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Blog Task #5

Explore the character of Gertrudis in Chapters 9 and 10; how does she act as a foil for

Tita? How does she challenge gender norms?

Gertrudis acts like teacher and consultant for Tita. She show her whats right and

wrong, so she could faced the problems and solve it. For example, when Tita told

Gertrudis that she is pregnant with Pedro. Gertrudis told her to face the problems not to

hide it. The way that Gertrudis challenge gender norms is by controlling the whole army

which usually its would be men who would take control of whole army. Shes also show us

that being strong and fearless which she could be roles model for Tita to follows.

In Chapter 10, Tita experiences significant character development. She confronts the

ghost of Mama Elena; after doing so, how do the following events in the novel suggest

she has changed?

When Tita confronts the ghost of Mama Elena, she had power to fight for her

freedoms. She tell Mama Elenas ghost that this lives is her, not others. Mama Elena told

Tita to stop what she have been doing, and later let Tita knows that She wasnt actually

pregnant with Pedro. Right now, She could choose whoever she wanted to marry with,

John or Pedro, and also gives her freedoms back. She had changed by thinking other

people more than herself. She actually thinking of John Brown and Pedro feelings, what

will happens if she have done this or in other way.

Brainstorm the significance of the following symbols: seeds, chickens, diapers, chile, fire.

Seeds: When Tita wanted to isolated from entire world just like when seeds were still

being underground
Chickens: Bonds that hold each other together ( When Rosaura decided to confront Tita.

After that, Chicken all flight each other)

Diapers: Innocent babies without anything or anyone messing with it

Chile: Feelings of Love towards Pedro and Tita

Fire: Destructive and desire ( When Mama Elena want Tita to do this but she refused to

done it, It created a huge fire )

In Chapter 11, Rosaura and Tita finally confront one another. Summarize this

confrontation, and analyse it by explaining how their views oppose one another. Then,

respond to it by suggesting who you think the better woman is.

Rosaura confronts Tita by stating her relationship with Pedro. Rosaura said that she

have been like a laughing stocks, while she should only be the one to take care of her

injured husband not Tita. Rosaura always makes Tita feel useless, shameful. Mama Elena

also help Rosaura support her argument to Tita even when she died. Later, Tita finally

reveals her anger at Rosaura for marrying Pedro in the first place. Argument conclude by

Rosaura not giving Tita to take care of Esperanza. In my opinion, I think Tita was a

better women because she could accept when Rosaura marry Pedro, even though Pedro

is her first love. And also she could accept most of the event happened in her life without

arguing about it.

How do Pedro and John express their love differently to Tita? How does Johns actions,

especially in Chapters 11 and 12, challenge gender norms? Who is Titas better match,

and why?

Pedro is Titas first love which prevented by Mama Elena because as De la garza

rules state that the youngest daughter need to take care of her mother until the day she

died. So Tita cant marry anyone, cant love. Instead, Rosara is offered to Pedro Which
they married and have babies. But Pedro still love and sometimes find the way to meet

Tita secretly. During the middle of the Novel, theres John who likes Titas rescuer. He took

Tita aways from Mama Elena cruel attitude and instead, love her, helping her, with best

attitude. Unlike what she ever experiences before. John challenge gender norms by

giving Tita rights and freedoms. Especially in Chapter 11, 12 John gives Tita rights to

choose whether she wants to marry Pedro or him. In my opinions, I think John better

match with Tita. Because he was helping her, supporting her, always being on her side

whenever possible. He always show his love and kindness to Tita.

In the last chapter of the novel, we see Esperanza develop into an adult. What does her

development in the novel suggest about the novels main themes? View her development

through the lenses of gender, history and culture.

Most of the time, Esperanza have been taking care by Tita, so she teaches her

many things. At the last chapter, Esperanza break the tradition of no marriage by

marrying Alex because as youngest daughter of the family she need to take care of her

mother until the day she died. Tita hope that she have freedoms to do anything without

anyone command her. Just like when she wanted to marry Pedro, but she couldnt

because of De La Garza Family tradition.

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