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Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Apple . Goldfish -cassqummaaunom ems iz WING .. ccmiammamamnaee mecca " The HUNGIY MOUSE ......ssssescseeeeeeeeeveees 15 Where Do Animals Live? ........-ee 19 Playground .. PRICE SCEYENO!) .ocesssransnencsnsnarnncanrsssoatauastts 27 WGRGES HALE cametncccmecsrmarnamersnencoares KNOCK! KNOCK! ....eeeeeeceeeeseeteeteeteeeeee 35 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Dance Party: svsssivesssssssssuvereevessosvessesssavrs 4B Scary MOVIC® sesensamnnonsacasrvasscccovnss 47 Gane Cant) scccmmsspencmsenormsrcssmnan 51 Twenty-one SHEEP veces 55 Traffic LIQHtS ncrmmommnmannerarcancin 59 Jerny the Painter’ scsisnwnsssarencmvnnseeece 63 GLASSES) aasceinsarennsmann snares 67 ACAUT ISC CHAGAS S50 W nensrcareraccrsspanaae anareenssecseasr 9 71 RCS WSS) cservorcr em eraneeerscercsern reser enmaesat 75 Hotel Restaurant .....ccccccsecreesneenenes 79 @ux===p Very Easy is a three-level reading series for children who are taking their fitst step in English reading. The best way to improve reading skills is to enjoy reading and to read a lot, Through extensive reading, the children not only improve their reading skills, but also expand their knowledge of the world. This means that they both learn to read and read fo leatn while reading Itis very important for reading material for children to provide an enjoyable experience where children can feel that they are part of the stories they read. Exploring - Very Easy includes topics that children encounter in their everyday life. This makes it easy for the teacher to relate the stories in Exploring Reading - Very Easy to children’s experience. ‘Here and Now’ is very important to make children get fully involved in reading. @) How should we use this book? Pre-reading itis essential to talk about the picture before reading the story. At this stage, the teacher asks a reasonable number of questions to achieve the following: © To motivate children. Provoke children's cutiosity about the story they will be reading. @ To help children bring ou! their knowledge of the world. © To help children to become familiarized with the new words and phrases in the story, Reading The teacher should read every sentence as clearly as possible so that children can recognize the pronunciation and the form of every word or phrase. Ask questions requiring different levels of thinking. For example, some questions may focus on the literal understanding of the text whereas others can focus on the hidden meaning. Also, ask questions that encourage children to come up with their own opinions. The teacher should make sure that children have an overall understanding of the story . It is necessary to give them the opportunity to ask questions to clarify the part that they are not sure of, Word Match ‘Matching the four words with the pictures help children with better understanding of the words and the story, Children can learn and build up thelr vocabulary list. The teacher con use real objects or make actions instead of the pictures. The teacher can introduce other words from the story if necessary. Main idea Work with children fo draw a mind map to show what part of the story is the main idea and in what way other parts are related to the main idea. Help children to see the text structure and see how sentences are related to one another. Details Help children fo poy attention to accuracy when they try to find answers in this section. It will help children to improve their skills in accurate understanding of details and retaining the information. Word Practice ‘Ask children to find the right word for the context given. Set ime limit fo encourage children to improve their speed in doing the task. This helps to reinforce children’s vocabulary learning in context. This section also provides practice in using the new words in appropriate contexts. Ustening Practice Help children not fo be anxious before listening to the tape and let then know that the audio is about the story they have read. This section allows for students to get practice in comprehending spoken forms of the expressions they have learned. Writing Practice Try to do one of