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Pokemon Learning League

Strategic Thinking Skills (Part 3)

Written By
Timothy Whitfield
(Episode resumes where the previous part left off.
The randomization process is still continuing on.
Suddenly, it stops and the final results are
displayed on screen. Cilans pitted against Ada,
Serenas up against a girl named Joanie, Iris is up
against Clemont, Ash is put up against a girl
named Amy, Dianas pitted up against a guy
named Lloyd, Janies opponent is a guy named
Dale and Trevors opponent is a woman named
Clemont: Well, we knew this would happen
Iris (concurring): Yep.
Axew (concurring): Ax-ew.
Ash: Man, tomorrows battles are to going to be
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Trevor: You said it, Ash, so we better put in more
training first thing tomorrow.
Ash (confirming): Oh, yeah.
Iris: Well Clemont, I hope youll be ready for
tomorrow, because I wont be holding anything
Clemont: Thats good, Iris, because neither am I.
Iris: Good.
(They both give an affirmatory handshake. Now,
we pan over to Cilan and Ada.)
Cilan: Good luck to you in the battle tomorrow,
Ada: Thanks, and you too Cilan.
(They shake each other hands.)
Lex: Come on, lets go grab some dinner.
(They leave the area and head back to the
Pokemon Center. Side wipe to minutes later,
where we theyve gone through a good amount of
their meals, with portions of spaghetti, breadsticks,
dinner rolls and sweet rolls remaining on their
Lex: Oh, that really hit the spot.
Clemont: Mmm-hmm, it sure did.
(Siara wipes off her mouth, places her napkin on
her plate and pushes it to the side.)
Siara: Guys, Quinn, Lex and I were just thinking:
how would you like us to help with your training?
Ash: Sure.
Pikachu: Pika, Pika.
Quinn: Great, because we have some ideas thatll
really assist you.
(Diana turns over to Trevor.)
Diana: So, Trevor, tell us about another one of your
Trevor: All right. Well, one day, Janie and I decided
to go the outskirts of Laverre City to work on our
Pokmons strongest moves.
Ada: That must have been a lot of fun.
Trevor: Oh, you bet it was. Then, a few hours later,
we suddenly felt a strange presence of something
powerful coming through the area. We looked up
in the sky and saw this huge flying Pokemon going
across the area, and it wasnt until later we found
out that the Pokemon was Ho-oh.
Ash: Thats cool!
Pikachu: Pika!
Janie: Yeah. It was the most incredible sight wed
ever seen.
Ash: You know, I saw it once when I first started off
on my journey.
Trevor: Really? Thats neat.
Ash: Yep, though I didnt find out what it was until I
went to Johto.
Trevor & Janie (comprehending): Ahh.
(Now, they start eating their respective desserts.
Fade in to the next morning, where the gang exit
out of the Center. Clemont reassembles the
training course and installs new programs for it
while the others do warm-ups. Now, we cross-fade
to moments later, where they begin their training.
We look over to Siara and Quinn doing a
meditation session with Ash, Iris and Trevor.)
Siara: All right, guys, lets get your bodies in a
relaxed state.
Ash, Iris & Trevor: Okay.
Siara: Good. Now, watch carefully and do as we
(She and Quinn first stand with their feet parallel &
hip distance apart, gaze straight forward with their
heads aligned, float their hands up, take a couple
of deep breaths in and holds the poses.)
Ash: Ahh, got you.
(They both take a deep breath and they do the
same moves Siara & Quinn did.)
Trevor: Ooh, I think Ive strained a muscle.
Siara: Dont worry. Youll get used to it after a
(Now, we pan left over to see Ada sparring off
against Lex. Ada has her Malamar out and Lex has
a Ninetales.)
Ada: Malamar, Psywave!
(It fires a beam of multicolored energy from
between its tentacle at Ninetales.)
Lex: Dodge it and use Energy Ball!
(Ninetales swiftly leaps up and evades the attack.
Now, it opens its mouth and fires an orb of light
green from it at Malamar, dealing damage to it.)
Lex: Now, use Flame Charge!
(Its body gets surrounded in red flames and
charges towards Malamar, dealing more damage to
Ada: Counter with Superpower!
(Malamars body becomes surrounded in a light
blue aura. Then, it grabs Ninetales and throws it to
the ground, dealing great damage to it.)
Ada: Now, Foul Play!
(It grabs Ninetales again, turns it around and
throws it to the ground, doing more damage to it.)
Lex: Ninetales, Flamethrower!
(Ninetales raises all its tails up & the tips glow red-
orange. Then, it opens its mouth and fires a
stream of red and orange flames at Malamar,
dealing damage to it.)
Ada: That was a nice move there, Lex.
Lex: Thanks, Ada.
(We pan right to see Serena sparring off against
Diana. Serena uses her Braixen and Diana has her
Diana: Crobat, Air Slash!
(Crobats wings glow light blue and starts flapping
them, firing light blue disc-like energy blades from
them at Braixen.)
Serena: Counter with Flamethrower!
Braixen: Brai-xen.
(She points her wand stick a red-orange flame
forms at the tip. Now, she fires a red-orange
stream of fire from it at Crobats attack. The two
attacks collide and cancel each other out.)
Serena: Now, use Scratch!
(Braixens claws glow white and she slashes Crobat
with them, doing damage to it.)
Diana: Crobat, Poison Fang!
(Its fangs glow purple and it bites down on Braixen,
doing damage to it.)
Serena: Braixen, Hidden Power!
(She forms a light blue ball of energy in front of her
hands and fires it at Crobat.)
Diana: Dodge it and use Fly!
(Crobat flaps its wings and flies up high into the air,
swiftly evading Braixens attack in the process.
Now, it dives down at Braixen, doing damage to
Serena: Flamethrower!
(She points her wand stick at Crobat red-orange
flame forms at the tip. Now, she fires a red-orange
stream of fire from it at Crobat, dealing a good
amount of damage.)
Diana (complementing): Nice move, Serena.
Serena: Thanks, Diana.
Diana: Now, Crobat Air Slash!
(Crobats wings glow light blue and starts flapping
them, firing light blue disc-like energy blades from
them at Braixen, doing damage to her. Now, we
pan right over to Janie, Cilan and Clemont doing
the training course. The right side has the heavy
bags, treadmill and robotic hands, the left side has
the attack energy absorbers and reflectors and the
center has a combination of both. Cilan has his
Pansage out, Clemont has Chespin and Janie is
with her Gallade.)
Janie: Gallade, use Psycho Cut!
(Gallade swings his arms rapidly and multiple light
blue blades emerge from them and fires them at
the target, but one of the attack reflectors
intercepts it and sends it back at him.)
Janie: Dodge it, now!
(Gallade swiftly jumps up and evades the attack.)
Janie: Now, Magical Leaf!
(Gallade raises his arms up and multiple light
green glowing leaves appear all around him. Now,
he fires them at the target, which bypasses the
reflectors and hits the bullseye in rapid
Janie: Yeah, way to go!
(Now, we look over to Cilan and Pansage, where
the latter is running on the treadmill.)
Cilan: Pansage, Bullet Seed!
(Pansage jumps up, opens his mouth and fires
multiple golden seeds surrounded in a light green
aura from it at the target, directly hitting the
Cilan: Good job! Now, do Vine Whip!
(Two dark green vines emerge from his back and
goes for the target, but the robotic arms block it
Cilan: Dont worry, Pansage. Try again.
(Two dark green vines emerge from his back and
goes for the target, and the arms get into a
defensive position, but the vines circle around
them and hit the bullseye.)
Cilan: Excellent job, Pansage.
(Now, we look over to Clemont and Chespin.)
Clemont: Okay Chespin, Tackle attack!
(It charges at a heavy bag and tackles it.)
Clemont: Good. Now, do Pin Missile!
(The spikes on its head stiffen and glow white.
Then, it fires white orbs trailing green streams of
light at the target, hitting the bullseye directly.)
Clemont: Nice job there, Chespin. Youre really
getting it.
Chespin: Chespin.
(They continue on with their training. Now change
setups two more times. Left side wipe to hours
later, where everyones back inside the Pokemon
Center, resting up.)
Diana: Serena, I have to say, your skills have really
been improving.
Serena: Thanks, Diana. Oh, I almost forgot.
(She goes into her backpack, gets out a box of
Pokepuffs and takes two out.)
Serena: Axew, Pikachu. I have something for you.
Pikachu: Pika.
Axew: Axew.
(She gives one each to Pikachu and Axew. They
both take a bite.)
Pikachu (satisfied): Chu.
Axew (satisfied): Axew.
Serena: Glad to see you like them.
(Pan left over to Siara & Janie chatting.)
Janie: So, Siara, how exactly do you conceive your
ideas for inventions?
Siara: Well, what I try to go for is something
challenging and figuring out answers to the
problems as I go along.
Janie: Ahh, thats interesting.
Siara: Yep.
(Pan left over to Trevor talking with Ada.)
Trevor: Really? You came up with the design for
your HQ?
Ada: Thats right. What I was going for was a place
where everyone could have free reign & encourage
(She gets out the Pokepilot, powers it up, flips
through it and comes to the original blueprints for
the HQ.)
Trevor: Oh, thats cool.
(Pan left to Cilan & Lex talking.)
Cilan: So, Lex, how are have been doing with your
Lex: Well, Ive already gotten the skeletal
structures done for three of them. Then, from
there, Ill make their skins, feathers and furs.
Cilan: I see.
(Pan left over to Clemont, Iris and Ash, who are
massaging their sides & legs.)
Iris (groaning): Ooh, those exercises were pretty
Ash: Yeah, you said it. But itll all be worth it.
Clemont: Oh, hang on, guys. I have something
thatll speed up the healing.
(He goes into his pocket and gets out a few warm
patches. Ash and Iris each take one and place
them on their respective sore spots.)
Iris (relived): Ahh. How long do we need to wear
Clemont: Not too long. About fifteen minutes.
Ash: All right, then.
(Cilan turns over to Quinn.)
Cilan: Those were some impressive moves your
Pokemon knew, Quinn.
Quinn: Why, thank you Cilan. Took a lot of training
to get them just right.
Cilan: I could imagine that.
Quinn: Yep. Hey, since youre all going to plan out
your strategies later on, and I know that youre
already good with doing that, but how would you
like to take those skills a step further?
Janie: Okay, sure. What kind of tips do you have?
Quinn: Ill show you.
(He gets the Pokepilot out, turns it on and pulls up
a file about building ones strategic skills.)
Quinn: This first tip is one you should be familiar
with: being able to use both the logical and
creative sides of your brain. It takes quite a bit of
practice and confidence, but its also incredibly
Janie: Ahh, thats a good one. Whats next?
Quinn: Another good one to build upon is being
able to integrate flexibility into your plans by
creating benchmarks to help evaluate your
progress, as well as using them as a guide and
recognize an opportunity to revise them if needed.
Cilan: Okay, thats a helpful one. Now what?
Quinn: Heres another one youre accustomed to:
being non-judgmental and not allowing yourself to
be held back or restricted by the judgment of your
own thinking when certain ideas are being
developed or shared.
Iris: All right, thats another good one.
Quinn: Oh, but thats not all. Try to balance having
tremendous creativity with a sense of realism &
honesty about what can be achieved in the long
Trevor: Well try to keep that in mind. Is there
anything else?
Quinn: Yep. The last one is have a good amount of
patience and try not to rush to conclusions and
judgements. Give certain ideas and thought time
to develop.
Serena: Well, those are some good tips there,
Quinn: Indeed, they are. So, you guys up for some
Trevor: Sure thing.
(Pan up to an upper panel, displaying three
scenarios involving trainer doing some strategic
Quinn: All right, you guys ready to go?
Clemont: Yeah, we are.
Quinn: Great. First off, this trainer, Barack, is
strategizing a plan for an upcoming battle with one
member of the Unova Elite Four. What do you
think he can do here?
Ash: Be creative and logical with it.
Quinn: All right, Ash. Now, this coordinator, Arlene,
is trying to formulate a performance for an
upcoming contest. What do you think she can do
Janie: Have patience, not jump to conclusions and
give it some time to develop.
Quinn: Okay, then Janie. Now, this other
coordinator, Dexter, is working out a performance
his Pokemon can do for a contest. What do you
think he could do?
Serena: Create benchmarks and evaluate their
Quinn: Very well, Serena. You guys did pretty good
Iris: Thank you, Quinn.
Axew: Axew.
Quinn: No problem, guys.
(He switches the Pokepilot off and puts it back in
his pocket. Now, a brief montage goes on where
everyone ponders about certain parts of their
respective strategies.)
Clemont (thinking to himself): Perhaps I could
have Chespin combine this attack with that one.
Yeah, thatll work fine.
Iris (thinking to herself): All right, Ill start off with
Excadrill here and then Emolga in the next.
Ash (thinking to himself): I know. I could have
them try attacking from different angles.
Serena (thinking to herself): Ill have Braixen
master her new attack and then perfect some
combinations with her and the others.
Cilan (thinking to himself): The timing on some of
my Pokmons attacks could be better, so Ill work
on that.
(They each continue pondering. Montage
concludes to moments later, where the gang is
making final preparations.)
Ada: So, you guys to head back out?
All: Yeah.
Ada: Great. Now, before we do so, lets do another
round of trivia.
Serena: Okay, but lets see of the viewers are up
for it before we get going.
Ash: Okay. (He turns over to the audience.) Hey,
you guys want to do it? (He casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one second.) All
right, then.
Pikachu: Pika.
(Cross-wipe to the two remaining scenarios.)
Iris (V.O.): All right, lets do it. Here, Lou is
preparing for an upcoming Pokemon tournament.
What do you think he should do here? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for
one and a half seconds.) Not let himself get held
back and by his own judgement. Sure, why not.
Cilan (V.O.): Lastly, this guy, Walt, is working out
certain attack tactics for an upcoming battle. What
do you think she can do here? (He casually waits
for an answer from the audience for one and a half
seconds.) Be really honest & creative with it, but
still have it be realistic. Very well, then.
