Newsletter May 2017 2

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County Schools
P.O. Box 38, Tryon, NE 69167

May, 2017

A Trib ute To Sen iors scholarship to play basketball. Colby was
Nine Seniors will graduate from
chosen the KNOP Friday Night Sports Hero
McPherson County Schools on
of the Week in February. He will be
Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 2:00 pm in
remembered as a great basketball player.
the high school gymnasium. All staff

members have enjoyed watching them
grow physically, achieve academically, Cassy Easley
and mature personally. Everyone at
MCHS wishes each of our new grads
the best in their future endeavors.

Co lby Cro w

Cassy has been an option-in student from

North Platte since the 5th grade. She has
participated in volleyball, track, speech,
drama, band where she played the clarinet
and keyboard, and choir. Her favorite class
was biology with Mr. Smith because she got
to mostly mess around. Her best
Colby has been a MCS Longhorn since memory of high school is the entire senior
Kindergarten. He has participated in ski trip. Cassys post-high-school plans
football, basketball, track, band, choir, involve community college for general
one-act plays, FBLA, FFA, and Student coursework and transferring to UNL. She
Council. His favorite classes have been has received scholarships from Pratt
math classes with Mrs. Lisa Vasa, Institute, Art Institute, 2017 Media Design
because he enjoys her teaching style. and Photography, and Fashion Weekly. She
His favorite memory of MCHS is the will be remembered as the girl who had a
senior ski trip to Terry Peaks, South bright outlook on life and made people
Dakota. Colby plans to go to Doane smile.
College where he has a $3,000

Ty Johnson Angel Murphy

Angel optioned-in to MCHS from North

Ty chose to option-in to MCHS from North Platte Public Schools in the 7th grade. She
Platte Public Schools for his senior year. He has been active in choir, one-act plays, and
quickly excelled in football, basketball, art shows. Her favorite class has been Art,
track, and FFA. His favorite class has been because it allows her an opportunity to
weight-lifting where he can keep up his release her creative talents. When asked
fun athletic routine. Ty will always what her funniest school moment was, she
remember the senior ski trip he took to responded, any given moment in science
Terry Peaks, South Dakota with the Class of class. Angel plans to attend Black Hills
2017. After graduation, he plans to attend State University in Spearfish, South Dakota.
Chadron State College where he will play She received a scholarship of $2,000 from
football for the Chadron Eagles. Ty truly Black Hills State University - Academic. She
enjoys life, and he will be remembered as will be remembered not only as a good
someone who tried to make others have a artist, but as someone always willing to
better day. help.

Riley Loughry Kyon Neal

Riley moved to Tryon from North Platte as

a 12th grader. In this one short year, he has
participated in football, basketball, golf,
and FFA. His favorite class has been Kyon, a lifetime Tryon resident, has
Geometry because of the fun environment participated in football, basketball, golf,
created by the teacher, Mrs. Lisa Vasa. FFA, FBLA, NHS, Student Council, and
Riley will remember the senior ski trip to Homecoming Court. He took the State Golf
Terry Peaks as his most fun moment in high Championship in 2015. His favorite class is
school. He plans to attend Mid-Plains welding because thats where he can
Community College, then transfer to throw down some sparks; he finds it
Chardon State College to study graphic/ relaxing. His funniest memory of high
web design. He states his wishes that he school includes the conversations held on
had moved to McPherson County earlier. the senior ski trip. He received scholarships
from numerous colleges ranging from
$13,000 per year to $18,000 per year. plays. Brooklins favorite class has been
Kyon has chosen to attend UNK where he Ecology, as she likes interactive classes, and
will play on the collegiate golf team. her teacher made this class very inter-
active. When asked what her funniest

moment of high school was, she explained
Brianna Powers that her 9th grade math teacher sang,
What does the fox say? Brooklin plans to
enter the workforce immediately after
graduation. She will be remembered as
easy going and considerate.

