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Data analysis and usage

Upon completion of the module, learners completed two surveys.. The surveys were likert scales
and were created and administered using Google forms. One survey allowed learners to self
assess whether or not they met the learning objectives. The other survey focused on the
effectiveness of the course design. Formative assessment was also built in throughout the
lessons in the form of discussions and short assignments.
Data on Course Objectives
For each of the course objectives, all respondents indicated that they agree or strongly agree that
they met each objective. The majority of the responses were strongly agree with only three
responses in the agree category. No responses were recorded for: neutral, disagree, or strongly
disagree. This data shows that the course objectives were aligned with the assignments in the
course. Upon completing the module all learners felt that they met the lesson objectives. The
objective that had the lowest ranking was creating a lesson that could be used in the classroom. I
found that allowing participants to move at their own pace was not the best plan. Some
participants moved to the collaboration portion without being finished with their own lesson. To
improve the lesson I would add in dates for each activity to ensure all participants were in the
same place, making collaboration easier.

Data on course evaluation

The purpose of this survey was to determine the overall effectiveness of the lesson design. For
each element, all respondents chose a rating of agree or strongly agree. No responses were
recorded for neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree. This shows that the participants believe that
the design of the lesson was effective and fostered learning of the set objectives. The statement
about creating a lesson that could be used in the classroom had the highest number of agree
ratings, as opposed to strongly agree. Some teachers noted that they had a good start on their
lessons but had yet to complete the lessons before collaborating with their peers. To improve this
aspect of the course, I would add in due dates for each activity to ensure assignments were
complete before moving to the next activity. Is was designed so that participants could work
through at their own pace, making collaboration difficult since each person was in a different
place. Adding in the due dates will ensure all lessons are complete before collaboration begins.

Formative evaluation
In addition to the summative evaluations on course objectives and design, formative assessment
was built into the module. Participants completed class discussions to make sure they were on
track to meeting the course objectives. Participants also completed assignments to ensure they
were meeting course objectives. All participants scored in the target range on these formative
assessments, indicating they were on track to meet all course objectives.

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