(Fade in back to the gang and Clemont casually
speaks to the audience.)
Clemont (casually): Great job there, guys. (He
turns back over to the others.) Well, guys, lets get
to it.
(They all nod their heads, get up from their seats
and step back outside. They set up bullseyes and
special training mannequins. Dissolve to moments
later, where theyre in the midst of their training.
Pan over to Ash & Iris, who is working out some
attack with their respective Pokemon and separate
training mannequins.)
Ash: Okay, Donphan, use Hidden Power!
Donphan: Donphan!
(Its body & eyes glow green and it forms several
green orbs of energy, then it fires them at the
bullseye, with each one directly hitting from a
different direction.)
Ash: That was great, Donphan!
Donphan: Don-phan!
(Now, we look over to Iris.)
Iris: Emolga, Discharge!
Emolga: Emolga!
(Her body gets surrounded in yellow sparks of
electricity and fires multiple bolts from her body at
the mannequin.)
Iris: Great job, Emolga!
Emolga: Emolga!
(We look back over to Ash.)
Ash: All right. Quilava, Aerial Ace, lets go!
(It ignites the flames on its head & back and jumps
into the air. Then, its body gets surrounded in
white streaks, flies through the air, makes a sharp
turn and slams directly into the mannequin.)
Ash: All right! That was awesome!
(Quilava nods its head in agreement. Now, Iris,
Axew and Emolga comes over to them.)
Iris: Hey, Ash. That was a really good Aerial Ace
attack there.
Ash: Thanks. Been working hard on it.
Iris: Thats great.
Ash: Yep. So, hows your training going?
Iris: Oh, its going great.
Ash: Thats nice.
Iris: Mmm-hmm.
(Iris ponders for a minute, then gets an idea.)
Iris: Hey, how about you have Quilava do the
attack like this?
(She raises her hand & arm high up, then dives it
down at a fast speed.)
Ash: Hmm, yeah, I could do that. Now, heres one
for you: try to train Axew to control where his
Dragon Breath will go.
Iris: Hmm. You know, thats not a bad idea. Well
go do that right now. Thanks.
Ash: All right, good luck with it.
Iris: Thanks, Ash. You too.
(She goes back over to her spot and they both
resume with their training.)
Ash: All right, Quilava. Aerial Ace!
(Quilava ignites the flames on its head & back and
jumps up high. Then, its body gets surrounded in
white streaks, dives down and slams into the
Ash: Thats good. Now, do it a bit higher.
(Quilava nods its head. Now, we pan over to Iris
training with Axew.)
Iris: Axew, Dragon Breath!
Axew: Axxx-ew!
(He opens his mouth and fires a beam of black &
blue energy into the air, which then forms into the
shape of a black & blue dragon. Axew shifts his
body to the right and the beam changes direction
and it hits the mannequin.)
Iris: Thats all right, Axew. Youre getting the idea.
Just keep trying.
Axew (determined): Ax-ew.
(We look over to Serena practicing with Braixen.)
Serena: Braixen, Heat Wave!
Braixen: Brai-xen!
(She points her wand stick at the mannequin and a
red-orange flame appears at the tip and grows
bigger. Now, she fires a red-orange stream of fire
from it into the sky.)
Serena: Oh, dont worry. You almost had it that
Braixen: Brai-xen.
(Just then, Siara comes over to her.)
Siara: Hows it going, Serena?
Serena: Not so good, Siara. Braixens having
trouble getting Heat Wave to work like it did before
in our battle.
Siara: Ahh, I see. Well, if I may suggest, how about
having her channel all her intensity into the attack?
Serena: Okay, lets try it. Okay, Braixen, try it
(Braixen holds her wand stick and then
concentrates & channels her energy. Now, a white
flame appears at the tip of the stick and grows
bigger and turns white. Then, it fires a round
orange flame from the tip at the mannequin.)
Serena: Yes, thats it! Thanks, Siara.
Siara: No problem.
(Pan right and see Clemont, Ada and Diana
practicing attack combinations.)
Clemont: All right, Bunnelby use Dig, then go into
Mud Shot!
(Bunnelby jumps into the air and drill a hole into
the ground with its ears. Then, it pops up from the
ground and creates a golden sphere in between its
ears, which then splits into several balls of mud
and fired at the target, hitting it.)
Clemont: That was good, but try doing it a little
(Bunnelby turns over and a determinedly nods its
head. Now, we look over to Diana & her Crobat.)
Diana: Crobat, use Fly, then Air Slash!
(It flaps its wings and goes into the air. Then, it
dives down while flapping its wings, which glow
light blue and fires multiple light blue saw-like disc
blades at the mannequin.)
Diana: Excellent job, Crobat.
(Pan over to Ada training with Lopunny.)
Ada: Lopunny, Sky Uppercut and Double Kick!
(One of Lopunnys fists glow light blue and it
uppercuts the mannequin. Then, it jumps up, spins
around and kicks the mannequin twice.)
Ada: Great job, Lopunny.
(We look over to Cilan, Janie and Trevor perfecting
the timing of their Pokemons attacks. Trevor has
his Clefable out and Janie has Seismitoad.)
Janie: Seismitoad, Mud Bomb!
(It opens its mouth and fires a ball of brown mud at
Trevor: Okay, Clefable hold your position!
(Clefable stands his ground holds his hands out
and he catches the Mud Bomb.)
Trevor: Now, deflect it right back!
(He fires the Mud Bomb back Seismitoad, dealing
damage to it.)
Janie: Oh, good move, Trevor.
Trevor: Thanks, Janie. Now, Clefable Fire Punch!
Clefable: Cleeee-
(He balls up his fist and it gets enveloped in a red-
orange flame.)
Clefable: -fable!
(He throws it at Seismitoad.)
Janie: Dodge it, now!
(It jumps into the air and narrowly evades the
Janie: Now, Seismitoad Focus Blast!
(It puts its hands together, forms a light blue ball of
energy in between them and fires it at Clefable,
doing some damage to it. Now, we look over to
Cilan sparring off in a double battle with Quinn and
Lex. Cilan has his Crustle & Luxio, Quinn has
Ninetales and Lex has a Kabutops.)
Quinn: Ninetales, use Flame Charge!
Lex: Kabutops, Night Slash!
(Its body gets surrounded in red flames and
charges towards Luxio. Kabutops scythes glow
dark blue dark purple and slashes them at Crustle.)
Cilan: Dodge them, now!
(They both move out of the way of the attacks.)
Cilan: Luxio, Charge Beam! Crustle, Shell Smash!
Luxio: Lux!
(Its body sparks with yellow electricity and fires a
yellow electrical beam from its mouth at Kabutops,
doing damage to it. Crustle jumps out of its shell
and its body glows white. Then, crimson cracks
form around its body and the white energy breaks
off like pieces of a shell. Crustles body glows
crimson red.)
Cilan: Now, Rock Wrecker!
(Crustle puts its claw together in front of itself and
a small grey stone forms in between them. Crustle
then raises the stone up and it grows until its as
big as itself. The white pieces fuse with it and
Crustle fires it at Ninetales, hitting it and dealing a
good amount of damage.)
Lex: Use Aqua Jet!
Quinn: Ninetales, use Flamethrower!
(Kabutops becomes surrounded in a veil of water
and shoots itself at Luxio, doing damage. Now,
Ninetales raises all its tails up & the tips glow red-
orange. Then, it opens its mouth and fires a
stream of red and orange flames at Crustle,
dealing damage to it.)
Cilan: Use X-Scissor and Double Kick!
(Crustle jumps into the air and both claws glow
light blue, then puts them together and a light blue
X appears in front of them and falls towards
Kabutops, dealing damage to it. Luxios feet glow
white, jumps up into the air and falls down, hind
feet first, at Ninetales and kicks it with both of
them, doing damage. Now, we go into an aerial
shot over the area, with everyone doing various
aspects of training. Dissolve over to the main
stadium, wherein the third-round battles are about
to commence. The entire stadium is filled with
tens of thousands of spectators.)
Jenny: Welcome everyone to the final day of this
years Trainers Club Tournament. I have a feeling
things are really going to heat up today.
Don George: You know it, Jenny. If the battles from
yesterday have shown anything, todays ones are
going to be bigger than before.
Jenny: Thats right, so lets get underway with the
first battle.
(Pan down to the battle field, where the first
battles about to commence. Ash is up against
Amy. She has brunette hair, blue eyes and is
wearing a yellow t-shirt, long shorts with a skirt
over them and flats.)
Referee: This matchup between Ash Ketchum and
Amy will now begin!
(He raises both flags up.)
Ash: Quilava, lets go!
(He tosses the Pokeball up and Quilava comes out
of it.)
Amy: Beheeyem, I choose you!
(She throws the Pokeball and Beheeyam emerges
out of it.)
Ash: Quilava, Flame Wheel, lets go!
(It jumps up, spins around in the air and its body
gets engulfed in flames. Then, it rolls towards
Beheeyem, dealing damage to it.)
Amy: Use Psybeam!
(Beheeyem fires a magenta beam of energy with
multicolored particles from its hand at Quilava,
hitting its weak spot and does a great amount
damage to it.)
Amy: Now, Energy Ball!
(Beheeyem puts its hands together and a light
green orb of energy form in between them. Now, it
fires the orb at Quilava.)
Ash: Dodge it and use Swift!
(It leaps up and evades the attack. Now, it opens
its mouth and fires yellow stars at Beheeyem,
doing damage to it.)
Ash: Now, Quilava, Flamethrower!
(It fires up the flames on its head & back and fires
a spiraling red-orange stream of fire from its
mouth at Beheeyem.)
Amy: Counter with Charge Beam!
(An orb of light blue electricity appears in between
Beheeyems hands and fires a beam of light blue
electricity from it at the Flamethrower, colliding
with it and cancels it out.)
Amy: Psyshock, now!
(Beheeyem raises its arms up, three masses of
light blue and purple energy form in front of its
body and it fires them at Quilava, doing damage to
it with each hit.)
Ash: Use Aerial Ace!
(It ignites the flames on its head & back and jumps
up high. Then, its body gets surrounded in white
streaks, dives down and slams into Beheeyem,
doing damage to it.)
Ash: Great job. Now, Swift attack!
(It opens its mouth and fires yellow stars at
Beheeyem, doing damage to it.)
Amy: Those are some nice moves there
Ash: Thanks. Same with you.
Amy: Now, Beheeyem Psyshock again!
(Beheeyem raises its arms up, three masses of
light blue and purple energy form in front of its
body and it fires them at Quilava.)
Ash: Dodge them!
(It swiftly zig-zags around the masses as they hit
the ground.)
Ash: Quilava, use Flame Wheel now!
(Quilava jumps up, spins around in the air and its
body gets engulfed in flames. Then, it rolls
towards Beheeyem, dealing damage to it.)
Amy: Beheeyem, Energy Ball!
(Beheeyem puts its hands together and a light
green orb of energy form in between them. Now, it
fires the orb at Quilava, dealing some damage.)
Ash: Quilava, use Eruption now!
(Quilava lowers its head and fires a geyser of red-
orange fire from the flame on its head at
Beheeyem, doing a good amount of damage to it.)
Amy: Dont think were taking it like that!
Beheeyem, Dark Pulse!
(Beheeyem forms a dark purple orb of energy in its
hands. Now, it fires a beam of dark purple circles
from it Quilava, dealing a considerable amount of
Amy: Now, use Charge Beam!
(An orb of light blue electricity appears in between
Beheeyems hands and fires a beam of light blue
electricity from it at Quilava, doing damage to it.)
Ash: Quilava, use Flame Wheel!
(Quilava jumps up, spins around in the air and its
body gets engulfed in flames. Then, it rolls
towards Beheeyem.)
Amy: Dodge it and use Psybeam!
(It floats up and narrowly evades the attack. Now,
it fires a magenta beam of energy with
multicolored particles from its hand at Quilava,
doing damage to it.)
Ash: Quilava, Flamethrower!
(It fires up the flames on its head & back and fires
a spiraling red-orange stream of fire from its
mouth at Beheeyem, landing a direct hit and deals
a great amount of damage. Beheeyem descends
to the ground and passes out.)
Referee: Beheeyems unable to battle! Quilava
Amy: Come on back, Beheeyem. Youve earned it.
(She calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, she takes
another one off her belt.)
Amy: Camerupt, come on out!
(She throws it and Camerupt appears out of it.)
Camerupt: Camerupt.
Amy: Camerupt, use Earth Power!
(Its body glows gold, rears up on its hind legs and
slams its front legs into the ground, creating
glowing gold cracks that go toward Quilava, hitting
it and dealing a good amount of damage.)
Ash: Quilava, use Aerial Ace!
(It ignites the flames on its head & back and jumps
up high. Then, its body gets surrounded in white
streaks, dives down and slams into Beheeyem,
doing damage to it.)
Ash: Now, use Flamethrower!
(It fires up the flames on its head & back and fires
a spiraling red-orange stream of fire from its
mouth at Camerupt.)
Amy: Counter with Solar Beam!
(Camerupt glows a faint yellow. Now, numerous
balls appear and float around it as a larger ball
forms inside its mouth and it fires a beam of
energy at the Flamethrower, colliding with and
neutralizes it. Ash ponders for a brief moment,
then gets an idea.)
Ash: Quilava, return.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, he takes
another off his belt.)
Ash: Oshawatt, go!
(He throws it and Oshawatt emerges from it.)
Oshawatt: Oshawatt.
Amy: Use Lava Plume!
(It blows steam out of its nose, creates an eruption
from the two humps on its back and launches a
massive blast of fire & smoke from them at
Oshawatt in the form of a giant wave.)
Ash: Dodge it!
(He jumps up in the air and narrowly avoids the
Ash: Oshawatt, Tackle Attack!
Oshawatt: Oshawatt!
(He charges at Camerupt and tackles it, doing
Ash: Now, do Aqua Jet!
