OUCH List Poems

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Name_Veronica Martinez______________ Title__ OUCH List Poem_____

Grade level_1_ Subject area_ ELA__ Length of lesson___50 mins______


Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the
With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Build on others' talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through
multiple exchanges.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented
orally or through other media.

Students will learn and identify the characteristics of a List poem.
Students will listen and discuss the poems, Bandaids and Ouch!, by Shel
Students will apply their knowledge of List poems and the ideas from the
poems, Bandaids and Ouch!, to compose their own List poems.


How do List poems differ from Acrostic poems in structure? What are the
characteristics of poetry? How can poetry affect us when we read it?

Students will learn about List poems and discuss the differences between List
poems and Acrostic poems. Students will listen and discuss the poems, Bandaids,
and Ouch!, written by Shel Silverstein. Students will compose a list of situations
of when one says Ouch! or needs a bandaid. Students will use their
understanding of List poems to compose their own List poems.

Poems- Bandaids and Ouch! By Shel Silverstein
Poetry Anchor Chart
Climb the Poet-Tree Mini Poetry Unit for Young Poets, by Nancy
VandenBerge. Firstgradewow.blogspot.com
OUCH rough draft template
Chart paper/markers
a. Introduction
Teacher will sing the Carpet Song to call students to the rug.
Teacher will display an Acrostic poem and a List poem on the chart paper.
Teacher will ask students to identify the first poem (acrostic)
Teacher will then ask students to look at the second type of poem on the
right and ask what they notice about this poem (list). What is different?
What is the same?

b. Direct Instruction: (I Do)

Teacher will refer back to the poem anchor chart already created.
Teacher will add length of poems and structure of poems can differ to
characteristics of poetry i.e. Acrostic poems go top to bottom and each
starting word must start with the corresponding letter of the word spelled.
List poems give the topic and then ideas are just listed top to bottom to
support the topic.
Teacher will add List poem to the branches of the Poet-Tree

c. Guided Practice (We Do)

Teacher will then introduce the poems, Bandaids and Ouch!, by Shel
Silverstein. Teacher will ask students to read with her if they desire.
Teacher will asks students, What is the author describing? Did the
poem make you feel a certain way? Did it remind you of anything?
Were there any words that surprised you? (A time I hurt myself. The
letters in the alphabet.)
Teacher will then write the word OUCH on the next piece of chart paper,
and ask students to turn and talk with a partner about a time when they
said Ouch! and what caused them to say it.
Teacher will say, 1,2,3 come back to me, and ask students to share what
they discussed with their partner. Teacher will write responses under the
word OUCH on the chart paper.
Teacher will thank students for sharing their ideas. Teacher will ask
students, Do we have enough ideas here to make a List poem about a
time when we said Ouch!? (Yes)
Teacher will explain to students that they will write their own List poem
using the ideas they shared or any other ideas they might have about a
time when they said Ouch!
Teacher will introduce the template paper and explain to students that they
will first create a rough draft of their poems and they need at least 10
ideas to list for their poems. Teacher will explain that once they finish
their rough drafts they will have to show it to teacher to check for
spelling, etc. Teacher will remind students of resources in the room.
Teacher will ask the paper passer to distribute the paper.

d. Independent Practice (You Do)

Students will use the template paper to create a rough draft of a List poem
of at least 10 ideas of a time when they said, Ouch!
Teacher will walk around and assist students if needed.

e. Closure
Teacher will call, Hands up top! students Everybody stop!
Teacher will ask students, What is the difference between your Ouch
poem and your EARTH poem? (The way they are written Acrostic vs
Teacher will ask for a volunteer to read their poem out loud.
Teacher will then explain that students will make a final draft of their List
poem and put it on a giant bandaid to display.
Teacher will ask students to put their rough drafts in their To-Do folders
for next time.
Teacher will line up students for specials.

f. Assessment (Checking for Understanding)

Teacher will ask students, What is the difference in the style of your
poems between your Ouch poem and your EARTH poem? (The way they
are written Acrostic vs List) Whole group
Teacher will ask for a volunteer to read their poem out loud.
Students poems will be evaluated on spelling (if word is in the room it
must be spelled correctly), structure of poem (its in a list), neatness, and
has at least 10 ideas listed.

7. Adaptations for English learners and Students with Special Needs

According the individual IEP

AP- small group work

Work one-to-one with teacher
Adjustments in reading level
Modifications for most assignments-at teachers discretion
encourage independant work in small increments
Modified expectation

MP-SAT- Small groups work

work one to one with teacher
Adjustments in reading level
Modifications for most assignments- at teachers discretion
Modified expectation

LC- SAT- Small groups work

work one to one with teacher
Adjustments in reading level
Modifications for most assignments- at teachers discretion
Modified expectation

LG-SAT- Small groups work

work one to one with teacher

Adjustments in reading level
Modifications for most assignments- at teachers discretion
Modified expectation

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