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Latency Transparency for Market Data

NYSE Technologies, the commercial technology unit of NYSE Euronext (NYX), and Corvil,
a world leader in electronic trading and market data latency management, have launched
a jointly developed website, www.LatencyStats.com. It is the first online resource to provide
certified latency performance measurements with real-time snapshots of key data on
the network connections used to facilitate the execution of financial transactions on
stock exchanges.

©2010 NYSE Euronext. All rights reserved. NYSE Euronext shall not be liable (except to the extent required by law) for the use of the information contained herein however arising in any circumstances connected with actual trading or otherwise. Neither NYSE
Euronext, nor its servants nor agents, is responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this publication. This publication is for information only and does not constitute an offer, solicitation or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to
engage in any other transaction. All information, descriptions, examples and calculations contained in this publication are for guidance purposes only, and should not be treated as definitive.

Neither NYSE Euronext nor any of its affiliates are affiliated with Corvil and nothing contained in this site is intended to imply sponsorship or endorsement by either NYSE Euronext or Corvil of the other entity’s, or any of its affiliate’s, products or services.

Achieving low-latency distribution of market data has become one of the

most important factors that determine success in high frequency trading.
No matter how fast you can execute, if your market data is delayed relative
to competing traders, you will not achieve the expected fill rates.


111 8th Ave Clients

Metrotech 1. Instrumented
Openbook sites providing
for LatencyStats.

In spite of its importance, key questions about presented performance stats are based
market data latency have traditionally been on Corvil instrumentation installed at the
hard to answer. How long does it take for market SIAC data centers where the feeds are
updates to reach your systems? How much published, and at a Secure Financial
capacity will you need to process every update Transaction Infrastructure® (SFTI®) access
without delay, even when the feed is busiest? point where many trading clients connect
What impact do the various connectivity options to receive the feeds. The website provides a
available have on latency? live view of current market data activity that
is updated in real time, as well as historical
LatencyStats.com is a new initiative from views that will show how activity evolves over
NYSE Technologies and Corvil aimed at time - and what impact this evolution has
answering these questions and more, by on latency.
providing full visibility into the performance
and characteristics of NYSE market data To get the most from LatencyStats.com it
feeds. Our goal is to ensure that traders feel will be helpful to understand the various
confident they understand the nature and possible causes of market data latency, and
quality of the data they are receiving. We how these relate to the information presented
believe that greater transparency into market in the site. With this in mind let’s review
data performance will help traders refine their what happens to a feed between the point
deployment strategies, and their investments where it is published by the exchange, and
in equipment, bandwidth and co-location the point where it is ultimately consumed by
services. a trading client.

At launch LatencyStats.com will focus on

the ArcaBook™ and OpenBook™ data
feeds. These are two of the most popular
feeds for NYSE equity market data. The

111 8th Ave



2. A feed may Sources of Latency Queuing latency is most likely to be

experience experienced at speed mismatch points – for
latency on its Many trading algos still make the basic example at the point where a client connects
way to trading assumption that the market data they use to the exchange network. The extent and
clients for several is an instantaneous real-time view of the frequency of delays at this point will be
different reasons. state of the market. In reality, all market determined by the amount of bandwidth
data experiences some unavoidable latency available to carry the data onwards to the
before it is delivered to the end user. At a client’s systems. Sizing this connection
minimum there is propagation delay based adequately is therefore an important
on distance from the matching engines. consideration for latency sensitive traders.
Information in today’s networks travels very
fast (at up to 75% of light-speed depending To reduce the likelihood of congestion-
on the type of cabling used) -- nevertheless related effects, market data providers
even at these speeds, propagation over normally apply some ‘throttling’ to the feed
metropolitan area distances can still add close to its source. This limits the peak feed
hundreds of microseconds of latency (and rate to a level that is less likely to overwhelm
more if the path taken is not direct). client connections or the network elements
along the way. Throttling can add latency if
A second potential source of latency is the throttling system is forced to occasionally
processing delay in the various active reduce the volume of data sent, requiring
components in the market data path, such as some data to be re-transmitted.
switches, routers, firewalls and other elements.
These elements inevitably take some time Finally, a trader’s own systems can add
to process each message they forward, and latency to market data if they cannot
queues can build up during periods when keep up with the pace of the feed. Market
the data rate temporarily exceeds processing data activity varies over many timescales
capacity. Backlog periods of tens or hundreds from microseconds upwards, due to both
of microseconds are too short to notice using machine- and human-related factors. To
conventional instrumentation, but these avoid delaying the feed, elements along its
timescales are significant in today’s trading path must be able to keep pace with short
environment. If backlogs become excessive spikes of activity – microbursts – that may
then buffers can fill up, leading to data loss and last fractions of a second.
kicking off lengthy retransmission cycles.


