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Giovanni Carranza

REPORT # 1 (Project Information)

Description: (This report will show the ProjectID, Project Name, Project StatusID, Project Status
Project Type, and Project Difficulty.)

Purpose: (The purpose of this report is to show the overall Details of a particular project. This
report will show the ProjectID, Project Name, Project Type, Project Status, Project Stage, and
the Project Difficulty. This will allow the user to easily track the overall progress of a project
without all the unnecessary details.)

SQL Code: (must have at least one where clause and typically contain an Order by or Group
By but not necessary. USE Courier New for the script fontjust do it)

SELECT Project.ProjectID, Project.ProjectName, Project_Type.ProjectType,

Project_Status.ProjectStatusID, Project_Stage.ProjectStage,
FROM Project
INNER JOIN Project_Type ON Project_Type.ProjectTypeID=Project.ProjectTypeID
INNER JOIN Project_Status ON Project_Status.ProjectStatusID=Project.ProjectStatusID
INNER JOIN Project_Difficulty ON
INNER JOIN Project_Stage ON Project_Stage.ProjectStageID=Project.ProjectStageID
WHERE Project.ProjectDifficultyID = 3
ORDER BY Project_Stage.ProjectStage;

SQL Query Report:

Giovanni Carranza

REPORT # 2 (Contact Information)

Description: (This report shows the basic information of contacts that Gin Designs have

Purpose: (The purpose of this report is to show the most important information of a contact.
This will allow the user to view a contact and their general location without having to pull exact
addresses clouding the users report space.)

SQL Code: (must have at least one where clause and typically contain an Order by or Group
By but not necessary. USE Courier New for the script fontjust do it)

SELECT Contact.ContactID, Contact.ContactFirstName, Contact_Type.ContactTypeID,

Contact.ContactCity, State.StateName, Country.CountryName
FROM Contact
INNER JOIN Contact_Type ON Contact.ContactTypeID =Contact_Type.ContactTypeID
INNER JOIN State ON State.StateID=Contact.StateID
INNER JOIN Country ON Country.CountryID=Contact.CountryID
WHERE Contact.StateID = 3
ORDER BY Contact.ContactCity;

SQL Query Report:

Giovanni Carranza

REPORT # 3 (Project Status Information)

Description: (This report displays the Project Name, Project Difficulty, Project Status, Project
Stage, and Project Reason in order to show the important information about a project.)

Purpose: (The purpose of this report is to sort the projects by difficulty level and location. This
will give the user the ability of see which states do most of their easy projects come from and
which states do most of their difficult projects come from.)

SQL Code: (must have at least one where clause and typically contain an Order by or Group
By but not necessary. USE Courier New for the script fontjust do it

SELECT Project.ProjectName, Project_Difficulty.ProjectDifficulty,

Project_Status.ProjectStatus, Project_Stage.ProjectStage, Project_Reason.ProjectReason
FROM Project
INNER JOIN Project_Difficulty ON Project.ProjectDifficultyID =
INNER JOIN Project_Status ON Project.ProjectStatusID = Project_Status.ProjectStatusID
INNER JOIN Project_Stage ON Project.ProjectStageID = Project_Stage.ProjectStageID
INNER JOIN Project_Reason ON Project.ProjectReasonID =
WHERE Project_Status.ProjectStatus = 'Completed'
ORDER BY Project.ProjectDifficultyID ASC;

SQL Query Report:

Giovanni Carranza

REPORT # 4 (Project Type and Team Information)

Description: (This report shows the ProjectID, Project Name, Project Type, Project Team, and
two Project Contacts. This will allow GinDesigns to identify project information along with the
team and contacts associated with that project.)

Purpose: (The purpose of this report is to show the project, type, team, and contacts for that
project. This will allow the user to be able to see who is working on a specific project and two of
the contacts for that specific project, that way if any further information is needed, the team
and contacts can be found though this report.)

SQL Code: (must have at least one where clause and typically contain an Order by or Group
By but not necessary. USE Courier New for the script fontjust do it)

SELECT Project.ProjectID, Project.ProjectName, Project_Type.ProjectTypeID,

Project_Team.ProjectTeamID, Project_Contact.ProjectContact1,
FROM Project
INNER JOIN Project_Contact ON Project.ProjectID=Project_Contact.ProjectID
INNER JOIN Project_Type ON Project_Type.ProjectTypeID=Project.ProjectTypeID
INNER JOIN Project_Team ON Project_Team.ProjectTeamID=Project.ProjectID
WHERE Project_Type.ProjectTypeID = 2
ORDER BY Project_Team.ProjectTeamID ASC;

SQL Query Report:

Giovanni Carranza

REPORT # 5 (Project Materials and Quantity)

Description: (Lists project materials and their purposes, as well as the quantity remaining.)

Purpose: (The purpose of this report is to show what material and the material type is being
used in a certain project and its quantity. )

SQL Code: (must have at least one where clause and typically contain an Order by or Group
By but not necessary. USE Courier New for the script fontjust do it)

SELECT Project.ProjectName, Material.MaterialName, Material_Type.MaterialType,

Project_Material.ProjectMaterialQuantity FROM (((Material
INNER JOIN Material_Type
ON Material.MaterialTypeID = Material_Type.MaterialTypeID)
INNER JOIN Project_Material
ON Material.MaterialID = Project_Material.MaterialID)
ON Project_Material.ProjectID = Project.ProjectID)
WHERE Material_Type.MaterialType = 'Construction'
ORDER BY Material_Type.MaterialType, Project.ProjectName;

SQL Query Report:

Giovanni Carranza

REPORT # 6 (Employee Info and Project Assignment)

Description: (Lists employee info such as ID, First and Last name, Status, Type, and which
project team they are assigned to.)

Purpose: (The purpose of this report is to show which employees are assigned to which project
team in order to make sure correct project information is given to the correct employees and
also to see how many projects an employee is assigned to. )

SQL Code: (must have at least one where clause and typically contain an Order by or Group
By but not necessary. USE Courier New for the script fontjust do it)

SELECT Employee.EmployeeID, Employee.EmployeeFirstName,

Employee_Status.EmployeeStatus, Employee_Type.EmployeeType,
FROM Employee
FULL OUTER JOIN Employee_Status ON
FULL OUTER JOIN Project_Team ON Project_Team.EmployeeID=Employee.EmployeeID
WHERE Employee_Type.EmployeeType = 'Accountant'
ORDER BY Employee.EmployeeLastName;

SQL Query Report:

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