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Conservative Action Project

The Conservative Action Project (CAP), founded in 2008 by many conservative leaders with former Attorney General Edwin Meese III
serving as the Founding Chairman. CAP is currently chaired by The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop and is designed to facilitate
conservative leaders working together on behalf of common goals. Participants include the CEOs of over 100 organizations
representing all major elements of the conservative movement-economic, social and national security.

Memo for the Movement

Republicans should support

President Trumps
2018 Budget Proposal

April 25, 2017

Washington, DC

The Conservative Movement wholeheartedly supports President Trumps 2018 budget proposal.

Any budget is a series of compromises, between what is ideal and what is achievable.
Conservatives know that Rome wasnt built or burned in a day. Nevertheless, the
Conservative Movement rightly expected the Trump administration to start any budget
negotiations closer to the ideal than any administration has been able to for decades.

And that is what it has done. The proposed budget is a major step in the right direction, even
though it does not save a lot of money compared to the total budget. But even the savings it does
achieve, one percent, just 1%, of the discretionary budget, is a major achievement. Most budgets
increase spending. This one shrinks it.

Critics will cry foul: they will say the cuts are draconian. But it simply cannot be that the country
cannot survive a 1 percent reduction in the discretionary budget. Families across America do
that, and a lot more besides, every year. This budget will demonstrate that it is possible to cut
spending without having the oceans begin to rise or the planet begin to suffer.

And even though the budget is still high, how the money is saved is significant. It is saved by
eliminating programs that have no constitutional justification, thereby returning the government
of the country to its proper constitutional basis. That in itself is a major achievement, and one
that conservatives can build on in the future.

This budget eliminates all $148 million for the National Endowment for the Arts, all $148
million for the National Endowment for the Humanities, the $230 million Institute of Museum
and Library Services, and the $445 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
including PBS and NPR. $445 million may not seem like a lot of money to some congressmen,
but many Americans go their entire lives without seeing that kind of money.

And in addition, the budget completely eliminates the following agencies:

African Development Foundation

Appalachian Regional Commission
Chemical Safety Board
Corporation for National and Community Service
Delta Regional Authority
Denali Commission
Inter-American Foundation
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
Legal Services Corporation
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Northern Border Regional Commission
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
U.S. Institute of Peace
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

The conservative joke going around Washington these days is, What do you call the elimination
of 19 federal agencies? You guessed it: A beginning.

This is a budget conservatives are happy to support enthusiastically.

The Honorable Edwin Meese III The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop
Former Attorney General Chairman, Conservative Action Project
President Ronald Reagan Former White House Advisor, President
Ronald Reagan

The Honorable Bob McEwen William L. Walton

U.S. House of Representatives Vice President
Former Member, Ohio Council for National Policy

The Honorable Colin A. Hanna The Honorable David McIntosh

President President
Let Freedom Ring, Inc. Club for Growth

The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Cleta Mitchell, Esq.

Former Domestic Advisor Conservative Attorney
President Ronald Reagan

Ed Corrigan Michael A. Needham

Former Executive Director Chief Executive Officer
Senate Steering Committee Heritage Action for America

Alfred S. Regnery Neil Patel

Chairman Co-Founder and Publisher
Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund The Daily Caller

The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell Jenny Beth Martin

Chairman Co-Founder and CEO
Constitutional Congress, Inc. Tea Party Patriots

The Honorable James C. Miller III Charlie Cato

Budget Director Chairman
President Reagan (1985-1988) Leading The Way PAC

Alan P. Dye Kay R. Daly

Partner President
Webster, Chamberlain & Bean Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Ginni Thomas James P. Backlin

President Vice President of Legislative Affairs
Liberty Consulting Christian Coalition of America

Floyd Brown Willes K. Lee

Chairman President, National Federation of Republican
Western Center for Journalism Assemblies

Dan Greenberg Gary L. Bauer

President President
Advance Arkansas Institute American Values

Adam Brandon Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

President Washington Bureau Chief

Christopher Malagisi Rick Scarborough

President Founder
Young Conservatives Coalition Vision America Action

Joseph A. Morris Patrick Foose

Partner Director of Communications
Morris & De La Rosa Life Issues Institute

David N. Bossie Heather R. Higgins

President President and CEO
Citizens United Independent Women's Voice

Sabrina Schaeffer Richard Manning

Executive Director President
Independent Women's Forum Americans for Limited Government

Haley E. Martin Rod D. Martin

President Founder/CEO
The Martin Foundation The Martin Organization, Inc.