(Oshawatts body gets surrounded in spiraling
water and shoots himself like a rocket at
Camerupt, doing even more damage to it.)
Amy: Camerupt, use Rock Slide!
Camerupt: Came-rupt!
(Its body glow white and multiple white rings of
energy above & around it. Then, several large
grey boulders come out of the ripples and fall
down over Oshawatt, doing a good amount of
damage to him.)
Amy: Good! Now use Solar Beam!
(Camerupt glows a faint yellow. Now, numerous
balls appear and float around it as a larger ball
forms inside its mouth and it fires a beam of
energy at Oshawatt.)
Ash: Oshawatt, dodge it and Water Gun!
(He jumps up and swiftly evades the attack. Now,
Oshawatt fires a stream of water from his mouth at
Camerupt, doing a great amount of damage.)
Amy: Camerupt, use Earth Power!
(Its body glows gold, rears up on its hind legs and
slams its front legs into the ground, creating
glowing gold cracks that go toward Oshawatt,
hitting him and dealing damage.)
Ash: Razor Shell!
Oshawatt: Osha!
(He grabs the scalchop on his stomach and it
begins to brightly glow. Then, a light blue aura
appears around it and Oshawatt swings it once,
and the aura transforms into an energy blade.
Now, he slashes Camerupt with it.)
Amy: Camerupt, its time for Overheat!
Camerupt: (bellows.)
(Its body glows red and fire then surrounds its
body. Now, it unleashes a big stream of fire from
its humps at Oshawatt.)
Ash: Oshawatt, counter with Hydro Pump!
(He fires a powerful blast of water from his mouth
at Camerupts attack, colliding with it and
cancelling it out.)
Amy: Ooh, now thats a good move.
Ash: Thanks. Now Oshawatt, Water Gun, lets go!
Oshawatt: Osha-watt!
(He fires a stream of water from his mouth at
Amy: Quick, dodge it!
(It gallops out of the way of the attack.)
Amy: Good. Use Rock Slide, now!
Camerupt: Came-rupt!
(Its body glow white and multiple white rings of
energy above & around it. Then, several large
grey boulders come out of the ripples and fall
down over Oshawatt, doing a good amount of
damage to him.)
Ash: Use Razor Shell!
Oshawatt: Osha!
(He grabs the scalchop on his stomach and it
begins to brightly glow. Then, a light blue aura
appears around it and Oshawatt swings it once,
and the aura transforms into an energy blade.
Now, he slashes Camerupt with it.)
Amy: Camerupt, Lava Plume!
(It blows steam out of its nose, creates an eruption
from the two humps on its back and launches a
massive blast of fire & smoke from them at
Oshawatt in the form of a giant wave, hitting him
and doing some damage.)
Amy: Now, use Earth Power!
(Its body glows gold, rears up on its hind legs and
slams its front legs into the ground, creating
glowing gold cracks that go toward Oshawatt,
hitting him and dealing more damage.)
Ash: Oshawatt, Tackle attack!
Oshawatt: Oshawatt!
(He charges at Camerupt and tackles it, doing
Amy: Solar Beam!
(Camerupt glows a faint yellow. Now, numerous
balls appear and float around it as a larger ball
forms inside its mouth and it fires a beam of
energy at Oshawatt, landing a direct hit and
dealing a great amount of damage to him.)
Ash: Oshawatt, are you all right?
(He turns over to him and nods his head.)
Ash: Oshawatt, Hydro Pump!
(His body glows blue, moves his around in a
counterclockwise motion and a ball of water forms
in between them. The ball then flattens and turns
into a circle. Now, a powerful jet of water fires
from the circle at Camerupt, delivering a heavy
amount of damage. Camerupt struggles to remain
standing, but it collapses to the ground and passes
Referee: Camerupts unable to continue!
Oshawatts the winner!
Ash: Way to go!
Oshawatt: Osha-watt!
(Amy calls Camerupt back to its Pokeball.)
Amy: You were awesome out there, Camerupt.
Take a nice rest. (She puts the ball back on her
belt and takes another one off.) Lets go,
(She throws it and Yanmega comes out of it.)
Ash: Oshawatt, use Aqua Jet!
(Oshawatts body gets surrounded in spiraling
water and shoots himself like a rocket at
Amy: Dodge it and use Slash!
(Yanmegas wings glow white, flaps them and fires
white crescent-shaped blades at Oshawatt, doing
damage to him.)
Amy: Yanmega, Shadow Ball!
(It forms a ball of black and purple energy with
black static around it in front of its mouth and fires
it at Oshawatt, dealing more damage to him.)
Ash: Use Water Gun!
Oshawatt: Osha-watt!
(He fires a stream of water from his mouth at
Yanmega, doing damage to it.)
Ash: Now, Oshawatt, Tackle!
Oshawatt: Oshawatt!
(He charges at Camerupt and tackles it, doing
more damage.)
Amy: Leech Life!
(Yanmega bites down Oshawatt and drains some of
his energy.)
Ash: Oshawatt, return!
(He recalls Oshawatt back to his Pokeball. He puts
it back on his belt and gets another one off it.)
Ash: Glalie, go!
(He tosses it and Glalie emerges.)
Glalie: Glalie.
Ash: Glalie, Headbutt!
(It slams its head into Yanmega, doing damage to
Amy: Counter with Bug Buzz!
(Yanmega flaps its and emanates red sound waves
from them at Glalie, doing damage to it.)
Amy: Great. Now, Shadow Ball!
(It forms a ball of black and purple energy with
black static around it in front of its mouth and fires
it at Glalie.)
Ash: Dodge it!
(Glalie floats up and evades the attack.)
Ash: Now, Icy Wind, lets go!
(It blows sparkling blue snow out of its mouth,
dealing a good amount of damage to Yanmega.)
Amy: Use Ancient Power!
(Yanmegas body glows white and creates a silver
energy ball in front of its nose. Now, it fires it at
Glalie, doing damage to it.)
Ash: Glalie, Ice Beam!
(It opens its mouth, forms an orb of light blue
energy in front of it and fires light blue beams of
energy at Yanmega.)
Amy: Dodge and use Leech Life!
(Yanmega bites down on Glalie and drains some of
its energy.)
Ash: Glalie, use Frost Breath!
(Glalie blows out snow from its mouth and a wind
with sparkling blue powder at Yanmega, dealing
Ash: Good. Now, use Headbutt!
(It lowers its head and charges towards Yanmega.)
Amy: Counter with Slash!
(Its wings glow white, flaps them and fires white
crescent-shaped blades at Glalie, landing a direct
hit and doing a good amount of damage.)
Amy: Next, use Bug Buzz!
(Yanmega flaps its and emanates red sound waves
from them at Glalie.)
Ash: Dodge it!
(It hovers up and evades the attack.)
Ash: All right, use Ice Beam!
Glalie: Gla-lie!
(It charges a light blue ball in between the horns
on its head and fires light blue beams from it at
Yanmega, doing great damage to it.)
Ash: Now, use Freeze-Dry!
(A light blue ball forms above Glalies head with
two beams of light blue energy each connecting to
the horns on its head. Now, a beam of light blue,
white and purple aura is shot from the ball at
Yanmega, doing an even greater amount of
Amy: Wow, thats impressive. Okay, Yanmega,
Shadow Ball!
(It forms a ball of black and purple energy with
black static around it in front of its mouth and fires
it at Glalie, doing damage to it.)
Amy: Good job, Yanmega. Now do Ancient Power!
(Its body glows white and creates a silver energy
ball in front of its nose. Now, it fires it at Glalie,
doing more damage to it.)
Ash: Glalie, fight back with Headbutt!
(It slams its head into Yanmega, doing damage to
Ash: All right. Now, Ice Beam!
Glalie: Gla-lie!
(It charges a light blue ball in between the horns
on its head and fires light blue beams from it at
Amy: Counter with Slash!
(Its wings glow white, flaps them and fires white
crescent-shaped blades. It collides with the Ice
Beams and cancels it out.)
Amy: Now, use Leech Life!
(It bites down on Glalie and drains some of its
Ash: Okay, Glalie, finish it up with Freeze-Dry!
(A light blue ball forms above Glalies head with
two beams of light blue energy each connecting to
the horns on its head. Now, a beam of light blue,
white and purple aura is shot from the ball at
Yanmega, doing a great amount of damage.
Yanmega descends to the ground and passes out.)
Referee: Yanmegas out of the battle! Glalie wins,
and the victory goes to Ash Ketchum!
Ash: All right!
(Ash walks over to Amy.)
Ash (sincerely): Hey, Amy. Your Pokemon were
really awesome out there.
Amy: Well, thank you Ash. So were yours.
(They shake each others hands. Now, we see
three shots of Serenas battle against Joanie, with
Pancham pitted against a Pansear, Sylveons up
against a Zangoose and Braixen fights off against
a Rotom. Cross-fade to the next matchup with
Diana and Lloyd. Lloyd has dark blue hair, hazel
eyes, and wears a green shirt, cargo shorts and
Referee: This matchup of Diana and Lloyd will now
Lloyd: Go, Honchkrow!
(He throws it and Honchkrow emerges out of it.)
Diana: Its time, Barbaracle!
(She tosses it up and Barbaracle appears out of it.)
Lloyd: Honchkrow, start this off with Night Slash!
(Honchkrows talons glow dark purple and slashes
Barbaracle with them, doing damage to it.)
Diana: Barbaracle, Water Pulse!
(It creates a blue sphere of energy in between its
hands and fires it at Honchkrow, dealing damage.)
Lloyd: All right, use Drill Peck!
(Its beak glows white and it spins like a drill as it
dives down at Barbaracle, hitting it with its beak
and dealing some damage to it.)
Diana: Dodge it and use Dual Chop!
(Barbaracle leaps up and swiftly evades the attack.
Now, its claws glow green and simultaneously
strikes Honchkrow with them, doing damage to it.)
Diana: Good. Now, Cross Chop!
(Its arms glow white, then crosses them and forms
an X. Now, it hits Honchkrow with them, doing
Lloyd: Honchkrow, Thunder Wave!
(Honchkrows beak glows yellow and releases rings
of yellow electricity from its beak at Barbaracle,
paralyzing it.)
Lloyd: Good. Now, use Steel Wing!
(Honchkrows wings glow white and hits Barbaracle
with them, doing damage to it.)
Diana: Hang on, Barbaracle! Fight back with Razor
(The claws on both its hands start to glow yellow.
Then, a light blue aura appears and hardens
around them, forming into two curved blades of
energy and slashes Honchkrow with them, dealing
Lloyd: Use Night Slash!
(Honchkrows talons glow dark purple and slashes
Barbaracle with them, doing damage to it)
Diana: Barbaracle, Water Pulse!
(It creates a blue sphere of energy in between its
hands and fires it at Honchkrow, doing a
considerable amount of damage. Now, Barbaracle
concentrates and dispels all the electricity out of
Lloyd: Honchkrow, use Snarl, now!
(Honchkrow crosses its wings and slashes them
forward. A purple ball of energy is fired from in
front of its body and enlarges until it turns into a
hemisphere and charges towards Barbaracle,
hitting it and creates an explosion on impact, doing
a good amount of damage to it.)
Don George: Oh, now thats an impressive move.
Jenny: Indeed.
Diana: My, that was quite strong there.
Lloyd: Why, thank you.
Diana: Now, Barbaracle, Skull Bash!
(A white aura briefly flashes from Barbaracles
body and it charges towards Honchkrow and slams
its head into it, dealing a good amount of damage.)
Lloyd: Ooh, good one. Honchkrow, Steel Wing!
(Honchkrows wings glow white and goes towards
Diana: Counter with Cross Chop!
(Its arms glow white, then crosses them and forms
an X. It blocks off the Steel Wing and pushes
Honchkrow back.)
Lloyd: Drill Peck!
(Its beak glows white and it spins like a drill as it
dives down at Barbaracle, hitting it with its beak
and dealing some damage to it.)
Diana: Use Razor Shell!
(The claws on both its hands start to glow yellow.
Then, a light blue aura appears and hardens
around them, forming into two curved blades of
energy and slashes out at Honchkrow.)
Lloyd: Dodge it and use Snarl!
(Honchkrow crosses its wings and slashes them
forward. A purple ball of energy is fired from in
front of its body and grows in size until it turns into
a hemisphere and charges towards Barbaracle,
hitting it and creates an explosion on impact, doing
a good amount of damage to it. Barbaracle falls to
the ground and passes out.)
Referee: Barbaracles unable to battle! Honchkrow
Lloyd: You did great there, Honchkrow.
Diana: You battled well out there, Barbaracle.
(Diana calls Barbaracle back to its Pokeball. She
puts it back in her belt pouch and gets another one
Diana: Lets go, Crobat!
(She tosses it up and Crobat emerges from it.)
Lloyd: Honchkrow, Steel Wing!
(Honchkrows wings glow white and goes towards
Diana: Dodge and use Air Slash!
(It flies and evades the attack. Now, its wings glow
and it flaps them, firing multiple light blue saw-like
energy blades from them at Honchkrow, doing
damage to it.)
Lloyd: Use Night Slash!
(Honchkrows talons glow dark purple and slashes
out at Crobat.)
Diana: Crobat, dodge and use Poison Fang!
(Its fangs glow purple and bites down on
Honchkrows weak spot with them, doing a good
amount of damage. Honchkrow descends to the
ground and collapses.)
Referee: Honchkrow is out of the battle! Crobats
the winner!
Lloyd: Come on back, Honchkrow.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, he gets
another one from his pocket.)
Lloyd: Cofagrigus, lets go!
(He throws and Cofagrigus appears out of it.)
Diana: Crobat, use Air Slash!
(Crobats wings glow and it flaps them, firing
multiple light blue saw-like energy blades from
them at Cofagrigus, doing damage.)
Lloyd: Cofagrigus, fight back with Astonish!
(Cofagrigus raises its arms in the air, makes a
terrifying face and shadows appear around its
body, frightening Crobat and doing damage in the
Diana: Crobat, Cross Poison!
