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Biotechnology DOI 10.1002/biot.200600195 Biotechnol. J. 2007, 2, 386392



Plant genomic DNA isolation: An art or a science

Astha Varma1 , Harish Padh2 and Neeta Shrivastava1

1 B. V. Patel Pharmaceutical Education and Research Development (PERD) Centre Department of Pharmacognosy and
Phytochemistry, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
2 B. V. Patel Pharmaceutical Education and Research Development (PERD) Centre Department of Biotechnology, Ahmedabad,

Gujarat, India

Isolating quality DNA from tissues/cells presents a variety of problems in particular when plants Received 27 September 2006
are used as the source material. The specific characteristics of plants like the presence of rigid poly- Revised 11 December 2006
saccharide cell wall, pigments, chemical heterogeneity of secondary metabolites found in diverse Accepted 20 December 2006
species of plants, etc., necessitate special consideration and skill during isolation procedure. Un-
til now, numerous protocols have been published for the purpose, but none is found to be uni-
versally applicable. Various factors starting from the selection of source material to the concen-
tration of metabolites present in the plant decide the course of the isolation procedure. The pres-
ent review is an update of various methods used for plant genomic DNA isolation, and it epito-
mizes the various problems faced and the solutions made to contend with them during DNA
isolation from plant cells.

Keywords: Chemical heterogeneity Genomic DNA Polyphenolics Polysaccharides

Secondary metabolites

1 Introduction plant molecular biologists are facing daily, is the difficul-

ty in obtaining contamination free, high-quality genom-
The area of plant molecular biology has witnessed con- ic DNA, without which any further analysis or manipula-
tinuous advancements dealing with the study and ma- tions are not feasible. The purer the DNA, the more reli-
nipulations of plant genetic resources at the molecular able the result becomes because contaminated nucleic
level. New frontiers are being opened with each new dis- acid often fails to give precise, reliable and reproducible
covery, the latest significant achievement being the results.
completion of rice genome sequencing. The genetic ma- In the preceding two to three decades, researchers
terial has been manipulated to the core by researchers, have developed numerous protocols and procedures to
including production of transgenics and biopharmaceu- isolate quality DNA from a variety of plant species, which
ticals, molecular breeding, genome mapping etc. How- can be used depending on the purpose of isolation. Some
ever, the problem with the recalcitrant targets, which widely followed procedures are those given by Murray
and Thompson [1], Doyle and Doyle [2], Rogers and Ben-
dich [3], Lodhi et al. [4]. These methods have been proven
successful in a number of experiments until now. Howev-
Correspondence: Dr. Neeta Shrivastava, B. V. Patel Pharmaceutical Educa- er, none of these methods, or any other published method
tion and Research Development (PERD) Centre, Sarkhej Gandhinagar has established itself as universally applicable to all plant
Highway, Thaltej, Ahmedabad 380054, Gujarat, India varieties. In general, researchers need to modify a proto-
col or blend two or more different procedures to obtain
Fax: + 91-79-27450449
DNA of desired quality for a particular requirement. In this
Abbreviations: CTAB, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide; DIECA, di- review we have emphasized the factors that lead to such
ethyldithiocarbamic acid; PVP, polyvinyl pyrollidone; PVPP, polyvinyl modifications, and that are imperative during genomic
polypyrollidone DNA isolation from plants.

