_cadv;
%let min_variables=A_BAL_CUR ;
/* Specify the input dataset names for application and performance. */
%let AppData=sample_cust;
/* Specify the name for the output dataset. The output dataset will be stored un
der DataLoc */
%let OutData=a;
/* Specify Application start and end date.Date should be in date9. format(DDMONY
%let start_mon=01jan2007;
%let end_mon=01feb2007;
/*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of User Inputs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
/** Do not alter below code **/
%let CodeLoc=C:\Personal\ANZ\Case study;
%include "&CodeLoc\includes\";

/ Program :
/ Version : v1.0
/ Author : Shivkumar
/ Created : 30-SEP-2015
/ LastModBy :
/ LastModDt :
/ Purpose : To create the libraries, folder structure,validate the user inpu
t, perform error handling,
print the log contents to a file and call the pr
ocess macros for generation of summary counts
/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ init Date Decription
/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ PS 30-SEP-2015 Added code to display user passed parameters from EG interface
to log
/ PS 30-SEP-2015 Removing temp directory creation & library, maxlog parameter
options mreplace symbolgen;
/*proc catalog c=work.sasmacr kill force;*/
/** Do not alter below code **/
%macro dm_cra;
/* Setting the MPRINT SAS system option to print the resolved SAS macro code in
the log */
options mprint symbolgen mlogic;
/* Include autoexec to make macros available */
%include "&CodeLoc\includes\";
/* Some global macro variables */
%let LogSaved=0; * to save log;
%let ErrCode=0; * To handle errors;

/* Check on Dataloc, if user entered a valid input */

%if not %LENGTH(&DataLoc) > 0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: Mandatory Variable "DataLoc" is empty, Please enter a valid data lo
%let ErrCode=1;
%goto Exit_DM_CRA;
/* Check if data location exists */
%PUT check=%sysfunc(fileexist(&DataLoc));
%if not %sysfunc(fileexist(&DataLoc)) %then %do;
%put ERROR: The path specified for data does not exist;
%put ERROR: &DataLoc;
%let ErrCode=1;
%goto Exit_DM_CRA;
/* Check on OutputLoc, if user entered a valid input */
%if not %LENGTH(&OutputLoc) > 0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: Mandatory Variable "OutputLoc" is empty, Please enter a valid data
%let ErrCode=1;
%goto Exit_DM_CRA;
/* Check if data location exists */
%PUT check=%sysfunc(fileexist(&OutputLoc));
%if not %sysfunc(fileexist(&OutputLoc)) %then %do;
%put ERROR: The path specified for OutputLoc does not exist;
%put ERROR: &OutputLoc;
%let ErrCode=1;
/* Halt process if error code is 1 */
%if &ErrCode=1 %then %goto Exit_DM_CRA;
/* Remove the last slash if included */
%let DataLoc = %removelastslash(&DataLoc);
%let OutputLoc=%removelastslash(&OutputLoc); /* path of output files, logs, temp
& work Added 10/06/2015 */
%let DataPath= &DataLoc;
%let LogsPath=&OutputLoc\logs;
%let OutputPath=&OutputLoc\output;
%let WorkFolder=&OutputLoc\work;
/*%let WorkPath=&WorkFolder/temp_&SYSJOBID;*/
%let WorkPath=&WorkFolder\temp;
/* Create folder structure */
/*** Check if directories has been created, if not exit ****/
/* Assign Libraries */
Libname InLib "&DataPath";
Libname DMWORK "&WorkPath";
/* User passed parameters to log */
%put ***************************************************************************
%put ***************************************************************************
%put DataLoc=&DataLoc;
%put OutputLoc=&OutputLoc;
%put OutputLoc= &OutputLoc;
%put ***************************************************************************
/* Save log */
%let stime = %sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(datetime()), datetime16.));
%let LogName=&sysuserid._case study;
%let ProgName=01-case study;
%savelog(Logpath=&LogsPath, Logname=&LogName,WorkLib=DMWORK);
%let LogSaved=1;
/* Check if user passes a valid output dataset name */
%if not %LENGTH(&OutData) > 0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: Output dataset name is blank, please specify a valid SAS dataset na
%let ErrCode=1;
%else %if %LENGTH(&OutData) > 32 %then %do;
%put ERROR: The length of Output dataset name exceeds 32 characters, please spe
cify a valid SAS dataset name within maximum length 30;
%let ErrCode=1;
/* Check if input dataset exist */
/* Check if input dataset that user passed exists */
%if not %DataSets_Exist(inlib.&AppData) %then %do;
%put ERROR: Input dataset "&AppData" does not exist in location below:;
%put ERROR: &DataLoc;
%let ErrCode=1;
%goto Exit_DM_CRA;
/* Check if required columns exists */
%if not %hasvars(inlib.&AppData, &varlist) %then %do;
%put ERROR: Below Merge variables do not exist in &AppData;
%put ERROR: &_nomatch_;
%let ErrCode=1;
%if &ErrCode=1 %then %goto Exit_DM_CRA;
%let WorkLib=DMWORK;
/* Get min and max date from input dataset */
/*proc sql noprint;*/
/*select max(app_date),min(app_date) into :maxapp_date ,:minapp_date from inlib.