(It crosses its wings in front of its face and they
start to glow purple. A purple X appears in front
of its wings and it opens them, firing the X at
Cofagrigus, doing a good amount of damage.)
Lloyd: Cofagrigus, use Psychic and Ominous Wind!
(Its eyes glow light purple, Crobat suddenly get
surrounded in a light purple aura and is help in
place. Now, Cofagrigus waves its arms and
unleashes a purple wind at Crobat, doing damage
to it.)
Diana: Okay, Ill give that one to you. Crobat,
Poison Fang!
(Its fangs glow purple and bites down on
Cofagrigus with them, doing a good amount of
Lloyd: Cofagrigus, use Energy Ball!
(It puts its hands together, forms an orb of light
green energy in between them and then fires it at
Diana: Dodge it!
(Crobat flies up and evades the attack.)
Lloyd: All right, now Hyper Beam!
(It puts its hands together and fires a dark purple
beam of energy with a dark black energy around it
at Crobat, doing a great amount of damage.)
Diana: Use Acrobatics & Fly!
(Crobats body glows light blue and it quickly zips
through the air and tackles Cofagrigus, dealing
damage to it. Now, it flaps its wings and goes up
high in the air. Now, it dives down at Cofagrigus,
hitting its weak spot doing even more damage to
Diana: Now, use Air Slash!
(Crobats wings glow and it flaps them, firing
multiple light blue saw-like energy blades from
them at Cofagrigus, doing damage.)
Lloyd: Cofagrigus, Ominous Wind!
(It waves its arms and unleashes a purple wind at
Crobat, doing damage to it.)
Lloyd: Good! Now, Energy Ball!
(It puts its hands together, forms an orb of light
green energy in between them and then fires it at
Crobat, dealing a little more damage to it.)
Diana: Crobat, Poison Fang and Cross Poison!
(Its fangs glow purple and bites down on
Cofagrigus with them, doing damage to it. Now, it
crosses its wings in front of its face and they start
to glow purple. A purple X appears in front of its
wings and it opens them, firing the X at
Cofagrigus, dealing it more damage.)
Don George: Dianas really pushing it with that
Jenny: You said it, but shes making it count.
Lloyd: Use Psychic & Hyper Beam!
(Cofagriguss eyes glow light purple, holds out its
arms and Crobat suddenly get surrounded in a
light purple aura and is held in place. Now, it fires
a dark purple beam of energy with a dark black
energy around it at Crobat, doing a great amount
of damage.)
Diana: Crobat, Acrobatics!
(Crobats body glows light blue and it quickly zips
through the air and tackles Cofagrigus, landing a
direct hit and dealing a great damage to it.)
Diana: All right, now finish it with Cross Poison!
(Crobat crosses its wings in front of its face and
they start to glow purple. A purple X appears in
front of its wings and it opens them, firing the X
at Cofagrigus, doing a good amount of damage.
Cofagrigus falls to the ground and faints.)
Referee: Cofagrigus is out of the battle! Crobat
(Lloyd calls Cofagrigus back to its Pokeball, places
it back on his belt, and takes off another one.)
Lloyd: I choose you, Nidoqueen!
(He throws it and Nidoqueen emerges from it.)
Nidoqueen: (growls.)
Diana: Crobat, use Acrobatics!
(Crobats body glows light blue and it quickly zips
through the air and tackles Nidoqueen, doing
damage to her.)
Lloyd: Nidoqueen, Iron Tail!
(Its tail gets surrounded in white sparkles and is
encircled in a white outline. Now, its tails turns to
iron and hits Crobat with it, doing damage to it.)
Diana: Fly attack!
(Crobat flaps its wings and goes up high in the air.
Now, it dives down at Nidoqueen, doing damage.)
Lloyd: Use Body Slam!
Nidoqueen: (growls.)
(She jumps into the air and lands on Crobat,
landing a direct hit and doing a good amount of
damage. Crobat lies on the ground, passed out.)
Referee: Crobats unable to battle! Nidoqueens
the winner!
(Diana calls Crobat to its Pokeball.)
Diana: Crobat, you did amazingly. Take a long rest.
(She puts the Pokeball away and switches it out
with another.)
Diana: Its time, Rhyperior!
(She throws it and Rhyperior emerges from it.)
Rhyperior: (growls.)
Diana: Rhyperior, use Megahorn & Flash Cannon!
(Its horn glows white, extends out and stabs
Nidoqueen with it, doing some damage to it. Now,
Rhyperiors body becomes outlined in white energy
and it starts to build inside its mouth. Now, a white
orb of energy with light blue energy inside it forms
in the mouth, and Rhyperior fires a white beam of
energy with light blue energy inside it at
Nidoqueen, dealing a considerable amount of
Lloyd: Use Crunch and Shadow Claw!
(Her teeth glow white and she bites down on
Rhyperior, doing damage. Next, one of
Nidoqueens claws gets surrounded by a black
aura with a purple outline, which then takes the
form of a claw and she slashes Rhyperior with it,
dealing more damage to it.)
Lloyd: Nidoqueen, Iron Tail!
(Its tail gets surrounded in white sparkles and is
encircled in a white outline. Now, its tails turns to
iron and hits Rhyperior with it, doing damage to it.)
Diana: Use Fire Fang!
(Its mouth and fangs get immersed in red-orange
flames and bites down on Nidoqueen, dealing
Lloyd: Nidoqueen, Body Slam!
(She jumps into the air and falls towards
Diana: Rhyperior, dodge and use Stone Edge!
Rhyperior: (roars.)
(It swiftly moves to the side and narrowly evades
the attack. Now, Rhyperior raises its arms up and
slams them hard on the ground, causing glowing
light blue pillars of rock to appear and rush
towards Nidoqueen, hitting it and doing some
Diana: Now, use Surf!
(It summons a huge wave that it rides on and it
crashes down on Nidoqueen, doing a great amount
of damage.)
Lloyd: Oh, dont think well take that lightly.
Nidoqueen, Iron Tail!
(Its tail gets surrounded in white sparkles and is
encircled in a white outline. Now, its tails turns to
iron and hits Rhyperior with it, doing damage to it.)
Lloyd: All right, now Superpower!
(Nidoqueens body becomes surrounded in a light
blue aura. Now, it picks up Rhyperior, raises it up
and slams it down to the ground, dealing a great
amount to it.)
Diana: Relax, Rhyperior. Go into Stone Edge!
Rhyperior: (roars.)
(It raises its arms up and slams them hard on the
ground, causing glowing light blue pillars of rock to
appear and rush towards Nidoqueen, hitting it and
doing some damage.)
Don George: Those two are really going at it.
Jenny: Yep, and theyre not letting up in the
Lloyd: Nidoqueen, Superpower and Body Slam!
(Nidoqueens body becomes surrounded in a light
blue aura. Now, it picks up Rhyperior, raises it up
and slams it down to the ground, dealing a great
amount to it. Now, she jumps into the air and
lands on Rhyperior, doing a little more damage.)
Diana: You all right, Rhyperior?
(It barely manages to get back up on its feet and
nods back to her.)
Diana (relieved): Oh, thats good. Now, use Surf
and Flash Cannon!
(It summons a huge wave that it rides on, while its
body becomes outlined in white energy and it
starts to build inside its mouth. Now, a white orb
of energy with light blue energy inside it forms in
the mouth, and Rhyperior fires a white beam of
energy with light blue energy inside it at
Nidoqueen, dealing a considerable amount of
damage. The wave crashes down on Nidoqueen,
dealing her even greater damage.)
Lloyd: Nidoqueen, Crunch!
Nidoqueen: (growls.)
(Her teeth glow white and she bites down on
Rhyperior, doing damage.)
Diana: Rhyperior, counter that with Fire Fang!
(Its mouth and fangs get immersed in red-orange
flames and bites down on Nidoqueen, dealing
Lloyd: Use Shadow Claw!
(One of Nidoqueens claws gets surrounded by a
black aura with a purple outline, which then takes
the form of a claw and she slashes Rhyperior with
it, dealing damage to it.)
Diana: Rhyperior, Megahorn!
(Its horn glows white, extends out and stabs
Nidoqueen at her weak point, doing damage to it.)
Diana: All right, Rhyperior, Surf now!
Rhyperior: (roars.)
(It summons a huge wave that it rides on and it
crashes down on Nidoqueen, doing a heavy
amount of damage. Nidoqueen lies on the ground,
passed out.)
Referee: Nidoqueens unable to battle! Rhyperiors
the winner, and victory goes to Diana!
Diana: That was great, Rhyperior! You and the
others were amazing!
(Lloyd calls Nidoqueen back to its Pokeball.)
Lloyd: You did your best out there, Nidoqueen.
Youve earned a good rest.
(Diana walks over to him.)
Diana: Hey, Lloyd. You really put on a tough battle.
Lloyd: Well, thank you Diana.
(Now, we fade to the next one with Clemont and
Referee: And begin!
Clemont: Chespin, I choose you!
(He throws the Pokeball and Chespin appears.)
Iris: Gible, lets go!
(She tosses the Pokeball and Gible emerges from
Gible: Gible!
Iris: Gible, start with Aerial Ace!
Gible: Gible!
(Its body gets surrounded by white streaks and
flies towards Chespin, doing damage to it.)
Clemont: Chespin, use Tackle!
(He charges and tackles Gible, doing damage to it.)
Iris: Use Flamethrower and Iron Head!
(Gible fires a red-orange stream of fire from its
mouth at Chespin, doing a good amount of
damage. Now, it lowers its head and the fin turns
to iron from the base and charges towards
Chespin, doing more damage to it.)
Clemont: Chespin, use Pin Missile and Seed Bomb!
(The spikes on its head stiffen, glow white and fires
white orbs trailing green streams of light at Gible,
doing damage. Now, Chespin opens its mouth and
fires multiple glowing green seeds from it at Gible,
exploding on impact and deals more damage to it.)
Clemont: Now, Vine Whip!
(Two light green vines come out from the sides of
Chespins head and hits Gible with them, doing
damage to it.)
Iris: Gible, Shadow Claw!
Gible: Gible!
(One of its hands gets surrounded by a black aura
with a purple outline, which takes the shape of a
claw and slashes Chespin with it, dealing damage
to it.)
Iris: All right, Gible Flamethrower!
(Gible fires a red-orange stream of fire from its
mouth at Chespin.)
Clemont: Chespin, dodge it!
(It swiftly moves out of the path of the attack,
evading it.)
Clemont: Now, use Seed Bomb!
(It opens its mouth and fires multiple glowing
green seeds from it at Gible, exploding on impact
and deals damage.)
Iris: Gible, Aerial Ace and Shadow Claw!
Gible: Gible!
(Its body gets surrounded by white streaks and
flies towards Chespin, while also having one of its
hands get surrounded by a black aura with a
purple outline and takes the shape of a claw,
slashing and tackling Chespin simultaneously,
dealing a good amount of damage.)
Clemont: Counter with Vine Whip & Wood Hammer!
(Two light green vines come out from the sides of
Chespins head and grabs Gible with them. Now,
one of Chespins arms get encased in a light green
aura, which the shape of a stump and slams it onto
Gible, doing a great amount of damage.)
Iris: Use Dig!
(It uses its claws and digs into the ground.)
Clemont: Chespin, Vine Whip again!
(Two light green vines come out from the sides of
Chespins head, burrows them into the ground,
pulls Gible up from beneath and slams it on the
surface, doing damage.)
Siara: Oh, thats very clever.
Iris: Gible, Dig and Iron Head!
Gible: Gible!
(It lowers its head and the fin turns to iron from the
base, then it uses it claws and digs into the
ground. Then, it pops up and attacks Chespin,
doing a good amount of damage.)
Clemont: Use Pin Missile!
(The spikes on its head stiffen, glow white and fires
white orbs trailing green streams of light at Gible.)
Iris: Counter with Flamethrower!
(Gible fires a red-orange stream of fire from its
mouth at Chespins attack, incinerating it and
cancelling it out.)
Iris: Now, Gible, Shadow Claw!
(One of its hands gets surrounded by a black aura
with a purple outline, which takes the shape of a
claw and slashes Chespin with it, dealing damage
to it.)
Clemont: Chespin, use Wood Hammer!
(One of Chespins arms get encased in a light
green aura, which the shape of a stump and slams
it onto Gible, doing a great amount of damage.
Gible passes out and falls to the ground.)
Referee: Gibles unable to battle! Chespin wins!
Iris: Come on back, Gible. Youve earned a good
(He calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, she gets
another one out from her pocket.)
Iris: Go, Emolga!
(She throws it and Emolga appears out of it.)
Emolga: Emolga!
Clemont: Chespin, Tackle attack!
(He charges and tackles Emolga, doing damage to
Iris: Emolga, Hidden Power!
(Emolgas body gets outlined in light green, puts
her hands together and three green-yellow orbs
appear in between them and separates them,
firing them at Chespin, doing damage to him with
each hit.)
Clemont: Use Seed Bomb!
(It opens its mouth and fires multiple glowing
green seeds from it at Emolga, exploding on
impact and doing some damage to it.)
Iris: Emolga, Air Slash!
(Her patagium glow light blue and starts flapping
them, firing multiple light blue glowing disc-esque
energy blades at Chespin, delivering a great
amount of damage to it. Chespin passes out and
falls to the ground.)
Referee: Chespins out of the battle! Emolgas the
(Clemont calls Chespin back to its Pokeball. Now,
he gets another one out.)
Clemont: Come on out, Bunnelby!
(He throws it and Bunnelby emerges.)
Iris: Emolga, Shock Wave!
(Her body gets enveloped in yellow electricity and
fires a beam of yellow electricity from her body at
Bunnelby, doing damage to it.)
Clemont: Bunnelby, use Smack Down!
(A metallic gold orb of energy surrounded in an
orange aura appears in between its ears and fires
it at Emolga, exploding on impact, doing damage
to her and falls straight down to the ground.)
Clemont: Now, use Mud Shot!
