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Ecological Inventory

Student __S_____________ Age __3rd grade___________ Activity _______Recess______________________

Assessor ____Amanda Asfour_______ Domain (underline one): Domestic Voc
Classroom Rec Comm
Environment __On playground at recess ________________ Sub-environment(s) __Playing ___
___Lining up______
*environment: natural environments where instruction is necessary and where individuals live, work, play, etc. (e.g. Classroom)
*sub-environment: places (environments) within larger environments (e.g. listening center; personal desk/table)

What are Peers Natural Target Student Discrepancy Intervention Plan(s)

Doing? Cues (TS) Analysis Describe interventions to/on behalf of
Describe what peers do What Critique the target student
Performance Prepare long term goals
during this activity correction Describe what TS difference in
procedures performance btwn Write short tem objectives
does during this
guide the activity students. What is Describe a strategy(ies) to achieve
TASK ANALYSIS student to required to perform? goal/objective
feedback to
Sub-Environ Activities When students At times the The student needs to Long-term goal: The student will
(Playing) participate student participates learn to self-regulate communicate and implement a strategy for
Students running incorrectly, it in play in an when experiencing appropriate communication to be used
around, playing with can be difficult appropriate negative emotions. when experiencing a conflict with a peer on
friends. May swing on for them to manner. Other Needs to learn to the playground.
swings, spin on the find a times, student communicate Objectives:
banana, draw with playmate or pushes to the front appropriately with 1. The student will communicate a
chalk, or play play group. of lines and gets peers, especially strategy for appropriate communication
basketball. Students Peers may get mad a students, when the situation is to be used when experiencing a conflict
are waiting in line for mad and/or calling them bad not following her with a peer on the playground before
swings or banana. tell a teacher names or expectations/desires. going outside for recess.
Students ask to share if participation pushing/hitting 2. The student will implement a strategy
chalk or to join in is them. for appropriate communication to be
other games. inappropriate. used when experiencing a conflict with
a peer on the playground.
As a strategy the student will check in with a
chosen staff member before each recess.

Ecological Inventory
Student __S_____________ Age __3rd grade___________ Activity _______Recess______________________
Assessor ____Amanda Asfour_______ Domain (underline one): Domestic Voc
Classroom Rec Comm
Environment __On playground at recess ________________ Sub-environment(s) __Playing ___
___Lining up______
Sub-Environ Activities When students Often when the The student struggles Long-term goal: The student will walk to
(Lining Up) line up in the student is joining to follow the line at the end of recess without pushing,
Students line up in correct the line to come procedure for getting hitting, or using inappropriate language.
alphabetical order manner they inside, she pushes in line correctly. The Objectives:
outside the door when are quickly let to get to the front student tends to race 1. The student will walk to line at the end
the bell rings. inside. When of the line. to get into line of recess without pushing, hitting, or
Students walk to their students line Depending on peer pushing to get their using inappropriate language. (70% of
places in line without up reactions, this can first and becoming the time)
pushing, running, inappropriatel escalate into hitting upset when losing the 2. The student will walk to line at the end
hitting, or using y, other peers and calling race. The student also of recess without pushing, hitting, or
inappropriate students get them inappropriate needs to learn to self- using inappropriate language. (80% of
language or threats. angry and/or names. regulate when in the time)
tell a teacher. conflict with other As a strategy, use a positive behavior chart to
students. track progress and as a self-assessment.

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