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Day 6 - Monday 13th, March 2017

In the table below:
List the function of the transitions that you observe during the lesson (see Table 3
for examples)
Identify strategies used by the teacher to facilitate transitions
Comment on these strategies in terms of promoting positive behavior and
minimizing the incidence of challenging behavior

Type and Strategies used Efficacy of the Suggestions for

function of to facilitate strategy in terms further
transitions transitions of promoting development
positive behavior
and minimizing
1.Clapping her Doing the same It becomes easier Using different kinds
hands transitions to the students of transitions like
everyday. because they get playing songs. For
used to it and it example:
becomes like a When they want to
routine for them clean the classroom
the teacher claps
her hands and plays
a song that is
related to cleaning.
By this way itll be
fun and the children
will understand the

2.Saying certain Telling the The students Instead of saying

words then the students at the understand the words, She puts a
students know begging of the transition and timer and makes
that they have class, when the they know what them understand
to move from teacher says they have to do when the bell rings
their place to this word you when it comes. that means that
the other areas. have to move they have to move
from this area to from their places.
the other areas.

TP Task Booklet for EPC 1401 Practicum 1a

Year One, Semester 2/2017/SWC

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