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Living Effect on GPA

Group 4

Alyssa Armer, Laura Urzua, James Mizota

Spring 2017

EDT 180B - Problem Solving Using Digital Tech Applications

Gary Lewallen
Group 4 - Living Effect on GPA

We decided to research if where you live affects your GPA. In the survey we

asked what is the participant's gender, what college they are enrolled in, what year of

study they are in, if they live on campus, how many roommates they live with and their

GPA. By using a survey on the Google Docs Form we currently have 124 responses.

Overall, the average GPA for those living on campus was significantly higher

than those living off campus. The average GPA for students living on campus was

about 3.26, off- campus was about 3.04, and off-campus with family was 3.19.

When we compared average GPA to where students lived by gender we found

that males and females both average similar GPAs when they lived on campus or off

campus with family. However, when living off campus, there was a big difference with

females average GPA just above 2.9 and the males average GPA just above 3.2.

Group 4 - Living Effect on GPA

As we compared average GPA and where they lived by their year of study we did

not find drastic differences. The only thing worth noting would be that freshman that

lives off campus with family has almost a 1.0 jump in average GPA compared to

sophomores, juniors and seniors living off campus with family.

When comparing average GPA and where they lived to number of roommates

they have we found that students with six roommates had the highest average GPA

when they lived on or off campus.

Group 4 - Living Effect on GPA

From the data and graphs we can conclude that students living on campus has a

higher average GPA compared to students living off campus and with family. In

addition, females living off campus tend to have lower average GPAs compared to

males living off campus. We can also conclude on what we know does not affect

students average GPA, which is year of study and number of roommates. If we were to

do this again, adding in a question asking about how many credit hours that student

was taking might add more information on how living could affect a student's GPA.

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