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824 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000;69:824827


Late onset postpartum eclampsia without

pre-eclamptic prodromi: clinical and
neuroradiological presentation in two patients
R Veltkamp, A Kupsch, J Polasek, T A Yousry, H W Pfister

Abstract sented a true variant of the clinical presentation

In two patients eclampsia started 9 days of eclampsia or merely reflected decreased
postpartum. Headache and visual distur- caretaker attention towards pre-eclamptic signs
bances preceded seizures but none of the in the postpartum period.
classic pre-eclamptic signs oedema, pro- Obviously, the combination of delayed mani-
teinuria, and hypertension were present festation after delivery and an atypical clinical
until shortly before seizure onset. Brain presentation can pose a diagnostic challenge.
herniation (patient 1) and status epilepti- Several recent case series of classic eclampsia as
cus (patient 2) necessitated neurointen- well as LPE reported characteristic findings on
sive care management. Brain MRI brain MRI49 consisting of mostly reversible,
initially showed only frontal sulcal eVace- white matter hyperintensities on T2 weighted
ment in one patient but later showed white images. Consequently, MRI has been proposed
matter hyperintensities on T2 weighted as a highly sensitive adjunctive test for eclamp-
images and a previously undescribed pat- sia, especially in atypical or severe cases.
tern of cortical-subcortical postgadolin- We report the clinical and neuroradiological
ium enhancement on T1 weighted images course of life threatening LPE in two patients
Department of in both. Neurological deficits and MRI in whom seizures manifested without a preced-
Neurology, findings were reversed with therapy in ing pre-eclamptic phase. Brain MRI failed to
Ludwig-Maximilians- both patients. It is concluded that late show characteristic findings in one patient early
University Munich, on. Later, however, MRI showed findings
postpartum eclampsia can manifest with-
Grosshadern, Munich, out classic prodromi and that characteris- characteristic of eclampsia as well as a
Germany tic MRI findings may lag behind clinical previously undescribed pattern of contrast
R Veltkamp manifestation. enhancement.
A Kupsch (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000;69:824827)
H W Pfister
Keywords: eclampsia; magnetic resonance imaging; Case reports
Institute for pregnancy; hypertension PATIENT 1
Anesthesiology A 28 year old healthy black woman (gravida
J Polasek four, para two) delivered a healthy girl in preg-
Department of
Eclampsia continues to be a poorly understood nancy week 41. Puerperium was normal with-
Neuroradiology neurological complication of pregnancy that out oedema, proteinuria, or hypertension until
T A Yousry substantially contributes to maternal morbidity the 9th postpartum night (day 1) when she
and mortality. Its classic clinical presentation gradually developed severe headache accompa-
Department of consists of epileptic seizures or coma manifest- nied by vomiting and flickering visual
Neurology, ing during the third trimester or early puerper- scotomata. As her blood pressure was 190/120
University Heidelberg,
ium in women who already have the mm Hg on hospital admission, she was treated
Im Neuenheimer Feld pre-eclamptic symptom triad of oedema, pro- with nifedipin. She was alert and oriented, with
400, 69120 Heidelberg, teinuria, and hypertension.1 The diagnosis of moderate neck stiVness but no focal neurologi-
Germany eclampsia also requires the exclusion of other cal signs. Initial cranial CT was normal. Analy-
R Veltkamp medical or neurological disorders underlying sis of CSF showed 5x104 erythrocytes mm3
the symptomatology. and 11/mm3 white blood cells; CSF protein was
Department of
Neurology, Charit,
The previously controversial existence of a 168 mg/dl, CSF glucose 37 mg/dl. Four vessel
Humboldt University, delayed postpartum variant of eclampsia is now intra-arterial cerebral angiography after trans-
Berlin, Germany acknowledged by most experts.2 3 Unusual fer to our hospital was normal except for minor
A Kupsch timing, however, may not be the only feature of vessel irregularities in one branch of the left
late onset postpartum eclampsia (LPE) deviat- middle cerebral artery. The next day she expe-
Correspondence to: ing from the above classic diagnostic criteria of rienced three generalised tonic-clonic seizures.
Dr Roland Veltkamp eclampsia. In a case series of patients with Intravenous phenytoin was started. At night
LPE, Lubarsky et al3 reported that a substantial she became comatose and was intubated. Her
Received 1 September 1999 subset of women diagnosed with LPE had not left pupil was dilated and sluggishly reactive to
and in revised form
12 June 2000 been identified as pre-eclamptic before seizure light. Deep tendon reflexes were brisk. T2
Accepted 14 August 2000 onset. It remained unclear whether this repre- weighted images showed multiple areas of
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Late onset postpartum eclampsia without pre-eclamptic prodromi 825

