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Cosmobloger Vitaly Egorov: "Samara needs to learn to earn on space" - Volga News

, 25 2017 17:53

Cosmobloger Vitaly Egorov: "Samara needs to learn how to earn

on space"
04/25/2012 3:05 PM SAMARA. 25TH OF APRIL. VOLGA NEWS.Authors: Ilya SychevFollowers: 179

On April 22, in the popular lecture hall "Kurilka Gutenberg" (Samara), with a lecture on private space exploration, a
well-known space explorer, blogger, employee of Dauria Aerospace Vitaly Egorov made a speech. He spoke about
the peculiarities of private cosmonautics development in Russia and abroad, about its prospects and about how
difficult it is to organize space business.

- Are you in Samara for the first time?

- I delivered a lecture at the forum "iVolga" two years ago. Samara then we drove past the edge, and I did not look at the

- This time you managed to see the city? How was it? It is felt that Samara is a "cosmic capital", as we like to say?

"I have not had much time so far." I have a very busy schedule today - lectures on the radio, in a private company and here,
in the Gutenberg Smoking Room. While I managed to visit the shopping center "Kosmoport". To be honest, I did not notice
much difference, for example, with Perm.

Tomorrow I hope to see everything, but in the middle of the day I will fly home.

And the most "cosmic" city that I saw is Baikonur. There I seemed to have got into childhood, in the USSR. Baikonur is a
real preserve of the Soviet Union. The same I have an association with Russian space: something from childhood, from

- Do you plan to organize a blog tour for the Samara aerospace cluster enterprises?

"I hope they will invite me, despite what I said today here and earlier. I would gladly go!

- Do you keep in touch with our university, in the past aerospace? Do you come to Dauria from it, or is it more the privilege of

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Cosmobloger Vitaly Egorov: "Samara needs to learn to earn on space" - Volga News

students at Moscow universities?

- Rather, if such communication occurs, then on a personal level. For example, I know that the Samarans came to
InSpaceForum in the past and this year.

And officially, Dauria signs agreements only with MAI and Baumanka. True, the real work with the guys began only when
they themselves turned with a desire to pass our practice.

- And in other private space companies, Samara education is widespread?

- Most of the private companies are Moscow, the main suppliers of personnel are MAI and Baumanka. I know that one of the
guys graduated from other engineering universities, and then he studied, working on the profile of activities. Specifically,
from Samartsev in such firms, I personally do not know anyone.

- That is, a private space initiative in Samara is not developed at all? Or are there any glimpses or opportunities?

- I do not know, but I hope that the guys from the team that launched SamSat will eventually be released from the university
and will want to do something on their own.

What is done by this young team is in fact quite a rare event. I, for example, saw initiators of creating microsatellites in
Baumank and I can say that your guys are more active!

In Baumank, the team that made Kubsat, I did not see a fire in my eyes, and it was sad to look at them. About the launch
date, they spoke languidly - 2017, although it was two years ago. Of course, I did not say them, but I thought: "Kubsat" - he's
so small! Two years to do! Are you serious, or what? Baumanka! Intellectual and engineering elite! This is not serious".

And the Samarans are good fellows: they participate in contests, and SamSat is launched.

- That is, the Samara Ilona Masks yet only study in high schools?

- I hope so.

- Then it turns out that the "space capital" is a more Soviet title than reflecting today's realities ?

- As for the capital - in the suburbs a huge number of space enterprises, and this part of Russia is closer to me. Maybe, I
really do not understand the industrial and intellectual potential of Samara. I would be glad to get acquainted, but I have a
fear (since I write a lot about the same Ilona Mask), that they do not like me in Samara, although today they have not thrown
dead cats! (Laughing) Photo: Photo courtesy of Vitaly Egorov

- You are mistaken, everyone listened to you today with great interest!

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Cosmobloger Vitaly Egorov: "Samara needs to learn to earn on space" - Volga News

- I hope so! I hope that my words will also have some effect, and out of the guys who are now engaged in the coussates at
the University of Samara, something sensible will grow, capable not only of twisting the screws at the plant, but also of
initiating their own projects.

- Can we say that there is an information vacuum around the Samara space projects?

- This concerns private projects. I now know that the Samara satellite Aist-2D provides good quality images, but I did not
hear that they start selling. This just shows that in Samara there are sensible "techies", capable of creating world-class
technology. It can be seen: there are products, there is real work. But to earn on these projects, Samara needs to learn.

To me in the comments on the blog, an official from the government of the Samara region applied. I asked him two questions
and realized that he can draw a beautiful presentation about how everything will fly in Samara, but he does not even have a
close idea of how to proceed to earning money on this. He draws a multi-level diagram, how satellites and drones will fly,
how they will shoot the Earth ... I asked when they would start making money on this, but I heard some excuses about world
imperialism and that there would be no place in the market. I asked why it was worth doing. This approach is neither
business nor anti-state, since public money is siphoned off for all this.

- By the way, with the aircraft construction in Samara it turned out, there are several private offices that create their own
aircraft. Apparently, you need to move in this direction and in the space industry?

- Yes! It is necessary to put a banal goal - to earn money. And how to do it - state-owned companies, private companies -
these are options. In Russia it is more customary to work with the state, but let's at least set the goal - to start making money
in space, it's not so difficult!

- That is, you need to stop being romantic and become pragmatists-businessmen?

- No! Why?! All the private space businessmen I've talked about (Ilon Mask, Jeff Bezes, Richard Branson) are all romantics
on their heads, they just understand how it's done.

We have the same - "I want to launch into space, the state, give me money for my romance!" Now they do not work like this.
"You are a romantic, so earn your romanticism!" - that's the way to work! At least, this goal should be set.

We must fly to the moon, Mars. It is necessary to expand the scope of human activity, not to set modest goals. It is
necessary in the head to rebuild the understanding of why all this is done, and the realization of how to do it will come. It is
necessary to understand that the romance needs money.

Of course, you can get money from the state, but you need to understand how you will bring benefit to both the romance
and the state. This is a more worthy goal, but it, however unromantic it may sound, is achieved through money, through

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Cosmobloger Vitaly Egorov: "Samara needs to learn to earn on space" - Volga News

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