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1.) The literal events of A&P are that there is a Sammy is guy on the other side of the
counter looking at everyone in the grocery store. He sees that there is two girls that
came into the store with bikinis. These events help Sammy quit in the end of the story
because his boss enbaresses the girls and he tries to defend them.
2.) The story takes place inside of the supermarket and if the setting started Sammy in his
house in the morning the plot would have not changed the author would just give us
more setting and character that would make the readers understand who and why
sammy would risk his job in the end.
3.) Sammys attitude on the narrative is observative. The whole store was like a pinball
machine and I didnt know which tunnel theyd come out of. If the story was told by
someone else like Queenie then they would have said things relative to the shopping or
even people staring at them for what they were dressed as.
4.) There was two scenes that i imagined quite well in this story. One of those scenes was
the one where when Sammy went into the parking lot and ..the girls were long gone.
The second scene was the one were he said the the whole store was a paintball
machine. I think the author did a good job at making me imagine what was going on.
5.) Sammy quits his job because the manager made the girls feel bad embarrassed.
Sammy says that the world was going to be harder because he just quit his sad job.
P.G 15
1.) Louises emotions throughout the story change from sad to happy but once her husband
survives then she has a heart attack and the doctors claim that she died of happiness. I
think that she definitely died of disappointment because she almost got a bit of
2.) Chopin made me see the first paragraph of how people were going let her down easy. I
think Chopin gave a well enough scenario that we always see in movies and books so
i'm kinda used to imagine the whole let them down easy thing.
3.) Chopins attitude towards Louise is almost sorry or even pity. I think that the ending
especially the last lines 22 to 23. When the doctors came they said she had died of
heart disease-of joy that kills. The joy that kills makes us feel like the narrator expected
us to see her be free but in the end we will not see her be happy.
4.) Louise's marriage and relationship with her husband were obviously not in good
condition. The woman was happy that her husband died that's not normal for a healthy
relationship. Chopin makes the ending a tad bit extreme but it was foreshadowed in the
beginning the first paragraph in fact.
5.) Chopin reinforces Louise's death because the whole point was to tell her without
harming her but in the end her own disappointment killed her which makes the story right
again it was foreshadowed.
1.) The narrator and the mother have different views

1.) Ford provides some details of Franks mother in the beginning of the story. One of those
details is that his mother loves to swim in her free time. Not only that but his mother also
enjoyed the company of others in her home. His mother is telling the truth about her not
being in love with Boyd. She would not lie to her grown son after many years of
2.) Ford lets the people talk when it's only making a big deal in the story he doesnt let them
say irrelevant things those things are thought out by the characters but not verbally said.
3.) I think that Frank is trying his best to tell the story in his perspective and how he thought
of things. Plus hes a liar so I wouldnt believe him as much.
4.) I think that Dick is introduced to create a feeling of loneliness. He didnt say much but his
presence sure made things feel like Frank and his childhood be gone almost like it didnt
5.) I personally dont think that Frank is an optimist because an optimist would have ended
the line with more nostalgia than Frank did.

1.) The daughters reactions were quite mixed. The girl would accept some of the things that
her mother did but in the other hand they would be sad to a point.
2.) The mother is clearly not educated because she has all of these ideas for her daughter
but none of those ideas are as easy as they seem.
3.) The story is clear when it describes the mother as an immigrant because it talks about
her broken English and the way that she came from China.
4.) The child is thought two different types of living one is the mothers which is to become
something that will make her famous. The other type of ideology is the more western
type that is to do what she wants and not what everyone tells her to do.
5.) I think that Tan definably believes the idea that you can become anything in America.

1.) The story characters are the mom and the daughter. The daughter is saying all the
things that the mother has told her. The mother in my opinion is quite pushy and
traditional when it comes to how a female should act.
2.) The organization in the story matters because it starts with something simple such as
washing clothes and then gets more complicated to how she should act when it comes
to having a man around.
3.) I know for sure that the setting of the story is taking place in a part of the world that is
tropical. The fruits that are mentioned in the book such as dasheen is a tropical plant
and there is also mentioned a stew that is caribbean.
4.) The dialog in the story is between the mother and the daughter. The mother is basically
telling her that the things she is doing is making her a slut. This helps the whole story
develop because there are many things that she must follow to be a proper woman.
5.) The way that the daughter takes her mother's advice is quite obedient. She only agrees
that she wasnt trying to the wrong thing.
6.) The story would have changed if the girl's response was not included because the story
would have just become something a woman would need to do.
7.) I think that Kincaid used her mother voice to say something more deep.

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