(It creates a golden sphere in between its ears,
which then split into several balls of mud and are
fired at Emolga, dealing more damage to it.)
Iris: Use Iron Tail!
(Her tail becomes surrounded in white sparkles
and a white outline. It then turns to iron.)
Emolga: Eeeee-molga!
(She swings it at Bunnelby, doing damage to it.)
Iris: Now, use Air Slash!
(Her patagium glow light blue and starts flapping
them, firing multiple light blue glowing disc-esque
energy blades at Chespin, doing damage to it.)
Clemont: Bunnelby, use Smack Down and Double
(A metallic gold orb of energy surrounded in an
orange aura appears in between its ears and fires
it at Emolga, exploding on impact and doing a
good amount of damage. Now, its ears glow white
and repeatedly smacks Emolga with them, doing
more damage.)
Iris: Hang on, Emolga! Use Iron Tail and Discharge!
(Her tail becomes surrounded in white sparkles
and a white outline. It then turns to iron. Now, her
body gets enveloped in yellow sparks of electricity
and fires multiple bolts of yellow electricity from
her body that concentrate at her tail.)
Emolga: Eeeee-molga!
(She swings her tail at Bunnelby, doing a great
amount of damage.)
Diana: Those were some good attack combinations.
Lex: Mmm-hmm. They sure worked hard on them.
Iris: Emolga, use Discharge!
Emolga: Emolga!
(Her body gets enveloped in yellow sparks of
electricity and fires multiple bolts of yellow
electricity from her body at Bunnelby.)
Clemont: Use Dig, then go into Super Fang!
(It jumps up into the air and drills a hole into the
ground with its ears, evading Emolgas attack.
Now, Bunnelby pops up from underneath, its two
front teeth and bites Emolga with them, doing
Iris: Emolga, Hidden Power!
(Emolgas body gets outlined in light green, puts
her hands together and three green-yellow orbs
appear in between them and separates them,
firing them at Chespin, doing damage to him with
each hit.)
Clemont: Bunnelby, Wild Charge now!
(It runs at Emolga, then its body gets enveloped by
yellow electricity and tackles her, dealing damage
and taking recoil damage in the process.)
Iris: Emolga, Air Slash!
(Her patagium glow light blue and starts flapping
them, firing multiple light blue glowing disc-esque
energy blades at Chespin.)
Clemont: Dodge it, now!
(It hops up and narrowly evades the attack.)
Clemont: Now, use Double Slap!
(Its ears glow white and goes for Emolga.)
Iris: Quick, dodge it!
(She jumps up and narrowly evades the attack.)
Iris: Use Discharge!
Emolga: Emolga!
(Her body gets enveloped in yellow sparks of
electricity and fires multiple bolts of yellow
electricity from her body at Bunnelby.)
Clemont: Counter with Mud Shot!
(It creates a golden sphere in between its ears,
which then split into several balls of mud and are
fired at the Discharge, neutralizing it.)
Iris: All right, Emolga, Shock Wave and Discharge!
Clemont: Bunnelby, Wild Charge and Mud Shot!
Emolga: Emolga!
(Her body gets enveloped in yellow electricity and
fires a beam of yellow electricity from her body at
Bunnelby, then she fires multiple bolts of yellow
electricity. Now, Bunnelby runs at Emolga, then its
body gets enveloped by yellow electricity and then
creates a golden sphere in between its ears, which
then split into several balls of mud and are fired at
Emolga. Both attacks land a direct hit and do a
great amount of damage to each of them. Now,
Emolga and Bunnelby pass out and collapse to the
Referee: Bunnelby and Emolga are both out of the
Clemont: You did great, Bunnelby. Return, now.
(He calls Bunnelby back to its Pokeball. Now, he
gets another out of his pocket.)
Clemont: Luxray, go!
(He throws and Luxray emerges from it.)
Luxray: Lux!
(Now, Iris recalls Emolga back to its Pokeball and
gives a look as if to say, You were amazing out
there. Now, she gets another Pokeball from her
Iris: Clefairy, lets go!
(She throws it and Clefairy emerges from it.)
Clefairy: Clefairy.
Clemont: Luxray, Swift attack!
(It jumps into the air and his tail glows yellow. He
swings it and fires multiple yellow stars with
golden sparkles around them at Clefairy.)
Iris: Clefairy, counter with Thunderbolt!
(He fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity from
his body at the Swift attack, colliding with it and
cancelling it out.)
Clemont: Luxray, use Discharge!
(His body gets surrounded in yellow sparks of
electricity and fires multiple bolts of yellow
electricity from his body at Clefairy.)
Iris: Dodge it, now!
(He leaps up and evades the attack.)
Iris: Now, Clefairy Flamethrower!
(He fires a stream of red-orange fire from his
mouth at Luxray, doing damage.)
Clemont: Luxray, Thunder Fang and Discharge!
Luxray: Lux!
(Its fangs glow yellow and yellow sparks of yellow
electricity surround them and bites down on
Clefairy with them, dealing damage. Now, its body
gets surrounded in yellow sparks of electricity and
fires multiple bolts of yellow electricity at Clefairy,
doing more damage to him.)
Iris: Use Psyshock and Thunderbolt!
Clefairy: Cleeee-
(He raises his arms up, closes his eyes and three
masses of light blue and purple energy form in
front of his body. Now, he fires a powerful bolt of
yellow electricity from his body into the masses,
blending them together.)
Clefairy: -fairy!
(He fires them at Luxray, dealing damage to it.)
Clemont: Use Wild Charge!
(It runs towards Clefairy and its body becomes
surrounded in yellow electricity. Luxray hits its
marks and does a good amount of damage to
Clefairy, while also sustaining recoil damage itself.)
Iris: Clefairy, Moonblast!
(Clefairy gathers energy from the moon and forms
an orb of pink energy in between his hands.)
Clefairy: Cle-fairy!
(He fires it at Luxray.)
Clemont: Luxray, dodge and use Thunder!
Luxray: Lux!
(It jumps and swiftly evades the attack. Now, its
body becomes engulfed by yellow electricity and
fires a massive yellow beam of electricity at
Clefairy, doing great damage to him.)
Iris: Clefairy, fight back with Meteor Mash!
(He balls up his fist and a silhouette of a golden
meteor appears around it and throws it at Luxray,
doing damage to it.)
Cilan: Those two are really going all out with this.
Serena: Yeah. Neither one has let up since it
Iris: Clefairy, use Moonblast and Psyshock!
(Clefairy gathers energy from the moon and forms
an orb of pink energy in between his hands.)
Clefairy: Cle-fairy!
(He fires it at Luxray. Now, he raises his arms up,
closes his eyes and three masses of light blue and
purple energy form in front of his body. He fires
them at Luxray.)
Clemont: Luxray, counter with Swift and Discharge!
(It jumps into the air and his tail glows yellow. He
swings it and fires multiple yellow stars with
golden sparkles around them at the masses of
energy, neutralizing each one. Next, his body gets
surrounded in yellow sparks of electricity and fires
multiple bolts of yellow electricity from his body at
the Moonblast, cancelling it out.)
Iris: All right, Clefairy, use Flamethrower!
(He fires a stream of red-orange fire from his
mouth at Luxray, doing damage.)
Clemont: Luxray, Thunder Fang!
Luxray: Lux!
(Its fangs glow yellow and yellow sparks of yellow
electricity surround them and bites down on
Clefairy with them, dealing damage.)
Iris: Moonblast, now!
(Clefairy gathers energy from the moon and forms
an orb of pink energy in between his hands.)
Clefairy: Cle-fairy!
(He fires it at Luxray, hitting its weak spot and
dealing a great amount of damage.)
Clemont: Use Swift!
Luxray: Lux!
(It jumps into the air and his tail glows yellow. He
swings it and fires multiple yellow stars with
golden sparkles around them at Clefairy, doing
damage to him.)
Clemont: Now, Luxray, Thunder and Wild Charge!
Iris: Clefairy, Flamethrower and Meteor Mash!
Luxray: Lux!
(Its body becomes engulfed by yellow electricity
and fires a massive yellow beam of electricity at
Clefairy. Next, it runs towards Clefairy and its body
becomes surrounded in yellow electricity. Clefairy
fires a stream of red-orange fire from his mouth.
Now, he balls up his fist and a silhouette of a
golden meteor appears around it and throws it at
Luxray, while the Flamethrower encircles it. Both
attacks collide with their respective opponent and
explode on impact. The smoke clears and both
Pokemon barely remain standing.)
Don George: Unbelievable!
Jenny: Yeah, but they wont last for much longer.
Clemont (encouraging): Luxray, dont give in yet.
Iris (encouraging): Come on, Clefairy. You can do it.
(The two struggle to hold out for four seconds, until
Luxray collapses to the ground and passes out.)
Referee: Luxray cannot continue! Clefairy wins,
and this match goes to Iris!
Iris: Yeah!
(Clemont calls Luxray back to its Pokeball.)
Clemont: Luxray, you were outstanding in that
battle. Youve earned a good rest.
(Iris walks over to Clemont.)
Iris: Clemont, you really put up a great battle there.
Clemont: Thanks, Iris. and I wish you luck for the
rest of your battles.
Iris (appreciatively): Well, thank you.
(They each place one hand onto each others
shoulders and confidently nod their head to each
other. Now, we see three shots of Janies match
with Dale, with her Nidorino pitted against a
Masquerain, Gallade battling a Gogoat and
Seismitoad faces a Machamp. Fade in to minutes
later in the main lobby, where the gang
rendezvous in the resting area. They sit around a
rectangular table.)
Janie: Man, that last battle was brutal.
Trevor: We could tell, but you were still amazing
back there.
Janie: Oh, yeah. All the trainings really paying off.
Oh, one other thing: I hope everything goes well in
your next battle.
Trevor: Why, thank you Janie.
(They give a warm hug to each other. Pan over to
Cilan talking with Diana & Lex.)
Cilan: Diana, I have to say, your Crobat did very
well against that Cofagrigus.
Diana: Mmm-hmm. Though some attacks werent
that effective, they helped pay off in the end.
Lex: Indubitably, especially with how you were a
little creative with those poison attack
Diana: Oh, thanks Lex.
(Now, we look over to Ash and Serena.)
Ash: Hey, Serena. Sorry you lost to Joanie back
Serena: Its okay. The fact I got this far is
impressive enough.
Ash: Heh, thats true. (He turns over to Iris and
Clemont.) Iris, you and Clemont sure came with
some good combo attacks in your battle.
Iris: Indeed, we did.
Axew: Axew.
Clemont: It wasnt easy, but I think we used them
to good effect.
Iris: You said it. (She turns over to Ash.) You know,
Ash, Oshawatts really gotten a lot better at
Ash (agreeing): Oh, you better believe he has.
Pikachu (concurring): Pika-chu.
(Now, Siara stands up.)
Siara: Attention, everyone. Id like to say a few
words. All of you have really improved your
trainers skills throughout this whole thing. And for
that, you should all be proud of yourselves for that.
Iris: Thanks, Siara. Really means a lot.
Siara: No problem.
(They continue on chatting. Side wipe to the next
battle with Trevor facing off against Jasmine. She
has blonde hair in a bouffant, light blue eyes and is
wearing a purple shirt, a darling skirt and flats.)
Referee: This matchup of Trevor and Jasmine will
now begin!
Jasmine: Pupitar, I choose you!
(She tosses the Pokeball up and Pupitar emerges
from it.)
Pupitar: Pupitar.
Trevor: Go, Floette!
(He throws it and Floette appears.)
Trevor: Floette, start with Energy Ball!
(She forms an orb of light green energy from her
Fairy Flower and fires it at Pupitar, dealing damage
to it.)
Jasmine: Pupitar, use Rock Tomb!
(It becomes outlined in white energy and raises
itself up. Now, multiple gray rocks outlined in
white energy form around its head in a ring shape
and the rocks fall down on Floette, dealing
Trevor: Use Dazzling Gleam!
(Floettes body and Fairy Flower get enveloped in a
rainbow-colored shine, which gets brighter and
strikes Pupitar, doing damage to it.)
Jasmine: Use Payback!
Pupitar: Pu-pitar!
(A black energy sphere with white lines appear
above its head and starts expanding around it and
it hits Floette, doing some damage to her.)
Jasmine: Now, Pupitar Smack Down!
(A metallic gold orb of energy surrounded in an
orange aura appears in front of its mouth and fires
it at Floette.)
Trevor: Quick, dodge it and use Petal Blizzard!
(Floette floats up and evades the attack. Now, she
fires multiple heart-shaped white petals at Pupitar,
doing a good amount of damage.)
Trevor: Now, use Fairy Wind!
(She rapidly spins around and creates a strong
gust of sparkling wind, and is aimed at Pupitar,
doing damage to it.)
Jasmine: Pupitar, counter that with Bulldoze!
Pupitar: Pupitar!
(It slams down on the ground and creates a shock
wave, which then crashes towards Floette, doing
damage to her.)
Trevor: Use Energy Ball!
(She forms an orb of light green energy from her
Fairy Flower and fires it at Pupitar, dealing damage
to it.)
Jasmine: Have to say, those are some impressive
Trevor: Yeah, and youre not too bad yourself. Now,
Floette use Petal Dance!
(She spins around and the fairy flower start to glow
pink. Now, she fires glowing pink petals from it at
Pupitar, doing a good amount of damage.)
Jasmine: Pupitar, counter with Smack Down!
(Now, Floette spins around and the fairy flower
start to glow pink. Now, she fires glowing pink
petals from it at Pupitar, doing a good amount of
Jasmine: Use Earthquake!
(It jumps into the air and strikes the ground.
Floette spins around and the fairy flower start to
glow pink. Now, she fires glowing pink petals from
it at Pupitar, doing a good amount of damage.
Floette stops spinning and wobbles around.)
Jasmine: All right. Pupitar, Smack Down!
(A metallic gold orb of energy surrounded in an
orange aura appears in front of its mouth and fires
it at Floette, doing damage to her.)
