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Name: Lekshmee Devi Sewock

Class: BOSHM/16B/FT

Module: Occupational Health

Module code: OSHM 1208

Lecturer: Dr. (Mrs.) J. Ramburn

Date Submitted: 15/03/17

Ship Breaking
Ship breaking is one among the most dangerous of occupations, with unacceptably
high levels of fatalities, injuries and work-related diseases. It is a difficult process
due to the structural complexity of the ships, and it generates many environmental
and safety and health hazards.

Workers usually lack personal protective equipment and have little training.
Inadequate safety controls, badly monitored work operations and high risk of
explosions create very dangerous work situations. Workers have very limited access
to health services and inadequate housing, welfare and sanitary facilities.

In addition, ship breaking is a highly polluting industry. Large amounts of toxic

substances (PVCs, mercury, lead, and sulfuric acid) not only intoxicate workers but
are also dumped into the soil and coastal waters. An average size ship contains up
to 7 tons of asbestos which is often sold in the local communities after scrapping. As
the majority of yards have no waste management systems or facilities to prevent
pollution, shipbreaking takes an enormous toll on the surrounding environment, the
local communities, fishery, agriculture, flora and fauna. This naturally causes
serious environmental damage with long-term effects for occupational, public and
environmental health.
The table below shows the hazards and the measures that must be taken to avoid
occupational accidents during the ship breaking process.

Hazards Actions & Preventions

Lack of PPE and training To ensure availability of PPE and
to train personnel
Exposure to asbestos fibres found Provide approved respirators/face
in hanger liners, mastic under shield/goggles
insulation, cloth over insulation,
cable, lagging and insulation on
pipes, especially through
Hazardous Materials Spills Provide spill kits containing
suitable material for spill
containment and cleanup.
Only fully qualified and properly
equipped personnel are allowed to
respond to hazardous material
Exposure to hazardous materials. These materials should be
segregated by substance and kept
separate to avoid any reaction
which may result in excessive
heat or fire.
Excess noiseassociated with Workers must be equipped
grinding, hammering and metal hearing protection such as ear
cutting muffs to avoid damaging their
Firefrom ignited insulation, Employers must have a written
matting, lagging, and residual fire watch policy that specifies the
fuel; and from lubricants and necessary training of workers,
other flammable liquids. their duties and personal
protective equipment (PPE) to be

Provision of extinguishers, fire

hoses and standpipes, smoke
detectors, automatic sprinklers
and other fixed firefighting
Injured when cutting metals Provision of sharp saw blades to
prevent malfunctions
Falls due to weakening of Wearing of safety harnesses and it
structures or sections during must be tied off when near open
continuous cutting holes and deck edges.

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