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Macey Conrad

Math Lesson March 7th 2017

Unit Title: Telling Time Lesson Title: Telling Time

Subject Area: Math Grade: 2nd Length of Lesson: 30-45 minutes

Students will be able to:
Identify the hour and minute hands on the clock face
Differentiate between written time and time displayed on clock face
Identify and write different times on the hour and half hour in analog and digital form

Standards/Benchmarks: 2. MD. 7 Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the
nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.

CCSS.Math.Practice.5: Use appropriate tools strategically

Anticipatory Set: (10 minutes)

Have students sit on carpet, this is the pre-assessment
Introduce the All About Time poster board which portrays the analog and digital clock
Ask students what differences they see between the two clocks
Poster Board
Students will be read the first part of the questions and will be asked to tell us out loud
the answers, which are in the parentheses below.
The short hand is the (hour hand)
The long hand is the (minute hand)
There are 60 minutes in (one hour)
30 minutes = a (half hour)
Half past the house is (:30)
On a digital clock, oclock = (:00)
Lesson Activities: (30 minutes)
Whole class:
Use mini clocks to move hour and minute hand
Digital Clock: We write the time in a digital fashion
Analog Clock: Most have two hands, a short hand (hour) and a long hand (minute).
*Show them the direction that the hands turn. This is called clockwise.
The long hand or minute hand starts at the 12 and moves clockwise around. When it
reaches the 12 again, it shows that an hour has passed. Did you see any changes to the
smaller or hour hand?
Here you can see that it is 3:00. When the minute hand makes a full circle, you can see that
an hour has gone by. It is now 4:00.
The short hand is important because it is the hand we start with when we are telling time.
*Move the short hand to the 2.
Here the short hand is pointing to the 2. That would make it what time?
Here the short hand is pointing to the 5. That would make it what time?
*Move the clock to say 5:30.
Sometimes the short hand is between two numbers. In this case, you have to think about
when the clock went around clockwise, what number did the short hand just pass? Since
we havent completed a full rotation yet, we are still on the same hour (5).
We have talked a lot about the short hand, but what about the long hand? It is just as
Thinking about the long hand, you always start at the top of the clock. That stands for
oclock, or 00. Then we count by fives.
*Demonstrate on the clocks that they each have.
As you can see with your own clock, the one is 05 the two is 10 the three is 15 and
so on.
Now we are going to practice writing the time:
Always start with the short hand (hour hand). When you are writing the time in digital
form, just look where the short hand is pointing and write it down.
*Move hand to the 1.
If our analog clock is pointing to the one, what would you write down?
The next step is to draw two dots, like this (demonstrate on paper). These dots separate the
hours from the minutes.
Look where the long hand is pointing and write it down.
*Move the time to 1:30
If the long hand is pointing here, what would you write down for the minutes?
*Move the long hand so the time is back at 1.
What would you write down for the minutes if the long hand is pointed here?
Start with the short hand
Draw two dots
Write the long hand
Show the children a few more examples. When the hands are where you want them,
remind them of the steps while you work out the problems on the board.
*Once they seem to have a good understanding, explain that we are going to get into small
groups and

Small group
One group will have worksheets that give the analog time (to the hour and half hour) and
the students will have to write down the time in digital format. See examples in resources
The other group will have the time written down in digital format and they will have to
draw in the hour and minute hands to match the time given. See examples in resource

Closure: (5-10 minutes)

A time will be written down on the board in digital format. When the children are turning
in their mini clocks, they will move the hands of the clock to match the time written on the
On the big clock, there will be another time shown in analog form. On a post-it note, the
children will write down the time in digital form and turn it in.

Informal assessment will be monitored throughout observations of students discussions.
Formal assessment will be based on their ability to apply knowledge of time based off their

Each student will have access to their own mini clock
Student with IEP and behavior plans will be assign to a group to help guide them
Teacher ratio will allow for students to get more one-on-one time and assistance when
Have students create their own clock showing whatever time they want. Then students
walk around the classroom and as soon as the music stops they find a partner and quiz each
other on their own clocks, once each gets the correct time they switch. This continues on
and is an engaging game for students and an easy way to conclude the lesson.

Resources: We got this from our mentor teacher Ms. Lugo

N am e: _________ __________________________ S co re : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

R ea d in g C lo c k - H a lf H o u r ly Sheet 1

R e a d th e c lo c k a n d w rite th e tim e .

1) 2) 3)

T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4) 5) 6)

T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7) 8) 9)

T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T im e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P r in ta b le M a th W o r k s h e e ts @ w w w .m a th w o r k s h e e ts 4 k id s .c o m
N am e: _________ __________________________ S co re : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D r a w in g H a n d s - H a lf H o u r s Sheet 3

D ra w h a n d s o n e a c h c lo c k f o r th e tim e g iv e n b e lo w :

1) 2) 3)

T im e : 2:0 0 T im e : 9:3 0 T im e : 7:3 0

4) 5) 6)

T im e : 11:0 0 T im e : 3:3 0 T im e : 6:3 0

7) 8) 9)

T im e : 8:3 0 T im e : 1:3 0 T im e : 4:0 0

P r in ta b le M a th W o r k s h e e ts @ w w w .m a th w o r k s h e e ts 4 k id s .c o m

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