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EDAD 693 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 4.0

Element 4.3 Candidates understand and can respond to community interests

and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with
families and caregivers.

Activity: Band Booster Liason/Attend Monthly Band Booster meetings, 1 hour

meetings each month, communicate regularly with the President and
Treasurer regarding Band finances, fundraisers, uniforms, field trips, etc.

Time: Approximately 50 per school year

October Band Booster Meeting Notes

Raffle Donation Letter

Description: The Springfield Band Booster Organization is a non-profit group that supports the Middle school band
both financially and with volunteerism. This parent group takes care of ticket sales, uniform outfitting and cleaning,
and fundraising to make sure that our group looks and sounds great and has what we need every year.

When I first accepted this job I was not certain what my role would be as liaison, but I have quickly adapted to the
role. I attend every monthly meeting and offer input as the Director, and communicate regularly with the President
and Treasurer regarding purchases, fundraisers, invoices, and upcoming events. The budgeting and financial piece of
this role have helped with my future preparation as an administrator, and I feel I understand a great deal more about
resource allocation having worked in collaboration with a parent organization. Working with this group is much akin
to collaborating with a PTA as a principal does, and I feel this role has prepared for such future work.

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