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Course Description


TIME/PERIOD 35 minutes
TOPICS: Making Predictions & Observations

PA State Standards
Referenced from or
for PA State approved academic standards

3.2.1.A1: Physical Science: Properties of Matter

3.2.1.A4: Physical Science: Chemistry

CC.1.5.1.A: Comprehension and Collaboration Collaborative Discussion

Objectives correspond with PA State Standards listed above.

SWBAT make predictions and evaluate is their predictions are accurate.

SWBAT observe carefully to gain information.

SWBAT record outcomes using two types of recording methods

SWBAT participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

Lesson Introduction: (5-7 min)

Teacher will direct students to the anchor chat What Does A Scientist Do

Ask student review question about predictions, observations, and recording.

Teacher will introduce Float or Sink? experiment.

Teacher will review rules for working with science materials.

Teacher will call each table to retrieve their lab coats from their lockers.

Administrators initials: _____________

Activities/Procedures: (25-30min)
Lesson Plans are conducive to student achievement and focus on PA State standards and objectives

Teacher will pass out recording packets and directions for the experiment and explain directions.

Teacher will begin to pass out all materials for the experiment while reminding students of the rules.

Class willful in candy log sheet pg#2

Students will record predictions by drawing what they think each piece of candy will do pg#3

Class will review steps together:

1. Pour water into a clear cup

2. Drop the candy into the water

3. Observe what happen

Students will be paired with a partner to complete experiment

Teacher will walk around aiding students as needed as well as checking for understanding

Closing& Assessment: (5-7 min)

Administrators initials: _____________

Students will discuss what they observed with the group.

Students will talk with their partner about their predictions.

Students will complete their recording sheet to see if their predictions were correct.

Students will complete pg#4 of their science packets.

Assessment Procedures: (check all that apply)

Structure should simulate PSSA testing format to assist with PSSA test prep
Formative Summative
Guided Practice Participation Unit/Chapter Test PSSA Type Questions
Enrichment PSSA Type Questions Oral Presentation Notebook Check
Homework Notebook Check Research Project Authentic Assessment
Group Work Authentic Assessment Technology Other:
Rubric Other: Rubric
Independent Practice Portfolios

List of resources used and incorporated into activity and assessments, attach any teacher made materials and/or worksheets
Text Book: Other:
Graphic Organizer/Handouts(s): Prediction Clear containers (disposable plastic cups)
recording sheet & How To handout Water
Candy: Gummy worms/bears, M&Ms,
Marshmallows, and Jelly beans

Differentiated Instruction

Easier: Students who need extra help, they will be Harder: For student who master concepts, they will be
paired with a partner who can assist them pared with a student who needs extra help

Administrators initials: _____________

Administrators initials: _____________

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