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Global Strategy Journal

Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)

Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x



1032 108..121


Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Michigan, U.S.A.
Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South
Carolina, U.S.A
Institute of International Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia,

Using meta-analytic data from 47,849 firms across 152 independent samples reported in 141
studies, this study presents a systematic investigation of the moderating effects of firm-,
industry-, and country-level factors on the multinationality-performance relationship. The
findings indicate that the effects of multinationality on performance depend on type of multi-
nationality, firm strategic motivations, industry characteristics, and home country factors.
Importantly, our assessment also reveals that firm size and stage of internationalization are not
significant moderators. Thus, the findings indicate that the search for more complex M-P
relationships (i.e., U-shaped, inverse U-shaped, horizontal S-curve) has the potential to expand
our understanding, only when the characteristics of different research contexts, measurement
issues, and firm characteristics are taken into account in the theoretical development and
research design stages of studies. Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society.

INTRODUCTION 1996). Over the last four decades, a considerable

body of research has examined the linear (Delios and
A fundamental issue in corporate strategy is the Beamish, 1999) and nonlinear (Contractor, Kundu,
examination of factors that determine the success or and Hsu, 2003) effects of multinationality on perfor-
failure of firms in international settings (Rumelt, mance (M-P) in manufacturing (Tallman and Li,
Schendel, and Teece, 1994). Research on firm mul- 1996) and service industries (Capar and Kotabe,
tinationality has made significant contributions to 2003), for U.S. (Thomas and Eden, 2004) and non-
the strategy literature, with its explicit focus on the U.S. companies (Ruigrok, Amann, and Wagner,
relationship between multinationality and perfor- 2007), as well as for small (Zahra, Ireland, and Hitt,
mance (Lu and Beamish, 2004; Tallman and Li, 2000) and large firms (Kim, Hoskisson, and Wan,
2004). However, despite the vast number of studies,
the current state of research findings is often charac-
Keywords: multinationality-performance relationship; meta- terized as mixed (Hitt, Hoskisson, and Kim 1997),
analysis inconclusive (Tallman and Li, 1996), inconsistent
*Correspondence to: G. Tomas M. Hult, Eli Broad College of
Business, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, (Ruigrok and Wagner, 2003), contradictory
U.S.A. E-mail: (Contractor, 2007), conflicting (Annavarjula and

Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society

The Role of Context in the Multinationality-Performance Relationship 109
Beldona, 2000), and disappointing (Hennart, egy literature on these related fields. Importantly,
2007). previous attempts to consolidate research findings in
Current theoretical perspectives framing multina- this stream of literature have been qualitative in
tionality research, such as internalization theory, nature (e.g., Annavarjula and Beldona, 2000; Hitt,
resource-based theory, and organizational learning Tihanyi, Miller, and Connelly, 2006) or based on
theory, as well as financial portfolio diversification small samples narrowly focused on a limited set of
theory, offer explanations for why firm multination- substantive issues (see Bausch and Krist, 2007;
ality may result in higher returns in international Ruigrok and Wagner, 2004). Recently, two compre-
markets (see Hitt, Tihanyi, Miller, and Connelly, hensive meta-analysis studies have investigated
2006; Kirca et al., 2011). In addition to why, a issues related to firm multinationality (Kirca et al.,
careful examination of the situational setting would 2011; Kirca et al., forthcoming). However, none of
also incorporate, where, when, and how multi- these studies provides a comprehensive and system-
nationality dynamics unfold in the international atic assessment of the effects of contextual factors on
marketplace. Nevertheless, these contextual consid- the M-P relationship.
erations are rarely captured in individual studies, as Finally, our research takes a significant step
the dominant approach to reconcile these divergent forward by examining the simultaneous effects of
results has been through methodological refine- several previously unknown substantive factors on
ments, such as the selection and measurement of the M-P relationship. Our findings suggest that the
constructs, the use of more sophisticated estimation effects of multinationality on performance depend
procedures, or incorporating different sets of control on type of multinationality, firm strategic motiva-
variables in studies (Bowen, 2007). We propose that tions, industry characteristics, and home country
a unified and comprehensive contextual framework factors. Interestingly, our multivariate assessment
can resolve the seemingly contradictory and incon- also reveals that firm size and stage of firm interna-
clusive results and can contribute to further theoreti- tionalization are not significant factors that affect
cal and empirical development in the global strategy the nature of the M-P relationship. As such, we
literature. We address this gap in the literature using provide useful, theoretical, and practical insights for
meta-analytic techniques. researchers and managers. In the following section,
The theoretical framework we propose and test in we discuss in detail how we conceptualize the M-P
this study makes several contributions to the global relationship and outline the various aspects of the
strategy literature. First, our study answers a call for context in which multinationality affects perfor-
a more context-based understanding of the M-P rela- mance. We then develop hypotheses that delineate
tionship. Several researchers acknowledge that con- the moderating effects of these factors on the M-P
textual considerations are critical in multinationality relationship. Finally, we explain the data collection
research (Bowen, 2007; Contractor, 2007; Verbeke, procedures and present the results. We conclude with
Li, and Goerzen, 2009). However, a theoretically the theoretical and managerial implications.
driven framework to investigate the effects of these
contextual factors has not been forthcoming. Our
study addresses this important gap. Second, the body KEY CONCEPTS AND THEORETICAL
of knowledge generated on the M-P relationship is BACKGROUND
often fragmented and cuts across numerous disci-
plines and subfields, such as international business, We define multinationality as the extent to which a
strategic management, finance, and marketing. firm is extended beyond the borders of its domestic
However, the notable findings and unique insights base into new country markets and geographic
from these disciplines have not been cumulative. regions to undertake value-adding activities (Hitt,
Instead, the extant literature on this topic has Tihanyi, Miller, and Connelly, 2006).1 From an
emerged as a collection of smaller and disparate
streams of research with less development in certain 1
Degree of internationalization (Sullivan, 1994), international
domains (e.g., services, developing economies, geographic diversification, international expansion (Hitt,
small-medium firms) than others (e.g., large manu- Tihanyi, Miller, and Connelly, 2006), geographic scale and
facturing firms, developed economies). The lack of scope of foreign operations (Thomas and Eden, 2004), and
multinationality (Contractor, et al. 2003) refer to the extent to
integration across these domains and disciplines which firms are multinational. In this study, we use the term
limits the overall impact of the existing global strat- multinationality because it has been used extensively in

Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
110 A. H. Kirca et al.

- Firm-level factors (firm size, type of firm,
multinationality, strategic motivation, stage of firm
- Industry-level factors (services vs. manufacturing
- Country-level factors (developing vs. developed

(overall firm performance, ROA,
sales, ROS, sales growth, overall
profitability, ROE, ROI, Tobins q)

Figure 1. Conceptual framework

internalization theory perspective, inefficient exter- ization are much greater (Buckley and Casson, 2002;
nal marketslargely for knowledge-based assets Kirca et al., 2011). However, M-P relationship
such as technological knowledge, brand names, and researchers have largely ignored the implications of
organizational skillsencourage firms to exploit these contextual factors for the M-P relationship.
these assets through the use of internal markets (i.e., Using these assumptions as a starting point, in the
hierarchical coordination) rather than external ones subsequent sections we discuss how various aspects
(i.e., price-based coordination) (Verbeke et al., of the context affect the nature of the relationship
2009). The exploitation of market imperfections between multinationality and performance.
internally is a primary benefit of multinationality We categorize the substantive contextual variables
because market imperfections provide opportunities that can potentially affect the strength of the M-P
for internationally diversified firms to gain competi- relationship into three levels of analysis: firm,
tive advantage in cross-border use of their intangible industry, and country, as presented in Figure 1 (cf.
assets (Kogut, 1985). Thus, multinationality pro- Makino, Isobe, and Chan, 2004). We maintain that
vides an efficient governance structure for transfer- firm, industry, and country characteristics shape the
ring firm-specific assets across country borders relationship between multinationality and perfor-
within a firm and for these transfers to have positive mance because these contextual factors play a
impacts on firm performance (Kirca et al., 2011). critical role in the transfer and exploitation of firm-
Specifically, rents from internationalization specific assets across borders. Drawing on this per-
depend on how firms successfully and efficiently spective, we propose that context can set specific
transfer their firm-specific advantages and exploit constraints and opportunities that either enhance or
them in foreign markets (Buckley and Casson, 2002; minimize the effects of multinationality on perfor-
Morck and Yeung, 1991). The extant literature indi- mance, as detailed subsequently. Importantly, our
cates that firm-, industry-, and country-specific theoretical approach is consistent with the corporate
factors are undeniably relevant to internationaliza- diversification literature, which suggests that firms
tion decisions, as there are certain market environ- decisions to diversify and their performance out-
ments in which the incentive to internalize is comes are affected by their general environment,
particularly strong and the benefits of international- industry environment, and firm-level factors
(Ramanujam and Varadarajan, 1989).
international business, finance, and management literature as a
broad term that captures the multidimensional nature of the
construct. Moreover, the term multinationality refers to the Firm effects
state of firm internationalization at a given point in time, rather
than to the process of internationalization (cf. Johanson and Internalization theory predicts that firms choose the
Vahlne, 1977). Thus, we maintain that the term multinationality most cost effective foreign locations for specific
is a firm-level characteristic rather than a process (as implied in MNE activities and internalize markets up to the
other terms such as international geographic diversification or
international expansion), with its focus on the level of involve- point where the benefits of further internalization
ment of the firm in markets outside its home country. exceed or are equal to the total costs (Buckley,
Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
The Role of Context in the Multinationality-Performance Relationship 111
1988). Extending internalization theory, Morck and relationship in substantive terms, we distinguish
Yeung (1991) indicate that how firms increase their between two types of multinationality that may have
value in international markets may well be a function diverse effects on performance in foreign markets:
of the interaction between firm multinationality and (1) the scale or depth of multinationality (i.e., the
its possession of intangible assets. This conceptual- extent to which firms commit tangible and intangible
ization of the role of firm-specific assets as a resources to create value from their operations
moderator of the M-P relationship presumes that abroad) (e.g., foreign sales to total sales ratios,
intangible assets have some characteristics of public foreign assets to total assets); and (2) the scope or
goods, in that their value is enhanced in direct pro- breadth of multinationality (i.e., the spread of a
portion to the scale of the firms markets. As such, firms international business activity across different
these intangible assets can behave like public goods countries) (e.g., number of countries) (Thomas and
in that their value increases as a firm becomes more Eden, 2004). We expect the breadth of multination-
multinational. Accordingly, the firm value should be ality to be more strongly associated with perfor-
positively correlated with multinationality in the mance than depth of multinationality because the
presence of firm-specific assets (Kirca et al., 2011; larger breadth allows managers to allocate a higher
Morck and Yeung, 1991). percent of a firms total activities to foreign opera-
Firm size (e.g., number of employees) has often tions and to achieve economies of scale and scope
been used as a proxy to capture firm-specific advan- with a broader geographical coverage of interna-
tages in the multinationality literature (Lu and tional operations (Allen and Pantzalis, 1996;
Beamish, 2004). Larger firms are beneficiaries of Thomas and Eden, 2004). Moreover, larger breadth
scale and scope economies as powerful market may also allow firms to arbitrage operations across
players, capable of preemptive moves that limit or countries and leverage location-based advantages