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2 Major factors influencing isolation NaCl-NaN3 [16], or dried using materials such as silica gel
methodology and then stored to avoid contamination due to moisture
[17]. Samples stored in the form of lyophilized tissue are a
Fundamentally, a genomic DNA isolation procedure from much better choice as they can be stored for several years
any prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell includes three central with little loss of DNA quality [18]. However, many isola-
steps, (1) removal of envelops (cell walls/membranes) tion methods that have used dried tissues, herbarium
around the DNA, (2) separation of DNA from all other cell samples or even much degraded material have also been
components (cell wall debris and metabolic substances), published [1923].
and (3) maintenance of integrity of DNA during the pro-
cedure, i.e., protection from nucleases and mechanical 2.1.3 Homogenization
shearing [5]. There are numerous factors that influence In plant cells, the presence of a rigid polysaccharide cell
the isolation methodology, rendering the genomic DNA wall makes the disruption of the tissues a little complicat-
isolation from plants, an art rather than a science. ed, taking about 3070% of the total time required for
sample processing. The standard physical lysis proce-
2.1 The source material and processing dures for release of DNA become less productive in this
case, as the same physical forces that are required to
Presence of a rigid polysaccharide cell wall makes plant break the cell wall are sufficient to shear the high molec-
cells relatively difficult resource to extract DNA. Thus, be- ular weight DNA [1]. It becomes more difficult with peren-
fore deciding the course of extraction process from the nial plants or tree species with tough leaves, which may
source plant material, some major factors need to be con- require special grinding procedures [16, 24, 25] to achieve
sidered. complete disruption of the tissue to get DNA. Proper ho-
mogenization is necessary as it also reduces viscosity
2.1.1 Tissue type and age caused by high molecular weight compounds like com-
The age and the kind of the source tissue greatly affect the plex carbohydrates [26]. A wide variety of physical dis-
quality and yield of isolated DNA. Young, healthy and ten- ruption methods are used, which include grinding the tis-
der tissues, especially partially expanded leaves make an sue mechanically using mortar and pestle, steel or glass
ideal choice as they can yield good quality and quantity rods, glass beads, etc. Grinding the tissue in liquid nitro-
of DNA due to a larger number of cells and less deposition gen using a flash freezing procedure is preferred, largely
of starch and secondary metabolites [1, 2, 6, 7]. Etiolated as it is rapid, applicable to both soft and hard tissue and
young leaves are also reported to be a good source mate- also prevents cross contamination when multiple samples
rial for DNA isolation. Growing the source plant for 34 are being processed [4, 2730]. The prime limitation with
days in dark before harvesting the leaf tissue for isolation liquid nitrogen is the special storage conditions and high
makes the isolation procedure easier, as it etiolates the cost, which makes it unsuitable for less-equipped labora-
leaves ([8, 9] and In contrast, DNA ex- tories [31, 32].
tracted from mature leaves is reported to be of poor qual- Besides the physical disruption methods for tissue ho-
ity and low yield due to the presence of high concentra- mogenization, convenient chemical disruption methods
tions of polyphenols, tannins, polysaccharides and other are also available. This approach though expensive, cir-
secondary metabolites, which either lead to embedding of cumvents the possibility of DNA getting sheared due to
DNA into a sticky gelatinous matrix or form undesirable mechanical force applied. Chemical disruptors mainly in-
brown colored products unsuitable for any application clude hydrolyzing enzymes such as cellulases, pectinases
[1013]. Apart from the leaves, other plant parts like stem, or cell wall macerases to dissolve the cell wall. A cocktail
roots, seeds, embryos, rhizomes, etc., can also be used de- of various carbohydrases has also been found suitable for
pending upon the source plant and availability of tissues. chemical digestion in various species that include Ilex
aquifolium, Vitis vinifera, Humulus lupulus, Geranium sp.,
2.1.2 Collection and storage etc. [33]. A slightly different approach of using xanthate-
Proper handling and storage of the plant tissue after har- forming compounds, such as sodium/potassium ethyl
vesting is an essential element to be considered in the xanthogenate, has also been reported in this regard [34].
process. For DNA extraction, plant material is usually ei- These compounds form water-soluble polysaccharide
ther collected fresh and directly subjected to processing xanthates with the hydroxyl groups of cell wall polysac-
[14], or is stored at 18C, 80C or in liquid nitrogen as charides and dissolve it. Without its cell wall, a plant cell
frozen samples before use. Freezing prevents nuclease ac- is like any other cell whose membrane can be lysed using
tivity that would otherwise degrade the DNA in thawed a detergent. This approach is particularly useful for tough
tissue [15]. In cases where immediate refrigeration of the leaves like that of rice,which contain large amounts of cel-
collected samples is not possible, as in field samples or lulose, pectin, silica cells, wax, etc. [6]. However, the
distant locations, the tissue can be stored in solutions like method is reported to yield very low quantities of DNA
saturated cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)- [33, 35].

