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METABK 53(2) 155-158 (2014)
UDC UDK 669.186:518.1:531.39=111


Received Prispjelo: 2013-07-26
Accepted Prihvaeno: 2013-10-30
Original Scientic Paper Izvorni znanstveni rad

The article presents results of ph ysical modelling of the st eel continuous casting pr ocess in the tundish. Techno-
logical parameters of casting and constructive parameters of tundish were under study. Three different kinds of flow
control devices were considered as well as their influence on the k inetics of steel flow and mixing in tundish. Cr e-
ated ph ysical model enabled t o c onduct simultaneously visualization r esearch and det ermine the R TD cur ves.
According to the theory of flow in reactors the proper characteristics for estimating the flow are RTD curves E- and
F-type, and they were obtained and discussed.
Key words: steel flow, tundish, physical modelling, RTD curve

INTRODUCTION be divided (taking into account the construction, shape

and the main aim) into: baf es with notches, dams,
Technological parameters of casting and construc- weirs and turbulence inhibitors [6-1 1]. Such solutions
tive parameters of tundish belong to basic properties are commonly used in industry and thanks to them good
that enforce the character of liquid steel ow through results of steel ow and mixing optimization in the
CC tundish [1-4]. tundish can be reached.
Possibilities of forming the character of steel ow To ensure the optimal working of control ow de-
through tundish basing on technological parameters of vices it is necessary to determine precisely their impact
casting, are rather limited. This is caused by the fact that on hydrodynamic conditions of steel circulation in the
these parameters are determined at the level of planning tundish. That is why physical and mathematical model-
the casting technology of specic grades of steel, cross- ling is applied to determine constructive parameters of
sections of obtained cast strands, applied types of ow control devices [6-11].
mould, parameters of secondary cooling etc. Thus, they Modelling research (physical and numerical) is com-
consider mainly problems connected with solidication monly used for analyzing (getting to know better) the
rate of cast strand, and as a result the productivity of the phenomena occurring in reactors applied in metallur gy
process [5]. Problems concerning the character of steel of steel and nonferrous metals [11-16].
mixing in the tundish are derivative of those factors and
commonly require to undertake additional research con-
nected with optimization of steel mixing in a tundish. TESTING METHODOLOGY
Constructive parameters (geometry) of the tundish Two-strand industrial T-type tundish with capacity
also do not give possibilities to inuence the ow char- of 7,5 Mg was examined. Figure 1 presents the scheme
acter. This is why, all the changes in tundish shape are of the tundish, whereas Table 1 shows dimensions of the
connected with the necessity to work out practically tundish model at 1:2 scale.
new casting technologies which, taking into considera- Due to some problems occurring in a real tundish
tion the economy of steel production, is unjustied. three variants of equipping its working zone were pro-
Thus there is a necessity to regulate and/or form the posed. They do not exist; they are only the suggestion
character of steel ow in the tundish by other methods. for the modi cation of the studied object interior . Fig-
The solution of such problem is applying additional ure 2 presents the considered variants of tundish modi-
equipment in the working zone of the tundish, which is cation.
commonly called ow control devices [6-1 1]. The The research was carried out using physical model
choice of construction of ow control devices is indi- of continuous casting machine. It is a water segmental
vidual for a speci c tundish. Flow control devices can model built according to the theory of similarity. Figure
2 shows the test stand. Tundish model and elements of
T. Merder, J. Pieprzyca, M. Saternus: Silesian University of Techno- equipping were made from plexiglass. Presented model
logy, Department of Metallurgy, Katowice, Poland was described in details in work [12].

METALURGIJA 53 (2014) 2, 155-158 155


Figure 3 Scheme of test stand used in research

Table 1 Dimensions of the tundish model at 1:2 scale

Parameter Symbol Value
Figure 1 Scheme of the studied tundish
Volume of tundish at lling level H / m3 V 0,125
L 1,150
Tundish length / m
The construction of the model enables to conduct L1 0,345
simultaneously visualization research and determine Tundish width / m
B 0,570
the RTD curves (Residence Time Distribution) describ- B1 0,300
ing the way that liquid steel ows through the tundish. Filling level (steady-state casting) / m
H 0,300
Every variant of experiment was carried out in the H1 0,220
same working conditions of the tundish.Water ow rate Inclination of the side walls / 8
in a model was 24 dm3/min, which corresponds to cast- Shroud diameter /m dSH 0,025
ing rate equal 1 m/min, for cast strand with 200. Shroud position / m LSH 0,466
Modelling agent (water) was introduced to two tanks SEN diameter / m dSEN 0,01
(Figure 3), which played the role of a ladle. Then, SEN position / m LSEN 0,350
through the reverse valve liquid is directed into tundish
trough submerged pouring nozzle. Tundish model was the amount of water that was introduced to the model
lled to the required level of water . In the research it and drained from it.
was 0,3 m. It corresponds to the level of steel in a real To determine RTD curve (F-type) in the moment of
tundish after applying linear scale. During the research reaching the required level of water and stabilizing the
the constant level of water was kept in order to control ow, the tank with clear water was closed and then a
tank with the tracer (water solution of KMnO 4
NaCl) was opened. In the same time measuring series
started. Tracer was introduced during the whole meas-
uring time and registered by means of conductimeters
continuously on the model tundish outlets. Simultane-
ously the process was recorded by camera.
To determine RTD curve (E-type) in the moment of
reaching the required level of water and stabilizing the
ow, small amount of 2 % NaCl was introduced to the
tank. The amount of tracer was 0,002 dm 3 and the
change of its concentration was registered continuously
on the model tundish outlets.


