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The Lovers The vow of "love" is the "fruit" of obedience and poverty.

have been offered two paths it is time for your choice. Resist the temptation
to change stick to your resolutions and make firm decisions. "Is this situation
what you really want?" Control your emotions, seek spiritual values and select
your path with care. Seek the union of your material selfconscious (feeling)
and your spiritual subconscious (reason). Discern the differences between the
two, separate the true from the false. Union of the two suggests a rewarding
relationship of SELF the potential of a good marriage. To free yourself from
the "illusion" of "me living you shadow" requires that you extend the love
you have for yourself to others, then you will arrive at the realization of "me
living you living". Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Find your inner lover, your inner
"soul mate" and you will find yourself and your "earth mate".

Your true destiny is to represent the highest aspect of "Self" to seek and find a balance of
intelligence and sensation. Analyzing what you see and hear on the outside to come up with the
truth is virtually impossible it is your "inner" instruction which fills in the gaps. Do not resist
those to whom you are that which represents balance, beauty, responsibility,
unity and harmony. Love spreads it fills all who are encompassed within its boundaries. You
have analytical ability and a keen perception you will come to an honest, fair decision.

Your choice is between your two separate desires. Your desire for materialism and your desire
for spiritual development. Materialism is the outer path which is laid out for you. Spiritual
development is the "inner" path which leads you to a confrontation with your hidden desires in
order to break free of worldly influences and strike out on your own. Allow your true
personality to emerge, with its own ideas and purposes able to make important decisions based
on your own assessment of desires and responsibilities. This will result in freedom from
inhibitions, guilt, conditioning and bondage. LOVE can exist only in the absence of restrictions.
You can seek, you can ask, you can knock at the door but you can not open the door by force.
You are required to wait patiently for it to be opened. Through prayer and meditation you open
yourself to "grace" and you receive it. This knowledge does not happen automatically, it is
revealed when the door is open. Dare to ask, have the will to seek, remain silent and listen long
enough to know when the door has been opened to you.

Your relationships mirror your own inner sense of worth. How you feel about yourself can be
seen in how your partner relates to you. Your sexual drive leads you away from isolation and
pushes you to form vital relationships with other people and finally opens the door to love.
Wholeness is love, which is the nonjudgmental acceptance and embrace of the material and the
spiritual. It is through love that you achieve unity with someone else you come to know a
greater meaning and deeper significance to life as you give up the part of your "ego" which
controls and isolates you from people and from life itself. The male is ruled by reasoning, the
female is ruled by desire a balance between the two brings out the divine spark and unites you
with your conscious Self. Balance unites reason with passion and gives conscious energy form,
direction and meaning. The love of a specific person is necessary in your life now, for it will
lead you to a new understanding of life. Allow yourself to engage in emotional intimacy.
An important emotional growth step to the desire for and acceptance of an extension of yourself.
The birth of duality in the heart as the self discovers the other. Emersion out of the self,
immersion in the other. It teaches you emotional partnering, how to share the basic components
of human activity with one other person in particular. You voluntarily alter your course of needs
and wants to accommodate those of another. Without passion and sexual drives to spur you, you
might never make this "compromise," but it is the first major lesson to the ego of the necessity to
go beyond the separate, physical self.

Here are the choices, the trials, the decisions created by desire. This emotional partnering may in
some cases not be with another person, in which case that other something (possibly a place, a
thing or even a personal talent of yours) must be thought of as a surrogate for what would
otherwise be a lover or mate. As long as the lessons to be learned at this stage are in fact being
addressed and learned, this presents no problem, but if there is no partnering and no surrogate
and no lessons being learned, watch out! The Romance Legends, such as the Arthurian tales
where love predominates over the state, show the evolution of society from the Emperor(4) and
Hierophant(5), i.e., from the belief systems which are handed to us by our elders, into the thrusts
of desire of the Lovers which sends us on our individual quest. Hence, it takes the birth of
duality in love to make us assert our individuality.

Questions to Answer: What significant relationship are you involved in? How does this
relationship mirror your own sense of selfworth? What choice or decision do you need to
make? What responsibility will you have to take based on your decision? What needs to be
combined, synthesized or brought together?

Special Messages based on Card Position:

In the first position A life that will be dedicated to the discovery and expression of love, the
play of divine energy in the worldly sphere. Raw motivation, the stuff that pushes all of us
through the hoops with enough height and speed not to be burned by the ring of fire.

In the second position - The energy and verve with which you do things has given you great
prowess. You are sexy, romance and creativity figure prominently in your overall scheme of
things. Your work itself may deal with this archetype.

In the third position Heads up for love. Pay attention to all the signs there will be plenty.
Honor your creative talents for now is the time to extrovert your feelings, sharing with others
who may need your inspiration and prodding to free their feelings.

In the fourth position The ideal of love. You have a classic, fairy tale view of the successful
love story the princess and the white knight as the base for your emotional program. You
may have had a true love at a very tender age that stays with you as a feeling to be recaptured or
in those rare cases held onto.

In the fifth position - Love, relationships, creativity - such is the nature of your mind's activity
at the moment. You are planning around your heart's desire, for here are the types of thoughts
we have when we are in love.
In the sixth position - Love - an important relationship, acceptance of creative inspiration, is
intensifying, demanding greater definition and expression. The external must be integrated into
the heart. That which is integrated must be externalized and shared.

In the seventh position - In the near future you may face the challenge of integrating a
relationship, a new and unexpected passion, into your life game plan.

In the eighth position - Here love, the birth of duality in love, is doing its magic of pulling the
self out of its shell by having it come to need another as much as it needs itself. The self is
growing to include this other in its idea of what it must be in order to continue its physical
existence. Marriage.

In the ninth position - When we say we are in love, this is the feeling we are trying to express.
This is the personal passion and pleasure felt in the depth of the heart.

In the tenth position - You should not have to ask anyone about this when it happens. The
phrase "love of your life" will come to pass your lips. In odds position the suggestion is that it
may come as quite a surprise as in "across a dark and crowded room" or "love at first sight."

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