Figure(A) Axial T2 weighted MRI (patient 1) shows characteristic areas of hyperintense signal in the occpital, frontal, and
parietal lobes bilaterally. Multifocal hyperintensities are primarily located in the cortex and adjacent subcortex. They are
patchy or follow the course of the gyri in a serpigenious fashion. On follow up MRI, these hyperintensities were completely
reversible. (B) Sagittal postgadolinium T1 weighted MRI (patient 1) shows prominent streaky enhancement of pial vessels
in cortical sulci and multifocal patchy enhancement in the frontal and parietal cortex. Note that the cortex appears
oedematous in some areas of prominent vascular and patchy parenchymal enhancement. (C) Axial T2 weighted MRI
(patient 2). Characteristic hyperintense foci in the left occipital and bilateral frontoparietal lobes. The hyperintense areas
follow the cortical gyri and extend into the subcortical white matter. (D) Coronal postgadolinium T1weighted MRI (patient
2). Patchy corticosubcortical enhancement in the left frontal medial gyrus in addition to vascular enhancement.

hyperintense signal in the cortex, the white Therapy for increased intracranial pressure was
matter, and along the cortical-subcortical initiated (hyperventilation, head elevation,
junction of the occipital, parietal, temporal, intravenous mannitol, tris-hydroxy-methyl
and frontal lobe (figure A) and in both cerebel- aminomethane, methohexital, ventricular
lar hemispheres. Only some of these areas were drainage). Pupillary diameters became equal
hypointense on corresponding T1 weighted again. Follow up MRI (day 10) showed a
images. Postgadolinium-DTPA T1 weighted decrease of hyperintense areas. After sedation
MRI demonstrated pial vascular enhancement and muscle relaxation were discontinued, she
and patchy enhancement in the oedematous slowly regained consciousness and was extu-
cortex and adjacent subcortex (figure B). bated. Transiently, she remained disorientated
Multifocal, predominantly supratentorial, and agitated but 3 weeks later she was
oedema caused transtentorial herniation. discharged without neurological sequelae. Cor-
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826 Veltkamp, Kupsch, Polasek, et al

respondingly, MRI had become normal. Fol- angiograms. Infectious/autoimmune-inflamm-