prevent later entrants from gaining access to suppli- more effectively because the breadth of multination-
ers, markets, customers, and other scarce assets ality is more positively associated with organiza-
(Gaba, Pan, and Ungson, 2002). Larger scale also tional learning, flexibility, and the capacity to engage
enables firms to have more resources to invest in in multi-point competition (Goerzen and Beamish,
innovations, to pursue aggressive expansions, and to 2003; Kogut and Zander, 1993). Also, greater
be able to incur the costs and bear the risks of inter- breadth helps reduce fluctuations in revenue by
nationalization. The benefits of scale are particularly spreading investment risks over a larger number of
substantial for larger firms since they have access to foreign markets (Kim, Hwang, and Burgers, 1989).
privileged learning channels; they can reduce risk Therefore, exploration and exploitation benefits of
through wider portfolios and they have stronger bar- multinationality should be more pronounced for
gaining power to gain concessions from host country breadth than depth of multinationality. Therefore:
institutions and governments. Finally, larger firms
tend to be more risk seeking when the adventure Hypothesis 2 (H2): The M-P relationship is stronger
involves international expansion since they have for breath of multinationality than for depth of
more resources (Brewer, 1993). Therefore, multina- multinationality.
tionality should generate more value for larger firms
as they possess more substantial intangible assets
Revenue generation versus profit maximization
than small firms. Accordingly:
When focusing on the performance implications of
Hypothesis 1 (H1): Firm size moderates the relation- multinationality, researchers need to recognize that a
ship between multinationality and performance, such variety of strategic motivations guide international
that the multinationality-performance relationship is expansion of MNEs (Dunning, 1993). However, it is
stronger for larger firms. convenient to make the simplifying assumption that
all firms in the sample engage in international busi-
ness activity to serve the same strategic purpose
Type of firm multinationality
(Verbeke et al., 2009). In this study, we examine the
The type of multinationality that firms engage may extent to which multinationality affects revenue gen-
be an important factor that explains the mixed results eration and profit maximization in international
in M-P studies (Thomas and Eden, 2004). In efforts markets to explore how firm multinationality impact
to provide a better understanding of the M-P different strategic outcomes in international markets.
Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
112 A. H. Kirca et al.
On the revenue generation side, gains from multina- effects, and liabilities of foreignness (Capar and
tionality arise from exploiting intangible assets, Kotabe, 2003). This line of reasoning implies that
market imperfections, tax-avoidance advantages, firms suffer from declining performance in the early
and the reduction of revenue fluctuations by spread- stages, but that performance improves with contin-
ing investment risks over a larger number of foreign ued internationalization as new knowledge and capa-
markets (Kim et al., 1989; Morck and Yeung, 1991). bilities are developed through learning and having
Still, profit maximization entails a careful con- access to more resources (Ruigrok and Wagner,
sideration of the major costs of international 2003). More complex sigmoid models (e.g., horizon-
diversificationsuch as the transaction and coordi- tal S shape, sinus shape) were also proposed and
nation costs that escalate due to increased gover- tested to gain further insights (e.g., Contractor et al.,
nance and control limits in multinational companies 2003). For example, Lu and Beamish (2004) suggest
(Lu and Beamish, 2004; Roth, 1992)as well as the the multinationality is detrimental to performance
higher costs of foreign market operations due to at the early and late stages of internationalization
liability of foreignness, since foreign firms often because costs exceed benefits during these two
cannot conduct business activities as effectively as stages. Additionally, they indicate that firms derive
local firms (Zaheer and Mosakowski, 1997). We both scale and scope economies at intermediate
propose that the benefits of multinationality for stages of internationalization, which result in
revenue generation purposes are greater than its enhanced performance as early liabilities and costs
profit maximization benefits because firm interna- are reduced through experiential learning.
tionalization primarily focuses on the exploitation of Drawing upon seminal internationalization theory
intangible assets across geographic markets (Morck (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977), it is theoretically plau-
and Yeung, 1991). However, when its costs (i.e., the sible that the net gains from multinationality are
transaction and coordination costs) are taken into positive throughout the early, intermediate, and late
account, the performance effects of multinationality stages of firm internationalization. However, the
should be weaker in international markets. More magnitude of these positive gains may vary based on
formally: the stage of internationalization. In essence, early
stages of international expansion are typically
Hypothesis 3 (H3): The benefits of firm multination- accompanied by high entry costs, liability of foreign-
ality for revenue generation purposes are greater ness, learning costs, and insufficient economies of
than its profit maximization benefits. scale (Contractor et al., 2003). At late stages of inter-
nationalization, firms may face a threshold whereby
further expansion triggers value deterioration due to
Stage of firm internationalization
increased complexity of operations, as well as trans-
In recent years, the trade-off between costs and ben- action and coordination costs (Lu and Beamish,
efits at different stages of firm internationalization 2004; Tallman and Li, 1996). At the same time,
has begun to attract substantial attention. Based on multinationality provides several benefits, including
the assumption that either the benefits or costs of exploitation of intangible assets due to market