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2.2 Presence of contaminants nants in plants such as Quercus rubra, Castanea dentate,
etc. A simple and effective way can be by diluting the
The most frequently encountered problems with almost DNA extracts or washing the homogenate two or three
all the procedures are the presence of contaminating times with extraction buffer to reduce polysaccharide
compounds in the DNA samples, particularly RNA, pro- contamination [11, 21].
teins, polysaccharides, polyphenolics and non-nuclear
DNA. Secondary metabolites amplify the difficulties with 2.2.2 Polyphenols
plant cells, particularly when medicinal plants are used as Perhaps the most frequently encountered problem in the
the source. The compounds that provide the therapeutic plant DNA isolation protocols is the degradation of ge-
efficacy to the plant may prove to be a major hindrance in nomic DNA due to presence of polyphenols. Polyphenols
the isolation procedure by binding with the DNA and be- are extremely variable in their occurrence and type. Dur-
ing precipitated along with it [36]. Thus, according to the ing cell lyses, polyphenols come out of the vacuoles and
variety of substances present along with the DNA, proto- are readily oxidized by cellular oxidases. The oxidized
cols need to be tailored according to each plant species polyphenols undergo irreversible interactions with nucle-
(and sometimes even tissues), making the process of iso- ic acids and causes enzymatic browning of the DNA pel-
lation a skill or an art that has to be developed by repeat- let, thereby rendering it useless for most downstream
ed practice. Some major contaminants are described be- processes [4, 7, 9, 13, 29, 4345]. Polyphenolics like
low. flavonoids, terpenoids and tannins, which all occur very
widely in plant kingdom, when bound to the nucleic acids
2.2.1 Polysaccharides cannot be removed by conventional extraction proce-
Polysaccharides are the prime interferers in the DNA iso- dures. To deal with the problem of polyphenolic contami-
lation procedure as they are undetectable and hard to re- nation, antioxidants are added to the extraction buffer to
move. The presence of high amounts of polysaccharides, prevent the oxidation of phenols during cell lysis.
as in case of mucilaginous plants such as Sedum telephi- Polyvinyl pyrollidone (PVP) and polyvinyl polypyrollidone
um [27], makes the tissue homogenate very viscous, and (PVPP) are the most commonly used chemicals to elimi-
gives a false indication of presence of high amounts of nate polyphenolics as they act as adsorbents of polyphe-
DNA. Polysaccharides often co-precipitate with the DNA nols, especially at low pH. They form complexes with the
and impart a sticky, viscous consistency to it. In this form, polyphenolic compounds through hydrogen bonding, al-
they also interfere with the activity of several biological lowing the polyphenolics to be separated from the DNA,
enzymes like polymerases, ligases and restriction en- thereby reducing their levels in the product [4, 43, 4547].
donucleases [10, 21]. Polysaccharide-like contaminants Either or both compounds may be used in suitable pro-
can also cause anomalous re-association kinetics [1], and portions, as demonstrated by Basak et al. [48] in Vigna
render the DNA unsuitable for downstream processing. mungo and Bambusa balcoa, etc., with good results. PVP
The contaminated DNA tends to stick in the well during 10 is preferred to PVP 40, as the later may sometimes pre-
gel electrophoresis [37, 38]. cipitate with nucleic acid, thereby acting as a contami-
Use of high concentration (more than 0.5 M) NaCl is nant [37]. Antioxidants such as -mercaptoethanol, BSA,
suitable for the removal of polysaccharides from DNA so- sodium azide, ascorbic acid, DTT, sodium sulfite, sodium
lutions by increasing their solubility in ethanol. The con- iso-ascorbate, etc., along with PVP are commonly used to
centration of NaCl varies according to the source plant deal with problems related to phenolics [8, 17, 28, 35, 37,
species [4, 14, 39, 40], e.g., Zidani et al [40] used 1.4 M 39, 49]. -Mercaptoethanol in particular is widely used,
NaCl in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and Aljanabi and prevents the polymerization of tannins that hinder
and Martinez [14] have applied as high as 6 M NaCl to the the isolation process in a manner similar to polysaccha-
polysaccharide rich wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley rides. In plants with high levels of polyphenolics, such as
(Hordium vulgaris). NaCl in combination with the cation- tomato, grapevine, Arabidopsis, canola, cocoa, etc., the
ic detergent CTAB has also proved to be beneficial in use of a specific inhibitor of polyphenol oxidases, such as
DNA isolation from polysaccharide-rich plants [1, 41]. DIECA is also reported [19, 35, 46, 50]. Permingeat et al.
CTAB helps in precipitating DNA by forming a complex [46] used glucose as a reducing agent in cotton (Gossyp-
with it in a low ionic strength environment, and, at high ium hirsutum) to avoid contamination and browning by
salt concentration, it forms insoluble complexes with pro- polyphenolics.
teins and most acidic polysaccharides, leaving the nucle-
ic acids in the solution, which then can be easily isolated. 2.2.3 Proteins and RNA
In the parts of plant in which excessive polysaccharide is A substantial amount of proteins and RNA may get pre-
present, as in case of tubers and seeds, polysaccharide cipitated with DNA. RNA is usually purged using DNase-
binding resins can be applied, which eliminate the con- free pancreatic RNase; if this is unavailable, lithium chlo-
tamination. Rogstad et al. [42] employed hydrolytic en- ride can be effectively used for the purpose [27, 31]. Pro-
zymes such as pectinase to digest pectin-like contami- teins are generally removed using chemicals like SDS,

