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Sponsors: Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Colombia, Mali, United Kingdom, Kenya, South Africa,

Haiti, France, Nicaragua, United States of America, Brazil, Israel, Russian Federation, Finland,

Vietnam, Iran, Greece,

Signatories: Iraq, Republic of Korea, Liberia, Japan, Philippines, Kuwait, Lithuania, Poland,

Ethiopia, Chile, Cuba, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Egypt, Serbia, Australia, Uganda, Peru, Sweden,

Jordan, Chad, Yemen, Germany, Syria, Mexico, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo,

Rwanda, Turkey, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan , Ukraine, Saudi Arabia,

Topic: Immigration reform concerning maritime and non-maritime borders,

The General Assembly,

Recognizing that many countries have a large and overwhelming number of immigrants coming

into their nation,

Observing that the number of people emigrating and living abroad is increasing every year, and

is currently 232 million people, or 3.2 percent of the worlds population, living abroad in 2013,

compared with 175 million in 2002 and 154 million in 1990,

Defining an immigrant as a person who moves to another country with the intent of finding more

and better opportunities, as well as permanent or temporaryfor example guest workers or

time-contract workers with an established date of returnresidence (differing from a refugee in

the fact that immigrants are not fleeing from a well founded source of fear), and understands
that said movement is due to personal convictions excluding compelling and dangerous external

factors, which is required for refugee status,

Defining a harmful immigrant as someone who has or is intending to violate any form of human

rights or poses a realistic threat to national security and tranquility,

Attentive of the fact that immigrants, both legal and illegal, face dangers caused by intervening

obstacles in travelling to other countries,

Defining diaspora as the emigration or outsourced dispersion of a group of peoples from their


Defining "maritime borders," according to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1958 and

1983, as the area twelve (12) nautical miles from the nation's beaches or mean low water mark,

and identifying non-maritime borders as those perimeters which occur on land,

Noting that the geopolitical and economic situations in many countries lead to an increase in

people leaving said country,

Aware that an overabundance of immigrants can upset the balance of more delicate economies,
Observing that immigration to developed countries allows those countries rate of natural

increase (NIR), or the percentage by which a population grows in a year, to remain stable rather

than decrease, thus permitting those countries to support their population, especially those people

in the 0-14 and 64+ range,

Supporting the fact that a certain flow of immigrants is beneficial to the economies of larger


Understanding that it is unrealistic to rely upon foreign aid alone to economically support

nations with net out-migration, and as such, requiring a limited budget,

Referring to Lees Model of Migration, which explains the interactions between push factors,

pull factors, and intervening obstacles, it is apparent that in order to prevent excessive

immigration and emigration, we must remedy the root of why entities do so,

Condemning the use of military force or intimidation in the process of further territory or

resource procurement in areas of international interest, with regards to both maritime and

non-maritime territory in question,

Understanding that immigration can place pressure on social and economic resources such as
healthcare, education, and employment, thus weakening the countrys ability to handle
immigration and a domestic population reeling from vast unemployment,
Recognizing that while migration allows for brain-gain or a flow of innovation for a receiving

country, racism and xenophobia are large issues in nations that receive immigrants, and that

these immigrants have difficulties integrating into their new communities,

Acknowledging the sovereignty and individuality of countries and their right to sovereign

government by not forcibly requiring the participant members to adhere to the aforementioned


Recognizing that, by promoting easier accessibility to legal migration, the resolution creates

preventative measures against illegal migration without encroaching on sovereignty any more

than necessary,

Noticing that human and drug trafficking between borders has become a major concern when

involving immigration,

The General Assembly Resolves that,

1. Encourages nations with available funds to contribute to nations who need support or

cannot fund immigration projects on their own within,

a. Countries needing aid would have to appeal to donor nations for aid,

b. After reviewing the needs of the nation, the donor nation is encouraged to give the

most aid to the countries that need it most,

c. When allocating funding to countries that are in need of stability to regulate the

flow of emigration, the UN Population Division will biyearly address and

appropriate the existing funds based upon their records regarding factors such as

GDP, NIR, and other such population demographics,

d. This aid will be used to increase the stability and economic prosperity of the

receiving nation, so long as the actions follow international law, and money spent

will be monitored by the IMF so that the money is not wasted by corruption;