Hannah Watson

Brianna is a home-town girl who has been

very busy with volleyball, basketball, track,
band, choir, chimes choir, speech, one-act
plays, NHS, FBLA, FFA, and Student Council.
She was voted Homecoming Queen. Her
favorite classes are chemistry and psych-
ology because they offered her the oppor- Hannah came to McPherson Public Schools
tunity to learn so much. Her most as a 6th grader. Her high school career
memorable moment in school was the includes volleyball, track, FFA, FBLA, NHS,
senior ski trip to Terry Peaks, South Dakota. one-act plays, and Quiz Bowl. Her favorite
Brianna was offered numerous scholarships class has been Anatomy, as it mirrors her
to several colleges, and she plans to major profound interest in animals, plants, and
in physical education at Doane College their impact on earth. Hannah recites a
where she will play on the collegiate funny story about a day in the 7th grade
volleyball team. when a classmate fell asleep in class and
the teacher slammed a book on the desk to
Brooklin Sailors wake the student up. Hannah plans to
major in animal science at UNL, and she has
scholarships totaling $13,500 from UNL
Livestock Grazing Management, the College
of Agriculture Sciences and Natural
Resources, and UNL Federal Aid. She will
be remembered as the person friends go to
for advice.

Brooklin, of North Platte, joined the Class of

2017 in McPherson County as a 4th grader.
She has been in choir, band where she

played the clarinet, speech, and one-act
Report Cards they go through the normal 8-period day
by Lisa Tuenge, Guidance Counselor and return all school-owned property.
Students need to pay all outstanding fines Chrome-books will be checked in prior to
before report cards are mailed. Report this day, and parents will be notified of any
cards are scheduled to be mailed to parents resulting fines in advance. Have a great
on May 22. summer!

News From the Librarian The Past Two Years
by Meka Melvin, Librarian by Lorrie Miller, Superintendent
I am glad to say that the new Destiny When I arrived in Tryon two years ago, I
Library Management System is up and was enamored with the beauty of the
running! Students and staff can get on the Sandhills (even though I still fight the sand
website to research the high school and the burrs). I was also impressed with the
elementary libraries resources. There are willingness of the school staff to take on
still some books to get catalogued into the extra duties that are required in a small
system, but I am working on this. The new school setting. Most staff members have
system is funded in part by Educational not let me down in two years. I had forged
Service Unit 16 Service Credit Design. If ahead with school law changes, updated
anyone is interested in reading over the technology, accreditation requirements,
summer, they can check out books from and safety improvements. I now reflect on
either of our libraries. The high school how the staff helped make change for the
office will have applications for a library better. Changes in the past two years
card, and the secretary will help you get include the completion of a high school
into the libraries to find a book of your HVAC system with resulting interior repairs,
choice. Keep reading! NWEA tests for student achievement
assessment, an electronic financial
Final Days of School accounting system with accompanying
by Deb Brownfield, Principal document templates, an electronic
We have some special events and new personnel clock-in system and concise job
procedures this month to culminate the descriptions, curriculum maps for better
school year. On the evening of May 1, alignment to test scores, a telephone
Awards Night will honor the accomplish- system with safety communications, a
ments of our high school students. Rural district-wide library system with digital
Field Day will be held on May 3 beginning inventory, secure state accreditation with
at noon when elementary home-schooled instructional units/ guidance counselor/
students join us for track and field events librarian, a student management system
on the football field; high school students (PowerSchool) that connects to a learning
will help run the events. The seniors last management system (Canvas), activities for
day is May 5. These students may purchase HAL students, and a Course Description
their Chromebook for $50.00. May 17 has book to encourage students to take
been designated as Community Service Day intriguing classes. I will add that from 2015
when students will help clean up the town to 2016, NeSA reading scores went up 12%
in preparation for the American Total Solar and NeSA math scores went up 17%. I
Eclipse Committees events. Projects leave McPherson County with two years of
include planting flowers and picking up superintendent experience and memories
trash. On the last day of school, May 18, of hard working staff members who keep
high school students will be given check- students best interests at heart. Keep up
out sheets to be signed by their teachers as the great work, MCS staff!

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