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Running Head: Professional Conference Reflection Paper

Professional Conference Reflection Paper

Christine Tolentino

Kapiolani Community College

July 27, 2016

Nurs 220
Running Head: Professional Conference Reflection Paper

I learned that the infection risk assessment is very important during the admission

process of a patient. Identifying the risk of infection that the patient may pose during

admission will help the nurse plan accordingly to contain the infectious patient, so that it

does not spread to other patients or staff members. Once the infectious patient is placed

on the proper transmission precautions the nurse can then create a nursing care plan

specific to that patient, so that together with collaboration with other medical staff they

can eradicate the infection and help the patient get better. I will apply this knowledge to

my own clinical practice so that I can help halt the infection before it spreads to another

person. I will make sure that every patient I come across will get screened for possible

spread of infection, and if they present with any risk of infection then I will do further

investigation to determine what needs to be done to contain the infection and protect

everyone around the infectious person including myself.

The first student-learning outcome (SLO) that this conference met was delivering

client centered care. The conference met this SLO by enforcing and addressing multiple

policies and procedures that the medical staff has to follow in order to keep the patient

safe from possible introduction to an infection, or making the current infection worst

instead of better. For example, one of the procedures that were brought up was knowing

how to properly clean and sanitize the equipment that will be used on multiple patients.

Some facilities are not properly handling the equipment during the cleaning and

sterilizing process, which is leading to multiple infections to patients that could have been

easily preventable had they known how to properly clean their equipment. This relates to
Running Head: Professional Conference Reflection Paper

delivering client centered care because in order to help the patient as whole to get better

the nurse has to be aware of the equipment being used, and how it is handled and cared

for before it is used on the patient.

The second student-learning outcome (SLO) that this conference met was

identifying nursing care situations requiring the need for delegation and leadership. The

conference met this SLO by expressing the need for the nurses to take on the leadership

role to make sure that all of their patients are safe at all times. For example, there was an

incidence in a facility were a construction worker walked into a patients room and ripped

open the wall, which was full of mold and exposed this mold to this sick patient. The

nurse in this situation should have known when the wall was going to be worked on and

should have been there to stop it from happening. When a nurse takes on the leadership

role everything needs to come across that nurse and everyone on that floor should all be

on the same page, so that when a person comes on the floor that needs guidance to what

should and should not be done at the moment goes through that nurse. Also the nurse

should delegate the work to a ward clerk to direct any unusual questions or work to the

nurse that is in charge, so that episodes like this does not occur; instead it can be

prevented and the patient can remain safe from harm.

In conclusion, this conference taught me a lot on infection control and ways that

infections can be contained and who is responsible for a break in that infection chain.

The nurse should first examine a patient for their potential risk of spreading an infection,

and taking proper precautions to contain that infection. The SLOs that was met during

this conference was delivering client centered care and identifying nursing care situations
Running Head: Professional Conference Reflection Paper

requiring the need for delegation and leadership. These SLOs were talked about

throughout the conference and was a major key on ways to protect the patients from

unnecessary infections.

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