Sherri R. Martin Nicholas Stehle

Executive Vice President Campaign for the American Future
The Martin Organization, Inc.

Evelio Silvera Jerry Melvin

Campaign for the American Future President
Florida Republican Assembly

Shawn A. Mitchell Grover Glenn Norquist

National Chaplain, National Federation of President
Republican Assemblies Americans for Tax Reform

Peter J. Thomas Kenneth F. Boehm

Chairman Chairman
Americans for Constitutional Liberty National Legal and Policy Center

Charlie Gerow Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D

Vice Chairman Board Chair, Institute on Religion and
American Conservative Union Democracy and Board Executive Committee,
World Congress of Families

Lou Cordia Judson Phillips

Cordia and Associates Founder
Tea Party Nation

L. Brent Bozell, III Elaine Donnelly

Founder and President President
Media Research Center Center for Military Readiness

The Honorable Ken Cuccinelli II Lisa Calvert

President Christian Speaker and Teacher
Senate Conservatives Fund Rabon-Calvert Interests

Robert K. Fischer Gayle Trotter

Meeting Coordinator President
Conservatives of Faith American Womens Alliance

The Honorable Belden Bell William W. Pascoe, III

Cochair Legacy Society Managing Partner
Heritage Foundation Antietam Communications

Kevin D. Freeman Allen Hebert

Founder Chairman
NSIC Institute American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston

The Honorable Terrence Scanlon James L. Martin
Retired President and Chairman Chairman
Capital Research Center 60 Plus Association

Susan A. Carleson Susan Walton Gore

Suport Founder
American Civil Rights Union Wyoming Liberty Group, Pillar of Law

Eunie Smith Ron Robinson

President President
Eagle Forum Young America's Foundation

Anne Schlafly Cori The Honorable Mike Spence

Chairman Founding President
Eagle Forum Conservative Republicans of California

Thomas A. Schatz Michael J. Bowen

President CEO
Citizens Against Government Waste Coalition for a Strong America

Lisa B. Nelson Dee Hodges

Chief Executive Officer President
The Jeffersonian Project Maryland Taxpayers Association

Sandy Rios The Honorable Michael R. Long

Director of Governmental Affairs State Chairman
American Family Association New York State Conservative Party

James C. Dobson Ph.D. Robert D. Thompson

Founder & President Former Administrator
Family Talk The Weyrich Lunch

Troy Newman Bob Carlstrom

President, Operation Rescue President
Co-Founder, Center for Medical Progress The Carlstrom Group, LLC

Dan Weber Bob Adams

CEO President
Association of Mature American Citizens Revive America PAC

Taylor Budowich Tim LeFever

Executive Director Chairman
Tea Party Express Capitol Resource Institute

Joseph R. Gregory Richard H. Wright

President and CEO
Gregory Mgt. Co.

Richard G. Lee Marcia G. Taylor
President CEO
There's Hope America, Atlanta, GA Bennett Int. Group, Inc.

Michael K. Taylor The Honorable Martin W. Garrick

Bennett Int. Group, Inc. President
Admiral Property Company

Richard Scurry C. Preston Noell III

Co-Founder President
The Bible Literacy Project Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Lee A. Beaman Raymond Thompson

Chief Executive Officer CEO
Beaman Automotive Thompson Precision

Lew Uhler Richard A. Viguerie

President Chairman
National Tax Limitation Committee ConservativeHQ

Richard P. Bott, II Richard P. Bott, Sr.

Chairman/CEO Founder
Bott Radio Network Bott Radio Network

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