low up neurological examination and EEG 8 atory disorders were unlikely because of the
months later were normal. clinical course, negative findings on multiple
blood and CSF cultures, no significant increase
PATIENT 2 in CSF white blood cells, and numerous nega-
A 38 year old healthy white woman (gravida tive serological studies. Sickle cell crisis, which
one, para one) delivered a healthy girl by can produce similar signs on MRI, was
caesarean section after arrest of labour. The excluded by haemoglobin chromatography in
postoperative course during her hospital stay patient 1.
was normal until the 9th day postpartum when Thus, the presented cases are important
she complained of a rapidly developing head- clinical and neuroradiological variants of ec-
ache and bright visual scotomata. Whereas lampsia. Firstly, eclampsia started on the 9th
blood pressure measurement earlier the same postpartum day in both patients. Although
day had yielded 130/80 mm Hg, blood pressure such delayed manifestation of eclampsia was
was 170/100 mm Hg then and nifedipine was controversial in the past, the existence of a late
started. One hour after symptom onset she had onset postpartum variant of eclampsia is now
a generalised tonic-clonic seizure. Initial cra- generally accepted.2 3 Strikingly, no pre-
nial CT was normal. Lumbar puncture showed eclamptic signs were noted in our patients until
two white blood cells/mm3 and CSF protein of postpartum day 9, when hypertension started
95 mg/dl. Although intravenous phenytoin was acutely. This corresponds to findings by
initiated, she experienced four generalised Lubarsky et al3 who reported that 44% of their
tonic-clonic seizures during the next 36 hours. patients with LPE had not been identified as
Brain MRI without contrast 15 hours after pre-eclamptic before seizure onset. These
symptom onset only disclosed eVacement of authors, however, did not comment on whether
the left superior frontal sulcus on T1 weighted pre-eclamptic signs were truly absent or were
images. On referral to our institution (day 4) not identified due to insuYcient caretaker
she seemed somnolent, but focal neurological attention towards pre-eclampsia during the
signs were absent. Antihypertensive therapy postpartum period. Particularly in our second
was switched to dihydralazine. She developed a patient, who remained in hospital after a
convulsive status epilepticus which could not caesarean section, daily examination including
be controlled by increasing intravenous pheny- blood pressure measurements disclosed nor-
toin, magnesium sulfate, and diazepam. After mal values even until shortly before seizure
intubation she received thiopental resulting in onset. Our findings therefore demonstrate that
EEG burst suppression. Follow up T2 the classic pre-eclamptic signs of oedema, pro-
weighted images on day 4 showed hyperintense teinuria, and hypertension do not evolve before
lesions involving the cortex, and the white mat- seizure onset in some patients with LPEa
ter including the grey-white matter junction in constellation that may be referred to as
parts of the superior and medial frontal gyri, eclampsia without pre-eclampsia. Instead of
the precentral gyri, in parieto-occipital areas, classic pre-eclamptic signs, both of our patients
and both cerebellar hemispheres (figure C). complained of severe headache accompanied
Post gadolinium-DTPA T1 weighted images by visual disturbances during the hours before
showed prominent enhancement of pial vessels seizure manifestation. Presence of these pro-
in the area of the superior and medial frontal dromal symptoms in postpartum women even
gyri bilaterally. Contrast enhancement was also in the absence of preceding oedema, proteinu-
present within the parenchyma of the left fron- ria, and hypertension, should cast suspicion on
tal medial gyrus (figure D). Repeated CSF impending eclampsia.
examination showed 16 383 erythrocytes/mm3, Recent case series49 stressed the presence of
14/mm3 white blood cells, and protein of 99 characteristic MRI findings in eclampsia
mg/dl. Four vessel cerebral intra-arterial angio- which may partially represent vasogenic
graphy was normal. After thiopental was oedema.10 Conversely, however, the potential
discontinued the next day, she gradually absence of characteristic findings, which may
regained consciousness but transient optical lead to false dismissal of the diagnosis, has not
and acoustical hallucinations developed. Fol- received much attention. The initial MRI in
low up MRI on day 26 showed only slight our second patient showed only unilateral
residual eVacement of the frontal superior sulci frontal sulcal eVacement. Only later MRIs
bilaterally and a few punctate hyperintensities yielded characteristic multiple hyperintensi-
in the parieto-occipital white matter on T2 ties on T2 weighted images in the cortex, white
weighted images. Postgadolinium T1 weighted matter, and adjacent to the grey-white matter
images showed no contrast enhancement junction. So far, only two eclamptic patients
within the parenchyma and no prominent vas- with normal MRI have been reported.4 5In
cular enhancement. both, a single epileptic seizure and headache
were the only neurological manifestations.
Discussion Brain MRI was obtained only 5 days after the
Our diagnosis of eclampsia was based on the seizure in one patient and no follow up scans
clinical and neuroradiological course and the were available in either case.4 5 By contrast, our
exclusion of other underlying disorders in both findings prove for the first time that character-
patients. Our diVerential diagnostic considera- istic MRI findings may lag behind seizure
tions included sinus/cerebral vein thrombosis manifestation and that absence of these
and subarachnoid haemorrhage from an aneu- findings does not necessarily indicate a mild
rysm, which were ruled out by cerebral clinical course.
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Late onset postpartum eclampsia without pre-eclamptic prodromi 827

In our patients, contrast enhanced MRI herald impending eclampsia in such patients.
showed evidence of a transient impairment of Although MRI is an important diagnostic test
the blood-brain barrier in the oedematous cor- in atypical or severe eclampsia, it may fail to
tex in addition to pial vascular enhancement. show characteristic findings early after onset
Recovery of integrity of the blood-brain barrier of eclamptic seizures. Finally, we report a pre-
preceded or paralleled the regression of oede- viously unidentified pattern of cortical post-
matous foci and clinical improvement. Post- contrast enhancement on MRI in LPE.
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Downloaded from on April 23, 2017 - Published by

Late onset postpartum eclampsia without

pre-eclamptic prodromi: clinical and
neuroradiological presentation in two patients
R Veltkamp, A Kupsch, J Polasek, T A Yousry and H W Pfister

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000 69: 824-827

doi: 10.1136/jnnp.69.6.824

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