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DTT and -mercaptoethanol, which destroy the structur- roform extraction and ethanol precipitation after nuclear
al organization of proteins. Protein-hydrolyzing enzymes lysis to obtain pure nuclear DNA.
like proteinase K are also suitable for the purpose as they
break a variety of peptide bonds and rapidly inactivate
DNases and RNases in cell lysates, which facilitates the 3 DNA isolation kits
isolation of high molecular weight DNA. Grinding of plant
materials in an SDS extraction buffer containing pro- Procedures involving isolation of nuclei or cesium chlo-
teinase K may be required in case of protein-rich tissues, ride gradient centrifugations may yield high-quality DNA
e.g., seeds [14, 51]. Conventionally proteins are removed but is very time consuming. Thus, a rapid and less ex-
by extracting with organic solvents like phenol and chlo- pensive method that gives quality DNA is preferred by the
roform. The major drawback of this procedure are the majority of molecular biologists today [55]. A remarkable
caustic and toxic properties of phenol and chloroform, in advancement in this approach is the availability of com-
addition to a considerable loss of the sample that is seen mercial DNA isolation kits that are easy to use and pro-
after phenol extraction. Thomas et al. [52] suggested use vide fast and better results. These are equipped with me-
of gel-barrier tubes for safer phenol-chloroform extraction. chanical cell disruptors (for fine grounding of tissue), lysis
A large number of protocols do not recommend the use of buffers, RNase, etc. Proteins and polysaccharides are re-
phenol [6, 14, 53], or advice avoiding it when extracting moved by salt precipitation and centrifugation ([16, 25]
DNA from phenolic-rich plant species. In cases of source and The majority of these kits use
material with a high lipid content, like oils seeds, defat- high-quality resins or disposable chromatographic
ting the material before DNA isolation has proved benefi- columns, which have different elution protocols ([56] and
cial, as lipids form a visible layer over the homogenate and The resins rely on mixed ion-ex-
cause difficulties in further processing [54]. change/adsorption interaction for purification, use silica
gel to which the DNA binds in a reversible manner in
2.2.4 Non-nuclear DNA presence of chaotropic salts and elutes out in the column
In addition to the contaminants described above, chloro- effluent when rehydrated by washing with aqueous
plast and mitochondrial DNA are also considered as con- buffers [57]. Large scale automatable DNA mini-prep kits
taminants in some key molecular biology applications, are offered by several companies: Qiagen, Promega,
like genomic library construction and screening, DNA hy- Epibio, Cartagen, Roche, Epicentre biotechnologies, etc.
bridization studies and research on DNA renaturation, Thus, pure DNA can be obtained within approximately
etc., where only pure nuclear DNA can be used. The 1 h using these ready to use kits, but most of these are not
chloroplast in particular is considered a major contami- cost effective enough to be used on a general laboratory
nant in processes involving plants. To contend with this scale. As a cheaper alternative, the resins can be pur-
problem, nuclei can be isolated before extraction. In re- chased in bulk and packed in ordinary glass columns or