the sentences together with children, It will help them feel confident. Help children with the rest and check the answer. This section gives children the opportunity to use the language items in the unit in appropriate contexts. Through this writing task, children will have the opportunity to recall the language tems in the unit and use them spontaneously and creatively to express their ideas and feelings. Higher levels of writing tasks can be found in Exploring Reading-Easy & Exploring Reading and Writing, Game & Activity Use these as a review for each unit. Variety of games & activities help reinforce the meaning and spelling of the words from the story. Children can relate the words with the pictures and sentences. Set a time limit or create a competitive atmosphere by rewarding the individual or group with most points. Itis round. Itis red. Itis yummy. It's a fruit. | always have it affer lunch. Do you know what it is? It's an apple! © exploring Reading - Very Easy @) Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. An apple b. Lunch © Details 1. When does he/she always eat an apple? a. Before lunch b. After lunch 2. An apple is a. round b. triangle Word Practice lunch apple round fruit 1. Aballis . 2. | always have sandwiches for 3. Apples, bananas and pineapples are 4. An is red and round. Unitt + Apple © 2) Listening Practice 1. Itis 2. Ifsa . 3. Lalways have it after 4. Do you know itis? 5. Ifsan ®) Writing Practice : round is It apple an Its © bxploring Reading - Very Easy1 ( y ¢ ) _ round _—_ lunch fe ETE STTRIY (apple) (yummy) ( red ) q wieirit yiuiijojp =F ec firjiui/i;jtirieiw sid figihij;}ikiligjth , + zixicirivib;jrjie;jdin eijr tijoj/yiujijo|;tig I |e} bi|u/b vinte|n ib novinir tiy;itiuli sid rider uimimiy fia;pip/ | wieir Unit © Apple © Goldfish ss ED) Reading There is a table. There is a fish bow! on the table. There are goldfish in the bowl. There are four goldfish. There are three orange goldfish and one black goldfish. They play with air bubbles. oO Word Match 7 «8 @ (goldfish (table) bowl) ~—__ bubbles ) © exploring Reading - Very Easy Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. Air bubbles b. Goldfish © Details 1. What's in the fish bowl? a. Goldfish b. Kittens 2. How many orange goldfish are there? a. Three b. One Word Practice bubbles —_ goldfish table bowl 1. Goldfish play with air = 2. There are books on the . 3. Goldfish are in the 4. | have three black Unit2 » Goldtsh ©) Listening Practice 1. Thereisa_ 2. There is a fish on the table. 3. Thereare_ sin the bowl. 4. There are goldfish. 5. They play with air © Writing Practice <& < © range — goldfish > There are three . is strong very win ‘ \W, Ga C2 —— The © exploring Reading - Very Easy jacket — scarf © oy aaa, (pa \ (strong > _ blow © h Tlie a qir a i it y c r bie k wl cf ° | e I Twin t jik iid. ia O° ; id + {ph po (ie d bjt Unit: The Hungry Mouse m7) Reading Billy is a mouse, He likes eating. He eats a big breakfast. He eats a big lunch. He eats a big dinner. He also eats cheese for a snack. But he wants to eat more! Billy is always hungry. cheese mouse _ breakfast dinner © weposing Reading - Very Easy @) Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. A hungry mouse b. Nice food © Details 1. Billy likes a. sleeping b. eating 2. What did Billy eat for a snack? a. Hot dog b. Cheese Word Practice breakfast cheese mouse dinner 1. He eats in the morning. 2A is very small. 3. He eats in the evening. 4. This is a sandwich. Unit © The Hungry Mouse €[) Listening Practice 1. Billyisa 2. He eats a big . 3. He eats for a snack. 4. But he wants to more! 5. Billy is always © Writing Practice ( breakfast big = : He eats a (a lunch big He eats @D exloring Reading - Very Easy lunch Se ao i 4 7: cag mouse L | lw COM) Nene Unit © The Hungry Mouse €[) Where Do Animals Live? Reading Birds live on the tree. Squirrels live on the tree. Worms live underground. Tigers live in the mountain. Frogs live in the pond. Where do fish live? Fish live in the pond. ()) Word Match G te Be My birds squirrels. += worms tigers ®@ exploring Reading - very Easy 1 Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. My house b. Animals’ homes © Details 1. Where do squirrels live? a. In the pond b. On the tree 2. Which animal lives in the mountain? a. Frogs b. Tigers Word Practice tigers birds worms squirrels 1. Three orange are singing on the tree. 2, live underground. 