2. Establishes three UN bodies under the appropriate committees: the Alliance of Nations

Addressing Naval Defense (ANAND), the Mitigation And Collaboration Handling

Engagements Regarding Land Arguments Committee (MACHERLA Committee), and

the Ministry of Allies Guaranteeing Guards Against Racial Discrimination


a. These three bodies shall be funded by the committees of which they are a part, as

well as by donations from individual nations,

b. ANAND shall be implemented to provide maritime patrols to reduce and

eliminate illegal immigration by sea,

i. ANAND shall be funded from a combination of funds from alliances with

coastal borders, as well as the UN Security Council,

1. These funds will only be used to pay for the committees expenses,

ii. ANAND shall direct funds from donor countries and NGOs to countries in

need of support in maritime patrol funds,

1. These funds shall not be UN funds,

iii. ANAND shall provide a yearly report of its findings to the UN General

Assembly to monitor its effectiveness,

iv. ANAND shall provide funds to alliances which wish to implement their

own maritime patrols,

1. Member nations must first provide CPBICS with a plan of usage

for the received funds,

2. Ensuing implementation of infrastructure improvements, countries

must provide the UN with proof of the appropriate usage of funds

in order to receive more funds in the future,

v. If countries wish to allow ANAND to oversee maritime borders in waters

which are under their control, ANAND shall use funds to implement

maritime patrols,

vi. MAGGARD will oversee maritime controls to ensure funds are allocated

correctly and maritime patrols do not harm immigrants,

c. The MACHERLA Committee shall be implemented to facilitate the resolution of

inter-governmental border conflicts,

i. Land Arguments shall refer to all border conflicts,

ii. The MACHERLA committee shall hold hearings and talks between the

two conflicting governments or parties to peaceably solve the dispute,

iii. The MACHERLA committee shall receive its funding from the UN

Security Council,
iv. Hearings of the MACHERLA committee regarding border conflicts shall

include at least three nations with no interest in the conflict presiding,

d. MAGGARD shall be created to combat xenophobia and other racially-based hate

crimes in each alliance, provided countries allow MAGGARD personnel to enter

their countries,

i. MAGGARD shall likewise publish an annual report to describe progress

achieved in each alliance,

ii. MAGGARD shall receive its funds from the UN Human Rights Council,

iii. MAGGARD shall, in countries allowing it to function, work with the

respective minister of education to increase racial tolerance,

iv. MAGGARD shall form a committee of UN peacekeepers to enforce and

oversee the treatment of immigrants in nations that are unable to ensure

their safety,

v. MAGGARD shall provide member nations with monetary incentives for

working to ensure immigrants are not subjected to persecution or hate


3. Recommends that countries with higher net-out migration rates than that of their net-in

migration rates actively seek immigration so as to help contribute to the peacebuilding

process and development,

a. Countries who need immigration to bolster their economies, for example

countries that rely upon seasonal migration, would be advised to facilitate legal

immigration to their country,

i. Facilitation would consist of shorter delay periods, more efficient

background checks, and greater number of visas,

ii. All plans to facilitate legal immigration will be created by the country that

the legal immigrants are coming into;

4. Calls for the collaboration with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO),

which is currently part of the United Nations, in order to continue to promote the peaceful

influx of immigrants into member countries,

a. Incorporating a new mission sponsored by the DPKO focused on preventing

immigrants who have been suspected of or have previously participated in

drug/human trafficking operations,

b. Implementing deployments of UN military aid from the DPKO into regions with

current particular difficulty in detaining potentially harmful immigrants,

i. The detention of any immigrants deemed harmful will follow

guidelines provided by the UN in order to avoid the violation of

any human rights;

5. Urges an increase in the availability of working/education visas for immigrants entering

the host country based on the meeting of the aforementioned requirements of background


a. Does not require nations that do not want large-scale immigration to institute this


6. Reaffirms the importance of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1958 and 1983

and coming to an agreement of international maritime borders that determines the extent

to which they reach and the authority in charge of the territory in question;

a. Recognizes operative clause 2 if border disputes arise,

b. Defines international waters as any waters that lie outside the 12 mile nautical

boundary as defined above,

i. In cases where territorial waters overlap, the maritime border will be drawn

between each country as an equidistant line;

