Ear Notching Job Sheet

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Ear Notching Pigs

Job Sheet

Objective: At the end of this demonstration, students will be able to properly

notch the ears of piglets and be able to identify individual pigs according to the ear

Problem: You own and operate a pig breeding operation with 25 sows. You
need to ear notch each litter and individual to help identify each animal.

Materials Needed:
1. Piglet
2. V-ear notcher
*use scissors for this activity

1. Get into groups of 3-4
2. Get 3 piglets for your group
3. Grab a pair of scissors
4. Notch your piglets ears according to litter number
and piglet number

Group 1
Your Sow is the 4th to farrow this year, notch the three piglets as # 2, 7, & 11.

Group 2
Your sow is 22nd to farrow this year, notch the three piglets as # 3, 6, & 9.

Group 3
Your sow is the 7th to farrow this year, notch the three piglets as # 1, 8, & 13.

Group 4
Your sow farrowed 15th this year, notch the three piglets as # 4, 10, & 21.

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