Shapes 2

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Macey Conrad

Math Lesson March 7th 2017

Unit Title: 3-D Shapes Lesson Title:
All About Shapes!

Subject Area: Math Grade:1st Length of Lesson: 30-45 minutes

Students will be able to:
Differentiate the qualities of a 2D shape and a 3D shape.
Identify the parts/attributes that make up a 3D shape: face, edge, and corner/vertices.
Locate objects within their classroom that are 3D shapes (cube, prism, cylinder, sphere)

Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and
quarter-circles) or three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones,
and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from the
composite shape.

Practice Standard: CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique

the reasoning of others.

Essential Questions:
1. How are 2D and 3D shapes the same? Different?
2. How many faces/edges/vertices does (insert 3D shape name) have? Does this object have
the same amount?
3. What makes you think that this object is the same shape as (insert 3D shape name)?

Lesson Activities: (30 minutes)

Read The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns: recognize the shapes that were in the story
and define what makes them 2D shapes (flat, one side/face)
Ask the students if they know what 3D or 3 Dimensional means: an object that has a
height, width, and depth- or an object that takes up space. For example, our bodies are
Ask the students if they realized that shapes could be 3D as well; play the 3D Shapes
Song Video.
Present the four featured shapes from the video (cube, prism, sphere, cylinder) with the
wooden 3D shapes. Using the cube, point out the face, edges, and vertices of the shape.
As a class, decide the attributes of the four shapes and record the findings on the
whiteboard for future reference.
Explain to the students that we are going to go on a shape hunt. The students will get their
own worksheets with the four 3D shapes that we have been talking about. They will
explore the room and look for real world objects that are the same shape as either a cube,
prism, sphere, or cylinder.

Closure: (5-10 minutes)

Students will be asked to share the objects they had spotted throughout the classroom and
describe them to the class.
To end the lesson, teachers will star the students worksheets for participation before
putting them away.

1. Asking students as a whole group, What does 3D or 3 Dimensional mean? Then
allowing students to explain whether they knew that shapes could be 3D or not.

Formative Assessment:
2. The Shape Hunt worksheet: as a whole group we will go over the students findings, then
teachers will look over their results and check their paper for participation.

For students who may need extra assistance, suggest that students go on their shape hunt
with a partner (choose partners as peer models). As the students are on their shape hunt,
the teacher will monitor the students discoveries. If students are struggling with
comparing the 3D shapes to real life objects, the teacher can pick three or four objects
(some of which will be correct) found in the classroom and allow the student to use the
3D shapes to compare directly, making their options not as broad as the entire classroom.
Students may also draw pictures of the objects that they find, rather than writing out the
name of the object.
For students who may need more of a challenge, ask them to think of objects that may not
be found in the classroom to add to their shape hunt worksheet. The teacher may also
introduce a few more 3D shapes for them to add to their worksheet, such as a rectangular
prism and a pyramid.

For students who finish the shape hunt quickly, ask them to have a seat at their desks and
brainstorm objects that are not in their classroom, but can be added to their worksheet.
After sharing the students findings from the shape hunt, the teachers can introduce two
more 3D shapes: a rectangular prism and a pyramid. As a class we will determine these
shapes attributes, then make a class list relating these two shapes to real world objects,
both inside and outside of the classroom.

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