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Poster Presentation Planning

In this phase, you are expected to create your digital poster and plan your
presentations. Since your posters cannot include everything you would like to
mention during the presentation, you need to be selective. Please decide on the key
points that your posters will include and write them down.

Key points to be included.

1 History of Gender Inequality

-The Place of Women in Family Life
- Womens Place in The Middle Ages
-Womens Place in The Present Days

2 Female Inequality
-Women and Work
-Female Education
-Lack of Womens Rights
- Women and Sport

3 LGBTQ Inequality
-Job Issues
-Adopt and Marry
- Solutions about LGBTQ People

4 Solutions of Gender Inequality

- Creating Awareness
- Mentality Change
- Stop the Violence
- Education-focused Solutions


At the end of this phase, you will get feedback from your peers. Please write down
the feedback and the changes you would like to make either on your posters or in
your presentations.

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