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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Colleen Mistler Date: 4/24/17 Time: 49 minutes

School: Westfield High School Lesson: 1

Facilities: Gymnasium/Outside Field Class Size: 18-22 Grades: 11/12

Unit: Archery Generic Level: Control-Proficiency

Equipment: Video, Laptop, 5 bows, 5 targets, safety protocol worksheet

Focus of Lesson: Intro to Archery, Safety/Rules/Routines

Student Performance Objectives (SPO):

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Imitate how to properly shoot an arrow from the bow when observed by the teacher at the end of the lesson.
(S1.H1.L1) MACF 2.17

(C) Complete the safety protocols worksheet be receiving five points during the review at the end of the lesson
(S2.H1.L1) MACF 2.21

(A) Demonstrate positive behavior by listening to the safety instructions, rules, and routines throughout the entire lesson.
(S4.H5.L1) MACF 2.26

Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:

Keep the students on task throughout the entire lesson by frequently asking them questions throughout the videos and
in between videos
Identify at least ten students by their first name
Reiterate safety protocols with verbal, visual, and demonstrations
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students in the class?
- Throughout the archery unit, we will be discussing safety a lot, reviewing it every day, and using proper terminology
for commands
- Being outside requires more attention to students whereabouts, as compared to an enclosed gymnasium


Archery Trick Shots Video,

Learn Archery with Jake Kaminski

Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, (October, 1999). Massachusetts Department of Education.

SHAPE America, 2014, National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).

Rio Replay: Men's Archery Individual Gold Medal Match
5 min - The teacher will meet the students in the gymnasium and T
take attendance.
- The teacher will remind the students that they will be SSSSS
starting shooting for archery in lesson 2, and remind students to SSSSS
bring closed toe shoes for each upcoming lesson
20 min Student Expectations: the students are expected to come to class with
close toed shoes, arrive on time, T

transition: the students will arrange themselves in a small circle, in a SSSSSSSS

position to watch the videos SSSSSSSS

Activity 1: Videos
- The teacher will inform the students that they will be
watching videos about archery, one is an instructional video about
archery, one is a trick shot video, and the other is a clip from the
2016 Olympics featuring archery. The teacher will discuss with the
students after each video about something they learned or
something they found interesting
Archery Trick Shots Video

20 min Learn Archery with Jake Kaminski


Rio Replay: Men's Archery Individual Gold Medal Match


transition: the students will spread out with room to fill out the handout

Activity 2: Safety protocols T

4 min The teacher will review the safety protocols for archery with the students.

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