Presented results are part of the wide research pro-
gram concerning the change of ow control system in
Figure 2 Geometric dimensions of proposed variants of
tundish modication: a) case A, b) case B, c) case C, the examined tundish. Results were partly presented in
d) places of their installing works [12, 17].

156 METALURGIJA 53 (2014) 2, 155-158


Flow of the fluid a character that it spills over the upper edge of dam,
whereas through the notch window, the ow practically
Registered lm enables to analyze the change of does not exist. During dam construction it was assumed
ow and mixing kinetics in studied cases. Figures 4 to 7 that this window would play the role of culvert increas-
show the chosen results of tracer propagation during the ing the kinetics of modelling agent ow to the channel
experiment for examined cases. Analysis of obtained part of the tundish model. Results of visualization re-
results shows that the amount of well mixing area in search were negative.
bare tundish (Figure 34) is not suf cient. This area in- For Cases C (Figure 7) bene cial character of mod-
uences the quality of obtained cast strands; steel ren- elling uid ow was observed in the area of well mixed
ing, by impurities oating to slag, occurs. The further ow. Mixing was suf cient and the strong mixing of
ow has circulative character. Tracer propagated in the ascending jet with surface layer of the bath was not ob-
direction of water surface and on the head wall falls served. Turned up upper walls of turbulence infhibitors
down creating right circulation (movement is in accord- cause an additional rotational movement of a modelling
ance with clockwise). Dangerously low kinetics of mix- agent in the area of well mixed ow. However, similarly
ing is also seen in the area of back walls of the model. to other cases, the kinetics of mixing in the area of back
Such phenomenon can cause the creation of dead zones walls of the model is not sufcient.
in this area of a real tundish.
For cases A and B (Figures 5 and 6) in which dams
were installed, kinetics of liquid ow is more intensive RTD characteristcs
than in a bare tundish. The area of well mixing is also RTD characteristics contain cumulated information
bigger. However kinetics of ascending the liquid to the about hydrodynamic conditions of steel ow through
surface is smaller. Such ow does not threaten the co- tundish and enable to estimate initially the quality of the
herence of slag layer and in the same time makes non- object considering the steel mixing and possibilities of
metallic inclusions easily assimilated by this layer. Such rening processes intensication. According to the the-
equipping is the reason why tundish inlet area becomes ory of ow in reactors [7-10], the proper characteristics
integrated with its construction by high volume turbu- for estimating the ow are RTD curve E- and F-type.
lence inhibitor. Figure 8 presents the shape and course of the R TD
In case B (dam with notches) movement of model- curves (F-type) registered for analyzed con gurations
ling liquid in an inlet part of the tundish model has such of tundish equipping. Presented curves show that the
kinetics of steel mixing for all studied cases is much the
same. To compare the results, the tracer concentration
was transformed in dimensionless form in such a way
that the minimal value was 0, whereas maximal was 1.
Such operation was possible applying relationships de-
Figure 4 Tracer propagation in tundish model (bare tundish) scribed in works [2,12].
after time: a) 30 s, b) 70 s To make more detailed comparison time interval t
was determined (range of mixing kinetics).The lower

Figure 5 Tracer propagation in tundish model (case A) after

time: a) 30 s, b) 70 s

Figure 6 Tracer propagation in tundish model (case B) after

time: a) 30 s, b) 70 s

Figure 8 The F-type characteristics obtained from water

Figure 7 Tracer propagation in tundish model (case C) after model: a) bare tundish [12], b) Case A, c) Case B, d)
time: a) 30 s, b) 70 s Case C

METALURGIJA 53 (2014) 2, 155-158 157


values of t, the better conditions of mixing. Table 2 CONCLUSION

presents results characterizing the kinetics of mixing in
examined cases. Basing on the carried out experiments it was stated
that applying ow control devices in working area of
Table 2 Kinetics of steel mixing for studied cases the tundish causes:
t / s favourable change of ow kinetics,
Outlet No 1 Outlet No 2 increasing the volume of dead areas, however they
Bare tundish 348,5 349,5 cannot be totally eliminated; places especially suscep-
Dam (Case A) 350 354
tible to this disturbance of ow are areaa near the back
Dam notched (Case B) 315,5 322
wall of the tundish model (close by liquid surface),
Turbulence inhibitor (Case C) 292,5 290
lengthening the time which tracer spent in the tundish;
this in uences the process of transient zone, forming
Additionally Table 2 shows the data for both outlets at the same time favourable conditions to sequence
to check the symmetry condition. Values of t on both casting,
outlets of the examined variants dif fer insigni cantly. the dead area is smaller, as a consequence the area with
These differences come from abnormal levelling of the well mixed ow increases,
tundish model. improving mixed to dead volume of about 13,2 % and
Basing on E-type curves, using relationships de- plug to dead volume of about 37,5 %.
scribed in works [2, 12], particular volume fraction of Modelling research negatively veri ed assumption
ows for studied cases were calculated.Table 3 presents for Case B (dam equipped with notch window which
these results. The increase of mixing kinetics was ob- should play the role of culvert increasing the kinetics of
served for cases B and C, which is a positive phenome- liquid ow).
non. Bare tundish used nowadays and proposed variant
of its equipping Case A (dam) have kinetics of steel
mixing at the same level. It is not optimal equipment for REFERENCES
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B 1,56 0,46
Note: The responsible translator for English language is M. Kingsford,
C 1,76 0,60 Katowice, Poland

158 METALURGIJA 53 (2014) 2, 155-158

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