7. Similarly urges the creation of programs and the use of already established NGOs in each

nation to educate the native populations of reasons as to why people choose to immigrate,

and the benefits of immigration in the economy of the migrants destination country in

order to promote the integration and naturalization of migrants,

a. Requests the support of UN Human Rights Council to help create these programs
within the nations and create them in the nations without the resources to create
similar programs on their own;
8. Establishes the International Organization for Migrants (IOM), under the jurisdiction of
the Global Migrant Group (GMG), who will advise countries in the creation of safe and
efficient ports of entry that promote public safety and uphold civil and human rights,
a. The IOM will especially focus on the prevention of the importation of illegal
substances and human trafficking into each respective nation,
b. The GMG will provide biyearly reports detailing the effectiveness, and success of
the IOM agency,
c. To protect sovereignty, border security will be provided by each country and may
optionally be trained by the IOM in border control at the request of the home
i. Each country will have the choice whether or not to use the IOM to train
its agents and create entry points,
ii. The IOM will focus on control through ports and major border posts,
d. This will also apply to health screenings before entering the destination country
and all health requirements are decided by the destination country,
e. IOM will also be open to connection with recent immigrants for aiding in any
issues that those said immigrants may encounter,
f. IOM will keep and report their findings and data regarding movement of people
to the UN Population Division;

9. Urges countries to give a tax reduction to families of immigrant workers receiving

remittances in an effort to support economic development,

a. Note that the UN does not require any country to impose these reductions,

b. Encourages the UNHRC to create committee to work for the finding and

reunification of separated migrant families;

10. Encourages the diaspora to form coalitions, allowing individual nations to decide upon

the benefits and compensations for these coalitions as not to infringe upon national

sovereignty, while encouraging nations to remember that the actions and support

provided by these diaspora groups is in their immense favor;

11. Strongly encourages partner nations (should they desire it to enhance immigration

security) to do so by,

a. Assigning a national committee to identify and research the permissibility of

policy reforms that will focus on such things as, but not limited to,

i. Establishing a specific methodology for obtaining sufficient

identification information enable the verification of their qualified status

as citizens,

ii. Imposing requirements on large scale and minor industries, companies,

or businesses and other for-profit entities which provide services to their

employees (such as insurance, certain fundingetc) to conduct frequent

inspections to verify the eligibility and citizenship of the service recipients

and disqualify any illegal-workers from these services as well as pinpoint

illegal immigrants to the government,

b. Creating the Database for Offenders of Trafficking (DOT) in which a UN member

for each nation regulates nations known offenders of trafficking in regards to sex,

drugs, arms, etc.,

i) This would create a database, accessible by all nations, which would be

available at border checkpoints to screen for the crossing of known sex,

drugs, arms, etc. traffickers,

ii) Reconfirms the idea that nations should be allowed to manage their own

borders, including withholding people whom they consider threatening to

national security, and the safety of their nation;

12) Addressing the issue of diseases and infections that can spread rapidly through travel, and

have a large threat to nations, and providing that nations make their own decision

involving regulation of immigration and migration from nations where these diseases are


a) Encourages nations to take special care to include health screenings as a part of

passing through border checkpoints,

b) Involving the World Health Organization to aid with providing supplies and

health services should certain countries require it;

14) Encourages nations with potential immigrants to provide educational programs in regards

to legal immigration systems,

a) Recommends potential immigrants to follow the legal process rather than taking

illegal measures, either before or after they enter the country,

b) Recommends countries establish easier and faster processes for possible visitors

to attain visas,
i. The education of how visas can be safely and legally acquire;

15) Recommends the establishment of organizations in each nation or region in which legal

immigrants are arriving in that facilitate their integration into their new homes,

a) Does not require nations to establish these organizations,

b) These organizations would provide immigrants with resources to become

increasingly familiar with their new home and its customs,

c) These organizations would also educate immigrants on safe job opportunities

available in that country, which encourages their improvement of that nations


16) Reminds the international community that developed countries that qualify under the

fourth stage of the Demographic Transition Model retain the option to offer subsidies to

internally approved NGOs that operate in neighboring countries with the task of

economic stimulation and the creation of jobs, benefiting both parties involved, under

only dire and temporary conditions to be annually assessed by the United Nations

Population Division,

i. Declares accordingly that these companies (i.e. maquiladoras) maintain safe,

sanitary conditions for their employees, as well as limiting the operation of these

companies to a 30 year maximum period, which is open to the reconsideration of

the UNPD,
ii. Similarly declares that these companies sustain wages that average the minimum

wages and benefits of both countries involved in the business transaction.

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