Trevor: Floette, can you still attack?
(She turns to him and shakily nods.)
Trevor: Okay. Floette, Petal Blizzard!
(Floette fires multiple heart-shaped white petals at
Pupitar, dealing a great amount of damage.
Pupitar passes out and descends to the ground.)
Referee: Pupitars unable to continue battle!
Floette wins!
(Jasmine calls Pupitar back to its Pokeball, then
gets another one from her pocket.)
Jasmine: Weezing, lets go!
(She throws it and Weezing appears.)
Weezing: Weezing.
Trevor: Floette, Fairy Wind!
(Floette tries to perform the attack, but confusingly
hits herself instead.)
Jasmine: Sludge attack!
Weezing: Weee-
(It opens both mouths and spews balls of purple
sludge at Floette, dealing a good amount of
Trevor: Weezing, use Gyro Ball!
(It spins fast in a counter-clockwise rotation and a
light blue aura surrounds it. Now, it spins into
Floette, doing even more damage to her. She
faints and falls to the ground.)
Referee: Floettes unable to continue! Weezings
the winner!
Trevor: Return, Floette.
(He calls her back to its Pokeball. Now, he gets
another one off his belt.)
Trevor: Its time, Clefable!
(He throws it up and Clefable appears.)
Clefable: Clefable!
Trevor: Clefable, use Fire Punch!
Clefable: Cleeee-
(He balls up his fist and it gets enveloped in a red-
orange flame.)
Clefable: -fable!
(He throws it at Weezing, doing damage to it.)
Jasmine: Use Assurance!
(It gets shrouded in a dark purple aura and tackles
Clefable, doing a little damage to him.)
Jasmine: Good. Now, use Sludge attack!
(It opens both mouths and spews balls of purple
sludge at Clefable.)
Trevor: All right, Clefable brace yourself!
Clefable: Fable!
(He puts his hands out, blocks the sludge and
deflects it into the air.)
Trevor: All right, now use Zen Headbutt!
(Clefables forehead glows blue and it gets
shrouded in a light blue reflective shield and
charges towards Weezing, hitting it and doing a
good amount of damage.)
Jasmine: Okay, Weezing, use Sludge Bomb!
(It fires multiple brown globs of sludge from its
mouths at Clefable.)
Trevor: Counter with Shock Wave!
Clefable: Cle-fable!
(He gets enveloped in blue electricity and fires a
beam of blue electricity at the Sludge Bomb,
neutralizing it in the process.)
Trevor: How do you like that?
Jasmine: Oh, were just getting warmed up.
Weezing, Gunk Shot!
Weezing: Weezing-Wee!
(Light purple light starts sparkling inside both
mouths. Now, it fires pieces of purple-glowing
garbage at Clefable, dealing a great amount of
Trevor: Clefable, are you okay?
(Clefable turns over to him and nods to him.)
Trevor: Oh, good. Now, use Focus Blast!
(He puts his hands together and forms an orb of
yellow energy in between them and throws it at
Weezing, doing some damage to it.)
Jasmine: Use Gyro Ball!
(It spins fast in a counter-clockwise rotation and a
light blue aura surrounds it. Now, it spins towards
Trevor: Quick, Clefable! Deflect that!
(He pushes Weezing away before it hits him.)
Trevor: Yeah! Now, Fire Blast!
(He fires a -shaped from his mouth at Weezing,
landing a direct hit and doing a great amount of
Jasmine: Use Sludge Bomb!
(It fires multiple brown globs of sludge from its
mouths at Clefable, dealing a good amount of
Trevor: Clefable, Shock Wave!
Clefable: Cle-fable!
(He gets enveloped in blue electricity and fires a
beam of blue electricity at Weezing, doing damage
to it.)
Jasmine: Weezing, counter with Sludge!
(It opens both mouths and spews balls of purple
sludge at Clefable, doing a good amount of
Jasmine: Now, use Gyro Ball!
(It spins fast in a counter-clockwise rotation and a
light blue aura surrounds it. Now, it spins into
Clefable, doing even more damage to him.)
Trevor: All right, Clefable, lets end this with Fire
(Weezing descends to the ground and passes out.)
Referee: Weezing cannot continue to battle!
Clefable wins!
Trevor: Oh, yeah! Way to go, Clefable!
Clefable: Fable!
(Jasmine calls Weezing back to its Pokemon.)
Jasmine: Go, Pyroar!
(She throws it and a male Pyroar appears.)
Pyroar: (roars.)
Jasmine: Pyroar, use Flame Charge!
(His body becomes enveloped in red flames and
charges at Clefable, doing damage.)
Trevor: Clefable, Focus Blast!
(He puts his hands together and forms an orb of
yellow energy in between them and throws it at
Pyroar, dealing a good amount of damage.)
Trevor: Now, use Zen Headbutt!
(Clefables forehead glows blue and it gets
shrouded in a light blue reflective shield and
charges towards Pyroar, doing more damage to it.)
Jasmine: Hyper Voice, now!
Pyroar: (roars mightily.)
(He creates a blue wave of energy that blows
Clefable away, doing damage to him. He falls to
the ground and passes out)
Referee: Clefables unable to battle! Pyroars the
Jasmine: Great job, Pyroar.
(Trevor calls Clefable back to his Pokeball. He
places it back on his belt and takes another one
Trevor: Come on out, Gothitelle!
(He throws it and Gothitelle emerges from it.)
Jasmine: Pyroar, use Take Down!
(He charges towards Gothitelle and slams into her,
doing damage.)
Trevor: Gothitelle, Low Sweep!
(She sweeps her legs under Pyroars and trips him,
doing damage to him.)
Jasmine: All right, use Flamethrower!
(He fires a stream of red-orange fire from his
mouth at Gothitelle, doing damage to her.)
Trevor: Use Brick Break!
(Both of Gothitelles hands glow bluish white and
slams them down on Pyroar, doing a good amount
of damage.)
Trevor: Now, Gothitelle, Psychic!
(Her eyes glow light blue and raises her arms out.
Now, Pyroar gets surrounded in a light blue and is
raised off the ground. Gothitelle lowers her arms
and Pyroar is slammed onto the ground, dealing
Jasmine: Counter with Hyper Voice!
Pyroar: (roars mightily.)
(He creates a blue wave of energy that blows
Gothitelle away, doing damage to her.)
Jasmine: Now, Pyroar, Flame Charge!
(His body becomes enveloped in red flames and
charges towards Gothitelle.)
Trevor: Dodge it, quick!
(She veers to the right and avoids the attack.)
Trevor: Now, use Dark Pulse!
(She puts her hands together and a pink orb form
in between and then fires a beam of purple circles
at Pyroar, dealing damage to him.)
Jasmine: Man, you sure know how to put up a good
Trevor: Thanks, so do you. Gothitelle, Rock Tomb!
(She becomes outlined in white energy and raises
her head. Multiple gray rocks outlined in white
energy then form around her body in a ring shape.
The glow fades and the rocks fall down on Pyroar,
dealing a good amount of damage.)
Jasmine: Pyroar, Incinerate!
Pyroar: (roars.)
(He shoots a beam of orange, yellow, red and black
fire at Gothitelle, dealing a considerable amount of
Trevor: Gothitelle, Psychic!
(Her eyes glow light blue and raises her arms out.
Now, Pyroar gets surrounded in a light blue and is
raised off the ground. Gothitelle lowers her arms
and Pyroar is slammed onto the ground, hitting
him in his weak spot and dealing a great amount of
Jasmine: Pyroar, Take Down attack!
(He charges towards Gothitelle and slams into her,
doing damage.)
Jasmine: Flamethrower, now!
(He fires a stream of red-orange fire from his
mouth at Gothitelle.)
Trevor: Counter with Dark Pulse!
(She puts her hands together and a pink orb form
in between and then fires a beam of purple circles
at the Flamethrower, colliding with ad neutralizing
Jasmine: Pyroar, use Hyper Voice!
Pyroar: (roars mightily.)
(He creates a blue wave of energy that blows
Gothitelle away, doing damage to her.)
Trevor: Okay, Gothitelle, end this with Brick Break!
(Both of Gothitelles hands glow bluish white and
slams them down on Pyroar, doing a good amount
of damage. Pyroar falls to the ground and passes
Referee: Pyroars out of the battle! Gothitelles the
winner, and this match goes to Trevor!
Trevor: Oh, yeah! Way to go, Gothitelle!
(Gothitelle turns over to him and bows to him.
Now, Jasmine calls Pyroar back to his Pokeball.)
Jasmine: You were incredible, Pyroar. Take a nice
long rest.
(She looks over to Trevor longingly as if to say, He
sure gave me a great battle. Now, we side wipe
to the next matchup of Cilan v. Diana.)
Referee: Let the battle begin!
Cilan: Go, Pansage!
(He throws the Pokeball and Pansage emerges
from it.)
Ada: Malamar, lets go!
(She tosses it up and Malamar appears out of it.)
Ada: Malamar, start with Psywave!
(It fires a beam of multicolored energy from
between its tentacles at Pansage, doing damage.)
Cilan: Pansage, use Bullet Seed!
(It releases multiple golden seeds enveloped in a
light green aura from its mouth at Malamar,
dealing damage to it.)
Ada: Use Pluck!
(Malamars beak glows white and hits Pansage
with it, doing damage to it.)
Ada: Now, use Psycho Cut!
(Malamar fires a pink crescent-like blade of energy
from one of its tentacles at Pansage.)
Cilan: Okay, Pansage, get ready.
(Pansage gets into position and intercepts the
Cilan: Now, deflect it!
(It sends it upward into the sky, where it
Cilan: All right, now use Vine Whip!
(Two dark green vines come from Pansages back
and hits Malamar with them, doing damage.)
Ada: Malamar, Foul Play!
(It grabs Pansage, turns it around and throws it to
the ground, doing a good amount of damage.)
Cilan: Pansage, are you all right?
(It gets back up on its feet and it nods its head.)
Cilan: Oh, good. Now, use Rock Tomb!
(It puts its hands together in front of its body and
silver sparkles form in between them, then it raises
them up and the sparkles expand, creating a silver
orb of energy, which grows larger until its bigger
than Pansages body. Lastly, the inner glow dims
out from the orb and becomes a large gray boulder
with a transparent silver outer glow. It then rests
in Pansages hands and it throws it at Malamar,
dealing damage.)
Ada: Malamar, Psycho Cut!
(Malamar fires a pink crescent-like blade of energy
from one of its tentacles at Pansage, dealing
Cilan: Use Bite!
(Its teeth glow white and it bites down on Malamar
with them, doing damage to it.)
Don George: Ooh, that one had to hurt.
Jenny: No doubt, but it looks like its recouped
Ada: Now, Malamar Psywave!
(It fires a beam of multicolored energy from
between its tentacles at Pansage.)
Cilan: Dodge it, now!
(It leaps up and swiftly evades the attack.)
Cilan: Pansage, use Solar Beam!
(The bush on Pansages head starts to sparkle light
blue as it gathers solar energy. Now, it holds its
left hand out and a golden orb of energy appears
in front of it, which Pansage then fires a beam of
golden energy from it at Malamar, doing a good
amount of damage.)
Ada: Use Superpower!
(Malamars body gets surrounded in a light blue
aura. Then, it grabs Pansage and throws it to the
ground, dealing great damage. Pansage manages
to get back up, but starts to breath more heavily.)
Cilan: Use Bullet Seed!
(It releases multiple golden seeds enveloped in a
light green aura from its mouth at Malamar.)
Ada: Malamar, counter with Psywave!
(It fires a beam of multicolored energy from
between its tentacles at the bullet seed, cancelling
it out.)
Ada: Now, use Pluck!
(Malamars beak glows white and hits Pansage
with it, doing damage to it.)
Cilan: Use Rock Tomb!
(It puts its hands together in front of its body and
silver sparkles form in between them, then it raises
them up and the sparkles expand, creating a silver
orb of energy, which grows larger until its bigger
than Pansages body. Lastly, the inner glow dims
out from the orb and becomes a large gray boulder
with a transparent silver outer glow. It then rests
in Pansages hands and it throws it at Malamar,
dealing damage.)
Ada: Malamar, use Foul Play!
(It grabs Pansage, turns it around and throws it to
the ground, doing a good amount of damage.)
Cilan: Pansage, Vine Whip!
(Two dark green vines come from Pansages back
and hits Malamar with them, doing damage.)
Ada: Use Superpower!
(Malamars body gets surrounded in a light blue
aura. Then, it grabs Pansage and throws it to the
ground, dealing a great amount of damage.)
Referee: Pansage is out of the battle! Malamar
(Cilan calls Pansage to its Pokeball.)
Cilan: You did well out there, Pansage. Take a nice
(He puts it back in his pockets and gets another
one out.)
Cilan: Its time, Crustle!
(He throws it and Crustle appears.)
Cilan: Crustle, use Rock Slide!
(It raises both claws up into the air and multiple
white rings of energy appear above its body high in
the sky and large gray boulders appear out of the
ripples of energy. They fall down and rain over
Malamar, doing damage.)
Ada: Use Psycho Cut!
(Malamar fires a pink crescent-like blade of energy
from one of its tentacles at Crustle, doing damage
to it.)
Ada: Now, Malamar, Pluck!
(Malamars beak glows white and goes for Crustle.)
Cilan: Crustle, dodge and use X-Scissor!
(It moves out of Malamars path and evades its
attack. Now, it jumps into the air and both its
claws glow light blue, then it put them together in
front of itself and a light blue X with a magenta
outline appears in front of the claws and falls
forward, directly slamming into Malamar and doing
a great amount of damage. Malamar faints and
collapses to the ground.)
Referee: Malamars unable to battle! Crustles the
Ada: Great job out there, Malamar. Take a good
(She calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, she puts it
away and gets another one from her side pouch.)
Ada: Darmanitan, lets go!
(She tosses it up and Darmanitan emerges from it.)
Ada: Darmanitan, use Gyro Ball!