3 like eating nuts. 4. are big animals. UnitS + Where Do Animals ive? 2) = #10) Listening Practice 1. Squirrels live on the 2. live on the tree. 3. live in the mountain. 4. Where do live? 5. Fish live in the ®) Writing Practice on tree the Birds live (eae ae ge | | mountain in live the | Soe es ieeiae Tigers €) exploring Reading - Very Easy 1 (NSE ON _ squirrels | = worms — ‘bi li klojwi/sit|nirjo ijsi|qiu/j/ijrirjie 1| s rihitijikisiriy ild dicit ijgiejrisju | siqiwie;jritjyjujijr civiw/oirimis|wiale riftiyju/ijkitimisie qimjojuinitijajijnid xiciv|jbin|jifisig Unit * Where Do Animals iver 2) Playground a) Reading Children like to play on the playground. They go on a swing. They go on a slide. They go on a seesaw. They can jump around. They can run around. Children can play all day. @ Word Match NONE { playground swing slide seesaw exploring Reading -Very Easy 1 @e) Main Idea ]. What is this story about? a. A playground b. Aschool © Details 1. Where do children like to play? a. In the classroom b. On the playground 2. Children can all day. a. eat b. play Word Practice playground swing slide seesaw 1. Children like to go down very fast on the : 2. | siton the and move forward and back. 3. Two children are going up and down on a 4. Children like to play on the Unité * Playground 12) Listening Practice 1. Children like to play on the 2. They go ona 3. Children go ona 4. They go ona . 5. can play all day. ®) Writing Practice x all day play) Childrencano oe on on the play playground nd) Ma Children like to Ss © ewploring Reading - Very Easy 1 &® Game _ playground swing slide seesaw ) aT After School 3) Reading After school on Monday | played with my friend, Nancy. After school on Tuesday | played with my sister, Kelly. After school on Wednesday | played with my brother, Mike. After school on Thursday | played with my dog, Max. After school on Friday there was no one to play with me. So | played on my own. "Troe Hie ( friend - sister brother ) “dog EB exploring Reading -Very Easy’ Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. After school play time b. Before lunch time © Details 1. Who did she play with on Tuesday? a. Her friend Nancy b. Her sister Kelly 2. What is the name of the dog? a. Mike b. Max Word Practice dog friend brother sister 1. She is my best at school. 2. He is my younger 4 3. My has a short black tail. 4. My has long hair. Unit? » Afterschool 2) Listening Practice . | played with my 2. After school on Monday | played with my 3. After on Tuesday | played with my brother, 4. There was no one to with me. 5. Sol played on own. ® Writing Practice ( dog with my ) | played NE te | my played on own ©) sxploing Reading - Very Easy mother brother aunt grandfather Unit7 * AferSchoo! 2) Mom's Hair is DD) Reading My mom’s hair is red! Last week it was brown. Last year it was black. My moms hair is short! 5 Last week if was long. rs Last year it was curly. (like all of my mom’s hairstyles. | always follow my mom’s hairstyles! short | ) _ brown black © evolring Reading - Very Easy @) Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. Mom’s clothes b. Mom‘s hairstyle © Details 1. What color was mom’s hair last year? a. Brown b. Black 2.1 all of my moms hairstyles. a. like b. don't like *s) Word Practice black red short brown 1. My mom’s hair was long but now it is : 2. Tigers have and yellow stripes. 3.A traffic light means ‘stop’. 4. There are many horses. Unité» MomsHair 2) R16) Listening Practice 1. Mymom’‘s is red! 2. Last year it was ° 3. Mymom’shairis_ 4. Last week it was 5. | like all of my mom’s ® Writing Practice Ls & _ short mom's hair is yi Myo, © exploring Reading -Very Easy 1 “curly ) _ brown > ~ J oF red Nick (hairstyle f ( _ short CNeweeee (black Units * Mom's Hair 2) Knock! Knock! + AD) Reading Amy was home alone. She heard a knock on the door. “Knock, knock, knock!” Who could it be? Could it be the mailman? Could it be the neighbor? “Who is if?” asked Amy. Someone said, “It's me.” “Oh! It's mom,” said Amy with a big smile. ®O Word Match &EOkb : door | ) (mailman) — home ) €B exploring Reading - Very Easy @ Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. Someone knocking on the door b. Someone delivering the mail © Details 1. Who was home alone? a. The mailman b. Amy 2. Who said, “It's me."