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Ashley Roman

Professor Suk

EDUC 230-01 Education Field Experience

Spring 2017

Rationale Statement-Standard #7

Standard #7 Planning for Instruction

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning

goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills,

and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context (Professional

Development in New Jersey, 2014, p. 9).

Artifact: Lesson Plan

Date of Completion: April 20, 2017

Course Completed in: EDUC 230-01 Education Field Experience

Rationale Statement:

The artifact corresponding to standard seven is a lesson plan. The lesson plan itself

contains vital information for the plan of an eighth grade mathematics lesson on Pythagorean

Theorem. More specifically, this artifact coincides with standard 7.iii.3, The teacher takes

professional responsibility to use short- and long-term planning as a means of assuring student

learning (Professional Development in New Jersey, 2014, p. 10). This standard represents that

the teacher takes into consideration the strengths and abilities of the students when planning

instruction. This artifact demonstrates this standard well given that I took into consideration all
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abilities of the students when planning. With that in mind, I have created PowerPoint instruction

slides and guided notes to go along with them. For students who rely on note taking in

mathematics, such guided notes will be essential; however, for visual and auditory learners,

images will be on the slides and a song will be utilized.

The creation of this lesson plan took a few hours worth of work. I wanted to ensure that

the plan itself captured the attention of students, but also engaged them into the world of

Pythagorean Theorem. Given that mathematics is a topic either loved or strongly disliked, I

chose to use examples with student names. This makes the mathematics problem world more

relatable to the student as they will hopefully recall their feature in a word problem. Also, I had

to take into consideration all of the abilities of students. With that in mind, guided notes are used

as an aid for those who feel they need them. While all students receive it, it is up to the student to

complete it. In a previous mathematics course of mine, my teacher would hand us the full

PowerPoint presentation. While I loved the concept, ultimately no one cared to pay attention

during the lecture. I kept this in mind with my lesson plan, which lead me to create guided notes

with the plan.

For the future, I will refer back to my lesson plan artifact. The effort and time put into

this piece certainly paid off. I feel that it will serve its purpose in reminding that the most

effective pieces of information take time to construct. In this case, to put together the lesson plan,

slides, guided notes, and practice problems took a chunk of time. In the end; however, the end

product left me feeling positive about being a teacher. It was a way for me to see lesson making

processing come to life in my own views.

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Professional Development in New Jersey. (2014, August 4). Retrieved from New Jersey State

Department of Education:

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