NYSE Technologies Corporate Brochure

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About NYSE Technologies
A division of NYSE Euronext (NYX), NYSE Technologies is a leader in providing innovative software,
market data products and data management applications, connectivity solutions, exchange technology,
and transaction solutions for trading firms, vendors and financial markets around the world.
NYSE Technologies offers one of the most comprehensive suites of high quality commercial technology products
that includes advanced messaging platforms, co-location services, ultra-low latency order routing and a one-of-
a-kind hosted network community, all designed to enable the free flow of liquidity for the global marketplace.
Formed from established technology companies including Wombat Financial Software, Atos Euronext Market
Solutions (AEMS), SIAC, NYFIX, TransactTools and NYSE Euronext Data Solutions, the division now operates
four units:
• Global Connectivity offering one of the world’s largest, most reliable financial transaction networks
connecting firms and exchanges worldwide, the Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure® (SFTI®),
and Value Added Services such as sponsored market access, order routing and co-location
• Trading Solutions delivering high performance, end-to-end trading infrastructure including ultra-low latency
messaging software
• Exchange Solutions providing multi-asset exchange platform services, managed services and expert consultancy
• Global Market Data offering a broad array of global market information products covering multiple
asset classes.
With offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia, NYSE Technologies provides technology solutions for hundreds
of global financial institutions including global investment banks, broker-dealers, hedge funds, investment
managers, multi-lateral trading facilities, electronic communication networks, alternative trading systems,
and exchanges.
For additional information visit: http://www.nyse.com/technologies

Copyright 2009 NYSE Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. All third party trademarks are owned by their respective owners and are used with permission. This announcement may
contain forward-looking statements regarding NYSE Euronext and its affiliates. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of management and are subject to
significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.

NYSE Technologies: Technology Enabling Business 3

Exchange Solutions 4

Global Connectivity 5

Trading Solutions 6

Global Market Data 7

Client Deployment Solutions 8


NYSE Technologies:
Technology Enabling Business
NYSE Technologies provides high-performance global trading platforms,
through innovative market-leading software, market data and a low-latency
secure networked community.
Together, our flexible and scalable products and services deliver robust,
integrated solutions for all market participants from single traders to buy- and
sell-side trading desks to exchanges.
We empower all tiers of the market by offering our solutions as fully deployed,
managed, on-demand or hosted services.
From a single company, we deliver best-of-breed products using world-class
technology connected to all the world’s major markets.

driving value for our customers:

■■ global investment banks

■■ brokers/dealers

■■ investment managers

■■ hedge funds

■■ exchanges, ecns, atss, mtfs


Exchange Solutions

NYSE Technologies is a leading global provider of

technology solutions and managed services
for exchanges, clearing houses, banks, and
Our technology maintains the largest execution
venues in the world including 16 non-NYSE Euronext
markets in addition to all the exchanges in the
NYSE Euronext group.

“Our software and solutions

empower our customers and
partners to continue to grow
and innovate in their markets”
Through millions of man hours of investment and
expertise we have developed scalable solutions for
venues of all sizes, with asset classes from equities
to derivatives.
Nobody understands better than us the rate of change
in the exchange space. Our Exchange Solutions
are designed to allow our customers and partners
to grow and innovate delivering more value to their

Our Services
■■ Exchange Data Publisher

Global Connectivity

NYSE Technologies’ Global Connectivity business Third-party application providers deploy their services
provides universal access to the network and across SFTI, giving trading firms the unique ability to
infrastructure of the world’s leading markets. access industry-leading solutions in a pre-integrated
This connectivity allows traders to leverage our and hosted service model.
transactional connectivity and data management
technologies combined with an integrated community
of partner solution providers.

“We enable access to liquidity

and third party value-adding
Once connected to the Secure Financial Transaction
Infrastructure® (SFTI®), our members benefit from ultra-
low latency, full redundancy, and access to a range of
trading and clearing services over a single network.
Whether your firm requires access to exchanges,
market data, non-exchange venues or specific
counterparties, the SFTI network provides a total
solution by coupling trading tools with its network.
The SFTI network provides access to all NYSE Euronext
markets and connects over 1,300 participants in the
U.S. to almost every major market in North America,
and is being rolled out across markets in Europe.
NYSE Technologies now extends its electronic trading
community to the buy-side with its Marketplace Order
Routing service. This service provides the buy-side
connectivity to brokerages, exchanges, and other
trading destinations. In addition to a buy- and sell-
side community of over 1,000 financial firms, the
Marketplace provides white glove customer service, Our Services
fast on-boarding, reliability, and over 14 years of
experience in the FIX connectivity business.
There are multiple access solutions, connecting
directly via the backbone or through extended reach ■■ SFTI PROXIMITY HOSTING
with extranet partners. ■■ Risk Management Gateway

Preparing for the future and rising demand in co- ■■ SFTI INTEGRATED PARTNER SOLUTIONS
location services, NYSE Technologies is investing ■■ MARKETPLACE ORDER ROUTING
in new state-of-the-art exchange located hosting
facilities in both the US and Europe planned for
completion in late 2009 and available in 2010.

