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Running head: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1

Counseling in Schools II- Bibliography

Montclair State University

Lauren Hudon

1. American School Counseling Association. (2017). Retrieved from

CACREP Objectives Addressed:

The American School Counselor Associations website is one that I was not surprised
with how thorough it was in addressing CACREP standards. An entire section of the
website is dedicated to resources that discuss counselor competencies and the role of the
school counselor. As soon as you pull up the website, there is a section that talks about
how the American School Counselor Association supports school counselors efforts to
help students focus on academic, career, and social/emotional development so they can
achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members
of society.
This website also promotes school counselor advocacy and leadership, and it is very clear
from the mission statement which states:

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) is the foundation that expands the
image and influence of school counselors through advocacy, leadership, collaboration and
systemic change. ASCA empowers school counselors with the knowledge, skills, linkages
and resources to promote student success in the school, the home, the community and the
world (ASCA, 2017).

This resource is valuable for those in the school counseling profession, because it
provides a clear description of what a school counselor should be in terms of professional
development, and even ethical standards that they are held to.
As a future counselor, I would likely use this resource for a parent or even a staff member
who questions my role in the school. If a teacher is pushing back because he or she
believes the main role of a school counselor is administrative work, I would gladly
provide them with resources directly from this site that prove otherwise. I would also use
this with a parent, as it provides valuable resources for parents and guardians. There is an
entire tab designated for parents and the public, where there is an abundance of specific
information on how to collaborate with your students school counselor and what type of
help they can provide.

2. Wright, R. J. (2012). Introduction to school counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE

CACREP Objectives Addressed:

This textbook is one that covers a range of topics from the history of the profession, to
the school counselors role in working with each individual school level. It also talks
about models and delivery of services, working as a counselor in a crisis situation, and

professional development. As far as what this particular textbook covers in relation to

CACREP standards, I would be confident in saying that it covers all of them.
The text specifically talks about advocacy and leadership in several chapters, but the first
mention of advocacy is when the profession is being defined and the role of the counselor
is described. It says that professional school counselors are advocates, leaders,
collaborators, and consultants who create opportunities for equity in access and success
in educational opportunities by connecting their programs to the mission the school.
Due to the fact that this book is available online, it would definitely be a resource that I
would access regularly for my own needs when working with students, parents, other
school staff etc. It has a huge range of information as I mentioned above, and is
extremely well organized, so if I were to need specific information on a certain topic, I
would be able to find it easily.
I could also use this resource with administrators when developing some type of program
to implement in my school. There is an entire section on program development, which
would be helpful when planning and implementing a counseling lesson or program.

3. The Counseling Profession. (2017). Retrieved from

CACREP Objectives Addressed:

This particular resource had a very high focus on professional development, and aiding
students in career development, specifically college preparation. This is most likely
because it is a college oriented website. However, the first thing that stuck out to me was
that it had a section on the main page that talked about advocacy. They describe
counselors as being critical members in encouraging success for all students, which was
nice because Ive found that usually you have to click around to find information on
counselor advocacy.
There are a number of ways that I could potentially use this resource as a counselor,
especially when developing some type of college readiness program for juniors and
seniors. There is a significant amount of information that I could pull from here to give
them the help they need when applying for college. I could also use this with parents who
are beginning to help their student in their college search.

4. State Laws: Suicide Prevention in Schools (K-12) (Issue brief). (2016).

CACREP Objectives Addressed:

This resource is undoubtedly valuable to any professional working in a school but

specifically for school counselors. There is a lack of information being distributed to
counselors on the legislation that states put in place to help educate school personnel on
preventing and addressing student suicide. This document is an excellent resource for
those who are looking into developing a suicide awareness program.

As a school counselor, I would use this resource to pitch the idea to school administrators
and stakeholders about holding a suicide awareness and prevention program with school
personnel. This document shows that not only are these programs proven to be affective,
but also that not educating school personnel on this issue can be unlawful.

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