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326 Chapter 5. Frequency-Domain Analysis of LT Systems Since (5.3.24) has the form of a convolution, the frequency-domain equivalent ex pression is Py(o) =H 3.25) IP ax() In the special case where x(n) is white noise, (5.3.25) reduces to Pyx(o) = 0 Ho) (53.26) where o? isthe input noise power. This result means that an unknown system with frequency response H1(o) can be identified by exciting the input with white noise, crosscorrelating the input sequence with the output sequence to obtain yx (m), and finally; computing the Fourier transform of y,,(m. The result of these computations is proportional to H(@). 5.4 Linear Time-Invariant Systems as Frequency-Selective Filters ‘The term filteris commonly used to describe a device that discriminates, according to some attribute of the objects applied at its input, what passes through it. For example, | fn air filter allows air to pass through it but prevents dust particles that are present in the air from passing through, An oil filter performs a similar function, with the exception that oil is the substance allowed to pass through the filter, while particles of dirt are collected at the input to the filter and prevented from passing through. In photography, an ultraviolet filter is often used to prevent ultraviolet light, which is present in sunlight and which is not a part of visible light, from passing through and affecting the chemicals on the film. ‘As we have observed in the preceding section, a linear time-invariant system also performs a type of discrimination or filtering among the various frequency com- ponents at its input, ‘The nature of this filtering action is determined by the fre- ‘quency response characteristics H(w), which in turn depends on the choice of the | system parameters (eg, the coefficients {a} and {b,} in the difference equation characterization of the system). Thus, by proper selection of the coefficients, we can design frequeney-selective filters that pass signals with frequency components in some bands while they attenuate signals containing frequency components in other frequency bands. Jin general, a linear time-invariant system modifies the input signal spectrum X(w) according to its frequency response H(«) to yield an output signal with spec- trum ¥(@) = H(@)X(w). Ina sense, H() acts as a weighting function or a spectral shaping function to the different frequency components in the input signal. When Viewed in this context, any linear time-invariant system can be considered to be @ frequency-shaping filter, even though it may not necessarily completely block any or all frequency components. Consequently, the terms “linear time-invariant system” and “filter” are synonymous and are often used interchangeably. We use the term filter to describe a linear time-invariant system used to perform spectral shaping or frequency-selective filtering. Filtering is used in digital signal processing in a variety of ways, such as removal of undesirable noise from desired | signals, spectral shaping such as equalization of communication channels, signal de- tection in radar, sonar, and communications, and for performing spectral analysis of signals, and so on. rain equivalent ex- (5.3.26) known system with it with white noise, obtain y.(m), and these computations ers inates, according to aghit. Forexample, les that are present function, with the lter, while particles passing through. In jolet light, which is assing through and \e-invariant system ous frequency com- mined by the fre: 1 the choice of the lifference equation he coefficients, we -ncy components in omponents in other Ut signal spectrum at signal with spee- nection or a spectral put signal, When considered to be a dletely block any or -invariant system” 1m used to perform ed in digital signal noise from desired channels, signal de- spectral analysis of 54 Unear Time-varant Systems as Frequency Selective Fiters 327 5.4.1 Ideal Filter Characteristics Filters are usually classified according to their frequency-domain characteristics as lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop or band-elimination filters. The ideal mag. nitude response characteristics of these types of filters are illustrated in Fig. 4.1. As shown, these ideal filters have a constant-gain (usually taken as unity-gain) passband, characteristic and zero gain in their stopband. Another characteristic of an ideal filter is a linear phase response, To demon. strate this point, let us assume that a signal sequence (x(n)) with frequency compo nents confined to the frequency range a < © < a2 is passed through a filter with ton |e 1 Lowpass eo! if Fighpass to Bandpass 1 : mw Oa oe i Bandon MMA» Md. : Figure 5.4.1 Magnitude responses 4 Alba for some ideal frequency-sel discrete-time filters, * ° ° 32B_ChapterS Frequency-Domain Analysis of LT Systems frequency response Comm, a <@