? a. The neighbor b. Amy’s mom & Word Practice smile home door mailman 1. | went atter school. 2. The brings mails to us. 3. Please open the . 4, She has a very pretty : Unit » Knock! Knock! 2) Listening Practice Amy was alone. . She heard a knock on the x . Could it be the 2 . Someone said, “It's " . “Mom,” said Amy with a big ubwnrn ® Writing Practice could be it Who _ 2 afl it a mailman be > Could _ €D e~ploing Reading - very Easy 1 hale ) mailman Unit » Knock! Knock! 2) Letter Reading Paul writes a letter to his friend Jimmy. Jimmy lives far away. Paul takes the letter to the post office. Paul pays $1. He gets a stamp. He glues the stamp. He sends the letter to Jimmy. Jimmy can read the letter soon. ® Word Match a (letter » ( postoffice) | ‘stamp ) (write ) exploring Reading - Very Easy 1 @ Main Idea 1. Whatis this story about? a. Doing homework b. Writing and sending a letter © Details 1. Who is writing a letter to Jimmy? a. Paul b. Jimmy 2. How much did Paul pay for the stamp? a. $10 b. $1 @& Word Practice write stamp letter post office 1. She received a from her dad. 2. He pays $2 for the 3. 1am going to the ¢ 4. | want to aletter fo my dad. unto + tse @ Listening Practice 1. Paul a letter to his friend. 2. He takes the letter to the 3. Paul pays dollar. 4. He gets a . 5, He sends the to Jimmy. © Writing Practice Ee eT ( stamp the glues He Hesends_ a ( letter Jimmy to the) @®) brploring Reading - Very Easy Dance Party 21) Reading | have a dance party today. What should | wear? Should | wear a pink dress? Should | wear red shoes? Should | wear beautiful earrings? Should I change my hairstyle? | want to look pretty. lam very excited! | dress ) shoes > earrings party © exploring Reading - Very Easy 1. What is this story about? a. Getting ready to go shopping b. Getting ready for a dance party © Details 1. When is the dance party? a. Today b. Tomorrow 2. | want to look a. excited b. pretty Word Practice dress earrings party shoes 1. My are too big for my ears! 2. She has a long white wedding . 3. He is having a birthday today. 4. | want to wear black Uniti » Dance Porly CE) =y22) Listening Practice 1. | have a dance today. 2. Should | wear a pink 7 3. Should | wear red ? 4. | want to pretty. 5. lam excited! ® Writing Practice >i ( shoes red Should | wear 2 a ‘ (| very am_= excited © eeporing Reading - Very Easy1 eja/ir i rlijnigis|jwin gihis|/hijoj/e|sitii/p dja/tjio/b llolw r | n{rlelelriplelilple ble|klolwlaltin rit sis|je/b ilrlwlelwlt gis\j|tij'ik it rit ily sitia/tiojy/|lio|lwia jiwii tleldjaly bt UnitTl # Dance Party (23) Scary Movie ss SO) Reading | don't like watching scary movies. | get scared. | close my eyes. | turn my head. | cover my ears. But I still can hear the scary sounds. Why do| still watch it? Because | want to know what is going to happen next. eyes | _ head “ears > _ movie ( ® exploring Reading - Very Easy 1 1. Whatis this story about? a. Watching a sad movie b. Watching a scary movie © Details 1. What doesn't she like watching? a. Scary movies b. Funny movies 2. | cover my a. eyes b. ears Word Practice ears head movie eyes 1. I close and open my 2. His hat is too big for his 3. 1am watching a scary 4. My are big and long. Uniti2 © Scary Movie C2 Listening Practice 1. I don't like watching scary 2.1 scared. 3. | close my 4. | turn my 5. | cover my ITS { cover ears my ©) exploring Reading - Very Easy) / Unit 2 movie gS 9g | a - movie Uniti2 * scary Movie G)) Can, Can' rs BD) Reading Ican draw a smiley face but | can’t draw my face. | can wash my face but | can’t wash my. hair. I can brush my hair but | can’t tie myshair- | can tie a ribbon but | can't tie a shoelace. There are many things | can’t do. | have to learn to do them. GC) Word Match KS shoelace) face > “ribbon | ee ee EEE — €2) exploring Reading - Very Easy 1 draw > @) Main Idea 1. Whatis this story about? a. What! can do and what | can’t do b. What! like to do and what | don't like to do © Details 1. Can she wash her face? a. She can wash her face b. She can’t wash her face 2.