Trading Solutions

NYSE Technologies’ Trading Solutions business Our market data infrastructure delivers lower
provides software solutions for the trading operations latency, with fewer points of failure and minimizes
and infrastructure of hundreds of exchanges and total cost of ownership. NYSE Technologies’
global financial institutions. We lead the financial Market Data Platform provides real-time market
trading technology market by providing a high speed data distribution and integration comprising high
market data and messaging platform with direct performance messaging middleware; sub-millisecond
connectivity to more markets, in more countries connectivity to global markets with more than 160
around the globe, for more asset classes and offer the high speed direct exchange and aggregated vendor
world’s most widely-deployed FIX software solutions. feed handlers; a real-time consolidated order book
aggregator; and Data Access and Reporting Tools
“We power the trading operations (DART) for the efficient management of entitlements,
of the most sophisticated financial analysis and reporting services.

institutions in the world.” To support our clients’ trading infrastructure needs,

we offer FIX Software solutions to serve as the
foundation for sending and receiving electronic
The NYSE Technologies Market Data Platform
trading messages across front, middle, and back
underpins automated market-making systems,
offices. Our low latency FIX engine offers extensive
electronic-trading infrastructure and tick-capture
flexibility that allows you to get your firm’s trading
platforms in all sizes of financial institutions.
up and running quickly across multiple platforms,
Developed in response to today’s market data volume
desks, and asset classes globally, plus the ability to
increases, we offer an advanced suite of enterprise
monitor and to manage this infrastructure visually
solutions for real-time market data distribution
with TradeScope.
and integration.

Our Services
■■ market data technology
■■ trading connectivity
■■ messaging
■■ FIX Software

Global Market Data

The trading environment continues to change swiftly

and radically. Exchanges are digital and increasingly
global, and automate at a fast pace.
NYSE Technologies’ Global Market Data business
provides its customers with insight in and an overview
of its markets through its broad suite of data and
liquidity discovery products and solutions.

“We continue to innovate our

service offerings and seek the best
value for our customers.”
NYSE Technologies is far more than the traditional
data provider. We combine NYSE Euronext market
data and third-party data to offer global equities,
options, bonds, and futures data products, as well
as administration services for usage and billing.
We provide high quality and tailor-made financial
market data solutions for a broad range of customers
such as data vendors, trading firms, asset managers,
hedge funds and other market participants.

Our Services

Client Deployment Solutions

NYSE Technologies’ products and Custom Deployment

NYSE Technologies has a long track record of
services are available as flexible installing complete deployed solutions for customers
and scalable modules allowing worldwide. The key to a successful implementation
customers the choice to buy a is a comprehensive evaluation of the needs of
the customer. Key elements include: simplifying
single component or a complete management, improving systems, enabling security,
integrated solution. ensuring scalability, and reducing costs.
Our tailored solutions take into account your existing
systems, as well as what you want to do in the future.
Co-Location We work with you to provide the solutions to help your
When proximity to the market can give your business business grow.
model a competitive edge, our co-location hosting
services provide unsurpassed value. Located in the Consultancy Services
most sought after access centres with immediate
The best-of-breed technology companies that make
access to the SFTI® network and the world’s most
up NYSE Technologies have been working with clients
liquid exchanges, our hosting facilities can bring you
spanning the globe to provide bespoke consulting
closer to the trade than possible elsewhere.
services to suit our customers’ needs.
By installing your trading systems in our data center
Through tailoring our solutions to our clients’
space you can gain the lowest latency possible in
requirements, we are able to provide technology
accessing our matching engines. Over 100 clients
solutions that span the entire trading lifecycle.
already co-locate in NYSE Euronext locations.
Moreover, our strong relationships with our clients
means we are able to leverage their connectivity
Managed Services and vision in developing more robust and cutting edge
NYSE Technologies Managed Services are a resource solutions.
effective and reliable solution allowing our clients
We realise that as markets consolidate and
to focus on their core competencies and customers.
competition increases there is an ever increasing need
Available across all our portfolio of solutions, our for reliable, efficient technology - solutions which
Managed Services deployment provides you with a will allow markets to operate smoothly and focus on
solution that reduces departmental running costs transactions. We also realise that as cross-border
and reduces the complexity of your operational trading becomes more and more common, markets
environments. need the assurance they can rely on a worldwide network
We provide reliable mission critical IT systems provider. Through our commitment to innovation
that significantly reduce business risk and manage and scalable solutions, we provide our clients with
uncertainty while controlling costs. platforms to support dynamic, growing markets at
the best price points possible, while ensuring market
integrity and access to a truly global network.


For further details on NYSE Technologies,

please email

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

+31 (0) 20 550 4444

Belfast, UK
Tel. +44 28 9026 2910

Chicago, US
Tel. +1 312 960 1696

Hong Kong, China

Tel. +852 2168 0653

London, UK
Tel. +44 (0)20 7987 5400

New York, USA

Tel. +1 212 510 3600

Paris, France
Tel. +33 1 73 03 14 14

Tel. +65 6501 4100

Tokyo, Japan
Tel. +81 3 5521 6994

Visit www.nyse.com/technologies,
or call us at our offices.
©2010 NYSE Euronext, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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