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Picturing The Great Gatsby

By Luz M. Pena, Kathryn Mackelrath, Isabella Marty

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The Green
Gatsbys Love Light at the end
Kathryn) Myrtles Heartbrea Hope
Phone House Tea of the Death
Puppy k

(Kathryn) The Tom and Gatsbys Nick and Gatsbys Gatsbys
Buchanans Myrtles house Gatsbys Funeral
Lunch House Hotel pool
House Apartment party homes

"His parents
were shiftless
farm people
had never
"This is a
valley of
them as his
ashes a
parents at all.
The truth was
farm where
"Involuntaril ashes grow that Jay
Gatsby of
y I glanced like wheat "'A phrase
"If it wasn't West Egg,
seawarda into ridges began to
for the mist Long Island,
nd and hills and beat in my It excited
we could sprang from After
grotesque ears with a him, too,
distinguishe see your his Platonic "So we Gatsby's
gardens; sort of that many
d nothing home conception of drove on death the
where ashes "It takes heady men had
except a across the himself. He toward East was
take the two to excitement: already
KEYLINE1 bay . . . was a son of death haunted for
single green forms of make an 'There are loved
(Isabella) You always God . . . and through me like that,
light, minute houses and accident. only the Daisy it
have a he must be the distorted
and far chimneys " pursued, increased
green light about His cooling beyond my
away, that and rising the her value
that burns Father's twilight." eyes' power
smoke and, pursuing, in his
might have finally, with a all night at business, the of correction."
the busy, eyes."
been the the end of service of a
transcendent and the
end of a your dock." vast, vulgar,
effort, of men tired.'"
dock." who move
dimly and
beauty. So he
invented just
the sort of Jay
through the
Gatsby that a
powdery air."
year old boy
would be
likely to
invent, and to
conception he
was faithful to
the end."

Parties with Not everyone is Famous Time

Start of middle class Love affairs who they say and rich catches up 1920s life was
and Lunch and
1920s2 1920s, arent as and people they are nor is get with the not as happy
alcohol all things
(Kathryn) prohibition in extravagant just trying to truth about how caught up characters as it always
very are nice
effect as they are have fun people got in all the and so do seemed
with the rich money reporters their

For the Key Line row, include the actual line and citation beneath the graphic.
For the 1920s. watch this video Life in the Roaring 1920s documentary before you begin completion of this row.
works actions

Nick doesnt
feel like its
Toms right to be Myrtle
Gatsby and Daisy and
mistress calls with Tom and Nick tries dies and Nick cant ever
Jordan are Gatsby
CONFLICT at dinner and Myrtle since to figure Nick questions Gatsby Gatsby see New York
getting Nick arent
(Luz) Nick wonders hes Daisys out who Gatsbys past decides to Dies the same
to invite supposed to
who Gatsby cousin. He Gatsby is take the haunted
Daisy be meeting
is. feels like hes blame

Luz) Daisy
Nick Tom and Jordan Myrtle
and Gatsby Gatsby Nick Carraway
Myrtle Baker Gatsby Gatsby Wilson


Present Present Present Present Present Past/Present Present Present Future/Present


Happy Shocked
Excited Uncomfortabl Neutral Anxious Understanding Tense Depressed

FILM4 Tom takes exploded
(Luz) Nick Gatsby talks Nick only
Nick is in Nick to an Gatsbys in front of attends
meets Nick and about his past Gatsby
therapy for apartment and emotions Tom) Gatsbys
Gatsby at Gatsby as James dies by Mr.
alcoholism gets drugged meeting w/ Myrtle funeral
his Party Lunch Gatz Wilson
and drunk daisy dies from

For the Time row, this means actual chronological time. How is time manipulated in the novel? How is the passage of time handled? Many of your novels have
a Foreword; read it for additional ideas.
For the Film row, include a graphic and word/phrase that captures how the film captures this novel -- similarities or differences. You might highlight something
about the directors interpretation, the filming, the music, the camera work, etc.

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