\-can tiea a. shoelace b. ribbon () Word Practice draw ribbon face shoelace 1. She has a round 2.1can my house. 3. | have a blue in my hair. 4. | have a pair of shoes but only one Unit13. + Can, cant G23 Listening Practice 1. |can draw a smiley 2. But! can’t wash my 3. Ican'ttie a . 4. There are many things | do. 5. 1 fo learn to do them. ® Writing Practice és, my hair brush I can tie can't hair my 2 exploring Reading - Very Easy & Game shoelace face ribbon draw z= Unit3 © Can, cant C2) Twenty-one Sheep 7) Reading Tom got up and went to his mom’s room. “Mom, | can’t sleep,” said Tom. “Try counting sheep,” said Tom’s mom. Tom lay in his bed and closed his eyes. “One sheep, two sheep, three sheep--- twenty sheep, iwenty-one sheep.” There wasn’t any more sheep. Tom was asleep. “room” | sheep | | twenty- one } £ sleep» C5 exploring Reading - Very Easy 1. Whatis this story about? a. Tom’s dreams b. Tom trying to sleep © Details 1. Tom got up and went to whose room? a. Mom’s room b. Brother's room 2. How many sheep did Tom count before he fell asleep? a. Twenty b. Twenty-one Word Practice room sleep twenty-one sheep 1. They on the bed. 2A eats grass everyday. 3. One plus twenty is : A. There is only one in my house. Unit14 » Twenty-one sheep) fs A) Listening Practice 1. Tom went to his mom’s : 2. “Mom, | can‘t ,“ said Tom. 3. Tom closed his 4, There wasn’t any more 5. Tom asleep. ®) Writing Practice Lay closed eyes his Tom —___ —_____ lay his bed in Tom (exploring Reading -Very Easy 1 (sheep Clay) bed \_ counting » miwip r g giele bipim f be de Unit 14 » Twenty-one Sheep Traffic Lights Reading There are three lights on a traffic light. There are green, orange and red lights. Green light means ‘go’ and red light means ‘stop’. Orange light comes on when the light changes from green to red. The orange light means ‘slow down’. When you are driving, you have to follow these rules! green —orange_~— driving (2) Beploring Reading - Very Easy @) Main Idea 1. Whatis this story about? a. Traffic lights b. Driving test © Details 1. Which light means you can go? a. Blue b. Green 2. What does the red light mean? a. Stop b. Slow down & Word Practice traffic light green driving orange 1. light means ‘go’. 2. There are three lights on a 3. He is very fast. 4. The color of orange juice is Unit1S © Trafic Lights (>) E20) Listening Practice 1. There are three lights on a 2. light means ‘go’. 3. Red means ‘stop’. 4. The light means ‘slow down’. 5. When you are , you have to follow these rules! ® Writing Practice means light go Green stop light | means ) Red 2) exploring Reading - Very Easy & Game green light driving orange Unit15 * Trafic ights (=) Jerry the Painter . sD) Reading & i Jerry likes painting. He paints his bike red. He paints his soccer ball black and white. He even paints his tennis balls. Annie wants to paint her doll. She goes to Jerry. She says, “Can you paint my doll yellow?” Jerry says, “Yes! | can paint anything!” ©) exploring Reading - Very Easy 1 @ Main Idea 1. Whatis this story about? a. Annie likes drawing b. Jerry likes painting © Details 1. What color did Jerry paint his bike? a. Black and white b. Red 2. Annie wants to paint her a. doll b. tennis ball e& Word Practice soccer ball bike white doll 1. He painted his car ; 2. She has a with a pink dress. 3. I can't ride a : 4.A is bigger than a tennis ball. Unit16 © Jerrythe Painter (2) E22) Listening Practice 1. Jerry likes : 2. He paints his red. 3. He paints his soccer ball black and 4. Anne wants to paint her z 5. Jerry says, “Yes! | can anything!” ® Writing Practice tennis ball paints his Heo his bike paints red He ———— G5 exploring Reading - Very Easy e e c fiv d Unit16 * Jerry the Painter >) Glasses as SD) Reading Mickey is nine years old. Mickey wears glasses. He doesn’t want to wear them. His friends don’t wear glasses. He doesn’t want to be the only one. He is not happy about it. He hopes his friends would wear glasses too. G) Word Match oO gl A “glasses > “happy nine wear ©) eploring Reading - Very Eosy1 @ Main Idea 1. Whatis this story about? a. Mickey doesn’t want to wear glasses b. Mickey friends wear glasses © Details 1. How old is Mickey? a. 10 b.9 2. Mickey's friends don’t wear a. jacket b. glasses Word Practice happy nine wear glasses 1. He wears : 2. She’s got a big smile, she is 3.)am years old. 4, He wants to glasses. uniti7 * Glasses (>) fs 6D) Listening Practice 1. Mickey is years old. z, wears glasses. 