A Shadowy Figure A Shadowy Figure: Social, Riches, Personal Code, Trade

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A Shadowy Figure A Shadowy Figure

+ I dont believe I deserve greatness, but am determined to

achieve it, but still stay in the shadows. I dont necessarily want Social, Riches, Personal Code, Trade
to be a crime lord, though Im not above forging documents
to avoid taxation, etc. I prefer to be a business man trading
An orphan living by his wits on the streets. While
in information/secrets, money lending, pawn shops, taverns/ caught picking pockets, a Mentor caught me and
inns, and a gentlemans club (not a strip club, more like a British chose to raise me up properly.
gentlemans club), and a procurer of rare and valuable artifacts.
A nobles daughter who enjoys danger took me for
+ You see the Skaven as a danger to both Empire and your plans. a ride. While pulling a job together, she double-
They must be stopped they are too dangerous to stay. crossed me, lied to daddy and I got tagged for the
+ You see Stormdorf as the start of your Empire and you will
defend it.
Determined to achieve greatness, but still stay in the shad-
ows, you avoid notice. Any Social or influence Maneuver
+ Combat is to be avoided, but nothing wrong with getting your
taken while your true nature or identity is unknown to
hands dirty, when combat starts.
your opponent adds Any such Maneuver where your
+ Using Chaos to destroy Chaos is a good working plan. identity, or fame, is known adds
+ Witch Hunters are buffoons who are missing the point.

+ There is no nobility without honor and integrity. I have You see any tool or power as an advantage, even the pow-
no use for most nobles, other than to steal from them. They have ers of chaos. When you are offered a deal that grants you
forgotten or never known how it feels to be without. an advantage you are sure the system can be worked to
your advantage, regardless of the reasons for the offer.
+The VonRudgrens could be your ticket to riches or death.
Add to any attempt to resist such a deal or see what
the deal gains the other parties.

Hounded By Khorne Hounded By Khorne

+ After your betrayal you find that as you fight the
urge to kill needlessly became harder to resist. This has Warrior, Battle, Rage, Grudge
frightened you in the past. You will join me one day and you will bring much blood to
me before that thick skull is laid at my feet.
+ The forgiveness of the Sergeant who banished you has
given you the drive to be a beacon in the fight against Driven by your betrayal you lived as a troll slayer for years,
that which besets the Dwarven peoples. seeking the death your skill would not allow you to find.
Redeemed by the dwarves of Karak Axgal and finding
+ You will stop at nothing to defend your newly found companions who are taking a stand against chaos give you
home, Clan RuneFist. the strength to fight Khornes power and Chaos.

+ You see the Empire as a little sick and failing with When in Combat with an agent of Khorne you gain
petty politicking, lacking focus on the real enemies, i.e. an when you have any criticals.
Skaven and chaos. They need proper focus, they can be After combat against a major Chaos Threat
a powerful ally in the conquest over chaos, which will (8+ skulls) you must make a discipline roll with 1
bring the dwarves to glory. per stress. Gain 1 corruption per bane.

+ The Skaven are a real threat and you cannot under-

stand the humans lack of belief. When in any Combat situation you may remove
all recharge tokens (no max) off 1 ability, once
+ Human Society frustrates and amuses you depending per battle.
on how drunk you are. You must use this ability as your next action.
This costs 1 fatigue if you hit; or 2 stress and 2
+ You will never tolerate cowards, but will come to the fatigue should you miss.
aid of those who seek and deserve it.

Tragic Beginnings Tragic Beginnings

+ Immediate Family was killed in a fire which also
destroyed the Family book store. Your Uncle Sventir Noble, Merchant, Social, Urban
has rebuilt the business, Burning Knowledge Books, in They all died in the fire. His family lost, his precious books
Altdorf. burned away forever; taken by shadows he could not stop.

+ You are certain that a cult killed your family in Driven by the death of his family, entering the colleges to
that fire and joined the Colleges to destroy those who learn how to use your talent for destruction against those
destroyed your family. who ruined your life. You will find those who threaten the
empire and destroy them with fire.
+ You will do anything for the College of the Bright
wizard. You see them as the Empires and your greatest
hope. When using advanced knowledge about cults and
their methods adds to the dice pool. You will
+ You are driven to destroy any cult or willing wor- trust information from books before that of people.
shiper of chaos. You have little patience for those who Any attempt to dissuade you to the truth of a book
you think are corrupt.
you know and trust adds .
+ Your research has shed light that a cult of Tzneetch
destroyed your family, but you have no real details or You find it hard to remain in control in Social
information on them. Combats against known or suspected cultists.
In Social combats against such opponents you
+ Your desire for revenge allows you to rationalize MUST start with your stance up 2 reckless spaces
your becoming an initiate of Sigmar. You dont see the and convert 2 to 2 .
danger your choices could bring to the bright wizards.

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