international expansion dominate the early versus imperfections, economies of scope, experiential
late stages of internationalization, research has learning, risk reduction benefits, and greater bargain-
identified potential nonlinear quadratic (i.e., J, U, ing power in both early and late stages of interna-
inverted U) (Gomes and Ramaswamy, 1999), cubic tionalization. The positive effects of multinationality
(i.e., horizontal S) (Contractor et al., 2003), and on performance should be more pronounced at the
sinus-shaped curve types (Ruigrok et al., 2007). intermediate stage of internationalization because
Essentially, the logic for the inverted-U relationship net gains from multinationality often reach their
is based on the assumption that costs of coordinating highest levels at that stage. Specifically, while the
numerous diverse operating units can exceed the firm continues to enjoy exploration and exploitation
benefits of increased access to resources beyond a advantages of multinationality, the total costs for
threshold level (Geringer, Beamish, and daCosta, liability of foreignness and newness decrease or
1989). Still, the arguments for a U-shaped curve become stable at this stage (Contractor et al. 2003;
indicate that international expansion reduces the per- Lu and Beamish, 2004). Also, governance and
formance of firms in the early stage of internation- control costs have more limited effects on firm per-
alization due to initial governance costs, learning formance at intermediate stages because experiential
Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
The Role of Context in the Multinationality-Performance Relationship 113
learning about how to operate in international provide a more efficient governance structure for
markets efficiently reduces such managerial costs. transferring firm-specific assets across country
Accordingly, we offer the following hypothesis: borders within manufacturing firms. Therefore, the
effects of multinationality should be greater in
Hypothesis 4 (H4): The M-P relationship has a manufacturing industries, as compared to services.
stronger positive slope in the intermediate stages of Thus, we posit the following hypothesis:
internalization than at early and late stages of
internationalization. Hypothesis 5 (H5): Multinationality has a stronger
positive effect on firm performance in manufacturing
industries than in service industries.
Industry effects
The theoretical rationale for the relationship between
multinationality and performance in different indus- Country effects
tries has often taken into account the differences The magnitude of the M-P relationship may also
between service and manufacturing firms (Capar and depend on country-specific differences in domestic
Kotabe, 2003). Key dimensions along which manu- factor endowments (e.g., physical infrastructure,
facturing and service firms vary include the intan- capital accumulation, financial resources, human
gible nature of services, inseparability of production resources) and the institutional characteristics of
and consumption processes in service industries, home countries (e.g., political, legal, and societal
heterogeneous nature of service outputs due to cus- institutions) (Hitt, Tihanyi, Miller, and Connelly,
tomer participation in the production processes, and 2006; Makino et al., 2004). Firms from developed
perishable nature of services (Capar and Kotabe, economies (e.g., U.S., EU, and Japan) may reap
2003; Kotabe, Srinivasan, and Aulakh, 2002). The greater dividends from multinationality than firms
M-P relationship should be weaker in service indus- from developing economies (e.g., Brazil, Chile,
tries compared to manufacturing industries because China, India, Mexico) because firms from the more
of: (1) considerably higher initial costs of investment munificent home country environments of advanced
due to the intangibility of service skills, making economies often have abundant resources and effec-
them difficult to transfer to third parties without sig- tive institutions to draw upon when they engage in
nificant transaction costs (Capar and Kotabe, 2003); international expansion (Nachum, 2004; Wan and
(2) considerably higher costs of international opera- Hoskisson, 2003; Wan, 2005). Firms from advanced
tions due to the inseparability of production and economies can also rely more heavily on skills
consumption in services, as well as due to the het- required at home to avail superior competitive
erogeneity of services, which make it less likely for advantages in international expansion than those
service firms to benefit from scale economies; (3) the firms from developing economies. In addition,
strict control over the extent of foreign involvement intense rivalry and sophisticated demand in home
in service industries that prevents service firms from country markets also serve to sharpen the com-
benefiting from economies of scale and scope to the petitive edge of firms from advanced economies.
same extent as firms in manufacturing industries; Finally, well-developed institutional environments
and (4) higher need for adaptation for services of advanced economies enable firms to develop
because of their intangible nature, further escalating leading-edge knowledge, while adequate intellectual
the costs for services more rapidly than for manu- property protection helps them safeguard their
facturing firms in international markets (Knight, unique competitive advantages (Wan, 2005). Collec-
1999). tively, these arguments indicate that the MNEs from
In short, these arguments suggest that the overall developed economies have higher levels of firm-
costs of transferring and exploiting firm-specific specific assets and they can transfer and exploit these
assets are higher for service firms than for manufac- assets more efficiently to generate higher returns in
turing firms for each incremental unit of internation- international markets than MNEs from developing
alization. As firm internationalization and its positive economies. Hence:
effects on performance assume the efficient transfer
and exploitation of intangible assets across geo- Hypothesis 6 (H6): The M-P relationship is stronger
graphic markets (Buckley and Casson, 2002; Morck for firms from advanced economies than for firms
and Yeung, 1991), firm multinationality should from developing economies.
Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
114 A. H. Kirca et al.

