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Bullying in Middle School

Mrs. Group 2s Class
Name:_________________ Total pts_______________.

***Scoring: Students can obtain a maximum of 100 points on this exercise. To determine the
score, assign a point value to each category (e.g., Preparation and Research) and multiply that
value by the number in parenthesis (e.g., 6)***
Criteria Ratings Pts.

Preparation Attorney questions Attorney questions Performance

and Research relevant, logical, and clear; clear, logical, and shows a lack of
(x6) all questions properly relevant most of the preparation.
formed and delivered. time; most questions
properly formed.
9-10 pts.
7-8 pts.

5-6 pts.

Voice (x1) Easily understood; Understood most of Not easily

consistent use of the time; appropriate understood;
appropriate rate, volume, rate, volume, and delivery needs
and intonation. intonation most of the work.

9-10 pts.
7-8 pts.
5-6 pts.

Eye Contact Establishes appropriate eye Establishes Does not

(x1) contact for the situation and appropriate eye establish eye
setting. contact most of the contact.
9-10 pts.

7-8 pts. 5-6 pts.

Authenticity Seems very real; excellent Believable; adequate Needs to be

(x1) use of body and facial use of body and facial more convincing.
expression; words and expression; fairly well
gestures match; well adapted to setting. 5-6 pts.
adapted to setting;
appropriate costume. 7-8 pts.

9-10 pts.
Courtroom Appropriate interaction with Appropriate Distracted,
Decorum (x1) Justices and attorneys; interaction with others inappropriate
stays in character. most of the time. behavior.
9-10 pts.
7-8 pts. 5-6 pts.

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