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Project report on

Design And Analysis Of Gear Pump

Submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements of the degree of

Submitted by
Under the guidance of


Department of Mechanical Engineering


University of Mumbai
2016 2017

This is to certify that Mr. MAHESH M. KUDTARKAR, Mr. VASUDEV B.

satisfactorily carried out the dissertation work entitled DESIGN AND ANALYSIS
OF GEAR PUMP and submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical to the University of

Project Guide : Prof. SHIVANAND V.

Prof. Veerbhadra C. Balikayi. Prof. B.V. Magdum Dr.Prakash Hubballi

(H.O.D.) (Project Coordinator) (Principal)
Mechanical Department Mechanical Department M.I.T.M. Oras
M.I.T.M. Oras M.I.T.M. Oras

This project represent the generic process of FMEA for gear pump failures and a case study on
gear pump failure cost estimation actual and after implementation of optimum strategies of
maintenance. FMEA focused on critical components and reduce their priority level and frequency
with exact analysis of maintenance requirement of gear pump.

A. Gear Pump:
A gear pump uses the meshing of gears to pump fluid by displacement. These are one of the
common types of pump
for hydraulic fluid power applications. Gear pumps are also used in chemical installations to pump
high viscosity fluids.
The two types of pumps are External gear pumps which use two external spur gears and internal
gear pumps which uses external and internal spur gears in which internal spur gear teeth face
inwards. The external pump shown below is used when hydraulic fluids application is considered.
The inlet and outlet of fluid is from left to right.

Fig 1: External gear pump used for hydraulic fluids

The internal pump shown below are used when fluids such as oils in applications such as
automotives. The gears alignment is shown below.

Fig 2: Internal gear pump used for automotive oil pumps

For high viscosity fluids the gear pump shown below are considered, the arrangement of gear pair
alignment is shown below

In this project we consider External gear pump for analysis.

B. Gear and its types

A gear or cogwheel is a rotating machine having cut teeth or cogs which mesh with another toothed
part to transmit
Gear types are categorized as follows
1) Parallel axes
Spur gear
Helical gear
Internal gear
2) Intersecting axes
Miter gear
Straight bevel gear
Spiral bevel gear
3) Non parallel , non intersecting axes
Screw gear
Worm wheel
4) Others
Involute spline shaft and bushing
Gear coupling
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a method designed to:
Identify and fully understand potential failure modes and their causes, and the effects of
failure on the system or end users, for a given product or process.
Assess the risk associated with the identified failure modes, effects and causes, and
prioritize issues for corrective action.
Identify and carry out corrective actions to address the most serious concerns.
An FMEA is an engineering analysis
done by a cross-functional team of subject matter experts
that thoroughly analyzes product designs or manufacturing processes
early in the product development process.
Finds and corrects weaknesses before the product gets into the hands of the customer.
An FMEA should be the guide to the development of a complete set of actions that will
reduce risk associated with the system, subsystem, and component or
manufacturing/assembly process to an acceptable level.
Performing an FMEA just to fill a checkbox in the Product Development Process and then
filing it away, never to be seen again, is a waste of time and adds no value.
If not for use as guidance through the development process, why waste the time and
resources to do it in the first place?
If effectively used throughout the product life cycle, it will result in significant
improvements to reliability, safety, quality, delivery, and cost.
The primary objective of an FMEA is to improve the design.
For System FMEAs, the objective is to improve the design of the system.
For Design FMEAs, the objective is to improve the design of the subsystem or component.
For Process FMEAs, the objective is to improve the design of the manufacturing process.
There are many other objectives for doing FMEAs, such as:
identify and prevent safety hazards
minimize loss of product performance or performance degradation
improve test and verification plans (in the case of System or Design FMEAs)
improve Process Control Plans (in the case of Process FMEAs)
consider changes to the product design or manufacturing process
identify significant product or process characteristics
develop Preventive Maintenance plans for in-service machinery and equipment
develop online diagnostic techniques .
The three most common types of FMEAs are:
System FMEA
Design FMEA
Process FMEA