(Its fists glow light blue and it spins rapidly
counter-clockwise at Crustle, doing a good amount
of damage.)
Cilan: Crustle, Shell Smash!
(Crustle jumps out of its shell and its body glows
white. Then, crimson cracks form around its body
and the white energy breaks off like pieces of a
shell. Crustles body glows crimson red.)
Cilan: Now, use Rock Wrecker!
(Crustle puts its claw together in front of itself and
a small grey stone forms in between them. Crustle
then raises the stone up and it grows until its as
big as itself. The white pieces fuse with it and
Crustle fires it at Darmanitan, hitting it and dealing
a good amount of damage.)
Ada: Darmanitan, counter with Hammer Arm!
(One of Darmanitans forearms glows white and it
slams it onto Crustle, dealing damage.)
Cilan: Use Rock Slide!
(Crustle raises both claws up into the air and
multiple white rings of energy appear above its
body high in the sky and large gray boulders
appear out of the ripples of energy. They fall down
and rain over Darmanitan, doing a good amount of
Ada: Darmanitan, Fire Fang!
(Its mouth and fangs get enveloped in red-orange
flames and bites down on Crustle, doing damage
to it.)
Ada: Now, use Gyro Ball!
(Its fists glow light blue and it spins rapidly
counter-clockwise at Crustle.)
Cilan: Crustle, dodge and X-Scissor!
(It moves out of Malamars path and evades its
attack. Now, it jumps into the air and both its
claws glow light blue, then it put them together in
front of itself and a light blue X with a magenta
outline appears in front of the claws and falls
forward, directly slamming into Darmanitan, doing
some damage.)
Ada: My, thats a pretty good hit.
Cilan: Why, thank you.
Ada: Now, Darmanitan, Overheat!
(Its body glows red and fire engulfs its body. Now,
it unleashes a big stream of fire at Crustle, doing a
good amount of damage.)
Cilan: Use Rock Slide!
(Crustle raises both claws up into the air and
multiple white rings of energy appear above its
body high in the sky and large gray boulders
appear out of the ripples of energy. They fall down
and rain over Darmanitan, doing a good amount of
Ada: Use Rollout!
(Darmanitan jumps into the air and spins with
incredible speed and power into Crustle, doing
damage to it.)
Cilan: Crustle, Rock Wrecker!
(It puts its claw together in front of itself and a
small grey stone forms in between them. Crustle
then raises the stone up and it grows until its as
big as itself and fires it at Darmanitan, doing a
good amount of damage. Now, Darmanitan spins
with incredible speed and power into Crustle, doing
more damage to it than before.)
Cilan: Use X-Scissor!
(Crustle jumps into the air and both its claws glow
light blue, then it put them together in front of
itself and a light blue X with a magenta outline
appears in front of the claws and falls forward,
directly slamming into Darmanitan, doing some
damage. Darmanitan spins with more incredible
speed and power towards Crustle.)
Cilan: Dodge it and use Hyper Beam!
(It shifts to the side and narrowly evades the
attack. Now, Crustle puts its claws together and
fires a dark purple beam of energy with a dark
black energy surrounding it at Darmanitan, doing a
good amount of damage.)
Ada: Darmanitan, Hammer Arm!
(One of Darmanitans forearms glows white and it
slams it onto Crustle, dealing damage.)
Ada: All right, now use Gyro Ball!
(Darmanitans fists glow light blue and it spins
rapidly counter-clockwise at Crustle, doing a good
amount of damage.)
Cilan: Use Shell Smash and Rock Wrecker!
(Crustle jumps out of its shell and its body glows
white. Then, crimson cracks form around its body
and the white energy breaks off like pieces of a
shell. Crustles body glows crimson red. Now, it
puts its claw together in front of itself and a small
grey stone forms in between them. Crustle then
raises the stone up and it grows until its as big as
itself. The white pieces fuse with it and Crustle
fires it at Darmanitan, hitting it and dealing a good
amount of damage. Darmanitan faints and
collapses to the ground.)
Referee: Darmanitans unable to battle! Crustle
Ada: Darmanitan, return.
(She calls Darmanitan back to its Pokeball. She
puts it back in her pouch pocket and gets a third
one out.)
Ada: I choose you, Lopunny!
(She throws it and Lopunny appears.)
Cilan: Crustle, X-Scissor!
(Crustle jumps into the air and both its claws glow
light blue, then it put them together in front of
itself and a light blue X with a magenta outline
appears in front of the claws and falls forward,
directly slamming into Lopunny and doing
Ada: Lopunny, use Bounce!
(It jumps into the air and sticks its right leg out,
kicking Crustle, doing damage and bouncing off it.)
Cilan: Rock Slide, now!
(Crustle raises both claws up into the air and
multiple white rings of energy appear above its
body high in the sky and large gray boulders
appear out of the ripples of energy. They fall down
and rain over Lopunny, dealing damage to it.)
Ada: Use Water Pulse!
(Lopunny puts its hands together and a blue ball of
energy appears in between them. Now, it fires a
spiraling stream of water at Crustle, dealing a
great amount of damage to it. Crustle passes and
collapses to the ground.)
Referee: Crustles unable to continue! Lopunny
(Cilan calls Crustle back to its Pokeball. Now, he
gets another one out.)
Cilan: Come on out, Houndoom.
(He throws it and Houndoom emerges from it.)
Houndoom: (growls.)
Ada: Lopunny, use Double Kick!
(It kicks Houndoom twice with both legs, doing a
good amount of damage.)
Cilan: Houndoom, use Rock Smash!
(It jumps into the air, its front paws glow white and
falls onto Lopunny, doing a good amount of
Cilan: Now, Flame Charge!
(Houndoom gets enveloped in red flames, runs
faster and slams into Lopunny, doing more
Ada: Lopunny, fight back with High Jump Kick!
(It jumps into the air, its left knee glows white and
strikes Houndoom with it, doing damage.)
Cilan: Houndoom, Crunch!
Houndoom: (growls.)
(Its teeth glow, jumps up and bites down on
Lopunny, doing damage.)
Ada: Water Pulse!
(Lopunny puts its hands together and a blue ball of
energy appears in between them. Now, it fires a
spiraling stream of water at Houndoom, dealing a
great amount of damage.)
Cilan: Use Fire Fang!
(Houndooms mouth and fangs get enveloped in
red-orange flames and it bites down on Lopunny,
dealing damage.)
Ada: Lopunny, Bounce!
(It jumps into the air, sticks its left leg out and goes
for Houndoom.)
Cilan: Dodge it!
(It jumps backwards and swiftly avoids the attack.)
Ash: This isnt looking good for Cilan.
Pikachu: Pika.
Diana: Yep, but he certainly not going down easy.
Ada: Lopunny, use Focus Punch!
(Lopunny sharply concentrates & focuses and its
left fist glows light blue and punches Houndoom
with it, delivering a good amount of damage.)
Cilan: Houndoom, use Inferno!
(It opens its mouth and fires a stream of blue and
white fire at Lopunny, dealing a great amount of
Ada: Use High Jump Kick!
(Lopunny jumps into the air, its left knee glows
white and goes for Houndoom.)
Cilan: Dodge it, now!
(Houndoom leaps out of Lopunnys path, but then,
Lopunny bounces on its other leg, jumps up and
lands on both feet.)
Cilan: Houndoom, Fire Fang!
(Houndooms mouth and fangs get enveloped in
red-orange flames and it bites down on Lopunny,
dealing damage.)
Ada: Lopunny, use Water Pulse!
(It puts its hands together and a blue ball of energy
appears in between them. Now, it fires a spiraling
stream of water at Houndoom, dealing a great
amount of damage.)
Cilan: Flame Charge!
(Houndoom gets enveloped in red flames and runs
fast towards Lopunny.)
Ada: Lopunny, dodge and use Double Kick!
(It leaps up and narrowly evades Houndooms
attack. Now, Lopunny kicks Houndoom twice with
both legs, doing a good amount of damage.)
Cilan: Use Crunch!
Houndoom: (growls.)
(Its teeth glow, jumps up and bites down on
Lopunny, doing damage.)
Ada: Lopunny, time to finish this with Focus Punch!
(Lopunny sharply concentrates & focuses and its
left fist glows light blue and punches Houndoom
with it, delivering a good amount of damage.
Houndoom falls to the ground and passes out.)
Referee: Houndooms unable to battle! Lopunnys
the victor, and this match goes to Ada.
(Cilan calls Houndoom back to its Pokeball.)
Cilan: You tried your best, Houndoom. Youve
earned it.
(Now, Ada comes over to him.)
Ada: Thank you for giving us a great battle, Cilan.
Cilan: Youre welcome Ada. You sure put up a
tough one.
Ada: Well, so did you.
(They both bow to each other. Now, a brief
montage goes on where we see the ensuing
battles that follow, from Ada battling against Janie,
Iris facing off against Diana to Ash battling Ada and
Trevor faces off against a guy named Adam. It
concludes with the gang regrouping in the main
lobby, resting and relaxing.)
Ada: Janie, you really put up quite a battle back
Janie: Thanks, Ada. So did you. (She turns over to
Ash.) Hey, while were still on the subject, Ash, are
you and Iris all pumped up for the final match?
Ash: Oh, you bet we are!
Pikachu: Pika-Pikachu!
Iris: Its going to be the biggest one of them all.
Axew (agreeing): Axew.
Clemont: So, Lex, Ive been meaning to ask you:
how did you first get into sculpting Pokemon and
Lex: Thats easy: I was a Pokemon sketcher when I
first began my journey and loved to sketch
whatever came to my mind, and I starting writing
after hearing one of Prof. Oaks most influential
Clemont: Ahh, thats very insightful. (He turns
over to Ada.) How about you, Ada?
Ada: Oh, me? Well, it actually stems back to my
desire to train my Pokemon to their fullest
potential, so I started thinking about how much
each of them needed to train specifically, as well
as creating special courses to help them take their
skills to the next level, and then later on, I wanted
to create things that were beneficial to the
community, as well.
Trevor: Oh, thats very noble.
Ada: Indeed.
Serena: So, what sort of project are you doing right
Ada: Im working on a special portable irrigation
system for the island farmers.
(She gets out the Pokepilot, turns on and pulls up
schematics for the irrigation system.)
(impressed): Wow! Thats sure to go over well with
Ada: I have a good feeling that it will.
Jenny (over P.A.): Attention. The final battle will
begin in a few moments.
Ash: Well, Iris, this is it.
Iris: Yep, just like the first club tournament we
Ash: Mmm-hmm, only this time, things will be
Iris: You said it.
(They both give each other an affirmatory
handshake and they all head back out. Now, we
cross-fade in back to the stadium for the final
Referee: The final matchup between Ash Ketchum
and Iris will now begin!
Iris: Excadrill, lets go!
(She throws it and Excadrill emerges from it.)
Excadrill: Exca!
Ash: Corphish, I choose you!
(He throws the Pokeball and Corphish appears.)
Corphish: Corphish!
Iris: Excadrill, use Metal Claw!
(Excadrills claws flash white and turn to iron.
Now, it jumps up and slashes repeatedly at
Corphish, doing some damage to it.)
Ash: Corphish, Crabhammer!
(Corphishs pincers glow white and hits the ground,
sending an invisible shockwave at Excadrill,
dealing a good amount of damage.)
Ash: Now, use Vice Grip!
(It pinches Excadrill with its left claw, doing a little
more damage.)
Iris: Use Rock Slide!
(Excadrills body glows white and multiple white
rings of energy appear above and around its body.
Now, several grey boulders appear out of the
ripples and fall down on Corphish, dealing damage
to it.)
Ash: Counter with Bubble Beam!
Corphish: Cor-phish-phish-phish!
(It opens its right pincer and fires blue bubbles at
Excadrill, dealing a considerable amount of
Iris: Excadrill, use Dig!
Excadrill: Exca!
(It digs into the ground with its claws and digs
underneath Corphish. Now, it comes up below it
and slashes Corphish with one of its claws, doing
Ash: All right, Corphish, use Crabhammer, Bubble
Beam and Crunch!
(Corphishs pincers glow white and hits the ground,
sending an invisible shockwave at Excadrill,
dealing a good amount of damage. Now, it opens
its right pincer and fires blue bubbles at Excadrill,
dealing more damage. The serrated edges of
Corphishs pincers glows white and clamps down
on Excadrill with them, doing even more damage.)
Don George: Whoa! Now, that was an effective
Jenny: Yeah, no question about that.
Iris: Oh, dont well take that lightly. Excadrill, Dig,
Metal Claw and Focus Blast!
Excadrill: Exca!
(It digs into the ground with its claws and digs
underneath Corphish. Now, it comes up below it
and slashes Corphish with one of its claws, doing
damage. Next, its claws flash white and turn to
iron. Now, it jumps up and slashes repeatedly at
Corphish, doing some more damage. Now,
Excadrill puts its claws together and a light blue
ball of energy forms in between them. Now, it
pulls back one claw, while keeping the ball in its
other one, leaps up and tosses it at Corphish,
doing more damage to it.)
Ash: Use Vice Grip!
Corphish: Cor-phish!
(It snips its pincers and goes for Excadrill.)
Iris: Excadrill, dodge and use Drill Run!
(It jumps up and evades Corphishs attack. Now, it
holds its arms out, spins its body rapidly and dives
forward, jabbing Corphish with the protrusions
sticking out of its head and doing damage.)
Iris: Okay, now use Rock Slide!
(Excadrills body glows white and multiple white
rings of energy appear above and around its body.
Now, several grey boulders appear out of the
ripples and fall down on Corphish, dealing damage
to it.)
Ash: Corphish, Blizzard now!
(It opens its right pincer, the inside starts to glow
light blue and it fires a power blizzard from it at
Excadrill, dealing a great amount of damage.)
Iris: Use Metal Claw!
(Excadrills claws flash white and turn to iron.
Now, it jumps up and slashes repeatedly at
Corphish, doing some damage to it.)
Ash: Corphish, Bubble Beam!