METHODS reported only in multivariate models.3 Upon comple-

tion of the literature retrieval procedures, a total of
Data collection 416 effects were obtained from 152 independent
samples reported in 141 studies. A complete bibliog-
The ABI/INFORM and Science Direct databases raphy of the studies included in the meta-analysis is
were searched for studies published prior to 2010 available from the authors.
using the following search terms: multinationality, We followed the procedures recommended in
degree of internationalization, international diversi- Lipsey and Wilson (2001) to develop the final
fication, and internationalization to collect meta- database. First, a coding protocol specifying the
analytic data for our study. Then, an issue-by-issue information to be extracted from each study was
search was conducted for 14 major journals in the prepared to reduce coding error. Then a coding
international business, management, marketing, and form was prepared for coders who recorded the
finance literatures.2 We also examined the refer- extracted data on the variables of interest, including
ences of all major reviews of research previously outcome statistics (i.e., effect size estimates), study
published on the topic of multinationality to iden- sample sizes, statistical artifacts (i.e., measure reli-
tify studies that could have been overlooked in the ability statistics), and study characteristics. Each
previous stages (e.g., Annavarjula and Beldona, study was coded by two coders knowledgeable of
2000; Bausch and Krist, 2007; Hitt, Tihanyi, the M-P relationship literature. The intercoder reli-
Miller, and Connelly, 2006; Thomas and Eden, ability estimate ranged from 0.93 to 0.98, suggest-
2004). Finally, requests were posted on AIB and ing that the reliability of the coding process was
AOM listserves to elicit unpublished research high (Perreault and Leigh, 1989). Remaining dis-
(Rosenthal, 1995). crepancies were resolved through discussion before
Studies for inclusion in the meta-analysis were reaching consensus.
selected on the basis of four criteria. First, the meta-
analysis included only those empirical studies that
reported sample sizes and an outcome statistic (e.g., Measures
r, univariate F, t, c2). Second, a study had to report
on relationships involving one or more operational- An important issue in meta-analysis is the operation-
izations of multinationality and performance. Third, alization of variables. This is essential because the
only those studies that measured constructs at the description of the moderator variables explains how
firm level were included so that results from research the characteristics of different research contexts and
that had vastly divergent goals were not aggregated measurement issues reported in original studies were
(Hunter and Schmidt, 1990). Fourth, studies were categorized in the meta-analysis. In terms of our
considered independent only when they reported criterion for firm size, study samples were catego-
correlation coefficients from different samples. rized in small and large firms based on the American
Accordingly, a number of studies could not be Small Business Association definition; firms with
included in our final sample because: (1) they fewer than 500 employees were considered small
reported relationships that could not be integrated firms (cf., Lu and Beamish 2001). Consistent with
with those in other studies (i.e., relationship for Annavarjula and Beldona (2000) and Thomas and
which less than 10 study effects were available); (2) Eden (2004), the type of multinationality variable
the results were based on data used in other studies was operationalized using the depth and breadth of
that were already included; and (3) their results were multinationality, where depth of multinationality
refers to the extent to which firms commit tangible
and intangible resources to create value from their
operations abroad (e.g., foreign sales to total sales
ratios, foreign assets to total assets) and breadth
Academy of Management Journal, American Economic of multinationality captures the spread of a firms
Review, Econometrica, Journal of Finance, Journal of Finan-
cial and Quantitative Analysis, International Business Review,
International Marketing Review, Journal of International Busi-
ness Studies, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of 3
The authors of 73 studies that report multivariate results (e.g.,
World Business, Management International Review, Multina- regression coefficients) were contacted with requests to provide
tional Business Review, RAND Journal of Economics, Strategic the necessary information in an effort to include these studies in
Management Journal cf. Dubois and Reeb, 2000; Palich, the database. These efforts yielded an additional six studies that
Cardinal, and Miller, 2000). were subsequently included in the meta-analysis.

Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
The Role of Context in the Multinationality-Performance Relationship 115
international business activity across different coun- account for the skewness of the distribution of
tries (e.g., number of countries, number of foreign sample correlation coefficients (Rosenthal, 1994).
subsidiaries). To examine the extent to which multi- Subsequently, the z-coefficients were averaged and
nationality affects revenue generation and profit weighted by an estimate of the inverse of their vari-
maximization in international markets, we catego- ance (N3) to give greater weight to more precise
rized the performance measures employed in origi- estimates with larger sample sizes, and then they
nal studies into two categories: revenue-based were reconverted to correlation coefficients (Hedges
performance measures that do not account for the and Olkin, 1985).
costs of operations (e.g., sales, sales growth) and Using the Fisher z-transformed sample size-
profit maximization measures (e.g., ROA, ROS, weighted correlations, we conducted multivariate
ROE, ROI) that incorporate the cost element. For moderator analyses to investigate whether the sig-
industry effects, study samples were categorized in nificant variation in the magnitude of the correla-
manufacturing and service firms based on informa- tions between multinationality and performance
tion available in original studies. is attributable to the contextual variables outlined
For the stage of internationalization variable, the previously (Hedges and Olkin, 1985; Lipsey and
study samples have been categorized into three Wilson, 2001). Specifically, we first tested the
groups based on the average foreign sales to total hypothesis of homogeneity of the population corre-
sales (FSTS) ratios reported in original studies. This lations using the Q-statistic that has a chi-square
ratio is the most widely used proxy for the degree of distribution with k1 degrees of freedom using
internationalization in the studies included in the Q = S (ni - 3)(zi - z)2 (Hedges and Olkin, 1985).
meta-analysis. Specifically, and consistent with the When significant, the chi-square test indicates that
extant literature, firms with an average FSTS ratio of moderator variables may explain the heterogeneity
10 percent and below were considered to be at early in the effect sizes. Then, to examine the nature of
stages of internationalization, firms with an FSTS heterogeneity in the effect sizes, we conducted a
ratio of 11 to 35 percent were assumed to be at multivariate assessment of the combined ability of
intermediate stages, and firms with an FSTS ratio these moderator variables to account for the variance
greater than 35 percent were categorized as being at in study effects, as recommended by Hedges and
the late stages of internationalization (Zahra et al., Olkin (1985), by regressing dummy-coded variables
2000; Zhou, Wu, and Luo, 2007). Finally, for the on the Fisher z-transformed correlations. Specifi-
developing vs. developed economy variable, we cat- cally, the firm-, industry-, and country-level modera-
egorized the original studies included in the meta- tor factors were dummy coded and used as
analysis in two categories: studies based on data independent variables in the following regression
obtained from advanced economy MNEs and those model:
from developing economy MNEs. The UN classifi-
cation was followed for this categorization (cf.
Z M,P = 0 + 1 X1 + 2 X 2 + 3 X 3 + 4 X 4 a
Nachum, 2004).
+ 5 X 4 b + 6 X 5 + 7 X 6 + I.

Data analysis
where, ZM, P is the z-transformed value of the cor-
Following recent meta-analytic reviews, we con- rected correlation between multinationality and per-
ducted our study according to the guidelines pro- formance, bs are parameter estimates, and Xi are
vided by Hunter and Schmidt (1990). Zero-order categorical variables listed below with the reference
correlation coefficients obtained from each study level (the level dummy coded 0) shown first for
were corrected for measurement error by dividing each X:
the correlation coefficient by the product of the
square root of the reliabilities of the two constructs X1 represents firm size
when available. The objective of this step is X2 represents breadth vs. depth of multi-
essentially to correct for unreliability using artifact nationality
distributions for subjective multinationality and per- X3 represents revenue generation vs. profit
formance measures (Hunter and Schmidt, 1990). maximization
Then, the reliability-corrected correlations were X4a represents early vs. intermediate stages of
transformed into Fishers z-coefficients in efforts to internationalization
Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
116 A. H. Kirca et al.
X4b represents intermediate vs. late stages of presence of other theoretically relevant moderators.
internationalization Therefore, H1 was not supported. H2 posits that
X5 represents manufacturing vs. service breadth of multinationality should display a stronger
businesses overall positive association with firm performance
X6 represents developed vs. developing than depth of multinationality because exploration
countries and exploitation benefits should be more pronounced
for breadth than they are for the depth of multina-
tionality. Support was obtained for H2, in that stron-
FINDINGS ger M-P relationships were obtained when measures
that capture the breadth of multinationalityrather
The homogeneity test, which was statistically sig- than depth of multinationalitywere employed in
nificant (c2415 = 4208.43, p < 0.01) for the M-P rela- original studies (b = -0.20, p < 0.01). In addition,
tionship, reveals variability across effect sizes and and consistent with our prediction in H3, we found
further supports the need to examine theoretically that firm multinationality is more beneficial for
relevant factors that explain the variance (Hedges revenue generation purposes than for profit maximi-
and Olkin, 1985). Accordingly, we examined zation (b = 0.25, p < 0.01). The standardized regres-
the hypothesized effects of firm-, industry-, and sion coefficients for the stage of internationalization
country-level factors on the M-P relationship using variables were not significant, failing to support H4.
multivariate regression analyses. The regression Therefore, we conclude that the slope of the M-P
analysis results summarized in Table 1 demonstrate relationship is not a function of the stage of firm
that the proposed model is significant (F (7, 411) = 9.56, internationalization based on multivariate regression
p < 0.01) after the elimination of four outliers from analysis results. The implications of this finding are
the data set. Moreover, the results also indicate that further detailed in the Discussion section.
the hypothesized moderators account for 14 percent As detailed in H5, we hypothesized a stronger
of the variance in M-P correlations. Importantly, the M-P relationship for manufacturing firms than for
regression model is free of multicollinearity (max service firms. Our results suggest that industry type
VIF = 1.30), indicating that we can keep all the impacts the M-P relationship (b = 0.11, p < 0.01).
moderators in our model. Specifically, M-P studies for which data were col-
lected from service businesses generated substan-
tially lower correlation coefficients than did those
Moderating effects of firm-level factors
from manufacturing businesses. As such, support
As detailed in Table 1, the standardized path coeffi- was obtained for H5. Finally, H6 predicts that the
cient for the firm size variable is not significant ability to extract benefits from the same levels of
(b = -0.08, p > 0.05), suggesting that firm size does multinationality may be contingent upon the factor
not affect the strength of the M-P relationship in the endowments and institutional characteristics of the