/*%let start_month=%sysfunc(putn(&minapp_date,date9.)); */
/*%let end_month=%sysfunc(putn(&maxapp_date,date9.)); */
/*%put &maxapp_date &minapp_date &start_month &end_month; */
%include "&CodeLoc.\includes\";
/*%xholding_datapull(Start_mon=&start_mon, end_mon=&end_mon, WorkLib=DMWORK);*/
/*%Create_chars(In_dsn=all_chars,Out_dsn=all_chars_final ,list=&charlist,opp=,n=
/* EXIT Code: */
%if &LogSaved %then %do;
proc printto;
Logname=&LogName, Program=&ProgName, starttime=&stime, WorkLib=
/* Halt the process, if there is an error */
%if &ErrCode = 1 %then %do;
%put ERROR: Program halted!;
/* Invoke the Macro */
%macro Pull_Cust_data(startdate=,enddate=);
data _null_;
call symput("startcustdate",compress("'"||put("&startdate"d, YYMMDD10.)||"
call symput("endcustdate",compress("'"||put("&enddate"d, YYMMDD10.)||"'"))
data dmwork.all_chars;
infile datalines dlm='09'x dsd missover;
input n_acct d_monthly_label:monyy5. A_BAL_CUR A_CADV K_DAY_DLNQT_CUR;
format d_monthly_label monyy7.;
1 Apr14 3386 170 34
1 May14 3428 318 24
1 Jun14 3720 318 3
1 Jul14 1737 225 27
1 Aug14 2741 373 3
1 Sep14 2605 295 12
1 Oct14 8126 225 4
1 Nov14 6918 346 9
2 Jan14 5743 382 25
2 Feb14 9077 442 10
2 Mar14 8236 209 25
2 Apr14 5321 287 23
2 May14 9138 303 12
2 Jun14 9882 171 23
2 Jul14 4829 386 1
2 Aug14 9639 361 14
2 Sep14 8596 142 24
2 Oct14 6629 186 8
2 Nov14 7947 466 3
2 Dec14 2808 360 34
3 Jan14 3546 451 14
3 Feb14 4259 483 3
3 Mar14 3302 301 32
3 Apr14 2496 447 5
3 May14 1132 489 6
3 Jun14 6606 226 14
4 Jul14 1436 330 30
4 Aug14 1443 324 15
4 Sep14 5475 211 29
4 Oct14 4709 133 20
4 Nov14 5777 111 6
4 Dec14 8451 157 5
%macro Create_chars(In_dsn=, /*Input data set name */
Out_dsn=, /*Output data set name */
list=, /*Variable on which to compute the average */
opp=, /* Variable for moving average */
n= /* Number of observations period on which to comp
ute the average */);
data dmwork.&Out_dsn;
set dmwork.&In_dsn;
by n_acct;
drop _: count k &list;
%do z=1 %to %words(&list.);
%let usr_char=%scan(&list.,&z);
/* keep A_BAL_CUR N_ACCT a_cadv &usr_car._1-&usr_car._12 &usr_car._L1
&usr_car._L3 &usr_car._L6 &usr_car._L9 &usr_car._L12;*/
*compute the lags;
_&usr_char._1= &usr_char;
%do i = 1 %to &n - 1;
%let Num = %eval(&i + 1);
_&usr_char._&Num = lag&i(&usr_char.);
array &usr_char.arr(*) &usr_char._2-&usr_char._12;
%do j = 2 %to 12;
%let Num = %eval(&j );
&usr_char._&Num = lag%eval(&j-1)(&usr_char.);
/*Assigning missing values for non lagged values*/
if first.n_acct then count=1;
do k=count to dim(&usr_char.arr);
count + 1;
if last.n_acct then output;
data dmwork.&Out_dsn;
set dmwork.&Out_dsn;
%do aa=1 %to %words(&mean_variables.);
%let usr_char=%scan(&mean_variables.,&aa);
%let opp=mean;
&opp._&usr_char._L3=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._3);
&opp._&usr_char._L6=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._6);
&opp._&usr_char._L9=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._9);
&opp._&usr_char._L12=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._12);
%do bb=1 %to %words(&max_variables.);
%let usr_char=%scan(&max_variables.,&bb);
%let opp=max;
&opp._&usr_char._L3=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._3);
&opp._&usr_char._L6=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._6);
&opp._&usr_char._L9=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._9);
&opp._&usr_char._L12=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._12);
%do cc=1 %to %words(&min_variables.);
%let usr_char=%scan(&min_variables.,&cc);
%let opp=min;
&opp._&usr_char._L3=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._3);
&opp._&usr_char._L6=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._6);
&opp._&usr_char._L9=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._9);
&opp._&usr_char._L12=&opp(of &usr_char._1-&usr_char._12);
%mend Create_chars;
%let varlist=n_cust;
%let mean_variables = A_BAL_CUR A_CADV;
%let max_variables=k_day_DLNQT_CUR a_cadv;

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