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Single Student Interview:

1.) What makes a good teacher?

When a teacher doesnt give too much work. She has to be nice and
let students work on their own instead of telling them the answers.
2.) What makes a good learner
When a student does his/or her own work and pushes through when
they dont understand something.
3.) How do you learn best as a student?
When the teacher does something first and then lets me do it.
4.) If you were the teacher in this classroom what would you
do the same? What would you do differently?
Same: I would let students do group work.
Different: I would read slower to my students.
5.) What do you like to write about?
I like to write about my family and the trips we take.
6.) What do you like to read about?
I love any kind of mystery books. Those are my favorite.
7.) What is your favorite subject? Why?
Reading. I love reading chapter books and wondering what is going to
happen next.
8.) Do you have any tips for me for when I become a teacher?
Dont be mean. Always be nice and dont force your students to do
anything they dont want to.

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