Table 1. Multivariate analysis results

Predictor variables (Reference level stated first) Hypotheses ba (t-value)

Small (vs. large) firms H1 -0.08 (1.63)

Breadth of multinationality (vs. depth of multinationality) H2 -0.20 (4.28)**
Profit maximization (vs. revenue generation) H3 0.25 (5.29)**
Early stages of internationalization (vs. intermediate stages) H4 0.02 (0.38)
Intermediate stages of internationalization (vs. late stages) H4 -0.01 (0.04)
Service industry (vs. manufacturing industry) H5 0.11 (2.33)**
Developing economies vs. developed economies H6 0.13 (2.74)**
F-statistic 9.56**
Degrees of freedom 7,411
R2 0.14

Standardized coefficients.
* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01.

Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
The Role of Context in the Multinationality-Performance Relationship 117
home countries of MNEs from which data were col- firm multinationality, firm strategic motivations,
lected. Consistent with this prediction, our meta- industry characteristics, and home country factors.
analysis indicates that study results based on data Interestingly, our multivariate assessment also
from advanced economy MNEs yield stronger effect reveals that firm size and stage of firm internation-
sizes than those obtained from developing economy alization are not significant factors that affect the
MNEs (b = 0.13, p < 0.01). nature of the M-P relationship. Specifically, our
meta-analysis reveals that the potential of firms cre-
DISCUSSION AND DIRECTIONS FOR ating positive returns from multinationality is more
FUTURE RESEARCH an outcome of country spreading than concentra-
tion in certain markets or regions. These findings
Using meta-analytic data from 47,849 firms across confirm that the larger breadth of the MNE network
152 independent samples reported in 141 studies allows managers to allocate a higher percent of a
over four decades, this study presents a systematic firms total activities to foreign operations and to
investigation of a theory-driven framework that achieve economies of scale and scope with a broader
focuses on the moderating effects of firm-, industry-, geographical coverage of international operations
and country-level factors on the M-P relationship. (Allen and Pantzalis, 1996; Thomas and Eden,
In this way, we integrate the unique theoretical 2004).
insights pertaining to the M-P relationship accumu- In this study, we have also investigated the extent
lated over the last four decades across a large number to which multinationality provides revenue genera-
of studies, research contexts, and disciplines. This tion and/or profit maximization benefits for firms in
careful examination of the situational setting, which international markets. Although the need to examine
incorporates where, when, and how multination- the strategic motivations that guide the international
ality affects firm performance, also provides useful expansion of MNEs has often been emphasized
insights pertaining to the mixed findings in the M-P in the literature (Bowen, 2007; Dunning, 1993;
research. Verbeke et al., 2009), researchers usually make the
Specifically, through the meta-analysis we con- simplifying assumption that firm internationalization
tribute to the extant global strategy literature in the serves the same strategic purpose. We demonstrate
following ways: first, by meta-analyzing the results that the benefits of multinationality for revenue gen-
of a large number of studies, we consolidate and eration purposes are greater than its profit maximi-
systematically integrate the findings from various zation benefits because firm internationalization is
small and disparate streams of research into a coher- inherently a revenue generator with its primary
ent body of knowledge. Second, we demonstrate that emphasis on the exploitation of intangible assets
firm-, industry-, and country-level factors explain the across geographic markets. Due to data limitations,
seemingly contradictory and inconclusive results in we could not examine other types of strategic moti-
the literature. Previous research indicates that the vations (e.g., resource seeking, efficiency seeking)
failure to take account of firm-level heterogeneity that may guide firm internationalization decisions.
can produce mixed results pertaining to the Nevertheless, our findings confirm the importance of
M-P relationship (Hitt, Bierman, Uhlenbruck, and this dimension, as it offers preliminary evidence
Shimizu, 2006). Also, it has been widely recognized concerning the diverse effects of strategic motiva-
that heterogeneity arising from the omission of tions in the outcomes of internationalization. Future
industry characteristics is a potential source of varia- investigations should focus on the performance
tion that may bias the study results (Bowen, 2007). implications of horizontal and vertical integration, as
Similarly, several researchers indicate that the poten- well as geographic diversification with different stra-
tial importance of the country dimension represents tegic motivations.
another layer of the issue of heterogeneity of the Our findings also suggest that service businesses
M-P relationship since home country characteristics benefit less from multinationality than manufactur-
are likely to be important determinants of firms ing businesses. Assuming that incremental multina-
international success (Bowen, 2007; Makino et al., tionality yields similar benefits for manufacturing
2004; Wan and Hoskisson, 2003). Our study fills and service firms, our findings suggest that interna-
these important gaps. tional expansion is more costly in services than in
Finally, our findings suggest that the effects of manufacturing businesses. As detailed earlier, the
