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Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Name: Daniel solis

How does DNA relate to chromosomes Class/Period: 4th

and replication of cells?
Date: 2.26.17
EQ: How does DNA relate to chromosomes and replication of cells?

Questions: Notes:

What is DNA? (L1)
` DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid

Where can DMA be Found in the nucleus.

found? L2)
DNA is composed of two polynucleotide strands.

The two strands run

antiparallel to each other and nitrogenous bases project inwards.

When DNA is formed, the shape is like a ladder.

The double strands twist, forming a double helix structure.

The strands are held together by hydrogen bonds.

Not only that, Adenine purine will only pair with

thymine pyrimidine (A-T)
Guanine purine will only pair with cytosine
pyrimidine (G-C)


When replication happens, DNA must be copied when cells divide,

this happens during interphase

He double helix is untwisted and the antiparallel strands are

unzipped, Hydrogen bonds between the bases are broken.

Questions: Notes:
How can a scientist RNA: (RIBONUCLEIC ACID)
use RNA to
determine a Like DNA but is SINGLE stranded.
offspring? (L2)
Contains nitrogen base Uracil instead of thymine.

Its nucleotides contain ribose sugar.

RNA is found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of a cell.

Summarize the
difference between
DNA and RNA. (L3)

Explain the
difference between Mitosis: a four-stage process that creates two identical cells from one original cell.
mitosis and -Prophase: The first and longest stage of mitosis. In this stage the
meiosis. (L3) chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate and
move to opposite poles of the cell.
-Metaphase: The second stage of mitosis. In this stage the
chromosomes line up across the center of the cell and become
connected to the spindle fiber at their centromere.
-Anaphase: The third stage of mitosis. In this stage the sister chromatids
separate into individual chromosomes and are pulled apart.

-Telophase: The fourth and last stage of mitosis. During this stage the
chromosomes gather at opposite ends of the cell and lose their distinct rod-
If you were a like shapes. Two new nuclear membranes then form around each of the two
scientist, which regions of DNA and the spindle fibers disappear.
cycle would have
less stages to go -Cytokinesis: The process that follows the last stage of mitosis. With two
through? (L3) complete copies of the DNA now in two different regions of one cell, the cell
membrane will pinch and divide the cytoplasm in half. The result is two
individual cells that are identical to the original cell. Each of the two new
cells have a complete copy of the DNA and contain all of the organelles that
the original cell had.

-Interphase: A period of cell growth and normal activity. This period comes between
mitosis in the cell cycle. Cells that do not need to replicate will spend their time in
this stage. If a cell does need to divide, it will copy all of it's DNA while period. This
way, the cell has two complete copies of its DNA before it begins the process of
Meiosis produces 4 different unique granddaughter cells.

Meiosis begins with a parent cell that is diploid, meaning it has two copies of
Write a paragraph each chromosome. The parent cell undergoes one round of DNA replication
on which cycle followed by two separate cycles of nuclear division. The process results in
takes the longest four daughter cells that are haploid, which means they contain half the
and why. (L4) number of chromosomes of the diploid parent cell.

There are two phases of each stage called a cell division. This means that it
has to go through 8 different stages for an offspring of 8 similar
granddaughter cells.

Summary: I learned that there are many differences compared to DNA and RNA. The difference between DNA and
RNA are that DNA is in the nucleus and RNA is in the nucleus AND cytoplasm. Another difference is that DNA is
double stranded and RNA is single stranded. There are also differences between mitosis and meiosis. To start off
with, meiosis has an outcome of four granddaughter cell. Another difference is that in one of them, they are all
similar or different.

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