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province-wide background concentrations of PCBs in soil. TAC has also been advised by GFL that it has recently submitted a comprehensive application to amend its Unwin approval, and that it has every expectation that the reissued Unwin approval will not contain the language that is the basis for the Town's concern. In addition, GFL has agreed to test treated soil for PCBs at its Unwin facility, and those results are now being provided along with other testing data as part of the source site approval process. Finally, while TAC is only obligated under the Agreement to remediate PCBs found that are at a concentration greater than 1.1 ppm (i.e. the Table 2 standard), TAC has remediated to the Table 1 standard for PCBs for the few audit sample results where PCB concentrations exceeded Table 1, and will continue to do so going forward. Sediment Issue As | understand it, the second issue relates to erosion of sand and silt from the north end of the new runway that is causing off-site sedimentation problems. TAC made significant efforts last year to create engineered structures to capture and channel run-off from the north slope of the runway. Unfortunately, all of the work could not be completed until the spring of 2017, which has been one of the wettest springs on record. It is only this week that contractors have been able to get in to finish this off. | understand that the work is now substantially complete and hope that the erosion issue will be fully addressed to the satisfaction of the neighbours by this summer. TAC’s engineers are confident that, once vegetative cover has been firmly established, the erosion will end on the site and run-off free of sediment will flow from our property. Council should be aware that the sediment that left the airfield property is native sand and silt found on the property naturally, not imported fill to build the airfield runways. | regret that the site neighbours have recently experienced a re-occurrence of a sediment problem as a result of spring run-off. TAC is committed to restoring the impacted properties as soon as this June, weather permitting. I trust that Council will carefully consider the foregoing in its deliberations on Committee Recommendation CW-1(2). In my respectful submission, there is no reasonable basis to invoke the section 27 process, or to prohibit the receipt of soil from the Unwin Soil Treatment Facility. Yours ver (ohn Bailey President 2|Page

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