3. He doesn’t want to them. 4. His friends don’t wear 5. Mickey is not about it. ® Writing Practice oe ee ( glasses wears ) Ngaaeeies ees Se He wear don't glasses They © exploring Reading - Very Easy Christmas Gift EEN35) Reading | put a big sock on the bed. | look outside! It's very quiet. It's snowing. Itis a white Christmas! What a great day! Santa will be here soon. | wish | could have a toy. lam going to bed early today. OS Word Match a 4. sock bed. ) Christmas: : Santa ©) Beloring Reading - Very Easy 1 @ Main Idea 1. Whatis this story about? a. New Year b. Christmas © Details 1. Itisa Christmas! a. white b. red 2. What does he/she wish for? a. A sock b. A toy sock Santa bed Christmas 1 will give us Christmas presents. 2. lam wearing a red 3. December 25th is 4. lam lying on my Unit18 © Chrismas Git (> Listening Practice 1. | puta big on the bed. 2. Its . 3. Itis a white ! 4. will be here soon. 5. lam going to early joday. ® Writing Practice eee (snowing is outside > cee is Christmas a_ white it © exploring Reading - Very Eosy1 & Game | SANTA SNOWING CHRISTMAS TOY SOCK > Unit18 * Christmas cit ©) is A) Reading . My dad‘s car is very dirty. He went to a farm yesterday. He is washing his car. He pours on soap water. He washes it with a sponge. He rinses it with water. He wipes it with a cloth. His car is very clean and shiny. e Word Match car farm soap sponge ©) issn sacs veya @) Main Idea 1. Whatis this story about? a. Cleaning the house b. Washing a car © Details 1. Where did his/her dad go yesterday? a. To a farm b. To a school 2. My dad it with a sponge. a. pours b. washes & Word Practice farm car sponge soap 1. My bath is soft. 2. My dad drives a blue 7 3. She went to the animal yesterday. 4. | wash my hands with and water. Unit19 © Carwash ©) Listening Practice 1. My dad's is very dirty. 2. He went toa yesterday. 3. He pours on water. 4. He washes it with a . 5. His car is clean and shiny. ® Writing Practice fe See His car His ©) exploring Reading - Very Easy 1 # car soap water sponge Unit9 © Cor Wash Hotel Restaurant Reading Amy is happy to be on vacation. She goes to a restaurant at the hoiel. Amy sees many different kinds of food. She sees Italian food. She sees Chinese food. She also sees Japanese food. Amy says, “Wow, there are all kinds of food here!” hotel ( restaurant ) ¢ ‘food ) ( ‘Ita lian exploring Reading - Very Easy @) Main Idea 1. What is this story about? a. Amy’s home cooking b. Hotel restaurant food © Details 1, Amy goes toa at the hotel. a. shop b. restaurant 2. What kind of food does Amy see? a. Korean food b. Italian food & Word Practice restaurant hotel food Italian 1. She is staying at the five star 2. Pizza is an food. 3. He had a dinner ata 4. \like all kinds of Unit20 * Hotel Restaurant (") E40) Listening Practice 1. Amyis to be on vacation. 2. She goes toa at the hotel. 3. Amy sees. food. 4. She sees Chinese 5. There are all kinds of food ® Writing Practice Italian food sees She — ee EDP _also food sees Japanese ) She (©) explering Reading - Very Easy C ITALIAN) © | HOTEL ) (JAPANESE) ) (RESTAURANT) © CHINESE > Nbc / © FOOD 4 | \> —-ieFitqia|-'iaiz Dp O| zIato ota" ~ I _ Mit isieisiziele iu qfieai-j 2d; ziw jn [> [2 lo [=[=[o[m <0<¢< 02410 - (Oo | ‘Kio <| 2 = Unit20 © Hotel Restaurant | =? Unit. 7 lunch fruit found apple table bowl bubbles goldfish ) ~ hair Jacket wind scart breakfast cheese mouse dinner } tigers birds worms squirrels A ees playground slide iste dog brother swing seesaw 2, friend sister smile home door mailman Ses write stamp letter post office eee es dress party draw face oie. 86 foom sleep farm car _ twenty-one traffic light driving nN Unit 16 earings soccer ball bike shoes j white doll happy nine wear glasses — Se —— ribbon, | sock Santa shoelace bed — Christmas sheep \ sponge soap / \ restaurant hotel food Htalian green orange

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