System FMEA:
Analysis is at highest-level analysis of an entire system, made up of various subsystems.
The focus is on system-related deficiencies, including
system safety and system integration
interfaces between subsystems or with other systems
interactions between subsystems or with the surrounding environment
single-point failures (where a single component failure can result in complete failure of
the entire system)
functions and relationships that are unique to the system as a whole (i.e., do not exist at
lower levels) and could cause the overall system not to work as intended
human interactions
Some practitioners separate out human interaction and service into their own respective

Design FMEA:
Analysis is at the subsystem level (made up of various components) or component level.
The Focus is on product design-related deficiencies, with emphasis on
improving the design
ensuring product operation is safe and reliable during the useful life of the equipment.
interfaces between adjacent components.
Design FMEA usually assumes the product will be manufactured according to specifications .

Process FMEA:
Analysis is at the manufacturing/assembly process level.
The Focus is on manufacturing related deficiencies, with emphasis on
Improving the manufacturing process
ensuring the product is built to design requirements in a safe manner, with minimal
downtime, scrap and rework.
manufacturing and assembly operations, shipping, incoming parts, transporting of
materials, storage, conveyors, tool maintenance, and labeling.
Process FMEAs most often assume the design is sound.
One of the most important elements for the successful implementation of an FMEA technique is
its timeliness. It is meant to be a before-the-event action and not an after-the-fact exercise.
Actions resulting from an FMEA can reduce or eliminate the chance of implementing a change
that would create an even larger concern. Ideally, FMEAs are conducted in the product design
or process development stages, although conducting an FMEA on existing products or processes
may also yield benefits .

Literature review

Dynamic Analysis of Hydrodynamic Gear Pump Performance Using

Designof Experimentsand Operational Parameters BY,
1. Prof.C. Ragunathan,
2. Prof.Dr.C. Manoharan

A few researches have been carried out in dynamic analysis of gear pump. This work
concerns external gear pumps for automotive applications, which operate at high speed, low
pressure and presents a sensitivity analysis about the influence of design and operational
parameters on the pump dynamic behavior. In previous work, a mathematical modeling was
developed for eccentricity of shaft and pump, with the aim of including all the important effects,
as well as to get a rather simple model. There are three main sources of noise, vibration and friction
considered: Angle of pressure variation and gear meshing. The model has been taken in to account
for comparison with experimental vibration data, in a wide range of operational parameters
conditions for several profile errors. This paper is concentrated on dynamic analysis of the
influence of the main design and operational parameters of the pump dynamic behavior. In
particular, the effect of operational pressure, speed and friction, the influence of the clearance in
the hydrodynamic bearing and between tooth tip and pump case, and the effect of the operational
parameters like stiffness, damping, coefficient of friction, film thickness, speed, friction, load, and
torque of the gear will be thoroughly discussed in the paper. Finally, the mathematical model and
design could be a very useful and powerful tool in order to evaluate the dynamic improvements
for noise, vibration and friction reduction.

Optimization Gear Oil Pump in Order to Energy Saving and

Environmental Impact in a Diesel Engine By,
A.R. Noorpoor

Oil pump in diesel engine has significant effect on energy consumption and environment
pollution. In this paper, the modeling and simulation of a gear oil pump used in a diesel engine
and its fluid flow analysis by a solver has been explained. Also the optimization and redesign of it
has been discussed and then the outcomes have been compared with the experimental and previous
results. The type of this oil pump is external gear pump with involute tooth profile, so we need to
use the gears with the minimum number of tooth to optimize the pump performance and getting
the optimum displacement volume rate of it. While the engaged gears of the pump rotating
together, the intersection between them changes in time. So their boundaries should be considered
as movable. The strategy used here consist in using dynamic meshes, dividing a tooth rotating
cycle into a certain number of time steps and investigating the flow and getting the results for each
time steps.

