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NETS-T 1a: Promote, support and model creative and innovative thinking and
NETS-T 1c: Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify
students conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.
NETS-T 2a: Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools
and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
NETS-T 3a: Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current
knowledge to new technologies and situations.
NETS-T 5a: Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative
applications of technology to improve student learning.
Essential Question(s):

How can I use educreations to create student-centered lessons?

How can using educreations help me with differentiated instruction and blended
learning for my students?

Instructional Objectives:

Teachers will be able to improve student learning by having the students create
videos to explain their learning and help peers.

Teachers will be able to create mini lessons for their students and increase their
usage of technology in class.

Activate Prior Knowledge

Teachers will explore and discuss what is more important, knowledge or


Teachers will discuss what "experience" they are providing for students in the

Materials Needed

Computer Lab with Internet Access

Copy of the handouts

iPad/Tablet (if available)


Show a simple video on solving questions from educreations.

Before the teachers try to solve the problem have them do the pre-workshop

Have them solve the problem and ask them have they ever done something
similar in class.


Introduce educreations and teach them how to sign up for the site (create a class
and do a screencast on the computer)

Show them how to use educreations on their iPad and create an assignment on it.

Have them create a sample lesson of their choice.

Show them one more problem with pictures added

Show a video of students all using their iPads to create videos at the same time.

Allow the teachers to download a picture and work with it by creating a screencast.

Wrap Up

Ask and answer any questions that the teachers have.

Ask the teachers to state one way they can use this in this class.


Have teachers complete the Post Workshop Survey as they leave

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