calcitrant plant species like cotton, grape, etc., DNA iso- syringes for immediate use in laboratories [10, 11, 58]. Re-
lation through nuclei isolation minimizes the problems of sults using kits can, however, also be inefficient at times
contamination due to high polysaccharide and polyphe- when handling plants with high polysaccharide or high
nolic levels in the cells. polyphenolic content like peanut (Arachis hypogea) and
Nuclei can be isolated from the plant cells by homo- members of Asteraceae (Cichorioideae) species, e.g., Ci-
genizing the plant tissue in a suitable isolation buffer con- chorium intybus, Taraxacum officinale and Lactuca sati-
taining osmoprotectants, nuclear membrane stabilizers, va [8, 11].
and sometimes a non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 [5, 7,
12, 15, 29]. The presence of osmoprotectants like glucose,
and sucrose, and membrane stabilizers like spermine, 4 Assessment of DNA quality and yield
spermidine, and polylysine in the homogenization buffer
stabilize the nuclear membrane, thereby facilitating the A range of methods is available to assess the quality of the
isolation of intact nuclei by centrifugation. Addition of Tri- isolated DNA, which include gel electrophoresis, spectro-
ton X-100 specifically lyses chloroplasts and mitochon- metric analysis, restriction digestion, PCR amplification,
dria, leaving the nuclei intact [7, 12, 15, 50], which can and chromatographic techniques. Nevertheless, the pri-
then be isolated by centrifugation. The nuclear pellet ob- mary evaluation comes from the viscosity and clearness
tained after centrifugation is then lysed using nuclei lysis of the DNA solutions. The most frequently used technique
buffer and the DNA obtained by a cesium chloride gradi- for quality assessment is spectrometric analysis of nucle-
ent ultracentrifugation method [15, 50]. This technique ic acids. Being rapid, easy and comparatively cheap, it is
yields high-quality DNA, but has the prominent disad- quite often the method of choice. The ratio of absorbance
vantages of being expensive, time consuming and incon- at 260/280 nm is 1.8 for a pure DNA sample and a decrease
venient. Most of the recent nuclei isolation protocols do indicates contamination by (largely) proteins, while the
not involve cesium chloride centrifugations, but use chlo- presence of RNA increases the ratio (above 2.0) [9, 57].

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Plant DNA preparations have a realistic chance to have a method would require an artistic attitude with a scien-
impurities of polysaccharides and polyphenolics, which tific approach, which will help in making the targets fair-
can be detected by taking readings at 230 nm and 270 nm. ly convenient for plant molecular biology workers.
The ratio A260/A230 must be greater than 1.8 and ratio
A260/A270 should lie between 1.2 and 1.3 in DNA prepara-
tions free from contamination of polysaccharides and One of the authors (A.V.) wishes to thank Council of Sci-
polyphenolics, respectively [7, 20, 31, 35]. Agarose gels entific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India for fi-
can also give an indication of impurities such as salt, RNA nancial support.
and carbohydrates. The DNA can be subjected to restric-
tion enzyme digestion as restrictable DNA is considered
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