Study of Centrifugal Pump Using Failure Mode Effect and Critical

Analysis Based on Fuzzy Cost Estimation: A Case Study
1. Deeptesh Singh,
2. Amit Suhane

This paper represents the generic process of FMECA for centrifugal pump failures and a
case study on centrifugal pump failure cost estimation actual and after implementation of optimum
strategies of maintenance. FMECA focused on critical components and reduce them their priority
level and frequency with exact analysis of maintenance requirement of centrifugal pump.

TEN Steps to conduct a FMEA

[1] Review the design or process

The reviewing of the design or process is to identify all of the components of the system at
given level of the design or process hierarchy and determine the function or functions of each
of those components. Many components have more than one function.
[2] Brainstorm potential failure modes
Identify failure modes for each component/system. Typically there will be several ways in
which a component can fail. Potential Failure Mode comes from things that have gone wrong
in the past, concerns of designers, and brainstorming. A potential failure mode represents any
manner in which the component or process step could fail to perform its intended function or
functions. Brainstorm the potential failure modes for each function for each of the components
[3] List potential failure effects
Determine the effects (both locally and globally) associated with each failure mode on the
system. The effect is related directly to the ability of that specific component to perform its
intended function. An effect is the impact a failure could make if it occurred.
[4] Assign Severity ratings
Assign a severity ranking to each effect that has been identified. The severity ranking is an
estimate of how serious an effect would be should it occur. To determine the severity, consider
the impact the effect would have on the customer, on downstream operations, or on the
employees operating the process. The severity ranking is based on a relative scale ranging from
1 to 10.
Table depicts relative severity and corresponding rankings.

Rank Effect
1 none
2 very slight
3 slight
4 minor
5 moderate
6 severe
7 high severity
8 very high severity
9 extreme severity
10 maximum severity
[5] Assign Occurrence ratings
Determine the failures probability of occurrence. Assign an occurrence ranking to each of
those causes or failure mechanisms. The occurrence ranking is based on the likelihood or
frequency, that the cause (or mechanism of failure) will occur. The occurrence ranking scale,
like the severity ranking, is on a relative scale from 1 to 10 as shown in Table

Rank Occurrence
1 extremely unlikely
2 remote likelihood
3 very low likelihood
4 low likelihood
5 moderately low likelihood
6 medium likelihood
7 moderately high likelihood
8 very high likelihood
9 extreme likelihood
10 maximum likelihood

[6] Assign detection rating

To assign detection rankings, identify the process or products related controls in place for each
failure mode and then assign a detection ranking to each control. Detection rankings evaluate
the current process controls in place. The Detection ranking scale, like the Severity and
Occurrence scales, is on a relative scale from 1 to 10 as shown in Table