multinationality on performance depend on type of unique characteristics of international service
Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
118 A. H. Kirca et al.
operations (i.e., high costs of adaptation, investment, Finally, our investigation provides critical insights
and coordination, and strict control over the extent of for managers and researchers alike. Over the last
foreign involvement) increase the costs of operating four decades, a considerable body of research has
in foreign markets for service firms to higher levels examined the linear (Grant, 1987; Delios and
than those in manufacturing industries (Knight, Beamish, 1999; Morck and Yeung, 1991) and non-
1999). In addition, service industries are notoriously linear (Contractor et al. 2003; Gomes and
reliant on intangible assets, such as human and rela- Ramaswamy, 1999; Lu and Beamish, 2004) relation-
tional capital (Hitt, Bierman, Uhlenbruck, and ships based on the trade-off between costs and ben-
Shimizu, 2006). Our findings confirm that the overall efits at different stages of firm internationalization,
costs of transferring and exploiting firm-specific as detailed earlier. Despite the vast number of
assets may be higher for service firms than for manu- studies, the current state of research findings pertain-
facturing firms for each incremental unit of interna- ing to the curvilinear effects has been inconsistent
tionalization. Clearly, further research is warranted and inconclusive. Our findings suggest that the slope
for a better understanding of how coordination and of the M-P relationship is not a function of the stage
investment costs, as well as customization require- of firm internalization when several other contextual
ments, interact to affect the M-P relationship in factors (firm, industry, and country characteristics)
manufacturing and service industries. are taken into account. To further investigate this
One of the most intriguing results of our study important issue, we have conducted additional
relates to the stronger M-P relationship obtained for analyses. Specifically, following the procedures
firms from advanced economies than those from described earlier, we calculated and compared the
developing economies. Home country characteris- mean effect sizes obtained for the M-P relationship
tics seem to be important determinants of firms from original studies in a subgroup analysis.
international success as a result of internationaliza- The results of our subgroup analysis suggest that
tion efforts. These differences may be related to the slope of the M-P relationship is positive at early,
greater technological and innovative prowess of intermediate, and late stages of firm internationaliza-
firms from advanced economies and the presence of tion and that the mean effect sizes obtained for the
related and supportive industries in home markets, as M-P relationship are significantly higher at interme-
well as their monopoly power in some industries diate stage than at early and late stages of interna-
(Porter, 1990). In addition, firms from developing tionalization. (r = 0.068 vs. r = 0.108 vs. r = 0.078,
economies are relatively more recent players in the p < 0.01, respectively). As such, this finding indi-
global marketplace. These findings point to the pos- cates that an S-shaped, curvilinear pattern provides
sibility that firms from advanced economies learn an accurate characterization of the M-P relationship.
much faster on issues, such as cross-subsidiary However, it is important to remember that the results
knowledge transfer and activity sharing, than their of our multivariate analysis indicate that this signifi-
counterparts in developing economies. Accordingly, cant result disappears when we introduce other
having moved earlier on the experience curve seems substantive contextual factors (i.e., type of firm mul-
to put advanced economy firms in richer spatial tinationality, firm strategic motivations, industry
encounters, which enables them to adapt to unstable characteristics, and home country factors) in the
foreign environments much faster than their counter- model. Thus, we conclude that the search for more
parts in developing economies (Van de Ven, 2004). complex relationships (i.e., U-shaped, inverse
An important issue that has been neglected in our U-shaped, horizontal S-curve) has the potential to
meta-analysis due to data limitations is the effects of expand our understanding of the underlying basis for
the country of destination of a firms international the M-P relationship, only when the characteristics
activities, which may impact the M-P relationship. of different research contexts (e.g., manufacturing
Thus, researchers need to incorporate the country vs. services, country contexts), measurement issues
dimension more explicitly into future investigations (i.e., breath versus depth of multinationality), and
of the M-P relationship. The focus of the current firm characteristics (i.e., revenue generation vs.
debate on the regional strategies of MNEs is a sig- profit maximization objectives) are taken into
nificant step in the direction of delineating the account in the theoretical development and research
importance of where firms operate for understanding design stages of studies. In this respect, an empirical
the impact of multinationality on performance (e.g., study that compares the benefits of breadth and
Rugman, 2007). depth of multinationality for firms with different
Copyright 2012 Strategic Management Society Global Strat. J., 2: 108121 (2012)
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-5805.2012.01032.x
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