Corphish: Cor-phish-phish-phish!
(It opens its right pincer and fires blue bubbles at
Excadrill, dealing a considerable amount of
Iris: Excadrill, use Dig and go into Focus Blast!
Excadrill: Exca!
(It digs into the ground with its claws and digs
underneath Corphish. Now, it comes up below it
and slashes Corphish with one of its claws, doing
damage. Now, it puts its claws together and a light
blue ball of energy forms in between them. Now, it
pulls back one claw, while keeping the ball in its
other one, leaps up and tosses it at Corphish,
doing more damage to it.)
Ash: Use Crabhammer and Crunch!
(Corphishs pincers glow white and hits the ground,
sending an invisible shockwave at Excadrill,
dealing a good amount of damage. Now, the
serrated edges of Corphishs pincers glows white
and clamps down on Excadrill with them, doing
more damage.)
Ash: Now, Corphish Blizzard!
Corphish: Cor-phiiish!
(It opens its right pincer, the inside starts to glow
light blue and it fires a power blizzard from it at
Excadrill, dealing a great amount of damage.
Excadrill collapses and faints.)
Referee: Excadrills out of the battle! Corphish
Ash: All right! Way to go, Corphish!
Corphish: Cor-phish!
Iris: Oh, well. Excadrill, you battled hardest. Come
on back.
(She calls Excadrill back to its Pokeball and puts it
back in her pocket.)
Iris: Its time, Axew.
Axew: Axew!
(He hops out of her hair and onto the battle field.)
Ash: Corphish, Vice Grip, lets go!
(It pinches Axew with its right claw, doing
Iris: Axew, use Dragon Claw!
Axew: Axew!
(His claws glow light blue and slashes at Corphish,
doing damage.)
Ash: Crunch, now!
(The serrated edges of Corphishs pincers glows
white and clamps down on Axew with them,
dealing damage to him.)
Iris: Use Dragon Rage!
(Axew opens its mouth and fires a powerful blast of
black energy, which turns into the shape of a blue
& black dragon, at Corphish, dealing damage to it.
Corphish faints and falls to the ground.)
Referee: Corphish is unable to battle! Axew wins!
Ash: Corphish, return.
(He calls Corphish back to its Pokeball, places it
back on his belt and gets another one off of it.)
Ash: Gliscor, lets go!
(He tosses it up and Gliscor appears out of it.)
Gliscor: Gliscor!
Iris: Axew, use Night Slash!
Axew: Axew!
(His claws glows dark purple and slashes at Gliscor,
dealing damage to it.)
Ash: Gliscor, Steel Wing, go!
(Its patagium glow white and strikes Axew with
them, doing damage.)
Iris: Use Dragon Pulse!
(Axew opens his mouth and a turquoise ball of
energy appears in front of him and fires it at
Gliscor, doing damage to it.)
Ash: All right, now Fire Fang!
(Gliscors mouth and fangs get enveloped in red-
orange flames and it bites down on Axew, doing
some damage to him.)
Iris: Axew, Dragon Rage!
(He opens its mouth and fires a powerful blast of
black energy, which turns into the shape of a blue
& black dragon, at Gliscor.)
Ash: Dodge it!
Gliscor: Gliscor!
(It flies up out of the attacks path, but then, Axew
moves his head up and the beam redirects towards
Gliscor, landing a direct hit and doing damage to
Ash: Okay, Gliscor, use Stone Edge!
(Its eyes glow white and two light blue rings
appear around its body, which then glow white and
form into white stones that revolve around its
body. The white glow dissipates into grey rocks,
which Gliscor fires at Axew, doing damage.)
Iris: Dragon Claw!
Axew: Ax-ew!
(Both his claws glow light blue and slashes Gliscor
with them, doing damage to it.)
Ash: Use X-Scissor and Steel Wing!
(Its claws glow light blue and it swipes them in an
X-like fashion, firing an X-shaped light blue
energy at Axew, doing damage to him. Now, its
patagium glow white and strikes Axew with them,
doing more damage.)
Iris: Axew, Dragon Claw and Dragon Pulse!
Axew: Ax-ew!
(Both his claws glow light blue and slashes Gliscor
with them, doing damage. Now, Axew opens his
mouth and a turquoise ball of energy appears in
front of him and fires it at Gliscor, dealing more
Ash: All right Gliscor, use Stone Edge!
(Its eyes glow white and two light blue rings
appear around its body, which then glow white and
form into white stones that revolve around its
body. The white glow dissipates into grey rocks,
which Gliscor fires at Axew.)
Iris: Axew, dodge them and use Outrage now!
Axew: Axew!
(He zigs and zags around the rocks, narrowly
evading each one. Now, he concentrates and his
eyes glow red and his body becomes outlined in a
red aura. Now, he jumps up and punches and
kicks Gliscor continuously, doing a good amount of
Ash: Gliscor, use Giga Impact!
(It gets enveloped in an invisible energy, then a
bright flash of yellow light appears in front of its
face and aims toward Axew. Now, it shoots itself
and an orb of light purple energy with spiraling
light yellow surrounding it appear around its bodies
and slam into Axew, dealing great damage to him.)
Axew: Ax-ew!
(He jumps up and punches and kicks Gliscor
continuously, doing a good amount of damage.
The red aura around Axews body disappears, but
his eyes still glow red.)
Iris: Axew, use Dragon Rage!
Axew (snarling): Axxxx-ewwww!
(He opens its mouth and fires a powerful blast of
black energy, which turns into the shape of a blue
& black dragon, at Gliscor, doing damage to it.
Axew shakes his head and his eyes stop glowing.)
Axew (normally): Axew.
Ash: Okay Gliscor, use Stone Edge, Steel Wing and
Fire Fang!
(Its eyes glow white and two light blue rings
appear around its body, which then glow white and
form into white stones that revolve around its
body. The white glow dissipates into grey rocks,
which Gliscor fires at Axew. Next, Gliscors
patagium glow white and strikes Axew with them,
doing more damage. Now, mouth and fangs get
enveloped in red-orange flames and it bites down
on Axew, doing some more damage to him.)
Iris: Axew, Dragon Rage, Dragon Pulse and Dragon
Axew: Ax-ew!
(He opens its mouth and fires a powerful blast of
black energy, which turns into the shape of a blue
& black dragon, at Gliscor, doing damage to it.
Now, he opens his mouth and a turquoise ball of
energy appears in front of him and fires it at
Gliscor, dealing more damage. Next, both of
Axews claws glow light blue and slashes Gliscor
with them, doing more damage.)
Janie: Boy, this is getting very intense.
Ada: You said it.
Ash: Gliscor, use X-Scissor!
(Its claws glow light blue and it swipes them in an
X-like fashion, firing an X-shaped light blue
energy at Axew, doing damage.)
Iris: Night Slash, now!
Axew: Axew!
(His claws glows dark purple and slashes at Gliscor,
dealing damage to it.)
Ash: All right, Giga Impact!
Iris: You too, Axew!
(Both get enveloped in an invisible energy, then
bright flashes of yellow light appear in front of their
faces and aim towards each other. Now, they
shoot themselves and an orb of light purple energy
with spiraling light yellow surrounding it appear
around their bodies and slam into each other,
creating an explosion on impact. Both Pokemon fall
to the ground, passed out.)
Referee: Axew and Gliscor are both unable to
(Ash calls Gliscor back to its Pokeball and Iris goes
and picks Axew up. Both each give an expression
as if to say, You were spectacular out there.
Now, they pick out one Pokeball each.)
Ash and Iris: Go!
(They toss them up and Krookodile and Dragonite
emerge from them.)
Dragonite: (bellows.)
Ash: Krookodile, start with Crunch!
(Its teeth glow white and bites down on Dragonite,
doing damage to it.)
Iris: Dragonite, use Aqua Tail!
Dragonite: (grunts.)
(Its tail glows light blue, spins it around and a
spiral of water winds around it. Now, it swings it
and hits Krookodile, dealing damage to it.)
Ash: Now, use Stone Edge!
(Krookodiles body gets enveloped in white. The
white energy comes off the body and forms into
two rings of white pointed energy orbs that orbit
around the body. The white light fades and the
orbs form into multiple grey rocks, which
Krookodile then fires at Dragonite, doing a good
amount of damage.)
Iris: Counter with Flamethrower!
(Dragonite fires a red-orange stream of fire from
its mouth at Krookodile, dealing some damage.)
Iris: Now, use Dragon Rush and Ice Beam!
(Dragonite flies up, then spins around and its body
gets immersed in a light blue orb with white
streaks. Now, it fires multiple light blue beams of
energy at Krookodile, dealing a great amount of
damage. Now, Dragonite slams into it, dealing
more damage to it.)
Ash: Krookodile, Thunder Fang and Dragon Claw,
(Its teeth glow yellow electricity envelops them
and bites down on Dragonite, doing a good amount
of damage. Next, its claws glow light blue and it
slashes Dragonite with them, doing even more
Iris: Dragonite, use Ice Beam!
(It fires multiple light blue beams of energy at
Ash: Dodge it with Dig!
(Krookodile jumps up and narrowly evades the
Ash: Now, use Thunder Fang!
(Its teeth glow yellow electricity envelops them
and bites down on Dragonite, doing a good amount
of damage.)
Iris: Dragonite, use Flamethrower!
(It fires a stream of red-orange of fire from its
mouth at Krookodile, doing some damage to it.)
Ash: Is that all you got?
Iris: Oh, you just wait and see. Dragonite, use Ice
Beam, Flamethrower and Aqua Tail!
(It fires multiple light blue beams of energy at
Krookodile. Next, it fires a stream of red-orange of
fire from its mouth at Krookodile. Now, its tail
glows light blue, spins it around and a spiral of
water winds around it. Dragonite swings it at
Ash: Krookodile, use Dig, then go into Dragon Claw
and Thunder Fang!
(Krookodile jumps into the air and dives face first
into the ground, narrowly evading every one of
Dragonites attacks. Now, it comes up in front of
Dragonite, its claws glow light blue and slashes
Dragonite with them, doing damage. Then, its
teeth glow yellow electricity envelops them and
bites down on Dragonite, doing more damage.)
Iris: Dragonite, use Hurricane!
Dragonite: (loudly bellows.)
(It takes to the air, then its wings glow light blue
and flaps them, releasing a powerful gust of wind
that deals a great amount of damage to
Ash (concerned): You all right, Krookodile?
(Krookodile manages to get back up on its feet and
gives Ash an affirmatory nod.)
Ash: Good. Now, use Crunch!
(Its teeth glow white and goes for Dragonite.)
Iris: Dragonite, dodge it and use Aqua Tail!
(It flies and narrowly avoids the attack. Now, its tail
glows light blue, spins it around and a spiral of
water winds around it. Now, it swings it and hits
Krookodile, dealing a good amount of damage to
Ash: Krookodile, Stone Edge, lets go!
(Krookodiles body gets enveloped in white. The
white energy comes off the body and forms into
two rings of white pointed energy orbs that orbit
around the body. The white light fades and the
orbs form into multiple grey rocks, which
Krookodile then fires at Dragonite, doing a good
amount of damage.)
Ash: Finish this with Dragon Claw, Crunch and
Stone Edge again!
(Krookodiles claws glow light blue and it slashes
Dragonite with them, dealing a good amount of
damage. Now, its teeth glow white and bites down
on Dragonite, doing more damage to it. Next,
Krookodiles body gets enveloped in white. The
white energy comes off the body and forms into
two rings of white pointed energy orbs that orbit
around the body. The white light fades and the
orbs form into multiple grey rocks, which
Krookodile then fires at Dragonite, doing even
more damage to it. Dragonite faints and falls to the
Referee: Dragonite cannot continue to battle!
Krookodiles the winner, and the victory goes to
Ash Ketchum!
Ash (jubilantly): All right!
Pikachu (jubilantly): Pi-Pikachu!
Iris (happily & gently): Dragonite, you were
amazing. Go on & take a good rest.
(She calls it back to its Poke ball.)
Ash: You were awesome today, Krookodile!
(Iris comes over to them.)
Iris (honestly): Ash, you put up a great battle there.
Ash: Thanks, Iris. Same to you.
(She gives him a congratulatory handshake. Now,
we cross fade over to the winners circle.)
Don George: Congratulations, Mr. Ketchum. It
gives me great pleasure to award you the Trainers
Club cup.
Ash: Thank you, Don George.
(He raises it up over his head and it gleams in the
Ash (exuberantly): All right! The Trainers Club cup
is all ours!
Pikachu (exuberantly): Pi-Pikachu!
(Cross fade to minutes later, where the gang is
standing outside of the stadium.)
Iris: That sure was a lot of fun.
Axew: Axew.
Lex: Yeah. You were all spectacular back there.
Clemont: Thank you, Lex.
Cilan (to Clemont & Serena): You two did
excellently for your first tournament.
Serena: We sure did.
(Ada looks at the time on her Poketch.)
Ada: Come on, guys.
Trevor (confused): Huh? Where are we going?
Ada: Its nearly sunset, and I know of a good spot
where we can view it from.
Cilan: Okay, then. Lead the way.
(Ada leads them over to a nearby hill, which they
walk halfway up on and stop past the midway
Ada: Okay, here we are.
(They each pick out a spot to sit in.)
Ash (curiously): All right, Ada. How come were
watching the sunset from here?
Ada (knowingly): Oh, youll see in just a moment.
(They look up at the sky. As the Sun sets, a mix
red, orange and yellow lights fill the sky, with
clouds moving in and casting purple colors across.)
All (in wonder): Wow!
Pikachu (in wonder): Pika.
Axew (in wonder): Axew.
Janie: You know, maybe we might see ones like this
when we get to the Decolore Islands.
Lex: Believe us, guys. Youre going to be in for
quite a treat when you arrive on the island.
Trevor & Janie: Okay.
(They all continue looking on at the sunset. Now,
we pan up and get an overview shot of the plateau
being enveloped in the colors of the sunset and we
fade to black, ending the episode.)

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