Rank Occurrence
1 extremely likely
2 very high likelihood
3 high likelihood
4 moderately high likelihood
5 medium likelihood
6 moderately low likelihood
7 low likelihood
8 very low likelihood
9 remote likelihood
10 extremely unlikely
[7] Calculate RPN
The RPN is the Risk Priority Number. The RPN gives us a relative risk ranking. The RPN is
calculated by multiplying the three rankings together. Multiply the Severity ranking times the
Occurrence ranking times the Detection ranking. For example,
Risk Priority Number (RPN) = (Severity) X (Occurrence) X (Detection)
Calculate the RPN for each failure mode and the corresponding effect. RPN will always be
between 1 and 1000. The higher the RPN, the higher will be the relative risk. The RPN gives
us an excellent way to prioritize focused improvement efforts.
[8] Develop an action plan to address high RPNs
Develop an action plan by which reduction in the RPN. The RPN can be reduced by lowering
any of the three rankings (severity, occurrence, or detection) individually or in combination
with one another.
[9] Take action
The action plan outlines what steps are needed to implement the solution, who will do them,
and when they will be completed. Responsibilities and target completion dates for specific
actions to be taken are identified. All recommended actions must have a person assigned
responsibility for completion of the action. There must be a completion date accompanying
each recommended action. Unless the failure mode has been eliminated, severity should not
change. Occurrence may or may not be lowered based upon the results of actions. Detection
may or may not be lowered based upon the results of actions. If severity, occurrence or
detection ratings are not improved, additional recommended actions must to be defined
[10] Reevaluate the RPN after the actions are completed
This step is to confirm the action plan had the desired results by calculating the resulting RPN.
To recalculate the RPN, reassess the severity, occurrence, and detection rankings for the failure
modes after the action plan has been completed.
Applications and Benefits for FMEA
The Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) procedure is a tool that has been adapted
in many different ways for many different purposes.
It can contribute to improved designs for products and processes, resulting in higher
reliability, better quality, increased safety, enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced
The tool can also be used to establish and optimize maintenance plans for repairable
systems and/or contribute to control plans and other quality assurance procedures.
It provides a knowledge base of failure mode and corrective action information that can be
used as a resource in future troubleshooting efforts and as a training tool for new engineers.
Cost effective tool for maximizing and documenting the collective knowledge, experience,
and insights of the engineering and manufacturing community for the particular product or

Classification of Gear Pump Failure:

Gear pump failures are classified into two types:
1) Functional Failure
2) Potential Failure

Type of Failure Symptoms

No liquid delivered
Not enough Iiquid delivered
Pump works for a while then quits
Functional Failure
Pump Takes too much power
Pump loses prime after starting
Viscosity of liquid differs from design condition

Type of Failure Symptoms

Bearing failure
seal failure
Potential Failure Shaft cracks
Pitting marks on gear
Sr. Compone Function Function Description of failure Failure Effect
No. nts Failure
Failure Failure detection Local
Mode Mechanis Of failure
1 mechanic Prevent Leaking Leaking Leaking Liquid Fluid leakage
al Seal leakage through droping,
through seal noise from
shaft shaft
Losses of pumping
2 Bearing To bear worng worn Shaft and Vibration excessive pump
and hold doing out seal will be and noise vibration
load droken on pump
shaft in
order to
Increased in shaft
radial movement
Eventual pump
3 Shaft Protect eroded corrode corroded worn doing Vibration
shaft and d
from corrored
corrosio shaft
n and
Possible bearing
Eventual coupling
4 Gear flow the Not able worn Decreasing Decreasing Pump low efficiency
liquid to flow out pump pressure
the liquid capacity
Reduce in suction

Table 1 show : Failure mode and effect analysis.

failure component RP
modes of failure mode rating N
severi occurren dettecti
(System) sub-system (Components) ty ce on
shaft worn 6 2 8 96
deformation 8 6 2 96
bearing misalignment 3 4 5 60
Gear pump seizure 4 5 3 60
broken 5 4 3 60
seal fracture 5 7 1 35
leakage 7 1 5 35
Gear pitting marks 8 5 3 120
Gear damaged 8 3 5 120

Table 2 show : FMEA analysis of gear pump.

Group RPN index

1 140-105
2 105-70
3 70-35
4 35-0

Table 3 show :RPN Group.

From table 3, it is clear that criticality component rank given below:

1. Gear
2. Shaft
3. Bearing
4. Mechanical seal

Therefore, the priority of critical components, the maintenance strategies like as Condition Based
Maintenance (CBM), Time Based Maintenance (TBM) and Planned Maintenance (PM) as per
schedule would vary which is given table 4.
system failure mode rank group task frequency
Gear 1 CBM weekly
Gear pump not
functioning Shaft 2 TBM weekly
Bearing 3 PM monthly
Mechanical Seal 4 PM six monthly

Table 4 show : Maintenance strategies of centrifugal pump on the basic of component RPN.

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