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Telvin Walker

Victorian Poetry & Prose

Ms. Jacobs

ENG 432

Abstract: Maintain That Silver Spoon!

During the Victorian Era, there were many challenges that people faced during that era.

One of the major issue during that time period was the importance of maintaining a high level of

social status in society. Famous Victorian author and playwright, Oscar Wilde would capture this

issue throughout his play The Importance of Being Earnest, especially through the character of

Lady Bracknell. The character acted as if marriage should be viewed as a business transaction

and also the bachelor should be worthy of marrying their daughter. Moreover, not only worthy,

but also must already reside within the higher social class. This essay will include insight from

various scholarly authors who analyzed the importance of maintaining a high level within the

social classes during the Victorian Era.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Victorian Era is a source used to analyze

one of Wildes most famous works The Importance of Being Earnest. Authors such as Brigitte

Bastiat, Carol T. Christ, Catherine Robson and David Spring, are all authors that closely

analyzed Wildes play and the importance of maintaining a high level within the social classes.

Florence Boos and Anna Peak are both great authors who not only analyzed the importance of

maintaining a high level of social status but also how Victorian Literature was a mixture between

realism and romance. This combination of eras would help be the catalyst that would start the

style of Victorian writing. Maintaining a a high level within the social classes was a very
important issue during that time period, this era not only explained its importance of growth to

higher social class but also explains the importance of maintaining it for future generations.

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