111 8th Ave



3. LatencyStats. From Feed Publication to the To let users see how latency changes over
com measures time, we present results for a set of time-
the latency of
Client Access Point frames ranging from the most recent minute
the feed from to the last 30 days. You can select a time-
Our goal in establishing LatencyStats.com is to
the point where frame to view using the tabs at the top of the
give users visibility into all of the possible sources
it is published panel for each feed. When the one-minute
of latency along the path from the feed publishers
to the client time-frame is selected, for example, the
to the client access connection. Firstly, the site uses
access point. statistics shown are computed by analyzing
Corvil’s measurement technology to accurately
the measurements for all the packets
determine latency from the feed publication point
within the most recent minute. Because
to the access point where clients receive the feed.
latency can vary appreciable even at very
Latency values are measured with microsecond
short timescales, the panel presents three
precision for every individual market data packet
different statistics giving the average, peak
and stored for later presentation via the website.
or maximum, and 99th percentile of the
The measurements include the latency across the
observed latency values.
client CPE switch (assuming a 10G connection).

4. The panel for Also shown in each feed panel is the rate of Latency Across the
each feed shows sequence gaps seen in the feed at the access
the average, point where it is delivered to clients. Sequence
Client Connection
peak, and 99th gaps may occur if market data messages are
The client connection to the access point is
percentile inadvertently dropped somewhere along the
a potential source of variable queuing latency
latencies path from the feed publication point and
due to speed mismatch. The faster the
measured for are consequently not available for delivery.
connection is, the lower the maximum latency
every market To actually receive these messages, clients
will be; but of course faster connections
data packet over would have to identify and re-request the
are also more expensive. The best way
the time-frame missing sequence numbers, a process
to determine latency across the client
selected at the which adds extra latency. The gap rate figure
connection is to install instrumentation at the
top of the panel. presented in the panel gives the percentage of
client side to timestamp the arriving market
Also shown is messages that we have identified as missing.
data messages, and correlate the timestamps
the percentage Together with the latency measurements from
against corresponding measurements on the
of market data the publication point, these figures provide a
exchange side of the link. In the absence of
messages complete picture of the quality of the feed as
client-side measurement, LatencyStats.com
detected as it is handed over to the client connection.
takes the next best approach: we analyze
missing (if any)
the market data traffic heading onto the
at the point
client connection to determine how fast the
where the feed
connection needs to be to prevent queuing
is delivered
latency from exceeding a specified maximum
to the client


111 8th Ave



5. The feed The results of this analysis are presented in Consuming the Feed
Bandwidth the Bandwidth section of the panel for each
figure presented feed, which shows the connection speed For clients trying to size their own internal
on LatencyStats. needed to ensure that queuing latency will market data systems, it’s helpful to know
com is the never exceed 1 millisecond. This value is what the feed activity pattern looks like at
minimum client computed under the assumption that all of short timescales. To help with this task, the
connection the feed (every multicast group) is received Volume section of the LatencyStats feed
speed needed by the client. It represents the bandwidth that panel shows the measured feed activity
to ensure that this individual feed needs to stay within the over multiple timescales ranging down to 1
queuing latency latency target; clients receiving multiple feeds millisecond. In this section of the panel, the
never exceeds a or other traffic on the same connection may peak 1-second and peak 1-millisecond rates
specified target require a higher overall connection speed to show the highest bit-rates measured at these
value. achieve the same latency. timescales during the period selected by the
user at the top of the panel. The average rate
figure shows the average bit-rate over the
whole of the selected period. By varying the
selected period you can get a picture of how
both the average rate and burstiness of the
feed are trending over time.

6. The volume
in the feed
panel provide
information on
feed activity
over multiple
ranging down to
1 millisecond.

A downstream system such as a feed New Levels of Market Data

handler or a firewall that is able to process
feed data at a sustained speed exceeding
the 1-millisecond peak rate, will add no more
LatencyStats.com represents a new and more
than 1 millisecond of latency to the data.
comprehensive level of visibility into market
This can be a useful, conservative rule of
data than users have been able to access
thumb for capacity sizing; the added latency
in the past. Market data is continuously
will often be much less than 1 millisecond,
evolving in time, and usually growing in
provided that the downstream system can
volume. Managing this changing flow of data
indeed process data continuously at this
within the tight performance requirements of
speed without interruption.
today’s traders is a challenge to all parties
involved in the production and distribution
of the feeds. We hope that LatencyStats.com
will help the industry to meet this challenge.

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