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Waits 1

Macenzie Waits
Scott Straub
Self Reliance
Its hard to find credible resources for how to properly cite a source in MLA. The first
resource I use is the College of Western Idaho Writing Center. There is an example of how to
properly format a research paper in MLA. Also, examples of how to write a Works Cited page.
The second source I use is the Modern Language Association website. There are lesson plans on
how to start a research paper and keep you on the right track. Also, the option to purchase the
newest edition of the MLA Handbook. The MLA Style Center is the online equivalent of the
MLA Handbook. I use A Writers Reference on a regular basis as my hard copy resource.
Waits 2

Works Cited
College of Western Idaho. College of Western Idaho. CWI. 2017. Web.
7 Feb. 2017.
Hacker, Diana, and Nancy Sommers. A Writers Reference. Boston: Bedford, 2011.
Modern Language Association. Modern Language Association. MLA. 2017. Web.
7 Feb 2017.
Modern Language Association. The MLA Style Center Writing Resources from the Modern
Language Association. MLA. 2016. Web.
7 Feb 2017.

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