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Chapter Eight

A. Cold, winter Morga

a. Rizal said it was the rainy season p. 212
B. Morisqueta
a. Rizal said I was rice 247
C. Weapon no name
a. P 249
D. Malansing isda thing
a. P248
E. Cayanos
a. Rizal name It Karanng -250 historical context
F. Filipino ships
a. Backwardness p251
G. 12 varieties of banana, piles
a. Rizal said 50 plus
b. Rizal said pili nuts tawag p.252
H. Ponos, harras, etc
a. Rizal change names of these animals p 254
I. People becoming victims of crocs, plantanos
a. Friars became victms p255
b. Pampan by rizal
J. Prvided historical context to food
a. Dilis
b. Paho
c. Pickles
d. Betel o ikmo
e. P257
K. Study os toxicloy dati
a. Undersppreciated backward
b. Little empirical knowledge p259
L. Gold and mining in Islands
a. P260
M. Jar that fetch high prices
a. Not been studied better coudlve given clue of ancient civilization p263
N. Blankets and clothes
a. Rizal said Spaniards took advantage of them 1/8 of price discourage
Filipinos destroyed their looms p264
O. Island of Catanduanes
a. Subjected to Spanish encomenderos, women were manly p265
P. Pampanga well populated by natives
a. Rizzal said now low in population, cutting of timber p266
Q. Placer Mines
a. Indios have knowledge of placer mining p267
R. Mindoro have many settments of natives
a. Became so depopulated due to Spansh colonization
S. Tattoos, and going out wo garments
a. Rizal defended them
T. House called bahandin
a. Tagaog house called bahay
U. May principales were known among the natives
a. Rizal explain the system of principales p.275
V. Principalias or high social stations inheried
W. Timanguas
a. Timawa p276
X. High consideration for women
a. More privileges compared to European counterpart p276
Y. Barangai
a. From balanggay p276
Z. Permanen slaves
a. Maltreadted, some died p277
AA. Simple system of court f natives
a. We have fallen backward due to the supreme ruling of spain, multitude
of laws bla bla p277
AB. Customs
a. Customs > laws p.278
AC. Saguiguileres
a. History of the word p278
AD. Namamahay
a. Kasama yaya by Rizal p279
AE. Rules of slavery
a. High spirit of stict justice that prevailed in Filipino Malayan
communites p279
AF. Rights of a half salve
a. Were not tyrannical p280
AG. Some became salves caused by debt
a. Compeleed b the encomenderos p280
AH. The system and the alves are now preserved in the same condition in
which they existed heretofore
a. Spanish rule encounted little resistance p281
AI. Marriaging
a. More cordial compared to those of the patricians and roman peple
AJ. Imasawa
a. Asawa p282
AK. Husband giving dowry
a. Practiced union between parents and children p282
AL.Giving of dowry to father of bride
a. Women of he Philippines free and respected
AM. Dissolvance of marriage
a. More advanced than the modern French
AN. Vigadicaya - speration
a. bigay kaya means to give what one can, there was no sale,
AO. Adoption right to inherit together with the children of the foster
a. Custom slowly disappearing
AP. Adultery and payment of indemnity
a. This custom was lost as a result of their contact with other people
i. Being adopted now by the Europe among them the English
AQ. Inheritance written or verbal
a. Spriits of ancestors came to live among descendents
AR. Succession of principal or noblemen
a. Same law of succession is now followed by the royal families of spain
AS. Slavery succession
a. Compred to Abraham more merciful than abraha
AT. Timawa plebeians
a. Proved the high degree of culture and morality
AU. Debtors can pay thru salves
a. Usury within thei ndios
AV. Large pots giving very good sound
a. Tam- tam and the pum piang that are still used
AW. Teft punished with severity slavery or death
a. Gradual destruction of this custom contributed to lukewarmness
b. Indigenous people used to drown or let the guilty chew in order to
see who is guilty
i. Now the illectual elvel has gone down a great deal before they
reasoned, now they are satisfied with consulting old hysterical
women p 287
AX. Words that are insulting to the principae
a. Rizal said animals of the erath are the friar compared it to eurpean
AY. Immoral attachments common
a. Rizal defended indios, exaggerated ang very ordiary
b. Compared it to Europe again
AZ. Bagaontaos
a. From bago, new described the word
BA. Sodomy
a. Rizal explained some history of it and relate it to Europe again, and
ddefended indios p289
BB. Herbalist and sorcerers
a. Time of morga strong belief of witches inquisition persecuted them
BC. Overcoming of virginity
a. Rizal commented on Morgas thinking of the matterp290
BD. w/o knowledge of true God
a. Rizal commented that Morga can be forgiven for such pretension for
the sake of dominant ideas then
BE. Worship the devil
a. Rizal described the idols accoding to Pigafetta
BF. Anito
a. Described what anito was called antio every superstituion
Classify annotations accdg to context

** defended indios p247


**context to correct**


**Declining customs


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