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Male Privilege

Privilege is having your children taken out of your custody in 85% of divorce cases,
Privilege is being laughed at when sexually assaulted because boys cant be harassed,
Privilege is being ridiculed after stating that boys experience rape or sexual assault,
Privilege is being imprisoned 2x as likely for the same crime as women and for longer
Privilege is being called weak after experiencing domestic violence,
Privilege is having underfunded cancer research for prostate cancer comparatively to breast
Privilege is mockery of any issues that may succumb,
Privilege is denial of a day centered around mens issues, but women are allowed to have theirs,
Privilege is lower acceptance rates to colleges,
Privilege is being significantly less likely than women to graduate with any degree,
Privilege is mass suicide rates post divorce due to custody of children,
Privilege is not being able to express your feelings to others without being made a mockery of,
Must we teach our boys that theyre not worth attention?
Must we teach our boys that we dont care what happens to them?
Must we teach our boys that theyre a second in comparison to their sisters?
Must we teach our boys that they arent allowed to speak up with their problems?
After all, men are too strong to have problems, right?

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